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SPEAK TO A TIRE & WHEEL EXPERT SHOP ALL OF OUR BRANDS 866-922-0394 COKERTIRE.COM CONTENTS HEMMINGS CLASSIC CAR • NOVEMBER 2018 • VOLUME 15, ISSUE 2 68 DEPARTMENTS 08 NEWS REPORTS FEATURES 10 LOST & FOUND 12 AUCTION NEWS 22 Class of 1959 14 ART & AUTOMOBILIA 16 PRODUCTS & PARTS 28 1959 Chevrolet Impala 18 AUTOMOTIVE PIONEERS 20 DETROIT UNDERDOGS 34 45 RECAPS LETTERS driveReport: 86 I WAS THERE 1976 Oldsmobile Omega 88 REMINISCING 58 94 ODDIES BUT GOODIES Restoration Profile: 08 1948 Playboy Hardtop COLUMNISTS 06 RICHARD LENTINELLO 64 1910 Sears Model P 40 PAT FOSTER 42 DAVID SCHULTZ 68 44 MATTHEW LITWIN CORSA Convention 96 JIM RICHARDSON 72 Driveable Dream: 1957 Studebaker Commander CLASSIC TRUCK 86 90 1922 FORD HOWE PUMPER 76 History of Automotive Design: 48 Pre-WWII Body Styles SPECIAL SECTION: RESTORATION 82 Personality Profile: 50 RESTORATION 101 58 1948 PLAYBOY HARDTOP Briggs Cunningham 88 CONVERTIBLE 2 HEMMINGS CLASSIC CAR NOVEMBER 2018 I Hemmings.com SEPTEMBER 27-29 | LAS VEGAS CONTACT 702.820.4056 | [email protected] REGISTER TO BID HUNDREDS OF VEHICLES, MOST AT NO RESERVE PHONE AND INTERNET BIDDING OPTIONS AVAILABLE Experience the Barrett-Jackson Auctions live exclusively ALL THE CARS, ALL THE TIME. on Discovery Channel, Velocity and around the world on Discovery Networks International. Streamed live on Barrett-Jackson.com Consign. Bid. Experience. Barrett-Jackson.com PUBLISHER Jim Menneto, President EDITORIAL &F?BOKF> RQL 0BPQLO>QFLKP **! Terry McGean, Editor-in-Chief • Body, Woodworking & Plating Our color books date back to 1928 Richard Lentinello, Executive Editor • Engine and Chassis Rebuilding J. Daniel Beaudry, Managing Editor; Interactive Editor • Upholstery & Top Restoration Catherine Gee Graney, Managing Editor • Electrical & Machine Work Thomas A. DeMauro, Senior Editor • Full Concours Detailing Matthew Litwin, Senior Editor • Transportation Available Mark J. 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Jim O’Clair, Columnist/Parts Locator HiberniaAuto.com Tom Comerro, Editorial Assistant 52 Maple Terrace, Box #1, Hibernia, NJ 07842 • fax 973-627-3503 • tel 973-627-1882 EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Patrick Foster, Jim Richardson, David Schultz, Milton Stern, Russell von Sauers ADVERTISING Jennifer Sandquist, Advertising Director DISPLAY SALES Tim Redden, Internet Sales Manager Randy Zussman, Senior Account Executive Account Executives: Rowland George, Tim McCart, Lesley McFadden, Heather Naslund, Mark Nesbit, Collins Sennett, Bonnie Stratton Stephanie Sigot, Ad Sales Coordinator CLASSIFIED SALES Jeanne Bourn, Classifi ed Manager Jennifer Bono, Allen Boulet, Raina Burgess, Tammy Bredbenner, Mary Brott, Nicole Deuel, Christopher Drayton, Missy Telford GRAPHIC SERVICES Samantha Corey, Graphic Services Director Carol Wigger, Graphic Services Assoc. 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Seeing the 1953 Starfire X-P WarIIautomotivecoachwork,itisnevertheless Rocket and the 1954 F-88 Oldsmobile show cars ausefulcondensedguidetosomeofthemore thatPatFosterwroteaboutinHCC #169 were popular kinds. With so many different terms used theperfect“whatif”kindsofcarsthatdreams throughout the years to describe body styles, it aremadeof.Canyouimaginehowgreatitwould canbeconfusingastowhichiswhich.So,tohelp have been if Oldsmobile
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