The Weather TUESDAY, JUNE 28,1260^ Avenge Daily Net Prew Rail 1 « f D. S. WeMhto F of tk« Week Ended etoedfceeee, PAGE JUXTEEE jffianrtr^0tpr ^vi^nfnQ June 4th, I960 toMgM sBd r t im a o r . It m torn DUETAAY 1 3 ,1 2 5 hi eOe. H I ^ T hnirs^y^^M ^ ^'N Dri. Joseph Maasaro and A. Elm Carb Sprinkler Use Flotilla OffeiT^ er biakan of Manchester will at­ Playgrounds ■ Member ot the Audit I- I Between 4 and 9 P.M. ICE CREAM Bureau Otrculatlon M cm che»Ur-— A City o f ViUtige Charm A b o u t T ow n tend- a "workshop" on post-gradu­ Boat Inspection n r PINTS ot ate education for members of the Andenon She* Aiwlllary. Vetr l^t to Open PRICE n V K CENTS Connecticut Academy o f General The Manchester Water Oo. is With -tiia advent of hot summer •nuvB o f Foredgn Ware, will meet Practice to be held tomorrow night asktag Its customers not to use ARTHUR'S wither, boat owners will be tak­ (TWENTY-FOUR PAGB8-IN TWO SECTIONS) V^\MANCHESTER, CdNN., WEDNESDAY^ JUNE 29. 1900 l,tan l^ t at 7:30 at the Poet Home. at the Yankee Sliyersmlth Inn, The 11 supervised playgrounds lawn sprinklers betwem 4 and LUNCHEONgrnS VOL. LXXIX, NO. 230 Walllngrfprd. (■ conducted by the Recre*tlon De­ 9 pm , seven days a week im tif ing to lakes, rivers and the Oeorge Leduc, eon of Mr*. partment will open a 6-werita’ further notice. Com pany'offi- In greatef numbers, and the need Acnee Leduc of 61 Edmund St. "Improving Comiectlcut Vaca­ season tomorrow morning at 9:30. dals said the water-dafnand has for water safety will become very and the late Arthur Leduc, wae Jumped greatly^ Since the hot, tion Travel Pacllltlea” will be the The playground hours are 9:30 essential. State News $40 Billion rueet of honor at a graduation subject of a special state meeting to noon; 2:30 to 5, and 6:80 to 8 dry weaUisr''began. Foregoing The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary dinner held at hie home for 22 of the Connecticut Motel Assn, to­ dally except Friday, when the use of-‘ sprinklers at the re­ is offering free courtesy eximln- gUMtfl from Hartford and Man­ morrow at 12:15 p.m. at the Colon­ playgrounds close at 6 p.m. quested times will allow cus­ ations of all boats, big and small tomers oh higher elevations to lECLERC Defiense Bill chester. He was graduated ial House, Hamden. The playgrounds and supervls- In an effort to piake sure all craft Roundup Wednesday from the Hartford Re­ receive an adequate supply, the FUNERAL HOME Davis Has on Connecticut waters are in safe ors are: Verplanok, Alfred Tarbox, company said. xona! Technical School as a me­ Pat Morlarty, Judith Rtiblnow; operating condition. St. Margaret’s Circle, Daughters Groton, June 29 (TP)— The chanic. of Isabella, will hold a Holy Hour Waddell, Louis Jot^ert, Ann This is not an Inspection, but an FUNERAL Nears Vote at the Church of the Assumption Marie Wharton; Nathan Hale, pate in the playground programs examination, and is conducted at Metal Trades Council of New The Young Democratic Club will tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Michael Gates, Mary Ann Pagan!; are urged to go to the on* near­ the owners' request only. SERVICE Liondon County is not satisfied Boats passing the examination Washington, June 29 (/P)— hold a monthly dinner-meeting to­ Francis Butler, chaplain of the Robertson, Robert Hutchinson, est Uieir home. Children must be WALTER N. with the latest contract offer night at 6:30 in Plano’s Restaur­ will be given a decal to be pasted A defense appropriation bill circle, will officiate. Junior Daugh­ Barbara Totman;, Buckley, -Paul at least five years of age to attend LECLERC, (a total 12-cent hourly wage ant, B o lt ^ The club will discuss ters of Isabella are Invited guests. O’Brlght, Pat Fogarty; Charter the playgprounds. on the windshield. Director of nearly 840 billion—about particlpaUon In the town and na­ As well as being seaworthy to increase over a 2-year period) Refreshments will be served. Oak, Dave Barlow, Judy Moizer; There are still a few openings 8661 million more than Presi­ tional elections next fall. Keeney, Pat Dougherty, Barbara qualify for the decal, boats must made by General Dynamics for children interested in tennis carry certain equipment, such as Call Ml 9.5869 dent Eisenhower asked-^ame Duncan; Green, Joe Seigal, Betay Corp’s Electric Boat Division A picnic scheduled for tomor- Committees from Center Con­ lessons, which are being sponsored adequate life preservers, fire ex- 23 Main Street, Manchestor today from compromising of gregational Church have begun Elder; Valley St., Peter Greer, by the Recreation Department un­ 'The union’s publicity com' \ .. ■| row by the First Aid Instructors Lynne Murphey; Bowers, Miohsel tlng^sers, navigational lights, oars Senate and House differences Group, American R ^ Cross, has preparations for a Holiday Basaar der the direction of Valerian Ya- for smaller boats, distress signals mittee distributed fliers to Winters, Diane Natkenis; West vorsky, well known pro from Congressional leaders ticketed been canceled until September.plei to be held Nov. 2. Side, Marshall Potter, Judith Hil- and an adequate anchor. EB employes today which Biilrdick Cuts Margin Glastonbury. Each skipper wishing, to have it for final action tomorrow. inskl. - ' These lessons are taking place at mentioned the latest proposal Clerks fashioning the finished Mrs. Mildred L. Tag, a-, sixth Some o t the featured prognl’ams his boat examined should Inquire the high school courts on Mon­ at his boat club or marina and by the company and said "we form from the declslons.,ijreached grade'teacher at Buckley School, will be physical fitness testing, ) m i i has been awarded a scholarship by days, Wednesdays and Fridays make an appointment with a mem­ feel It is insufficient.” late yesterday by a Senate-House ARTHUR DRUG games and a tournament in ths from 9 to noon. Each participant ber of the auxiliary to have the conference committee hrtted up To Little over 3 ,000 the Conjiecticut Council for the mornings, along with the inter must have his own racquet; balls examination. the total at 639.996,608.000. Advancement of Economic Educa­ playground softball league. The Groton, June 29 (TP)—The will be furnished. There Is a slight In the Manchester area, ar­ The money for the Defense es FREE DELIVERY tion to attend the Etonomic Edu­ afternoons will feature a story electric Boat Division of Gen­ cation Workshop ^ g . 15-26 at the charge which must be paid at the rangements rfiay be made with tablishment during the 12 months BjlRELMAN m o i u n ' jG A.M. to 10 PAI. hour and a diversified arts and William Stanek, Box Mt. Dr., Ver­ eral Dynamics Corp. saysy it School of Education, University of time of registration. beginning Friday, July IL ,l» crafts jKograJH. Some o t the A toumam'dnt will be held at the non, or a t . Stanek Electronics on l e s i lr «• • • lias offered its production and Farao, N. D., (TP)— Republican Gov. John E. Davis nmin- ^nnecticut. vided this way: ^ , crafts to ^ made this summer end of the 8-week period. Broad St. ' vettta Item maintenance workers across tained his lead of little mpre than 8 000 votes over ^ p . are pot holders, molds, ’ leather- (tsr-whoei t* 617,1^,756,000 for the Air i crafts, beadwork and bracelets. ffoot-wheel the board wage increases Force. I Quentin Burdick, Democrat, as North Dakota 8 special senfi- The evenings will feature the amounting to 12 cents an 612.195.892.000 for the Navy and | torial election headed into the home streteh xMay. ech Marines. • ■ j special event programs such as S T fS hour. .. 'The Governor had less than 51 per cent of the total vote peanut hunts, scavenger hunts, 69.537.985.000 for the Army. ■SHEARSON, There was no comment from^we 61.190.975.000 for the Office o f ' FIRST STOP ON treasure himts, one wheel parades, $72.00 union on the reported offer. *^*^nofficial tabulations for 1,799 of the state’s 2,810 pre­ Herald Photo Uy Pinto doll shows, novelty races, turtle the Secretary of Defense. The company said it made the The total Is 6801.008,000 more races, picnic suppers and the-an­ ^ HAMMILLSCa offer yesterday to the Metal Trades cincts -showed: nual playground picnic. "the firm that ‘reaeairch hvOt* than Eisenhower asked. 6858.741,- Davis— 91,530 3 Celebrate 57-Year Partnership Council. Also Included In the offer 000 more than the House orig­ All children wishing to partici- b are adjustmenta ranging from 7 to A REAL VACATION Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maxwell, MMibwi S nt Torn Stack E nk lN t • h a M M02 _________n « over \ttnm4 m m inally voted, and 6518,389,000 less Burdick— 88,308 . , , 71 Liinnmore Dr., observed their hewL Gterdily cea« I 12 cents an hour for certain classes Although Burdick continued to cut into Davis m aw n, m ried daughters, Lt. Col. Mina of employes, together j with im- than the Senate originally voted. 57'th wedding anniversary over the ASK FOR YOUR COPY OF SHEARSON S stmekeA Beidy deeeed. Both the House, which will act precinct reports trickled in, the Governor was hw Make yourTV%es first stop HFC^ for- Vacation---------------- Money Weatherly of the Salvation Army '■ I Reien over Barnum Festival p-.jvements^in employe benefits.
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