NEWS OF INTEREST NEWS OF INTEREST OF EVERY PAGE THE GLENGARRY NEWS ON EVERY PAGE YOL. XXXII—Xo. 4. ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, PEBRI’ARY 8, 1924- 8 2.00 A YEAR. 1W[ÜÏÏ ïfÀBS Of liB illbanilria 6- IISUIIMI CO. ^Successful Carnival at Sreenfieid ferlorniers Birdliouse Compelilitin lor flfllfi C, I, II., Moalreal, 5; L Alexander Oink I Score Big Success Urban and Bural Pupils Tl)o aimual mooting of tlto Kirk C)iie of the best and most evenly The 30th annual lucetiag of tho T!io nianogcment of Alexand'';- h‘iuk lu keeping v.-ith the reput.n.ti(in al- i At tlu- Alexandria High School, »»n Hill Congregation was held on Tues- contested hockey matches seen in j members of The Glengarry Farmors , believing that variety is tlni spi<-o (,i- ready estabiisiiod by Greenfield for tiio IJMi day of March, there is to bo day, Jan. ' 15 ulto. Report? were Alox-andria for several years Yas play- i Mutual Fire Insurance Co. was hold i life is weekly furnishing pativms ;i'i- novel and attvartive entevtaiuments fin exhibition of robin and phoebo t-ubmittod by ropreseiitativos of lb ed on tho Alexander Rink on Saturday j in tlic Town Hall, here, on ’ruesday j vel, amusi.ng and entortuiuii!:'.»; evon- tile Dramatic Club, under the au-<pir-?s shelters, and of bird houses .suitable <]iff<‘ront organi'/ations. In each the evenikig when tire Canadian Xui-ional afternoon. The attendance fell short j ings and tliat (»f Tliuv.sdny^ 3)sr idtu.. of lî'e l.adios of the Saered Heart .for |nn]»]e martins, 1 reeswmllov s, blue- financial etateincnt w,a« appended 1 Kailway team pdayed against the loeal (if exj>ectations due undoubtedly to lhe j proved more than attractive. D. took ueM.eved a very decided sneecs-, with birds, chickadees, mitljatchos or wrens. a well thought and eloquently delivei t(’am. The reputation of the visitor.s storm king and impassable roa(A. Con- tli-e f{trm of a Carnival and.^in exhibi- l-heir porfonnaiU'C pre^^enttvl in the At this cxliibition prizes will bi, award- cd address based upon • the genertil had preceded them and as a result the siderable interest,, however, nas dis- tion of fnm'.v skating by a reiuvaed i'arl.'<!i Hall, cm \S'euuesd.ay c‘«'*uiing, cfl ns folloTT.s; work of the organisation during the crowd at the vink was o.l' giutifying jilayed in the proceedings <.-ipecinIly I soldier’ who had lo-it a leg in the war. Januai\' the thirtietli. (1) To l'oublie or .Separat*» .School year. Kaeh report indicated serious- j>ro[)ortion. Ail came expecting an in- was this noti(.;eabIe when that poit.iun I in the person of Mr. Norman Falk- Boys: a first prize $1.00; a second teresting game and tio one was disap- of the programme “new bnt.iue.ss’’ The club comprise-^ .girl.< and yijiing ness in, and zeal for the work of the ner, of Toronto. The atteiidn'iv?e of ! men wlio aecjuittteit thomseh"C> jqden- prize 7.') cents aud a thinl pD.do Ô0 church at homo hud abroad. Twedve ; pointed. was reached which permitted subjects spectators was good but not as birgi? cents. j J'rom tlie beginning of tho game un- cUdl.v before an apj»reciative .'"ludieaee. organ!/Ations submitted reporte. of vital interest to be gencraily dis- as tho quality of entortainnHor, war According to their programme “one (2) To Public or Separate School As the addresses accompanying tlio ! til the end the play wa.s fast ar.d fur- cussed. Among other points brought ranted but what was wanting in lack Girls: n first prize, $1.00, n socon-.l ious. Dan .Laparle, Joe Lalondc and up was the apparent difhculty in ma.ny good tiM-n followed another” and from loports were being delivered^ one was of numbers was fully made up in t .start to finish of their entert.ainincnt prize 7.J cents, ami a third prize 50 impressed by the very keen o»ttii:iism Alex. McMillan did excellent work on instances of definitely fixing the ori- tliusiasm and nj'plause. cents, in each of the (dusses indicated the forward line for the local team, gin of fires. Several valuable sugges- there was not a dull moment. There for furtlier success during the pro.-^ent Mr. Falkner made three appenraiic.'s was ;in abnndaucc of good singing, below: wldlo Tailfcr, Gagnicr and Banis on tions were thrown out which undoubt- during the c'cning and did not spare (a) For best Robin and Pliooim edly will receive, .at the hands of the clever dancing and instrumental music Whilst we are not in a position to the defenee broke up quite a number liimself in tli'e execution of a mimbcT of a high order. Each unmbev was Shelters, of jij'omising rushes. The C.N.K. for- incoming Board of Dirictors, every i;ive an exact financial statement fur of intricate figures that vvent to make sliort aud the audience ^vas kept in ex- (b) For best T’urpio Afartin Hou-scs. the past year, it is safe to announce wards played a beautiful coin!)ination consideration. game .ajul being in tlie pink of condi- Among those present we nollcod his e.xposition of fancy skating a cellent liumonr by comical s!-:ot<-hc= (c) For bi'st Bluebird, Nuthate'u, That the total amount collected fiom revelation to the majority present, and and an amusing dialoune. Tree Swallow or Chic.adee Ho-escs. nil sources approximates, seven thou- tion they made tilings interesting at Messrs. D. A. Ro.ss and A, R. .McOal- Imn, Mnrtintown, R. J. Pattingalc and many who witnessed his work on the IT is difficult to single oui any (d) For best Wren Houses. sand dollars. * ; all times for the local defence. Our A special prize of two dollars will bo own boys also showed some good combi- A. A. McLennan, Lancaster,' Wm, Ir- ice expressed the hop«? that ho w’O'jld number for S]»ecial mention as the l*ro- The session reported that twenty return to Alexandria, repeat his pro- given for tlic best exhibit of all. four members w'ere added to the com- nation work and the rushes of Laparle, vine, Dalkeith, Gilbert Seguio, G^en gramme was uniformally excelletit. .Lauzon and McMillan were at all Robertson, John A. McDonell arid V. gramme thus affording an opportunity The scvc'ral roles were enacted with Twenty -five prizes altogether will bo munion roll; th sacrament of Baptism to those'W’ho mis.scd seeing liim. awarded. The competition is open to ^va^s administered to twenty o to in- times dangerous. : At the end of the G. Chisholm, Lochic), J. Macdon- dramatic and comedy touches ar.d the A goodly number of .skaters appear- pupils of any Public or Benarate fants; death claimed eighteen mem- M.Ra J. R. McDONKLfj first period the score was 1 to I, tho ald, Jas. Kerr, Alex. J. McKinnon, impersonations wore most enjoyable. play being practically as evenly balan- Thos. Stoepiey, Angus Kennedy. D, J. ed in costume, and their pre-^oiico on The programme opened with a rous- School in Ixichicl, Kenyon, ovAlcxau- bers of the congregation. diia. Any jnipil may contribute moio Wheu all reports had been subuiit- Rarolv is one called u]>on to chroni- ced as the score would indicate. In Outlibovt, Oeo. K. McDonald and P. tho iee together with the selections ing chorus “Greenfield Will Shine To- the second period each team notched Trot tier, Alexandria. by the orchestra made the evening night,” Plays, songs and dances fol- than one exhibit but e.ach must be ac- ted, Mr. D. R. MeGilUvray asked the cle tho‘ dcatli of a friend ev fellow pa«s (jiiic.kly aud merrily. companied by the full name and the congregation to accept his resignation citizen who has been given tlio groat two more goals leaving the score once The meeting opened shortly after lowed in quick succession, each num- more tied when the iliird period com- two o’clock with Mr, .D. A. R-iss, Pre- Sliortly atter nine o’clock Judging ber eliciting rounds of applause'. address of the pupil and by a state- from the Office of Treasurer, which ho privilege of reaching the century mark ment from parent or guardian that as was Mrsi. John K. McDonell, of 17- menced. sident ill the chair. After welcoming took place, the Misses Gretta McRae so ably occupied for twenty years. The and K. Squires and Messrs Dave La- The plays: “Mama’s Boy,” “Wiion the house is the pupil’s own work. AU riddre.ss given below accompanying Mr. Otli Charlottenburgh, Glen Roy, who In this final period the ciowd had those present and some pa.'-sing re- londc and G. A. Baxter acting iù that Pa Got Took,” and “The Family Hold exhibits should be at the High School MeGilUvray's resignation w’as read by 'died on Monday, the 28th ulto. and all the excitement they could desire ferences to the annual stute;-umt to Back” all thrilling with fun, most bo as the play was very fast- throughout be presented, tho chairman caUod up- capacity. îjy 11 o’clock, on the morning of Mr, f>. A. McMillan, clerk of session. was in her 101st year. Only last May seen to be appreciated while an amus- March 35th. A delightful programme The congregation, having accepted we gave prominence in these colamns and tho winning goal was only scored on Mr, 'V'.
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