JACKSON COUNTY 911 :J.aak•on C!ounty Em.e,9way 'Jefepf.one ay•tem. !Boa,d 303 N. Robinson Circle Carbondale, IL 62901 618-457-5911 Fax-529-5501 www.jc91J.org RESOLUTION OF JACKSON COUNTY EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM BOARD JACKSON COUNTY 911 Jack;on County Cmn9rncy 'Jdephone2'y>frm !Boaid 303 N. Robinson Circle Carbondale, IL 62901 618-457-5911 Fax-529-5501 www.jc9 l l.org MINUTES OF JANUARY 28, 2013 MEETING TO FILE MODIFICATION OF 911 SYSTEM PROVIDER JACKSON COUNTY 911 Jaak•on County Em ..9 enay CJ.f,p./;on• ay•t•m :Boa•d 303 N. Robinson Circle Carbondale, IL 62901 618-457-5911 Fax-529-5501 www.jc91l.org Jackson County Emergency Telephone System Board Minutes January 28, 2013 Chairman Ross Bedar called the Jackson County Emergency Telephone System Board meeting to order at approximately 6:00 p.m. Members present were: Mark Berkowitz, Mike Bilderback, Robert Burns, John Hudson, John Michalesko, Dottie Miles, Chris Mueller, and John Rendleman. Also in attendance were Patrick Lustig, John Clemons and Deputy Chief Stan Reno of the Carbondale Police Department. Randy Mathis, Jody O'Guinn, Todd Sigler and Steve Swafford were excused. Jeff Bock was absent. According to the JCETSB By-Laws, officers are elected in January of the new year. Ross Bedar requested John Clemons chair the meeting until a chairman was elected. Nominations were opened. Mark Berkowitz nominated Ross Bedar as Chairman. Chris Mueller seconded the nomination. Mike Bilderback made a motion to close nominations. Seconded by Dottie Miles. Motion carried. Ross Bedar elected JCETSB Chairman. The meeting was relinquished to Ross Bedar. Nominations for Vice-Chairman were called. Dottie Miles nominated Mike Bilderback as Vice-Chairman. Mark Berkowitz seconded the nomination. Mark Berkowitz made a motion to close nominations. Seconded by Chris Mueller. Mike Bilderback elected JCETSB Vice-Chairman. Nominations for Secretary were called. Mike Bilderback nominated Dottie Miles as Secretary. Robert Bums seconded the nomination. Robert Burns made a motion to close nominations. Seconded by Mark Berkowitz. Dottie Miles elected JCETSB Secretary. Nominations for Financial Officer were called. Mark Berkowitz nominated Randy Mathis as Financial Officer. Chris Mueller seconded the nomination. Mike Bilderback made a motion to close nominations. Seconded by John Hudson. Randy Mathis elected JCETSB Financial Officer. Motion by John Hudson to approve the minutes of the December 17, 2012 JCETSB meeting. Seconded by Mike Bilderback. Motion carried. In the absence of Financial Officer Randy Mathis, Mark Berkowitz motioned the January 28, 2013 bills in the amount of $18,087.15 be paid as presented. Seconded by Dottie Miles. Motion carried. Officer Reports - Chairman Bedar indicated that he would be scheduling an Executive Board Meeting in the near future. The purpose of the meeting is to review Jackson County 9-1-1 's investments and discuss options. Committee Reports - None Attorney Report - John Clemons reported that the responses to the annual intergovernmental agreements are almost complete. Mr. Clemons indicated that the initial filing has been made. Mr. Clemons stated he is awaiting five (5) responses. The annual report must be filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission, Chief Clerk, 9-1-1 Program Manager and the Illinois Attorney General by January 31, 2012. Mr. Clemons indicated that the semi-annual review of closed meeting minutes pursuant to the Open Meetings Act has been completed. There are no closed meeting minutes to review in the July­ December 2012 time period. Additionally, there are no previously closed minutes. All JCETSB minutes are open for public review. Mr. Clemons recommended that the JCETSB Board adopt a new Freedom of Information Act Policy. The policy would follow the statute, 5 ILCS 140/, including the exceptions listed in the statute. A subpoena would only be required in the event the request is denied whereby court action could result in the release. In addition to following the statute, Director Lustig, the Compliance Officer, will contact the originating police, fire or emergency medical agency, as well as, the State Attorney, for cases of a criminal nature, to ascertain if there are any exceptions, consistent with the statute, that Director Lustig should consider before making his decision to release or deny the request. Mr. Clemons presented a resolution concerning purchasing. Mr. Clemons indicated the last time the purchasing policy was reviewed was 2005. Mr. Clemons indicated that the Competitive Bids Statute 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 was update in January 2010. John Rendleman motioned to accept the resolution # 2013 - 1 (Resolution Concerning Purchasing) as presented with the following additions: Section 3; "amount not to exceed $5,000": Section 4: "amount not to exceed $5,001" and Section 5: "exceed $30,000." Seconded by Dottie Miles. Motion carried. Patrick Lustig submitted the Director's Report. Director Lustig reported that the annual filing requirement as specified in the 83 Illinois Administrative Code Part 725 "Standards of Service Applicable to 9-1-1 Emergency Telephone Systems" has been completed. The network equipment has been deployed at both data centers. Jackson County 9-1-1 has been reimbursed by the other participating ETSBs. Director Lustig indicated that the next ICC Status Hearing for the Counties of Southern Illinois is February 6, 2013. 1 Director Lustig reported that Illinois NENA has scheduled the 5 " Annual 9-1-1 goes to Springfield for April 17, 2013. ~ector Lustig requested that the Board file a modification to its existing 9-1-1 Plan to change 9-1 ;-----\ Service Providers. Director Lustig stated that NG911 Inc. is drafting a contract whereby, Jackson County 9-1-1 will see a 5% saving in 9-1-1 monthly reoccurring charges. Lustig stated that NG911 Inc. will replace Frontier Communications as the 9-1-1 Service Provider. John Rendleman motioned to file a plan modification to change 9-1-1 Service Provider to L NG911 Inc. Seconded by Mike Bilderback. Motion Carried. Director Lustig discussed email exchanges that he had with a Frontier Senior Account Manager. Old Business - None Motion to adjourn by John Hudson. Seconded by Robert Burns. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:19 p.m. JACKSON COUNTY 911 :Jackion {!ounty Cmei9rncy CJe{ephonu~yihm J3oaid 303 N. Robinson Circle Carbondale, IL 62901 618-457-5911 Fax-529-5501 www.jc91l.org RE: General Information for Petition to Modify 9-1-1 System Provider 1. The Jackson County Emergency Telephone System 9-1-1 Program became operational on October 16, 1995. 2. This is a proposed modification of the system provider. 3. The petition is submitted by the chairman of the Jackson County Emergency Telephone System Board and its attorney. 4. This is a modification of an existing enhanced 9-1-1 telephone system which was approved for operation on February 28, 1994, see ICC Docket No. 93-0020. 5. The total population served is 60,365. 6. Total land area covered is 620 square miles. 7. Total access lines 14,860. Respectfully submitted, ~Director JACKSON COUNTY 911 :J aokion County Em«9enoy Cfefephonullyihm 23oaid 303 N. Robinson Circle Carbondale, IL 62901 618-457-5911 Fax-529-5501 www.jc91l.org BEFORE THE ILLINOIS COMMERCE COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF ) ) JACKSON COUNTY EMERGENCY ) TELEPHONE SYSTEM BOARD ) ) DOCKET NO. ) ) PETITION TO MODIFY 911 PROVIDER ) FOR JACKSON COUNTY EMERGENCY ) TELEPHONE SYSTEM BOARD ) PREFILED TESTIMONY OF PATRICK J. LUSTIG, ENP Q Please identify yourself A My name is PatrickJ. Lustig, ENP, 9-1-1 Director for Jackson County Emergency Telephone System Board with office at 303 N. Robinson Circle, Carbondale, Illinois 62901. I am a certified Emergency Number Professional and the Immediate Past-President of the Illinois Chapter of the National Emergency Number Association. Q What are your qualifications? A I have been employed in public safety for thirty-two years. I began my public safety career with the Jackson County Sheriff's Office. In 2002, I was hired as the Jackson County 9-1-1 Director, responsible for all 9-1-1 operations and accountable to the Jackson County Emergency Telephone System Board. Q What is the purpose of your testimony? A To declare, the foregoing Petition, Narrative and Exhibits 1 through 9, and that said contents are true in substance and in fact to the best of my knowledge. I am willing to stand for testimony regarding such. Q Is additional testimony by others required to support the Petition? A Yes. I will defer to NG-911 Inc. for testimony regarding Exhibits 10, Exhibit 10.1, 10.2 (Test Plan), and Contract. JACKSON COUNTY 911 :J aokion County £mn9enoy 'Jdephone ~yihm 'Boa<J 303 N. Robinson Circle Carbondale, IL 62901 618-457-5911 Fax-529-5501 www.jc9 l l.org COMMUNITIES SERVED BY JACKSON COUNTY 911 AVA CAMPBELL HILL CARBONDALE DESOTO DOWELL ELKVILLE GORHAM GRAND TOWER JACOB MAKANDA MURPHYSBORO ORAVILLE POMONA VERGENNES Plan Narrative Jackson County Modified Plan for Docket Number 93-0020 December 2013 Pagel of24 ICC Plan Narrative Docket No. _________ Contents 1.0 Executive Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 3 2.0 Part 725, Section 725.205 (f) ........................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Identify the 9-1-1 system providers. If multiple providers are being used, provide a detailed description of each provider's role; .....................................................................................................................
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