25 September 2018 Selwyn District Council PO Box 90 Rolleston 7643 Dear Sir/Madam Compliance Monitoring Report Selwyn - Waihora Water Management Zone Please find enclosed your compliance monitoring report for the following activity. It is important that you read this report carefully. Consent number: CRC040100.1 Location: Burnham School Road, ROLLESTON Description: To discharge contaminants to air from the treatment of raw sewage and sludges. Overall consent compliance: Complies Reminder(s) If you would like any further information regarding this report please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely Trinity White Resource Management Officer II Monitoring and Compliance Doc No: C18C/133722 Your Customer No: EC118692 File No(s): CO6C/20630-1 Consent No: CRC040100.1 Description of consent Commencement Date To discharge contaminants to air from the 21 Dec 2010 treatment of raw sewage and sludges. Location Expiry Date Burnham School Road, ROLLESTON 15 Dec 2038 Conditions & compliance 1 The discharge shall be only odour and aerosols arising from the treatment of wastewater and associated drying of sludges, the irrigation of treated effluent and the application of Class Aa Biosolids on Lot 1 DP 309881 (Certificate of Title CB 98051), Burnham School Road, Burnham. Compliance Report: Complies The discharge to air consisted only of aerosols associated with the treatment of wastewater, sludge drying and the irrigation of treated effluent. 2 The consent holder shall carry out the discharge to air in accordance with the information supplied as part of the application titled “Resource Consent Application and Assessment of Environmental Effects for Rolleston Wastewater Project June 2003”, and the “Discharge of Odour and Contaminants to Air from the Upgraded Pines Wastewater Treatment Plant” application lodged March 2010, and the design plans submitted, except as otherwise required by conditions of this discharge permit. In the event of any conflict between the information supplied with the applications and consent condition(s), the condition(s) shall prevail. Compliance Report: Not monitored 3 The wastewater treatment and sludge drying operations shall not cause any odour or dust particles that are offensive or objectionable beyond the property boundary of the consent holder. Compliance Report: Complies At the time of my visit, there was no odour beyond the property boundary that would be considered offensive or objectionable. Page 2 of 5 4 All inlet works and screens of the treatment facility receiving wastewater of septage shall be fully enclosed and ventilated to emission control equipment as may be necessary to achieve with Condition (3). Compliance Report: Complies The screen skip is fully enclosed, emissions from the skip are ventilated to the odour scrubber for biological removal. 5 The consent holder shall ensure that: a. Sludges and/or bio-solids produced from the treatment facility are aerobically digested prior to air-drying. b. Anaerobic drying of sludges and/or bio-solids does not occur at the site. Compliance Report: Complies Automatic DO readings are taken from probes housed within the digester to ensure conditions are suitable for aerobic digestion. In addition to this, anual readings are taken Monday, Wednesday and Friday using a portable probe, this information is recorded on a check sheet in the office. The dairy check sheet for the day I visited showed an average DO reading of 2.02mg/l across the four cells. 6 Drying of bio-solids and sludges shall be restricted to air-drying processes only. Compliance Report: Complies Bio-solids and sludges are air dried in a large glass house. Once dry these solids are carted to the West Coast for disposal, according to Daryl the solids were carted twice in the past year, this is likely to occur again in September/November when ground conditions in the receiving location are more conducive to spreading. 7 Records of complaints relating to the sewage treatment and disposal operations shall be maintained, and shall include: a. Location where the odour was detected by the complainant; b. Date and time when the odour was detected; c. A description of the wind speed and wind direction when the odour was detected by the complainant; d. The most likely cause of the odour detected; and Page 3 of 5 e. Any corrective action undertaken by the consent holder to avoid, remedy or mitigate the odour detected by the complainant. Compliance Report: Not operational I was informed SDC had not received any odour complaints since their consent was last monitored. 8 A Management Plan shall be submitted to the Canterbury Regional Council, Attention: RMA Compliance and Enforcement Manager, at least two months prior to the exercise of this consent. The Management Plan shall: a. Set out how the activity authorised by this consent shall be operated to enable compliance with the consent conditions. b. Be maintained at all times and any changes to the Management Plan shall be submitted to the Canterbury Regional Council prior to those changes taking effect. Compliance Report: Unable to determine compliance A Management Plan for Pines II WWTP was prepared in February 2013 by MWH. A copy of this plan is held on file (C13C/43237) at Environment Canterbury. Condition 8(b) requires the Mangement Plan to be maintained at all times, if there have been changes in processes or updates to this plan since the initial plan was provided can you please provide a copy of this update. General comments On Monday the 15th of July a routine site visit was conducted at The Pines WWTP on Burnham School Road. The purpose of this visit was to assess compliance with the conditions of the consents associated the plant. On site I meet with David from SDC as well as Daryl Collins and Chris Salkeld of Sicon. Chris is the Treatment Plant Supervisor. Please feel free to contact me on 027 578 0947 or [email protected] should you wish to discuss this compliance report further. Date Inspected: 26 Jul 2018 Monitored By: Trinity White Signature: Resource Management Officer II Monitoring and Compliance Page 4 of 5 General information Canterbury Regional Council Obligations Under Section 35 of the Resource Management Act 1991, the Canterbury Regional Council has a duty to monitor all resource consent exercised within its region, to make sure all the conditions are being complied with. Monitoring Frequency The frequency with which your consent is monitored will vary according to the type of activity your consent authorises, the conditions imposed and the extent to which you have complied with these conditions on previous visits. If you fully comply with all conditions then frequency will reduce to the minimum set for the activity. Costs It is the Council’s policy to recover all actual and reasonable costs of compliance monitoring of resource consents. Page 5 of 5 12 February 2019 Selwyn District Council PO Box 90 Rolleston 7643 Dear Sir/Madam Compliance Monitoring Report Selwyn - Waihora Water Management Zone Please find enclosed your compliance monitoring report for the following activity. It is important that you read this report carefully. Consent number: CRC101111 Location: Burnham School Road, Main South Road & Brookside Road, ROLLESTON Description: To store contaminants. Overall consent compliance: Complies Thank you for complying with the resource consent conditions that have been monitored. If you continue to fully comply with all conditions then the frequency of monitoring will reduce to the minimum set for the activity. Reminder(s) If you would like any further information regarding this report please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely Trinity White RMO II Monitoring & Compliance Consent No: CRC101111 Description of consent Commencement Date To store contaminants. 21 Dec 2010 Location Expiry Date Burnham School Road, Main South Road 17 Dec 2045 & Brookside Road, ROLLESTON Conditions & compliance 1 The use of land shall only be for the storage of: a. Wastewater. b. Rainfall that has entered the storage facility. c. Stormwater that has infiltrated the sewerage pipeline network. d. Sludges and bio-solids arising from the treatment of wastewater. For the purposes of this consent these shall be collectively referred to as the “contaminants”. Compliance Report: Complies Storage is only used for the contaminants authorised above. 2 The contaminants shall only be stored in treatment facilities and air-drying beds located on Lot 1 DP 309881, Burnham School Road, Burnham at or about NZMS 260 M36:5647- 3177 as show on Plan CRC101111, which forms part of this consent. Compliance Report: Complies Contmaminants are only stored within the treatment facilities and airy drying beds as shown on Plan CRC101111. 3 Design plans for the treatment facility and air-drying beds shall be submitted to the Canterbury Regional Council at least one (1) month prior to the construction of the system. A certificate by a Chartered Professional civil engineer or environmental engineer shall be provided to the Canterbury Regional Council within one (1) month of the construction of any of the treatment and air-dryings beds. This certificate shall certify that the facilities are constructed in accordance with the design plans and conditions of consent. Compliance Report: Complies Design plans have been provided (C17C/24502). MHW has certified facilities have been constructed in accordance with these design plans. As this plant is going through a period of construction/expansion, please ensure plans/certification for any updated infrastructure are also provided upon completion. 4 The air drying beds shall have a maximum area of 2.5 hectares. Compliance Report: Complies The air-drying beds currenly occupy approximately 0.25ha. There are plans to extend this area in the near future. 5 The treatment, storage and air-drying facilities shall not be located within 20 metres of any surface waterbody. Compliance Report: Not monitored 6 Components of the treatment and air-drying facilities shall be constructed of an impervious material and shall be maintained at all times to prevent the leakage of wastewater onto or into the land where it may enter water.
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