STORMWATER DISCHARGE 468 MANDEVILLE ROAD MANDEVILLE NORTH RATUA HOLDINGS LIMITED Kim Logan GRASSROOTS PLANNING LIMITED Quality Assurance Client: Ratua Holdings Limited Filename: Stormwater Discharge Address: 468 Mandeville Road, Mandeville North Date: April 2017 Prepared By: Kim Logan, Planner, Grassroots Planning Limited Table of Contents Introduction...........................................................................................................................................................3 1 Resource Consent 468 Mandeville Road, Mandeville North Site Description....................................................................................................................................................3 Planning History Consultation ........................................................................................................................................................9 National Environmental Standard .......................................................................................................................9 Assessment under relevant Regional Plans......................................................................................................15 Objectives and Policies .....................................................................................................................................26 Canterbury Regional Policy Statement .............................................................................................................26 Land and Water Regional Plan..........................................................................................................................29 Waimakariri River Regional Plan ......................................................................................................................31 Legal Framework ...............................................................................................................................................33 YConclusion ......................................................................................................................................................35 Appendix 1 – Certificate of Title Appendix 2 – Site Plans Appendix 3 – Engineered Stormwater plans Appendix 4 – Stormwater Management Plan Appendix 5 – Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Appendix 6 – Mandeville North Outline Development Plan Appendix 7 – Coffey Environmental Site Assessment, Sephira Remedial Action Plan and Validation Report Appendix 8 – Copy of RC165330 1.0 INTRODUCTION The following report is an assessment of the actual and potential effects on the environment generated by the discharge of stormwater to ground during the development phase and the post development stage of the retail centre to be developed on the site located at 468 Mandeville Road and for the earthworks required to construct 2 Resource Consent 468 Mandeville Road, Mandeville North the stormwater system. Optimum Projects has been engaged to design to the stormwater system and Grassroots Planning has been engaged to prepare the necessary Environment Canterbury (ECan) consents for the development. The application addresses the character of the land, the proposed stormwater discharge and earthworks undertaken in regard to the relevant provisions of the Land and Water Regional Plan, the Natural Resources Regional Plan and the Waimakariri River Regional Plan. The report includes an assessment of the effects on the environment as required by the Fourth Schedule to the Resource Management Act 1991. Summary of Application Details Applicant: Ratua Holdings Limited Owner: Ratua Holdings Limited Site Address: 468 Mandeville Road, Mandeville North Legal Description: Lot 1 DP 494992 Certificate of Title: 72543 Site Area: 6670m2 Zoning: Business 4 Zone Mandeville North Outline Development Plan Specific Site Provisions: Unconfined/Semi confined Aquifer Regional Consents Required: CON060 – Discharge of stormwater to ground from a contaminated site during development and discharge of stormwater post development. CON499 – Earthworks SITE DESCRIPTION The application site is legally described as Lot 1 DP 494992 and is held in Certificate of Title 72543. A copy of the Certificate of Title is attached as Appendix 1 to this application. The application site is located 9.5km west of Kaiapoi, approximately 6 kilometres north west of the Waimakariri River and approximately 18.3km northwest of Christchurch. The location of the site is shown in Figure 1 below. 3 Resource Consent 468 Mandeville Road, Mandeville North Figure 1 – Google Earth Image of Application Site The site is part of Council Plan Change 33, operative on the 14 December 2015, to rezone a small area of rural land located between Tram Road, McHugh’s Road, Mandeville Road and Ohoka Meadows to provide a business area that fulfils a local convenience function. The Overall Development Plan enables up to 6200m2 to be developed in a business form and the balance area within the ODP to be developed as Residential 4A and Residential 4B. A copy of the ODP known as the Mandeville North Outline Development Plan is attached in Appendix 6. Following the approval of the Mandeville North ODP the site remains largely undeveloped and maintains rural, lifestyle type typologies. Figure 2 below shows the ODP area. 4 Resource Consent 468 Mandeville Road, Mandeville North Figure 2- Mandeville North ODP The underlying land use comprises of a council reserve and a lifestyle block. The wider surrounding area comprises of a mix of rural, lifestyle blocks and standard residential development. A commercial orchard including council reserve land is located to the north of the application site and a former sewerage waste treatment plant is located to the east of the site at 933 Tram Road. A new residential subdivision is located directly east of the site and contains 5-7 large residential sites with an average area of 4300m2. Another recently developed subdivision containing rural residential properties is located on the opposite side of Mandeville Road in Truo Close. Several smaller streams and rivers cross the wider surrounding landscape, including the Ohoka Stream, Cust River, Eyre River and Cam River, including their tributaries. These wetlands are supported by numerous open drains and culverts which boarder private internal boundaries. Waterways flow in a south easterly direction and mostly drain into the Kaiapoi River, east of the application site. Geology The soil typologies as indicated by the Kaiapoi geological map, indicate ‘older post, glacial fluviatile gravel, sand and silt deposits’. Investigations carried out by Coffey including excavation of multiple test pits, encountered a geology of shallow silts between 3.1 to 4.8m below ground level, overlying sandy gravel. The inspection of pits indicated silty topsoil across the site to a maximum depth of 0.3m below ground level. The top soil is largely underlain by silty sandy gravel. Tests indicated that the gravels are ‘medium dense to dense’ in the upper 0.6m 5 Resource Consent 468 Mandeville Road, Mandeville North of the soil profile, and thereafter the relative density of the gravel has been inferred as “very dense’ based on visual observation during the excavation of the inspection pits. Groundwater The geotechnical investigations encountered shallow groundwater between 3.9 to 4.8m below ground level, and according to ECan data regional groundwater flows in an east to southeast direction towards the coast. The nearest surface water body to the site is the “Old Bed Eyre River”, approximately 2km south of the site. The site is located in an area of medium soakage. According to the GIS database, there are many groundwater wells in the area, with three known wells located at 450 and 474 Mandeville Road. The well at 474 Mandeville Road is 16.7m deep and is listed on the ECan database as being used for domestic purposes. Flooding The site is predominantly identified as a Low Flood Hazard area in the 200-year flood event (0.5% AEP flood event), which means that flood water may be up to 300mm deep in parts of the site. The proposed rule to set the floor levels of 400mm above the 200-year flood event (0.5% AEP flood event) is appropriate to mitigate the flood risk based on the localised rainfall modelling. Surface Water The nearest surface water to the site is a water race (artificial waterway) located on a neighbouring site fronting McHugh’s Road, located approximately 180m from the application site. The nearest named surface water way is Old Bed Eyre River located approximately 2km south of the application site. Ohoka Stream is located approximately 4km north east of the site. The application site is shown in Photos 1 and 2 below. 6 Resource Consent 468 Mandeville Road, Mandeville North Photo 1 – View of application site located behind the existing dwelling Photo 2 – Application site showing vegetation cover of long grass PLANNING HISTORY The site is located within the Mandeville North Outline Development Plan which was established under Council Plan Change, PC33 on the 14 December 2015. PC 33 rezoned a small parcel of rural land to Business 4, and Residential 4A and 4B. The purpose of the Plan Change was to provide a business area that fulfils a local convenience function of a limited size and manage the potential effects. 7 Resource Consent 468 Mandeville Road, Mandeville North RC 165330 was granted on the 21 December 2016 after a hearing held on the 19 December 2016 to establish a retail centre including a restaurant, pre-school, and vehicle fuelling facility,
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