Thermodynamics as a Substantive and Formal Theory for the Analysis of Economic and Biological Systems The research presented in this thesis was carried out at the Department of Theoretical Life Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands and at the Environment and Energy Section, Instituto Superior T´ecnico, Lisbon, Portugal. VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT THERMODYNAMICS AS A SUBSTANTIVE AND FORMAL THEORY FOR THE ANALYSIS OF ECONOMIC AND BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, op gezag van de rector magnificus prof.dr. L.M. Bouter, in het openbaar te verdedigen ten overstaan van de promotiecommissie van de faculteit der Aard- en Levenswetenschappen op dinsdag 6 februari 2007 om 10.00 uur in de aula van de Instituto Superior T´ecnico Av. Rovisco Pais, n◦1 1049-001 Lisboa door Taniaˆ Alexandra dos Santos Costa e Sousa geboren te Beira, Mozambique promotor: prof.dr. S.A.L.M. Kooijman Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 IsNeoclassicalEconomicsFormallyValid? 9 Published in Ecological Economics 58 (2006): 160-169 2.1 Introduction................................. 10 2.2 IstheFormalismofNeoclassicalEconomicswrong? . ...... 12 2.3 A Unified Formalism for Neoclassical Economics and Equilibrium Ther- modynamics................................. 14 2.4 DiscussingtheFormalism. 19 2.5 Conclusions................................. 21 3 Equilibrium Econophysics 29 Published in Physica A 371 (2006): 492-512 3.1 Introduction................................. 30 3.2 FundamentalEquationandtheEquilibriumState . ...... 31 3.3 DualityFormulation............................. 33 3.4 Reversible, Irreversible and Impossible Processes . .......... 35 3.5 Many-stepProcesses ............................ 36 3.6 LegendreTransforms ............................ 38 3.7 Elasticities.................................. 40 3.8 MaxwellRelations ............................. 43 3.9 StabilityConditions and the Le Chatelier Principle . ......... 45 3.10 EquationsofStateandIntegrability . ..... 47 3.11 FirstOrderPhaseTransitions . ... 48 3.12 Conclusions................................. 54 3.13Appendices ................................. 57 i ii 4 The Thermodynamics of Organisms 65 Published in Physical Review E 74 (2006): 1-15 4.1 Introduction................................. 66 4.2 ThermodynamicSystem .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 67 4.3 ThermodynamicAnalysis. 71 4.4 EmpiricalApplication. 82 4.5 Conclusions................................. 90 4.6 Appendices ................................. 91 5 A Formal Metabolic Theory of Life 99 Submitted 5.1 Introduction................................. 99 5.2 EmpiricalPatterns.............................. 100 5.3 TheoryonMetabolicOrganization . 102 5.4 TheoryonParameterValues . 121 5.5 Conclusions................................. 124 5.6 Appendices ................................. 126 Samenvatting 139 Acknowledgements 141 Chapter 1 Introduction In this dissertation, we use thermodynamic theory to analyse economic and biological sys- tems, according to two methodological approaches. Substantive integration is a method- ological approach that consists of making two different fields compatible, e.g., thermody- namics and biology or thermodynamics and economics, either by reformulating current theories or by building up new theory [6, 14]. For example, theories that explain and describe economic and biological systems must be compatible with thermodynamics be- cause thermodynamic laws impose constraints on mass, energy and entropy flows. A formal analogy is a methodological approach of developing an isomorphism between the mathematical formalisms of different fields [6, 14]. For example, thermodynamics has a solid mathematical formal structure that describes equilibrium, non-equilibrium and self-organized systems that provides a possible common framework to describe thermo- dynamic, biological and economic systems. In this dissertation, we concentrate 1) on the substantive integration between thermo- dynamics and biological systems, 2) on the formal analogy between thermodynamics and economic systems and 3) on the formalization of the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) The- ory - a theory for biological systems as a prelude to a formal analogy between economic and biological systems. In a formal analogy between thermodynamic, biological and economic systems, a mathematical framework is developed that simultaneously describes these systems. For- mal analogies are important because 1) they reduce the number of logical reasonings used in the different fields of knowledge, 2) they provide a similar interpretation for different phenomena and 3) the knowledge that exists in one field is transposed to another con- tributing to new developments. However, formal analogies have to be done with great care identifying whether the conditions that have to be met in the original field of knowledge 1 2 Chapter 1 are also met in the field where the analogy is taken. In this dissertation, an isomorphism is established between equilibrium macroscopic thermodynamics and neoclassical micro- economics using a mathematical framework based on the Gibbs-Tisza-Callen approach to equilibrium thermodynamics [2, 4, 19]. Equilibrium thermodynamics characterizes a macroscopic system that evolves in such a way that some thermodynamic potential is optimized. The existence of this extremum keeps the system stable because, when some fluctuation drives the system away from equilibrium, the optimization behaviour brings it back [12]. Neoclassical microeconomics describes the consumer maximizing his utility or the firm maximizing its profit. We focus on the neoclassical microeconomic description of the consumer’s behavior because it is the standard theory used to describe the behavior of firms and consumers [15, 22]. In a substantive integration, thermodynamic laws are applied to economic and bio- logical processes to obtain the constraints imposed on the relations between inputs, out- puts and the system’s state. Also, new theory compatible with thermodynamics can be developed to describe economic and biological processes. Substantive integrations are important because they contribute to the external coherence between different different domains. In this dissertation, non-equilibrium thermodynamics [5, 8, 12, 16, 18], is used to make a substantive integration with biological systems. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics should be used as a substantive theory because eco- nomic and biological systems are open thermodynamic systems kept out of thermody- namic equilibrium due to mass and energy flows. In this work, we take further the sub- stantive integration between the most general framework of non-equilibrium thermody- namics and an organism described by the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory. DEB theory describes the way organisms acquire and use matter and energy [13] link- ing all levels of organization, from membrane physiology to ecosystem dynamics. We use DEB theory to describe biological systems because 1) it has been successfully tested for many organisms including bacteria, yeasts, unicellular algae, lichens, fishes, nematodes, birds and mammals, 2) it is applicable to all species and 3) it is based on the description of mass and energy flows. In this dissertation, we build an axiomatic formalism to de- scribe metabolism that is fully compatible with DEB theory. This formalization of DEB theory and the steps taken in the substantive integration between non-equilibrium thermo- dynamics and DEB theory facilitate the development of new economic theory compatible with thermodynamics by later establishing an analogy between economic and biological systems. A good example to ilustrate the simultaneous existence of a substantive integration Introduction 3 between the firm and thermodynamics and of a formal analogy between the firm and the organism is the field of industrial metabolism. In this field, there is a substantive integra- tion because economic flows, i.e., the whole integrated collection of physical processes that convert raw materials and energy, plus labour, into finished products and wastes, are described as mass and energy flows [1] and there is a formal analogy because the firm is considered to be the economic analogue of a living organism [1]. Outline of the Dissertation This dissertation comprises four chapters. Chapter 2 explores the formal analogy be- tween microeconomics and equilibrium thermodynamics. Here, we show that neoclassi- cal microeconomics is formally analogous to equilibrium thermodynamics proving that neoclassical economics has irreversibility embedded in it and we obtain a definition of irreversibility in economic behavior. Chapter 3 is an elaboration on chapter 2. Here, the isomorphism between thermody- namics and economics is taken much further including the definition of Legendre trans- forms, Maxwell relations, Le Chatelier Principle and first order phase transitions in eco- nomic systems. The equivalence between variables used in microeconomics and ther- modynamics is established, new results are obtained in both fields and the differences between the two optimization problems are systematized. Chapter 4 addresses the substantive integration between thermodynamics and biology. Here, non-equilibrium thermodynamics is applied to an organism that follows the rules of DEB theory. Results include thermodynamic constraints on the behaviour and on the ther- modynamic properties of aerobic and non-aerobic organisms. DEB’s concept of reserve density is shown to be crucial in discussions concerning entropy production
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