T h u r s d a y MICHIGAN STATE EWS UNIVERSITY October 27, 1966 I Oc East Lansing, Michigan LBJ Stops A t Front; On W ay To Thailand Simply because I could not come to this CAM RANH BAY, South Viet Nam (#) - commanders to "come home with that part of the world and not come to see you. President Johnson, who likes surprises coonskln on the wall.” " I came here today fo r one good purpo se, and drama, made a top-secret flight to The President got closer to an actual to tell you and through you to tell every this war zone bastion today and told the battlefield than any president since Abra­ soldier, sailor, airman and Marine in Viet American fighting men here: "We depend ham Lincoln. Nam how proud we are of what you are on you." Johnson ate with the troops, visited with doing and how proud we are of the way Acquitted Johnson is scheduled to visit Thailand the wounded, pinned medals on the brave, Thursday. He will arrive at Bang Saen at signed scores of autographs, shook hun­ you are doing it. Hillary Anne Shor, Berkley "I came here today with only one regret: 12:25 p.m., where he will stay at the sum­ dreds of hands and delivered an emotional sophomore, leaves Lansing Jus­ That I could not begin to personally thank mer residence of Thai Premier Thanom speech. tice Township Court after being every man in Viet Nam for what he is Kittikachorn. Several thousand of the 330,000 U.S. acquitted on charges of Inciting doing. I wish very much that 1 could visit troops In Viet Nam are based here. Men a disturbance. She was accom­ every battalion, every squadron, every Surprise Visit in battle dress grinned broadly and cheered panied by her brother, Tony. “ Coonskin on W all” lustily as Johnson moved among them both ship.” State News photo by Tony Fer- on foot and standing erect in a jeep, rante Cheering U.S. soldiers surround President Johnson as he ar­ The President spent two hours and 24 grasping a roof brace to steady himself rived at Cam Ranh Bay, South Viet Nam for an unannounced visit. minutes on Vietnamese soil. He capped in the vehicle. With the president was Secretary of State Dean Rusk. his historic visit by exhorting Gen. Wil­ The soldiers, who got almost no advance UPI Cablephoto liam C. Westmoreland and his top field notice of Johnson’s visit, sometimes ap­ BRODY RIOT TRIALS peared at a loss about how to react. Grins and cheers Some seemed to think he should be Coed ruled not guilty; AAUP m ay investigate treated like a general - until he extended his hand. Then they rushed forward, al­ most like any street-corner crowd back judge not sympathetic home. But, there was an undertone of discipline and decorum. On his arrival the President By BOBBY SODEN "At approximately 11:30 p.m. (after the firing of ATL instructors said: State News Staff Writer arrival of four additional police agencies) "I came here today for one good reason: I again gave the command to disperse," Omissions in prosecution proofs caused Julian explained. By ANDREW MOLLISON Ben Strandness, chairman, and made ap­ Judge George J. Hutter to find a coed not At this time, the officers, who were State News Executive Reporter pointments to meet with the three men, "I must say that, to a man, the com­ guilty Wednesday of misdemeanor charges standing on the center line of Harrison Calm of sorts returned to the Depart­ W. Gary Groat, J. Kenneth Lawless and mittee members praised Zeitgeist as Steel profits for her alleged participation in the Brody Road, moved toward Brody to break up ment of American Thought and Language Robert S. Fogarty. something to do, although not everybody rio ts. the crowd which had grown to 500 students. Wednesday,. It will be Harrington’s job to decide admired it, critically speaking. Hillary Ann Shor, Berkley sophomore, East Lansing Police Officer Charles A. James Harrington Jr., representing the whether or not to recommend that the ‘‘Bringing Ferlinghetti here and so on, was acquitted shortly after 4 p.m. on Krug, who arrested Rozsa, testified that MSU chapter of the American Association AAUP investigate the recommendations of that was a really fine contribution to the ead rally charges of inciting a disturbance and after the command to disperse was given, of University Professors (AAUP) began d ism issal. University, ’ ’ Reeve stated. failing to disperse in the rampage June 8 Rozsa ran toward a group of police of­ his inquiry into the department's recom­ F red eric Reeve, ATL professor who "No system can be totally just,” Reeve which resulted in 12 arrests. Miss Shor fic e rs, mendation that three non-tenuredinstruc­ serves on the elected six man advisory said “but we certainly did our best to be in market was the only female arrested. iiKrugsald he grabbed him a^iR o^a fell tors be released at the end of this aca­ committee which first made the recom­ objective, fair and professional in our Earlier in the afierhoofi," tTife to the ground, 'FdfalillgW '^^iipt-Bozsa NEW YORK I/P) - T he stock m arket demic year. mendations, said of the possibility of an decision,” against Theodore S, Rozsa, Calgary, Al­ was later removed to a paddy wagon. rallied Wednesday buoyed by favorable The AAUP representative, a professor AAUP investigation: Asked if he thought the system should berta, Canada, sophomore, were dis­ Trial dates for Robert C. Bingaman, news from the nation’s two largest steel of agricultural engineering, talked to T. "I think almost everyone here would be changed, Reeve commented: missed on insufficient evidence. The trials Detroit senior, and Roy M. Dale, St. Louis, producers. welcome observations from an impartial "Calling for a change of rules In the of two other students on similar charges Mo., sophomore, will be set later, Hutter Bethlehem, the No. 2 steelmaker, an­ o b se rv e r.” midst of a controversy doesn’t seem to were adjourned. said. ATL instructor’s view Administrators havea “technical” right be the way to do it.” nounced record third quarter profits. Hutter ruled that the prosecution had not to tell a non-tenured man why he has He said it rem inded him of a man who “And,” said Bethlehem, “the past nine not shown that Miss Shor was "failing to months were the best the company has been fired, Reeve pointed out. is caught going 80 miles an hour in a 60 disperse.’ No testimony had been given City Councilm en J. Kenneth Lawless, one of "Morally, I think a man should be in­ mile an hour zone. "All of a sudden, he had since 1957.” to show if she was even moving immedi­ the three American Thought formed of the reasons for his dismissal.” thinks the speed limit is unjust.” Bethlehem’s announcement came one ately before her arrest. and Language instructors not to Reeve believed he detected an implica­ Reeve suggested that "the State News day after U.S. Steel, the largest steel Hutter, however, did not want the “not approve change be rehired for next year, ex­ tion in Tuesday’s State News article that and others” concerned in this matter producer, boosted Its dividend but an­ guilty” verdict to be misunderstood. presses his views on the con­ Groat’s and Lawless’s connection with should have been doing something about nounced lower profits. Bethlehem held to "Make no mistake,” he commented. “I troversy in a letter to the Zeitgeist magazine was related to the it before, so that the discussion could Its 37 1/2 cents a share quarterly divi­ am not sympathetic to that crowd of stu­ of voting age editor on page 2. recommendations that they be released. have been orderly and professional. dend. dents who w ere out th e re .” After these announcements, the market "I don’t doubt at all that these students By BEVERLY HALL surged forward with the Dow Jones 30- were involved In a riot,” he continued, State News Staff Writer stock industrial average closing up 8,02 "but what was the defendant doing? Was points at 801,11, she moving away from the area?” If City Council could be considered CLASSROOM 2ND The average price per share of all com­ Lansing Police Officer Gordon A. Wilson representative of the voters, East Lan­ mon stocks on the New York Stock Ex­ testified he arrested Miss Shor at 11:38 sing should pass the 18-year-old vote with change was up 38 cents. p.m., shortly after the command to dis­ flying colors. The Associated Press 60-stockaverage perse came over the PA system. Wilson "Considering the issue and historical was up 3.3 at 289.2. background, it seems the intelligent thing said he had also seen the coed before the Peers most influentia The string of gains on the stock market to do,” said Mayor Gordon Thomas. "If spread to airlines, some office equipment order was given. young people were Judged capable oi voting University Police Sgt. Haywood W. Ju­ By FAYE UNGER group gave them their most profitable ex­ or altered their beliefs and attitudes during manufacturers and electronic stocks, at the age of 21 a hundred years ago with lian, field commander of the 250 police State News Staff Writer periences. their college years. Bethlehem said net income for the three education what it was then, it seems to me officers who quelled the riots, gave back­ It was the living group that taught them Nearly 59 per cent listed roommates, months ended Sept.
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