FP Spring 2019 List FOR

FP Spring 2019 List FOR

FORTRESS PRESS E-BOOK SALE Sale prices only available February 15-April 1, 2019 on Amazon.com or BarnesandNoble.com Title Series Author eISBN List Price Sale Price "After Ten Years": Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Our Times Victoria J. Barnett (Author) 9781506433394 $15.99 $4.99 "Without Ceasing to be a Christian": A CathoLic and Protestant Assess the ChristoLogicaL Contribution of Raimon Erik Ranstrom (Author); Bob Robinson (Author) 9781506418551 $77.99 $6.99 Panikkar 1 & 2 Corintios: 1 & 2 Corinthians Conozca su BibLia Efra'n Agosto (Editor) 9781451407488 $15.00 $4.99 1 & 2 Kings: ContinentaL Commentaries ContinentaL Commentaries AnseLm Hagedorn (Author); VoLkmar Fritz (Editor) 9781451419498 $49.00 $4.99 1 and 2 Corinthians: TeXts @ ConteXts series TeXts @ ConteXts Yung Suk Kim (Author) 9781451426359 $49.00 $4.99 1 Corinthians: An EXegeticaL and ConteXtuaL Commentary Andrew Spurgeon (Author) 9781506438405 $24.99 $4.99 George W. E. NickeLsburg (Author); James C. 1 Enoch: The Hermeneia TransLation 9781451424379 $18.00 $4.99 VanderKam (Author) Matthias Henze (Author); MichaeL E. Stone 4 Ezra and 2 Baruch: TransLations, Introductions, and Notes 9781451452334 $18.00 $4.99 (Editor) A BibLicaL TheoLogy of ExiLe Overtures to BibLicaL TheoLogy DanieL L. Smith-Christopher (Author) 9781451405798 $21.00 $4.99 A Case for Character: Towards a Lutheran Virtue Ethics JoeL D. Biermann (Editor) 9781451484342 $29.00 $4.99 A ChiLd ShaLL Lead Them: Martin Luther King Jr., Young Rufus Burrow Jr. (Author) 9781451487626 $19.00 $4.99 PeopLe, and the Movement A Church Undone: Documents from the German Christian Mary M. SoLberg (TransLated by) 9781451496666 $59.00 $6.99 Faith Movement, 1932-1940 A Commentary on Acts International Study Guides Yon Gyong Kwon (Editor) 9781506400310 $34.00 $6.99 A CompLicated Pregnancy: Whether Mary Was a Virgin and KyLe Roberts (Author) 9781506406251 $16.99 $4.99 Why It Matters A CounciL for the GLobaL Church: Receiving Vatican II in Massimo FaggioLi (Author) 9781451496673 $44.00 $6.99 History A Documentary History of Lutheranism, VoLumes 1 and 2: VoLume 1: From the Reformation to Pietism VoLume 2: From Mark Granquist (Editor); Eric Lund (Editor) 9781506416656 $144.99 $9.99 the EnLightenment to the Present A DuaL Reception: Eusebius and the GospeL of Mark Emerging SchoLars Clayton L. Coombs (Author) 9781506401218 $79.00 $9.99 A Feminist Ethic of Risk: Revised Edition Sharon D. WeLch (Author) 9781451418262 $25.00 $4.99 A FormuLa for Parish Practice: Using the FormuLa of Timothy J. Wengert (Author) 9781506427041 $34.00 $6.99 Concord in Congregations A Free Corrector: CoLin Gunton and the Legacy of Augustine Emerging SchoLars Joshua McNaLL (TransLated by) 9781451496642 $44.00 $6.99 A FundamentaL PracticaL TheoLogy: Descriptive and Strategic Don S. Browning (Author) 9781451406900 $29.00 $4.99 ProposaLs A Generous Symphony: Hans Urs von BaLthasars Literary Christopher D. Denny (Author) 9781506418933 $79.00 $9.99 ReveLations A Guide to Doing TheoLogy International Study Guides John Parratt (Author) 9781506400273 $34.00 $6.99 A Guide to ReLigious Thought and Practices International Study Guides Santanu K. Patro (Author) 9781506400297 $34.00 $6.99 A History of Lutheranism: What Happened to the Eric W. Gritsch (Author) 9781451407785 $35.00 $4.99 Movement Begun by Luther? A House United: How the Church Can Save the WorLd AlLen HiLton (Author) 9781506401928 $15.99 $4.99 A Journey through Christian TheoLogy: With TeXts from the WiLLiam P. Anderson (Author); Richard L. DiessLin 9781451420319 $39.00 $4.99 First to the Twenty-first Century (Author) A Love Supreme: A History of the Johannine Tradition AlLen Dwight CaLLahan (Author) 9781451403640 $20.00 $4.99 A Loving Home: SpirituaLity, SeXuaLity, and HeaLing BLack Life Lee H. ButLer Jr. (Author) 9781451412918 $16.00 $4.99 A MoraL Creed for AlL Christians DanieL C. Maguire (Author) 9781451405736 $15.00 $4.99 A More RadicaL GospeL: Essays on EschatoLogy, Authority, Mark C. Mattes (Author); Gerhard O. Forde 9781506427065 $34.00 $6.99 Atonement, and Ecumenism (Foreword by) A New CLimate for TheoLogy: God, the WorLd, and GLobaL SaLLie McFague (Author) 9781451418026 $20.00 $4.99 Warming A PeopLe's History of Christianity, Student Edition: From the Denis R. Janz (Author) 9781451479744 $39.00 $4.99 EarLy Church to the Reformation, VoLume 1 A PeopLe's History of Christianity, Student Edition: From the Denis R. Janz (Author) 9781451479751 $39.00 $4.99 Reformation to the 21st Century, VoLume 2 A PeopLe's History of Christianity: One VoLume Student Denis R. Janz (Author) 9781451479676 $69.00 $4.99 Edition A PubLic God: NaturaL TheoLogy Reconsidered NeiL Ormerod (Editor) 9781451469837 $39.00 $6.99 A Question of Consensus: The Doctrine of Assurance after Jonathan Master (TransLated by) 9781451472356 $44.00 $6.99 the Westminster Confession A Reformation Reader: Primary TeXts with Introductions, Denis R. Janz (Author) 9781451406504 $49.00 $4.99 Second Edition A Servant's ManuaL: Christian Leadership for Tomorrow Prisms MichaeL W. Foss (Author) 9781451414752 $16.00 $4.99 Bernhard Lohse (Author); F. Ernest StoeffLer A Short History of Christian Doctrine 9781451404234 $29.00 $4.99 (Author) A Short History of Christianity: Second Edition, Revised and Martin E. Marty (Author) 9781451414127 $26.00 $4.99 Expanded A Short History of Judaism Jacob Neusner (Author) 9781451410181 $22.00 $4.99 A Short Introduction to the Hebrew BibLe: Second Edition John J. CoLLins (Editor) 9781451484359 $45.00 $4.99 A Short Introduction to the Hebrew BibLe: Third Edition John J. CoLLins (Author) 9781506446066 $45.99 $9.99 A Short Introduction to the History of Christianity Tim DowLey (Editor) 9781506446042 $36.99 $9.99 Christopher Partridge (Editor); Tim Dowley A Short Introduction to WorLd ReLigions 9781506446028 $45.99 $9.99 (Revised by) A SociaL Reading of the OLd Testament: Prophetic WaLter Brueggemann (Author) 9781451419726 $22.00 $4.99 Approaches to IsraeL's CommunaL Life A Study Companion to Introduction to the Hebrew BibLe: Ryan P. BonfigLio (Author) 9781451484236 $19.00 $4.99 Second Edition A Study Companion to Introduction to the History of Beth Wright (Author) 9781451465143 $19.00 $4.99 Christianity: Second Edition A Study Companion to Introduction to WorLd ReLigions: Beth Wright (Author) 9781451465150 $19.00 $4.99 Second Edition Page 1 Title Series Author eISBN List Price Sale Price A Study Companion to The BibLe: An Introduction, Second Anthony LeDonne (Editor) 9781451484243 $19.00 $4.99 Edition A TheoLogy of the Cross: The Death of Jesus in the PauLine Overtures to BibLicaL TheoLogy CharLes B. Cousar (TransLated by) 9781451405026 $21.00 $4.99 Letters A TheoLogy of the OLd Testament: CuLturaL Memory, John W. Rogerson (Author) 9781451411577 $29.00 $4.99 Communication, and Being Human A TheoLogy of the Third ArticLe: KarL Barth and the Spirit of Aaron T. Smith (Editor) 9781451469578 $39.00 $4.99 the Word CorneLis Bennema (Author); R. ALan CuLpepper A Theory of Character in New Testament Narrative 9781451484304 $39.00 $4.99 (Author) A Time for Confessing Robert W. Bertram (Author); MichaeL Hoy (Editor) 9781506427089 $34.00 $6.99 Margaret Y. MacDonaLd (Author); CaroLyn Osiek A Woman's PLace: House Churches in EarLy Christianity 9781451413557 $21.00 $4.99 (Author); Janet TuLLoch (Author) Abraham in the Works of John Chrysostom Emerging SchoLars Demetrios E. Tonias (Author) 9781451479737 $59.00 $4.99 Abraham Our Father: PauL and the Ancestors in PauL in CriticaL ConteXts IsraeL Kamudzandu (General editor) 9781451426298 $49.00 $4.99 PostcoLoniaL Africa Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Author); Wayne Whitson Act and Being: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, VoLume 2 Floyd (Author); Martin H. Rumscheidt (Author); 9781451406627 $25.00 $4.99 Hans-Richard Reuter (Editor) Act of God/Active God: Recovering from NaturaL Disasters Gary L. Harbaugh (Author) 9781451408287 $10.00 $2.99 Acting for Others: Trinitarian Communion and Emerging SchoLars MichaeLa Kusnierikova (Author) 9781506409016 $79.00 $4.99 ChristoLogicaL Agency Acts of the ApostLes: An ExegeticaL and ConteXtuaL Babu ImmanueL (Author) 9781506438368 $24.99 $4.99 Commentary Acts of the ApostLes: Fortress BibLicaL Preaching Fortress BibLicaL Preaching RonaLd J. ALLen (Author) 9781451426441 $22.00 $4.99 Commentaries Commentaries AdoLf von Harnack: LiberaL TheoLogy at Its Height Making of Modern TheoLogy Martin H. Rumscheidt (Author) 9781451409246 $23.00 $4.99 African TheoLogy on the Way: Current Conversations International Study Guides Diane B. Stinton (Contributions by) 9781506400303 $34.00 $6.99 After the ApostLes: Christianity in the Second Century WaLter H. Wagner (Author) 9781451419863 $23.00 $4.99 James W. ELLor (Author); MeLvin A. KimbLe Aging, SpirituaLity, and ReLigion, A Handbook: VoLume 1 (Author); James J. Seeber (Author); Susan H. 9781451414578 $39.00 $4.99 McFadden (Editor) Ain't I a Womanist, Too?: Third Wave Womanist ReLigious Innovations: African American ReLigious Monica A. CoLeman (Editor); LayLi Maparyan 9781451426427 $34.00 $4.99 Thought Thought (Editor) Arthur Peacocke (Author); PhiLip CLayton AlL That Is: A NaturaListic Faith for the Twenty-First Century TheoLogy and the Sciences 9781451403923 $23.00 $4.99 (TransLated by) Altogether LoveLy: A Thematic and InterteXtuaL Reading of HaviLah Dharamraj (Author) 9781506421728 $36.99 $4.99 the Song of Songs American ReLigious Traditions: The Shaping of ReLigion in Richard E. Wentz (Author) 9781451416961 $39.00 $4.99 the United States An ApocryphaL God: Beyond Divine Maturity Mark McEntire (Editor) 9781451472387 $39.00 $6.99 An End to This Strife: The PoLitics of Gender in African Demetrius K. WiLLiams (Author) 9781451406481 $19.00 $4.99 American Churches An Examined Faith: The Grace of SeLf-Doubt James M. Gustafson (Author) 9781451410549 $16.00 $4.99 An Introduction to the CompLete Dead Sea ScroLLs Geza Vermes (Author) 9781451408782 $20.00 $4.99 An Introduction to the OLd Testament: A Feminist Alice L. Laffey (Author) 9781451403589 $24.00 $4.99 Perspective An UnsettLing God: The Heart of the Hebrew BibLe WaLter Brueggemann (Author) 9781451419535 $22.00 $4.99 Anatomy of the Fourth GospeL: A Study in Literary Design R.

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