-- . .. .. · • �- l - "" GEOLOGY, MINERAL RESOURCES and ROCK MATERIAL of CURRY COUNTY,OREGON 1977 STATE OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES RALPH S MASON STATE GEOLOGIST STATE OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES 1069 State Office Building, Portland, Oregon 97201 Bulletin 93 GEOLOGY, MINERAL RESOURCES, AND ROCK MATERIAL OF CURRY COUN TY, OREGON by Len Ramp, Herbert G. Schlicker, and Jerry J. Gray Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Conducted in conformance with ORS 516.030 Funded in part with a grant from the Land Conservation and Development Commission to Curry County · GOVERNING BOARD STATE GEOLOGIST Leeanne MacColl Portland Ralph S. Mason Robert W. Doty Talent 1977 John L. Schwabe Portland CONTENTS INTRODUCT ION --- Purpose --- - ---- 1 Methods of Study -------- 1 Acknowledgments ----- 1 Previous Work ----- 2 GEOGRAPHY 3 Location, Extent, and Access 3 Socio-Economic and Political Factors - 3 GEOLOGY 5 General 5 Geologic Units and Mineral-Resource Potential 5 Amphibolites (ag) -- -- - - ---- 5 Rogue Formation ( Jr, Jrd) ------- 5 Galice Formation (Jg, Jgv) - -- - 6 Colebrooke Schist (Jc, Jcv) 6 Ultramafic rocks (Jur) - -- - - ------- 7 Gabbro, metagabbro, and hornblendic metapyroxenite (gb, mg, hm) 8 Diorite and related rocks (di) - --- 8 Dothan-Otter Point Formations (Jdo, Jv) - - 9 Cretaceous sedimentary rocks (Km, Ku) ---- 10 Tertiary sediments (Ts) - ------- 10 Tyee Formation (Tet) ---- ---- 11 Tertiary intrusive rocks (T i) ---- 11 Tertiary stream gravels (Tg) --------­ 12 Unconsolidated Quaternary deposits (Qus) 12 Structure --------- -- -- -- 14 Thrust fau lting - - - -- --- ------ - 15 High-angle faulting -- ---- ----- - - 15 Age of fa ulting -------- 15 Folding - - - - ----- - ---- 16 ROCK-MATERIAL RESOURCES 17 - General - - --- - - 17 Clays -- - --- - --- - 17 Dimension Stone - - --- 17 Sand and Grave l and Crushed Rock - 18 Rock-material survey-data table and rock-material local ities map -- 18 State Highway Division laboratory data 21 River-corridor maps - - - - - - -- - 24 Forecasts --- -- -- -- -- - - 26 METALLIC-MINERAL RESOURCES - 28 General 28 Chromite 28 Ill History of mining --- - ----- ----- 28 Black-sand deposits ----- 28 Explored black-sand deposits -- -- - - 29 Lode chromite occurrences - --- - - 30 Cobalt ----- - -- - -- -- -- -- 32 Copper - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32 History of mining --- -- - 33 Description of occurrences 33 Gold and Silver --------- 35 History of mining and production ---- ---- 35 -- - Future potential - ---- - - ---- --- - - 36 P Iacer areas - ----- ---- -- 36 Lode gold mines and prospects (excluding placers) ---------------- - ---- 38 Iron 43 Future potentia I --- 43 Description of deposits 43 Manganese ----- 44 Mining history ---- 44 Future potential - - - 44 Description of deposits 44 Mercury ---------- 46 General - ----- 46 Description of deposits 46 Nickel - - - - - ----- 46 General and forecasts 46 Description of deposits 47 Platinum - ---- - -- 51 Production history ------ - - 51 Future potential - ------- 51 Mount Em i I y Area --- - ------ - ----- 52 NONMETALLIC -MINERAL RESOURCES 53 Asbestos ---------- 53 General information 53 Description of deposits 53 Borax (Price i te) 54 Gemstones 54 Limestone 55 Olivine 55 MINERAL FUELS --- - -- - - - - -- - -- - --- -- - 55 Coal -- - --- - - -- -- 55 Oil and Gas - -- - - - -- - - - ----- - 55 RECLAMATION - - -- --- - - - - - 56 General - - -- - - --- - - - - - - - - --- - - 56 Division of Mined Land Reclamation Procedures 58 Available Assistance for Mined Land Reclamation - --- - 58 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS - - - - -- - --- - - 59 Bl BLIOGRAPHY 60 IV APPENDIX - - -- -- ------ -- - -- 65 tv'in ed Land Reclamation Application Form 67 Reclamation Plan Guideline - - ------- 69 Glossary -------------- -- 75 ILLUSTRATIONS Cover photo Rogue River corridor Figures l. Index map of Curry County - --- 4 2. Horse Sign Butte -------- 13 3. Small dacite dike on Mount Emily -- 13 4. Big Craggies showing thrust fault 14 5. Rock-material site 405 - ---- 20 6. Rock-material site 47 2 22 7. Rogue River and rock-material sites 391 and 392 - - ---------- 25 8. Annua l production of sand and gravel - and stone v. time ----- --- - - ----- ------- -- 26 9. Average concentration of gold in Sixes River drainage basin --------- 37 10. Snow Camp Meadow - - - - - - - - - - 50 11. Rock-material site 334 during mining -- 57 12. Rock-material site 334 after reclamation - 57 Tables l. 1972 labor market analysis of Curry County, Oregon 3 2. Rock-material survey data ------- - - -- back of Plate 1, in pocket 3. Number of sites by geological formation ---- ---------- 19 4. State Highway Division laboratory data - --- back of Plate 1, in pocket 5. Test standards by usage - ------ ---- ---------- 23 6. River corridor sand and gravel resources ---- back of Plate 1, in pocket 7. Metallic mines and prospects data - - - back of Plate 1, in pocket 8. Other chrom ite occurrences in Curry County back of Plate 1, in pocket 9. Other gold and silver occurrences ----- - -------- 42 Maps (folded, in pocket) Plate 1. Geologic map of Curry County, Oregon Plate 2. Mineral and rock-material localities of Curry County, Oregon · Plate 3. River corridors of Curry County, Oregon Sixes and Elk Rivers corridors Rogue River corridor Hunter Creek corridor Pistol River corridor Chetco River corridor v GEOLOGY, MINERAL RESOURCES, AND ROCK MATERIAL OF CURRY COUNTY, OREGON INT RODUCT ION Purpose The purpose of this study is twofold: (1) to provide Curry County with minera l -resource information for planning purposes; and (2) to add to the data base of the Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. This study, which is to be used as a companion report to the Beaulieu and Hughes (1976) study, "Land Use Geology of Western Curry County, Oregon," contains a geologic map; an inventory of mineral resources; a brief review of mineral statistics, economics, and outlook; and an overv iew of mined land reclamation. Methods of Study The geologic map is largely a compilation of all available published and unpublished geologic information. The index to previous geologic mapping is shown on the Geologic Map of Curry County (Plate 1, in pocket). · Many areas of known geologic problems were field checked to improve the accuracy of the geologic map. Photogeologic interpretations were made using 1973 color infrared aerial photos be longing to the Siskiyou National Forest and 1969 U.S. Soil Conservation Service black-and-white photos of the coasta l area outside the Forest boundary . Nearly all of the quarries, mineral deposits, and aggregate localities shown on the mineral deposits map have been examined in the field. Data available from previous reports on the area have been used; much of the data are new with this study and unavailable from any other source . The physica l inventorying of rock-material sites included researching the files of the Department's Mined Land Reclamation Division as well as those of other State and County agencies for site locations. Additional sites were identified from aerial photos, from field surveying during trips, and by light airplane reconnaissance. The sites were surveyed by visually estimating the dimension and shape of each site rela­ tive to the volume of material removed and the amount remaining . Acknow ledgme nts. Employees of the Siskiyou National Forest made color infrared aerial photographs available for use in this study . County officia ls, particularly Curtis Brown and John Thorp, have been very helpful. Ewart M. Baldwin, University of Oregon, furnished unpublished field maps of the Agness, Marial, and Port Orford quadrangles and critically reviewed the completed map. Norm Peterson, Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, Grants Pass Field Office, he lped with reconnaissance mapping in the Mount Emily area. Information on nickel-laterite deposits was obtained during 1975 under a U.S. Bureau of Mines research grant to gather data for their minerals availabil ity system (MAS) computer program. Bruce C. McNeal, geology student from Southern Oregon State College, assisted in the field work . Robert G. Coleman and M. Clark Blake, U.S. Geological Survey, furnished copies of their field maps of parts of Curry County that were helpful in preparing the geologic map. 2 GEOLOGY, MINERAL RESOURCES, AND ROC K MATERIAL OF CURRY COUNTY Previous Work The first geologic mapping and investigation of mineral resources in Curry County was done between 1898 and 1900 by J. S, Diller (1903), U.S. Geologica l Survey, in the Port Orford 30-minute quadrangle. Dil ler (1914) also wrote "Mineral Resources of Southwestern Oregon," which lists a number of mines and prospects in Curry County . G. M. Butler and G. J. Mitchell (1916) prepared a preliminary survey of the geology and mineral resources of Curry County . "Oregon Metal Mines Handbook, covering Coos, Curry, and Douglas Counties," (Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, 1940) includes all avail- . able mine-file reports of the Department as of 1940, Francis G. Wells and others of the U.S. Geologica l Survey began geologic mapping in the Kerby 30-minute quadrangle in the summer of 1940 . The field work was completed in 1946; the map published in 1949 as part of Bulletin 40, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. Robert H. Dott, Jr., (1971) mapped and described the geology of the southwestern Oregon coast west of the 124th meridian. He combined reconnaissance mapping with detai led mapping by several students from the University of Wisconsin.
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