The regular meeting of the Incline Village General Improvement District will be held starting at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 10, 2014 in the Boardroom, 893 Southwood Boulevard, Incline Village, Nevada. A. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE* B. ROLL CALL OF THE IVGID BOARD OF TRUSTEES* C. ROLL CALL OF THE IVGID BOARD OF TRUSTEES-ELECTS* Tim Callicrate Kendra Wong D. PUBLIC COMMENTS* (During the Public Comment section of the agenda, the public may comment on any subject pertaining to Incline Village General Improvement District, that is in Reports and/or on the Consent Calendar and/or is not on the agenda for action. Comments from the public, relating to a General Business agenda item, will be taken during the Board's consideration of that item. When recognized by the Chair, speakers are requested to come to the podium at the front of the room, state their name and address, and direct their comments to the Chair. All speakers are made aware that their comments will be included in the minutes of the meeting. Speaking time is limited to three minutes and yielding of time is prohibited. Persons are invited to submit comments in writing on the agenda items and/or attend and make comment. The Chair may or may not provide a response or may take the comment under advisement. The Board of Trustees conducts the business of Incline Village and Crystal Bay and its citizens during its meetings. The Chair may order the removal of any person whose conduct disrupts the orderly, efficient or safe conduct of the meeting. Warnings against disruptive behavior may or may not be given prior to removal. Reasonable restrictions may be imposed upon the time, place and manner of speech.) J. REPORTS TO THE IVGID BOARD OF TRUSTEES* - PART ONE 1. Nevada Department of Transportation Presentation on Crosswalks E. DISTRICT STAFF UPDATE – GENERAL MANAGER – pages 1 - 2 F. APPROVAL OF AGENDA (for possible action) G. CONSENT CALENDAR (for possible action) 1. Diamond Peak Ski Education Foundation (DPSEF) Three Year Agreement starting with the 2015/2016 Ski Season and Donation, by the Board of Trustees, of two dedicated parking spaces, each year, at the Diamond Peak Ski Resort (DPSR) Parking Lot (Requesting Staff Member: General Manager Diamond Peak Ski Resort Brad Wilson) – pages 3 - 16 2. Unemployment Insurance Contract Renewal – First Nonprofit Companies, Inc. in the amount of not to exceed $263,000 – Period: January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 (Requesting Staff Member: Director of Human Resources Dee Carey) – pages 17 - 19 Incline Village General Improvement District Incline Village General Improvement District is a fiscally responsible community partner which provides superior utility services and community oriented recreation programs and facilities with passion for the quality of life and our environment while investing in the Tahoe basin. 893 Southwood Boulevard, Incline Village, Nevada 89451 • (775) 832-1100 • FAX (775) 832-1122 www.ivgid.org Agenda for the Board Meeting of December 10, 2014 - Page 2 H. GENERAL BUSINESS (for possible action) 1. Presentation and Acceptance of June 30, 2014 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report including an Unqualified Opinion by the District’s Auditor (Requesting Staff Member: Director of Finance, Accounting, Information Technology and Risk Management Gerry Eick) – pages 20 - 22 2. Establishing Special Revenue, Capital Projects, and Debt Service funds, as well as related sub-funds, for Community Services Fund and the Beach Fund, effective for July 1, 2015 (Requesting Staff Member: Director of Finance, Accounting, Information Technology and Risk Management Gerry Eick) – pages 23 - 26 3. Amend General Manager Employment Agreement, 3.7 Periodic Evaluation (Requesting Staff Member: Director of Human Resources Dee Carey) – pages 27 - 52 4. District’s Legal Services (Requesting Staff Member: General Manager Steve Pinkerton) – pages 53 - 78 (1) Authorize the General Manager to execute the necessary engagement letters or similar agreement to appoint the law firm of Reese Kintz Brohawn Guinasso, LLC as District Legal Counsel effective January 1, 2015 at a monthly retainer rate of $10,000 per month; and (2) Authorize the General Manager to provide ninety days notice to terminate agreement with Brooke • Shaw • Zumpft (as per the prior authorization granted by the Board for the current fiscal year), but with the request they consider allowing us to utilize their services, on an as needed basis, through June 30, 2015 I. RELEASE OF PAYMENT FOR BILLS OVER $10,000 DURING THE PERIOD STATED (for possible action) – pages 79 – 85 J. REPORTS TO THE IVGID BOARD OF TRUSTEES* - PART TWO 1. District Staff Updates (written updates may have been provided; if there are any questions, from the Board of Trustees, they may be asked at this time) 2. District General Counsel T. Scott Brooke 3. Golf Wrap-Up – Senior Head Golf Professional Michael McCloskey – pages 86 - 89 4. Ski Preview – General Manager Diamond Peak Ski Resort Brad Wilson – pages 90 - 100 5. Incline Lake – Director of Public Works Joe Pomroy – pages 101 - 120 Agenda for the Board Meeting of December 10, 2014 - Page 3 K. BOARD OF TRUSTEES UPDATE (NO DISCUSSION OR ACTION) ON ANY MATTER REGARDING THE DISTRICT AND/OR COMMUNITIES OF CRYSTAL BAY AND INCLINE VILLAGE, NEVADA* L. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED BY THE DISTRICT* – pages 121 - 198 M. PUBLIC COMMENTS* N. REVIEW WITH BOARD OF TRUSTEES, BY THE DISTRICT GENERAL MANAGER, THE LONG RANGE CALENDAR (for possible action) – pages 199 - 201 O. ADJOURNMENT (for possible action) CERTIFICATION OF POSTING OF THIS AGENDA I hereby certify that on or before Friday, December 5, 2014 at 9:00 a.m., a copy of this agenda (IVGID Board of Trustees Session of December 10, 2014) was delivered to the post office addressed to the people who have requested to receive copies of IVGID’s agendas; copies were either faxed or e-mailed to those people who have requested; and a copy was posted at the following six locations within Incline Village/Crystal Bay in accordance with NRS 241.020: 1. IVGID Anne Vorderbruggen Building (Administrative Offices) 2. Incline Village Post Office 3. Crystal Bay Post Office 4. Raley’s Shopping Center 5. Incline Village Branch of Washoe County Library 6. IVGID’s Recreation Center /s/ Susan A. Herron, CMC Susan A. Herron, CMC Clerk to the Board of Trustees (e-mail: [email protected]/phone # 775-832-1207) Board of Trustees: Joe Wolfe, Chairman; Bruce Simonian, Bill Devine, Jim Hammerel, and Jim Smith Notes: Items on the agenda may be taken out of order; combined with other items; removed from the agenda; moved to the agenda of another meeting; moved to or from the Consent Calendar section; or may be voted on in a block. Items with a specific time designation will not be heard prior to the stated time, but may be heard later. Items listed in the Consent Calendar section of the agenda are voted on as a block and will not be read or considered separately unless removed from the Consent Calendar section by Board action. Once a motion is made on the Consent Calendar, Trustees may or may not ask questions regarding an item on the Consent Calendar prior to the vote being taken. Those items followed by an asterisk (*) are items on the agenda upon which the Board of Trustees will take no action. Members of the public who are disabled and require special accommodations or assistance at the meeting are requested to call IVGID at 832-1100 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Copies of the packets containing background information on agenda items are available for public inspection at the Incline Village Library. IVGID'S agenda packets are now available at IVGID's web site, www.yourtahoeplace.com. Go to "Board Meetings and Agendas”. A hard copy of the complete agenda packet is also available at IVGID’s Administrative Offices located at 893 Southwood Boulevard, Incline Village, Nevada, 89451. Nancg Parent, County Clerk PO Box 11130, Reno, NV 89520-0027 1001 East 9th St., Reno, NV 89512 November 20,2014 Election of General Improvement District Representative to the Washoe County Debt Management Commission Ladies and Gentlemen: Nevada Revised Statute 350.0115 (Debt Management Commission: creation, composition, selection, and terms of members) provides that one representative of the general improvement districts, to be chosen by their governing bodies jointly, shall serve on the Debt Management Commission, which representative is to be chosen in January of each odd numbered year for a term oftwo years. Pursuant to the above statute, please forward one nomination from your General Improvement District (either a member of your Board or your General Manager) to the office of the Washoe County Clerk no later than December 22, 2014 or submit your nomination by telephoning my Board Records and Minutes staff at 784-7275. After all nominations are received, ballots will be forwarded to the Districts for the election ofthe member representing the General Improvement Districts to serve on the Debt . Management Commission. Nancy Pare t, Washoe County Clerk and ex officio Secretary ofthe Debt Management Commission jd Phone 775-784-7287 Fax 775-784 1 www.washoecounty.us/clerks DISTRIBUTION LIST GERLACH GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT P.O. BOX 209 GERLACH, NV 89412 GRAND VIEW TERRACE WATER DISTRICT 295 KENNEDY DR RENO, NV 89506 PALOMINO VALLEY GEN. IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT P.O. BOX 615 SPARKS, NV 89506 VERDI TELEVISION DISTRICT P.O. BOX 221 VERDI, NV 89439 SUN VALLEY GENERAL IMPROVMENT DIST 5000 SUN V ALLEY BLVD. SUN V ALLEY, NV 89433 INCLINE VILLAGE GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DIST 893 SOUTHWOOD BLVD. INCLINE VILLAGE, NV 89451 WASHOE COUNTY CLERK BOARD RECORDS & MINUTES P. O. BOX 11130 RENO, NV 89520-0027 2 TO: Board of Trustees THROUGH: Steve Pinkerton General Manager FROM: Brad Wilson General Manager Diamond Peak Ski Resort SUBJECT: Diamond Peak Ski Education Foundation (DPSEF) Three Year Agreement starting with the 2015/2016 Ski Season and Donation, by the Board of Trustees, of two dedicated parking spaces, each year, at the Diamond Peak Ski Resort (DPSR) Parking Lot DATE: November 25, 2014 I.
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