The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine Maine Campus Archives University of Maine Publications Spring 5-9-1968 Maine Campus May 09 1968 Maine Campus Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/mainecampus Repository Citation Staff, Maine Campus, "Maine Campus May 09 1968" (1968). Maine Campus Archives. 445. https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/mainecampus/445 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine Campus Archives by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. the maine Lord Caradon to speak ne May 2, 1968 commencement day Lord Caradon, Minister of State ernor-in-Chief of J a maica he for Foreign Affairs and Permanent guided the constitutional develop- United Kingdom Representative at ments leading to internal self-gov- CAMPA Progressive Newspop tr Serving A Growing University the United Nations, will he the ernment. Lord Caradon received his pres- 1C. speaker at the Orono commence- Orono, Maine, May 9, 1968 Vol. LXXI of ent post when Harold Wilson formed n very (slumber 26 ment excercises of the University inconsistent. his government in October, 1964. seen as a pre-season Maine Friday, June 7. He was created a Life Peer on this s not been quite up The excercises are scheduled for 10:30 a.m. and will be held outside appointment. Senate committee reports As Sir Hugh Foot he had previ- Open a four game at Alumni Field, weather permitting. ously served as permanent United a two game series Lord Caradon has had a long Kingdom representative on the U.N. husetts Friday and distinguished career in the Co- Trusteeship Council with the person- le games Tuesday studied and policy his country. in the of Ambassador. He also Open house lonial Service of al rank d Wednesday with course of which he has played a represented the United Kingdom on fill out the season's students, was conducted by the ad extensive study of the pos- lishing house closing or visiting significant part in the emergence of the Fourth Committee of the Gen- stand. An responsible for the frequent and longer hours." hoc committee several nations to independence. eral Assembly and acted as princi- eshmen carry an un- sibility of more the Results of the report on parietal report. Pol. 158 class conducted As Governor and Commander-in- pal adviser in the British Mission into Friday's en- open houses in men's dormitories hours are in part based on three third survey, which gathered atti- chief in Cyprus from December. to the U. N. on matters concerning I. Jim Chaplin and and fraternities has been completed opinion polls and a referen- tudes of approximately 5(g) univer- 1957, to August, 1960. he played relations with newly independent na- re combined for 19 by a special ad hoc committee of student question on the April 24 gen- sity students. All three polls con- preparing the way for the tions. • Baby Bears topped the General Student Senate. dum a part in election ballot. The first opin- cluded students favored more liberal of Cyprus in 1960. As January, 1963, he was ap- sh 3-2 Wednesday. Entitled "Special Report of the eral independence In was conducted in men's open house policies. Secretary in Nigeria Lord Car- Consultant to the United e back Saturday to Student Senate, Parietal Hour s. ion survey chief pointed in November 1967 by The committee contacted 25 other major part in the Fund with responsi- lege 5-2 in a rain- April 1968," it was submitted to the dormitories adon played a Nations Special the Social Affairs institutions about their parietal hour first federal con- with governments inning affair. The Inter-Fraternity Council, the Cen- Bob Reymer of preparation of the bility for dealing of 1400 students policies. Of the 22 replies, a majori- in June. 1951. particularly in I see more action tral Dorm Activities Board, and Committee. Out stitution, introduced of new countries, responded. The second ty of the schools had cited favorable and Gov- economic develop- ubleheader with N. the Student Senate. All three govern- polled, 1000 and as Captain-General Africa, about 2570 resident (Continued on page 10) my. ing bodies adopted the policy' unani- survey, which polled ment. mously. The report was forwarded Hugh Mackintosh Foot was born to the Student Life Committee in Plymouth, England, Oct. 8, 1907. Tuesday May 7, in the hope that graduated from St. John's College. they will recommend it favorably Cambridge. in 1929 and then en- ates, to the president and the Board of tered the Colonial Service with his Trustees. first duty being in Palestine as an The committee makes 14 policy administrative officer. ng recommendations in its report. Re- 14e served in some of the toughest strictions on open houses, recom- areas in Palestine during the trou- mendation 2. are a maximum of six 4./, L bled 1930s. in the Colonial Office em n was extended per month, each no longer than four A. - in 1938, and then to Trans-Jordan at Durham. N.H. hours. A time schedule recom- f di kso Jot as .Nssistant British Resident. For d a 6-2 decision mended by the committee is the i 4 I A 4 six months in 1943 he was seconded ire. Danglemayer following: Friday, 8 p.m. to mid- to the British Military Administra- or the Bears. The 1 tion in C)renaica. night; Saturday. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.; ,I lcs.Iiii A 41), '11 11'/ 1 017 Li- irrtt h was rained out. Saturday, 8 p.m. to midnight: Sun- In 1968 I ord Caradon was ap- the night pointed to Her Majesty's Privy the season with day, I p.m. to 5 p.m.; vacation or a university Council. to Connecticut before a midnight. The ••• He is the author of a book ".A Island (8-11, the holiday. 8 p.m. to "An open Start in Freedom" which recounts the Yankee Con- committee recommends, house may not be scheduled during his experiences in the Colonial Ser- final examination periods, on a read- vice and at the United Nations. ins day, on an evening prior to His wife, the former Florence Sylvia a reading day, or on a weekend im- Tod, is also the author of a book about Cyprus. mediately prior to the final exami- Director George Casitnagh will lead the "Emergency Exit." lhe couple has three sons and a nation period. Open houses may not in a spring convert in i i a turk tuum Ii. in u iii. 11111tie, rerl Band daughter. 1VIL be split between afternoon and even- day. 111ay 1.5, at 8 p.m. The Maine Rawl recentls returned ing hours, and only one open house The Two of Lord Caradon's brothers Concert Band from a successful illur iii nurilii•rit and eastern Maine. per day may be scheduled. Open are currently Members of Parlia- Wrainesilas perftirinaller vs ill Mark tile group's final 1.u-mal n d houses may be scheduled on con- ment. e eel of the sear. Kessel. lim. secutive days." i. Cannonii.111. Recommendation 9, of the report ds" — Duk. " states each residence unit should -.pie Reunion . have a housemother or graduate FIlington. Ike during the scheduled Flud• Freeman. couple on auty user, /Canoes open house. For dorms, one coun- Bates, Blake named to director status and iithers." selor per four sections. an equal hard. I.u.ks compliment of floor hosts from the • and others".• dormitory government, and a duty ter. NIoniego: counselor are recommended to be Voit B. Richens, assistant pro- Two men have been named to and has served as associate director Hampshire. He was an assistant pro- Ram Charles.• on duty during an ors-n house The fessor of wildlife resources. effective director status at the University of since January 1, 1963. Blake has fessor at Montana State University recomn aids a house 24. He is a graduate of Wash- .50. 5.50 committee Maine as the result of action taken served as associate director of (ED before coming to Maine. June officer, in addition to the house- ington State University in 1957, ob- by the university's Board of Trustees. since July I. 1963. Jerry S. Maneker. assistant pro- on duty during open tained his master's and doctorate ion: $3.00 • mother, be Edwin H. Bates has been named fessor of sociology. He is a gradu- houses in fraternities. Among other new appointments degrees from Utah State University. director of the Cooperative Exten- ate of Adelphi College in 1963 and approved by the trustees for the He has been a research biologist at escots thc Recommendation 10 states, sion Service and John M. Blake has received his master's degree from Orono campus were: the Denver Wildlife Research Cen- "Room doors of participants will been named director of Continuing New York University in 1966. He James M. Acheson, assistant pro- and in Davis. Calif.. from 1963 remain open." Education Division. Both appoint- expects his doctorate from that in- ter AL fessor of anthropology. He is a grad- to the present. In the case of violation of the ments are effective July 1, 1968. stitution this year. From 1967-68 uate of Colby in 1962, did graduate Erling R. Skorpen, associate pro- open house rules, the committee Both positions were left open he was project director, Health Ser- . .ai.inoon • work at the University of Colorado fessor of philosophy. effective Au- cites Section IV 111 of the Univer- when Winthrop C.
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