SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS Adler, G. J. 1864. Dictionary of the German and English Languages. New York: Appleton. Andrews, E. A. 1854. Copious and Critical Latin-English Lexicon. New York: Harper & Brothers. Apthekar, Herbert (ed.). 1965. Marxism and Alienation: A Symposium. New York: Humanities Press. Aron, Raymond. 1969. Marxism and the Existentialists. New York: Harper & Row. Avineri, Shlomo . 1968. The Social and Po litical Thought of Karl Marx. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. Axelos, Kostas (ed.). 1976. Alienation, Praxis and Te chne in the Thought of Karl Marx. Austin, Tex.: University of Texas Press. Baczko, Bronislaw. 1969. Weltanschauung, Metaphysik, Entfre mdung: Philosophische Ve rsuche. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp. Bedeschi, Giuseppe . 1968. Alienazione e fe ticismo nel pensiero di Marx. Bari: Laterza. Bell, Daniel. 1967. The End of Ideology: On the Exhaustio n of Po litical Ideas in the Fifties. New York: Free Press. 178 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Berthoud, Arn and. 197 4. Tra vail Pro ductif et Productivite du Travail Chez Marx. Paris: Fran�ois Maspero. Bettelheim, Charles. 1976. Class Struggles in the USSR. First Period: 191 7-1923. New York : Monthly Review Press. Betteridge, H. T. (ed.). 1975. Cassell's German and English Dictio nary. London: Cassell. Bigo , Pierre . 1961. Marxisme et Hu manism: Introduction a l'oeuvre eco- nomique de Ka rl Marx. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. Bloch, Ernst. 1971. On Karl Marx. New York: Herder. Bottomore, Tom. 1975. Marxist Sociology. London: Macmillan & Co. -- (ed.). 1973. Karl Marx. Englewood Cliffs, N.J .: Prentice-Hall. Brenner, Michael, and Hermann Strasser (eds.). 1977. Die Gesellschaftlicbe Ko nstruktion der Entfr emdung. Frankfurt: Campus. Bryce-Laporte, Roy S., and C. S. Thomas. 1976. Alienation in Contemporary So ciety: A Multidisciplinary Exa mination. New York: Praeger. Caire, G. 1956. L 'a lienation dans les oeuvres de jeunesse de Karl Marx. Aix-en-Provence: La Pensee Universitaire. Chiodi, P. 1976. Sartre and Marxism. Atlantic Highlands, N.J .: Humanities Press. Colletti, Lucio. 1973. Marxism and Hegel. London: New Left Books. -- . 1972. Fro m Rousseau to Lenin : Studies in Ideology and Society. New York: Monthly Review Press. Cutler, Anthony. 1977. Marx 's Capital and Capitalism To day . London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Dawydow, J .N. 1964. Freiheit and Entfre mdung. Berlin: VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften. DeGeorge, Richard T. 1968. The New Marxism: Soviet and East European Marxism Since 1956. New York: Pegasus. Desan, Wilfrid. 1965. The Marxism of jean-Paul Sartre. Garden City , N.Y.: Doubleday. Draper, Hal. 1977. Karl Marx 's Theory of Revolutio n. New York : Monthly Review Press. Engels, Frederick. 1942. The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State: In the Light of the Researches of Lewis H. Morgan. New York: International Publishers. -- . 1935. Herr Eugen Diihring's Revolution in Science (A nti-Duhring). New York: International Publishers. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 179 Euchner, Walter, and Alfred Schmidt. 1968. Kritik der politischen Okono­ mie heute: 100 jahre "Kapital. " Vienna: Europa Verlag. Evans, Michael. 1975. Karl Marx. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press. Fetscher, Iring. 1957. Vo n Marx zur Sowjetideologie. Frankfurt: Moritz Diesterweg. Fischer, A. (ed.). 1970. Die Entfremdung des Menschen in ein er heilen Gesellschaft . Materialien zur Adaption und Denunziation eines Begriffs . Munich: Jurenta (Politisches Verhalten, 2). Fischer, Ernst (ed.). 1970. The Essential Marx.New York: Herder & Herder. Freund, Wilhelm. 1844. Gesamtworterbuch der lateinischen Sp rache. Breslan: Georg Philipp Aderholz. Friedrich, Manfred. 1960. Philosophie und Okonomie beim jungen Marx. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. Fromm, Erich. 1968. The Sane So ciety. New York: Fawcett World Library. -- (ed.). 1966. Socialist Hu manism: An International Sy mposium. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co. -- . 1961. Marx 's Concept ofMan . New York: F. Ungar Publishing Co. Gabel, Joseph. 1975. Fa lse Co nsciousness: An Essay on Reifi cation. New York: Harper & Row. -- . 1970. Sociologie de /'alienation. Paris: Presses Universitaires. --. 1967. ldeologie und Schizophrenie: Fo rmen der Entfre mdung. Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer. Gabel, Joseph, Bernard Rousset, and Trinh Van Thao. 1974. L 'a lienation aujourd'hui. Paris: EditionsAnthr opos. Geyer, Felix R., and David R. Schweitzer (eds.). 1976. Theories of Aliena­ tion. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff. Giddens, Anthony. 1971. Capitalism and Mo dern Social Th eory: An Analy­ sis of the Writings of Marx, Durkheim and Max We ber. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Godelier, Maurice. 1977. Perspectives in Marxist Anthropology.Ca mbridge : Cambridge University Press. Guhr, Gunter. 1969. Karl Marx und theoretische Pro bleme der Ethno­ graphie. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. Gustafsson, Bo. 1972. Marxismus und Revisionismus: Eduard Bernsteins Kritik des Marxismus und ihre ideengeschichtlichen Vo raussetzungen. Teil I. Frankfurt: Europaische Verlagsanstalt. 180 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Hartmann, Klaus. 1970. Die Marxsche Theorie: Eine Philosophische Un ter­ suchung zu den Ha uptschriften. Berlin: Walter De Gruyter & Co. -- . 1968. Marxens "Kapital " in transzendental-philosophischer Sicht. Bonn: H. Bouvier. Heller, Agnes. 197 6. The Theory of Ne ed in Marx. New York: St. Martin's Press. Hindess, Barry, and Paul Q. Hirst. 1975. Pre-Capitalist Mo des of Pro duction. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Hodges, Donald Clark. 1974. Socialist Hu manism: The Outcome of Classical European Morality. St. Louis: Warren H. Green. Hoeven, Johan van der. 1976. Ka rl Marx: The Roots of His Thought. Amsterdam: Van Gorcum. Hook, Sidney. 1936. Fro m Hegel to Marx: Studies in the Intellectual De­ velopment of Karl Marx. New York: Reyna! & Hitchcock. Hunt, Richard N. 1974. The Polit'ical Ideas of Marx and Engels: Marxism and To talitarian De mocracy, 1818-1850. Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press. Hyppolite, Jean. 1969. Studies on Marx and Hegel. Translated with an intro­ duction, notes, and bibliography, by John O'Neill. New York: Harper &Row. Israel, Jaochim. 1971. Alienation: Fro m Marx to Modern Sociology. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Johnson, Frank. 1973. Alienation: Concept, Te rm, Meanings. New York : Seminar Press. Jordan, Z. A. (ed.). 1971. Ka rl Marx: Economy, Class and Social Revolu­ tion. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Joshi, P. C. 1969. Ho mage to Karl Marx: A Sy mposium. Delhi: People's Publishing House. Kigi, Paul. 1965. Genesis des historischen Materialism us. Vienna: Europa Verlag. Kamenka, Eugene. 1969. Marxism and Ethics. London: Macmillan & Co. -- . 1962. The Et hical Fo undations of Marxism. New York: Praeger. Kaplan, Morton A. 1976. Alienation and Identificatio n. New York: The Free Press. Klappenbach, R., and W. Steinitz. 1971. Wo rterbuch der deutschen Gegen­ wartssprache. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. Knecht, Ingbert. 1975. Theorie der Entfremdung bei Sartre und Marx. Meisenheim am Gian: Verlag Anton Jain. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 181 Kolakowski, Leszek. 1969. Marxism and Beyond. London: Pall Mall Press. Koren, Henry J. 197 3. Marx and the Authentic Man : A First Introduc­ tion to the Philosophy of Ka rl Marx. New York: Humanities Press. Krader, Lawrence. 1975. The Asiatic Mode ofPro duction: Sources, De­ velopment and Critique in the Writings of Karl Marx. Assen: Van Gor­ cum & Co. -- (ed.). 1974. The Et hnological No tebooks of Karl Marx. Assen: Van Gorcum & Co. Kiihne, Karl. 1972. Ok onomie and Marxismus, Vo l. I & II. Neuwied: Luchterhand. Kiinzli, Arnold. 1966. Karl Marx: Eine Psychographie. Vienna: Europa Verlag. Lefebvre , Henri. 1964. Marx: Sa vie, son oeuvre-avec un expose de sa philosophie. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. Lekovic, Dragutin. 1964. La Theorie marxiste de /'alienation. Belgrade: Institut Za Izucavanje Radnickog Pokreta. Lewis, John. 1972. The Marxism of Marx. London: Lawrence & Wishart. Lowenstein, Julius I. 1970. Vision and Wirklichkeit: Marx co ntra Marx­ ismus. Basel: Ky klos-Verlag. Lukacs, Georg. 1970. Geschichte und Klassenbewusstsein. Neuwied: Luchterhand. Maguire , J ohn. 1973. Marx 's Pa ris Writings: An Analysis. New York: Harper & Row. Mandel, Ernest. 1971. The Fo rmation of the Economic Thought of Karl Marx. New York: Monthly Review Press. Mandel, Ernest, and George Novack. 1973. The Marxist Theory of Aliena­ tion. New York: Pathfinder Press. Marcuse , Herbert. 1972. Studies in Critical Philosophy. Boston: Beacon Press. -- . 1970. Reason and Revolution. Boston: Beacon Press. -- . 1964. One Dimensional Ma n. Boston: Beacon Press. Markovic, Mihaila. 1974. Fro m Affluence to Praxis: Philosophy and Social Criticism. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Marx, Karl. 197 5. Wa ges, Price and Profit. Peking: Foreign Languages Press. --. 1974. The Ethnological No tebooks. Transcribed and edited with an Introduction by Lawrence Krader. Assen: Van Gorcum & Co. 182 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY --.197 4. Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy. Translated with a Foreword by Martin Nicolaus. New York: Random House. --.19 71. Economy, Class and Social Revolution. Edited with an intro­ ductory essay by Z. A. Jordan. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. --. 1970. A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, edited by Maurice Dobb. Moscow: Progress Publishers. --. 1969. Le Capital: Livre I. Paris: Garnier-Flammarion. --.19 69. Theories of Surplus-Value, Vol. I-III. Moscow: Progress Pub- lishers. --. 1964. Pre-Capitalist Economic Fo rmations. Edited and with an Intro- duction by E. J. Hobsbawm.
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