-~ ------------------------------------------------------- • • . Iran page5 VOL. XVI, NO. 26 :1:1 :mkpendent srudem newspaper servtng notre dame and samt mar. s .\10NDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1981 $29,840 allocated ND activities receive monies By MARK BOENNIGHAUSEN Other groups not receiving funds funds wcrc distributcd lw Studcnt .Vt•uw Stoff Wl"fl' Spiritual Rock. Young Government through thelr general lkmocrats. Fellowship of Christian fund. Last ycar, however. the activitY The ND Activity Fee Subcommit­ Athletes, and Windsurfing. The self­ fce was raisnl from S I 7 to Sl'i, S5 <;f tee allocated S29,H ... o worth of supporting. Windsurfing was denied which is automatically given to the fund:. to various on campus dubs funds due to the uncertainty of subcommittee. and organizations last Thursday whether the group anually exists. The success of the revampcd sys­ night. The allocations of activity fcc tcm is evident, McDonnell noted, by funds changcd immcnsdy last ycar, These fJJnds, which comt· in part See ACTIVITIES, page 4 from the S2'i student activity fl'e McDonnell said. Two years ago which is included in the bill all stu· dents receive at the beginning of the }Tar. represent only a portion of thc ~~~:~~~~i~:~~::::~~l~~~~e has resourccs "College to Career Days" totaling S~'i,OOO but tkcided not to appropriaH: all of it, holding some in promote vario.u. s lifestyles reserve as a contingency fund, .James .\1cDonndl, director of Student Ac­ tivities and suhcomittee chairman, By JANE DeROSE Wednesday: 2:20 p.m., Kathy said. News Stuff Laverty, projects If a group is dissatisfied with the managcr/customer relations; 6 p.m., amount of money they reccivcd "College to Career Days," a Kathy Schncidcr, Holy Cross As­ thq• have until Oct. 'i to appeal, in program gcared to highlight various sociates, and 7 p.m., Barbara writing, to tht· subcommittee, carecr and lifestyk possibilitics, O'Toole, attorney. Me Donnell said. opened last night with Julliette To make their decisions, the sub­ Noonc Lcster's keynote address, Thursday: 2:20 p.m., Marge committee broke down the requests "Planning t<Jr Careers and Lifcstyh:s Andrysiak, persond; 4:30p.m., Doris it rn:cived into six catcgorics: After a Liberal Arts Education." Wilke Mikesell, din:ctor of public volunteer scrvice organizations; eth­ The program, which is sponsored relations, and 7 p.m., a panel discus­ nic organization~; acdemic and by the SMC Student Gov<:rnment sion involving a panel of tlve women departmental; various dubs, athktic and Counseling and Career with different careers and lifestyles and recrcational and special lkvelopment Center, features dis­ in an informal question/answer ses- projt·cts, McDonnell explained. cussions and speakers throughout sion. Thl· subcommittee deeml·d the thc WtTk. voluntt·t·r service organiztion as thc ,\1rs. Ll'ster last night gave per­ Friday: 2:20 p.m .. Linda Lasure, group that deserved the highest tinent tips on succcssfully combin­ rcsearch scientist, and 4:30 p.m., priority, McDonnell stated, ing a certain career with a certain Catherine Murray VanTornhout, "(because) the sl-rvi<.:e organiza­ chosen lifcstyh:. She emphasized the newspaper, anchorwoman. tions don't have much time to raise importance of obtaining all the pos­ All speakers will be in Stapleton Mrs. juliettc Noone Lester opencd the "College to Career Da_ys" money, so they should be fundcd as sible information about a chosen Lounge, LeMans Hall. week at Saint .Warr's last night. (photo by Cheryl t:rtelt) fully as possihll'." cart·er before entering into it. The only volunteer st·rvicc or· She advised that college women ganization not to receive the full should choose their courses wisely, amount requested was the World so as to he as fully preparcd as pos­ Student awqreness llunger Coalition. The subcomrnit­ sibk for whatcver carcer oppor­ tt'l', McDonnell said, decidcd to wait tunities should arise. This involves l(>r more detailed inlilflnation on a studying subjccts that could possib­ project the Coalition was underta~­ ly compliment a future oct·upation Fire hazards come underfire ing hdi>rl· making a final decision. as well as studying core courscs. l Inlier thl· Academic and The schedule for the rest of the By COLETTE ST.AUBIN plains, "the lire drills give students a resident assistants knock on stu­ Ikpartmental category, only the week is: Neu•sStaff chance to hear the tin· hell ring and dents' doors checking if everyone is honor societies and ROTC groups Monday: 2:20 p.m., Carol Et·ker. associate the noise with thc idea that evacuated, she says. Once students did not reed ve funds. The honor vetcrnarian; 4:30 p.m., Mrs. Mary It's 6:30 in the morning. something is wrong." mt·et outside at the dcsignated area, societies did not get money because Bernard. director of religious educa­ You are ruddy awakened by the Saint Mary's Director of section leaders take attendance.:. tht·y arc opl·n to a limited number of tion; 6 p.m., Mary Theis, college blast of the tire alarm. Angry? Per­ Residence Life \1ary Helen Nugcnt Nugent states that the check system studl·nts, McDonnell said, and the counselor, and 7 p.m .. Judy Thorp, turbed? You think tire prevention is says the main reason for having early is a Vl'fy effective way of making sure ROTC groups did not receive funds special education supervisor. a wastc of time? morning tlrt· drills is to make sure the building is evacuated. because most of the students in­ Tuesday: 2:20 p.m., Mary Son­ Think again. that the alarms can wake students volved arc on scholarship. Also, he nchorn, parah:gal; 6 p.m., Maggic Fire drills are extremely impor­ out of a sound sleep. ~aid, thl· ROTC groups have ade­ \X' alters, public relations, and 7 p.m., tant for students, states Jack Bland, Fire drills are not the only form of MONDA~J~i quate fund~ availiabh: from other thl· film, \f'hat you are, is !l'ho you Director of Fire Safety li>r the Notre lire prevcntion practiced at Notre sourn:s. u•ere, u•hen. in Little Theatre. Damc Fire Department. Bland ex- Dame and Saint Mary's. Notre Dame has spent a lot of money on tire -FOCUS safety equipment, Bland states, "Clashes everywhere" including sprinkler systems, smoke Fire hazards continue to exist at detectors and tire extinguishers, all Notre Dame and Saint Mary's, installed in rt·sidence halls. A new despite their efficient prevention tire truck was also purchased t<>r the systems. Bland emphasizl·s that a More die in war-torn Iran Notre Dame tire department. "major t·ause ti>r concern" at Notrc In order to inti>rm students on lire Daml· is the amount of building I BEIRl T. Lt·banon ( AP) - <iucrillas !Iring machine tory" in its year-long war with Iraq, recapturing the oil safety on both campuses, authorities materials that accumulate in the gun~ and rocket-propelled grl·natks hattkd otlkial rdlning city of Abadan and intlining 600 enemy have shown lire prcvcntion movies halls when students an· nmstrul't· l(Jrl.l'' in Iran·~ 1:apital yl'~tcrday in ~trel·t· dashes that casualties. There was no immediate' comment from and distributed pamphlets on llr t e ing things for their rooms. ldt 'l"\Tral peopll' dead and dozens wounded, accord­ Iraq. prcvention. Fire prevention tech­ Another problem which adds to niqut·s at Saint Mary's include Fire ing to report~ from Tehran. The lighting in Tehran was said to be tht· worst in the risk of lire is storagt· of items Safety \Veek, which was hdtl Sept. "There arc dashc~ al.1~olutdy everywhere in central several months of regular dashes bctwecn tbe Iranian such as furniture and cardboarll 6-1 I. During that week. a tllm titled, l'l'hran." ~aid onl· n·~idcnt rcachnl hy t<·kphon..: hy 'fbi! authorities and opponents of tbl· strict Islamic regime boxes. These items get crowded in­ Fire Safl!tJ' in Residence Halls was .·hsociult•d Press hert·. "There i~ no possible way to of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khoml"ini. to areas which then become inac­ know how many people arc involved." Tehran Radio reported there was lighting between shown, and :tfierwards tire exit n·ssible to eh:ctrkians and other ~tu­ The sourcl· ~aid anti-gon·rnment lighters wert· "very the out-lawed, .\1arxist-Islamic Mujahadeen Khalq guer­ routcs were pinpointcd and maintenance people, Bland ex· dents werc given pamphlets on fire wdl organized. They han· formed thcm~dves in com· rillas and governmcnt forces in "several areas." plains. These problems, however, safcty. mando group~. ranger-style, and they are hitting with The broadcast, monitored here. reported lilllr buses are easily takcn care of through the Ms. Nugent states that in addition machine guns and anti-tank rocket~" dt·scribed as were set allre and "the Mujahadcen opcned tire on in­ help of the hall rcctors and the stu­ shouldt·r-carried. nKket·propdkd grenades. noccnt. pcople in various places, wounding 40 per­ to having effective equipment such dents. Tehran Radio said "several persons, .including sons." as ABC tire cxtinguishcrs in the Bland says that most residence policemen. revolutionary guard!> and innoccnt peopk" Residents told the AP by telepl'jone that the lighting residence halls, Saint .\1ary's also has hall tires are caused by carelessness, wt·rl· killed in the dashes, hut did not say how many broke out about 9 a.m. near Tchran University and a very efficient check system for or students who "aren't paying at­ died. quickly spread downtown. They said battles were making sure that all students are out tention to details." He explains that Tht· official radio also announccd 'i9 ncw executions of the building.
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