?resent "" ~~I Command Headquarters In He will also receive the ail wan Medal, earned during his Semina till! it" () I 1(It/'(l awl tIl(> Peolile vI Iowa Cill, in Vietnam. ) 0 cent. a cop,. Assoelated Prss Leased ~ and Wlrf'OMlO Iowa City. Iowa 5:!2~Wedne_ than 100 cadets will reo at the ceremony. ing officel' for the cere· will be Cadet Col. Harold B4, Des Moines, deputy corps commander. Fasters, Campers Capt. David R. Mason, Lime Springs, will receive top cadet award, the Legion Cross for Achievement. one of 14 awards given an· by the Legion of Valor of Begin Long Vigil ited , States for scholastic lence and leadership. Luckenbill , A4, Glen El· Ill., president of Guidon So­ the Army ROTC women's To Protest Dow will receive a certifi· of appreciation from the By ROY PETTY ture wa belo" freeling. One of thl' camp­ City Veterans Administra· ers cradled a 'mall do in h arms Nearly a doz n antiwar prolE' ~er' be an Hospital for the society's vol· Ilvin!( In tent on the alhlf'lic f~ld SQuill On .. ot the camJ>i'r a< Fred Barn It, work there during the of the Union Tue _day ni"ht to ob rn 213 S. CapLol t., \\ho lurned in hi draft year. a day-and·nifh \'illil unlil Dow Ch mical ('ard to federal official m Cedar Rapids Co., makers 01 napalm, leave. Ihe cam· nn 1\ov. 16 with Ed Hoffm n., University Times Fined pus on Dec 5., 01 Norlhern Iowa Englbh instructor. Bar· Nearly all of the campers have appar· nett i a technician 81 niver ily Has· ently vone wit~out food since fonday pi als, mornln", l.A. Stop Postponed In L.o Angele, meanwhile Dow po t· University officials allowed the tents to JlOlll'<l until nexi Monday further Job r • br ~t un near the l'nion sfll'r an apree­ crUltmt'nt on the campu of th(' l1niv~r· men: wa r ached between the dminis· .;t> 01 California following d mon tra· tra'ion nd le<lders of the Studenls for a lion there and III other univenJtie , the Democrati~ Soci t~ 'SD I, 10 which SOS .\ ocialed Pres reported. proml d '0 aectpt c"r:oin condit inn con· Cfrninll the prote t. :'.Iranwhil • VCLA ~ud n! arr ng d to \ IIle loday in 8 rt'! r~ndtlm to expre Bruce rlnrk. AI, Dl' :\Iolnp, unofficial In ir opinions on the fulur tatw of the II' der of tht' fa 't.aid Tup.sda~· that Ihe rr.mpus job placement cl'nter, "h r e m1jor part of :he a r!'empnt wa 0 prom. rpcruitment inten'lews ha\' be«'n con­ ise that SDS would flot sponsor an ob­ duc~ed. struNlon or any form of d~n erou or iJ· te~at prot .... ' 8!!ain t Dow Chemical" two­ Dow attributed d >Inr of further inter· dlY recruit:n!! efforts .fonda), Ilnd Tue . VIf'WS at VCLA tn cllange of eheriule leaders day. a: o.her chool . not 10 siud nt antiwar Ind iViduals Could Ad II 1I1t'·t . Clark uddl'(\ Ih t th~ pac! did not neCC8- In a r~ll' .lon'tllY, 5511 UCLA tudrnts For Rights sarily mean thaI individual student could d 'mo1str ted all i I ueh r mpus pro· nn ' or'onizf" a hlockncte 0' Ihc recrul'in" 1",ls '" hll 1I1'l1e<1 lit now Chemica\. 01 fighting controls on stu· arpa, II wa donI' for the Nov. t demon· Th r ad"'ini trn' on's p" ItiOI1 ha. he en rights of expresSIOn, reli· ~tration al1ain_t .Iarine Corp recruiter. t~a' th ' job r( erul'm n: program VI. 5 the press and college pa. Hp said the UniverSity alministralors ll'qUl' ·ted by the ·tudent body. stipulated only SO since that wa the HIS METHOD OF PROTEST - PaUlr-l-by at the Union Wlrtty ey. Dnld Grant, O. body officlally a kin for permluion to courts," he added, "are $t, Loul., who .p.... red d.tliOd II H.th Tuesday. H•• lld It wa. hi. way of pro­ TENTING TONIGHTI - Preparlnll to .It out I nlne.day fut, the .. Intlwlr demon· camp oul. a receptive posiLion" to Th s ttin" up of the tents wa. delayed ttltlng Itte .chacluled presence on campu. of ...:rult... for Dow Chemicil Co. such suits. stratora, who declined to identify themaelves, warm their hands .t • lantern In.lde Greeks Disagree; - Photo by Jon JlcoblOn until after 5 p.m. beesu e SOS had Should Have Privacy a tint pitched at thl Girls Athletic FI.ld lOuth of the Union , M.mbara of Studtntt aMreed to wail until Ihe Highlanders had said students should be for a Democratic Society Irlct.d two t.nt. Tu ..... y nlllht I' part 01 a camp·ln to com pi t d po Ing for pi tures on th field tted to live off campus if prot.st the planned appearance here of recrult.r. for Dow Chemicil Co, The Highlander did not show up. but Mediators Seek wanted to and that their - Photo by Jon Jlcobaon the fa ters waited until nightfall before to privacy shouldn't be viI)­ pilching two tent composed of nylon par· Reclassified Protester by house mothers or col· a('hutc draped over pyramid of wood· officials inspecting the i r en beams. much like IndlDn tepees. Peace Solutions By 9 p.m. the faster~ hod moved into emphasized tha t female the tent and were circled around hot ATHEN '''' - An urgent Gr!'ek Cabinet Questions Board Action don 't receive e qua I U charcoal braziers because th(' tempera· m ling on the Cypnl crisl. failed Tu s· Senate Urges I rlay night to prodllce allr eml'nl to 1'Ilrk­ of laws because they By SALLY HOLM before hiJ reda. mcatlon to bnmedlat. discriminated against by be· i. ~ d mand • W('~tern alliance mediators A University stud nt rcclas ilicd I·A by draft eligHlillty, 5l id hI' we three credit subjected to restrictive dor· ilJ1medilltely ecidpll to make n('w vi. its his draft board earlier this month laid hour short of academic landing a. a hours. Facu Ity Cou neil, to Ankara. Turkey, and \0 Cyprus to deal Tuesday that he belleved hi participation ('nior, although lhis '1'0. hi fourth year decisions tend \0 a(­ with poinl of difference. in the ov I demonstrations against Mo· • a t: niv n;ify sluMnt can aflect the practices Not To Punish For!1iRfI 1JnI,t~r Pan3yioli' Piplnells rine r crult rs at the University might St''''dive S rvier T('g\llation~ Rlale that colleges . and women Bowen Discuss emerged from the Ath n talk on Turk· have mflucnccd hi rerla Ification. an insufficient number of credit hour. il have to be given the same Ifs demand and Mid , "Theft' has bt!@n Karl D. GI ave, AS, luscaline, said hI' ollcn a major factor in drl rmlning stu· as male students if they dent rtela ifiratlons. nu approval yet." helleved his reda. ifitlltion on No\· . l~lh their demands to courl," Dorm Problems Thi, came aflt1" a lonll da} and nillht wns a "very weird coin~idcnce." He !>Ir . Milton A. "('Fadden. fuseatine said. r.1 con ultatJons from which the gnvern· added, however. that hp doubh'll the draft droft hoard clerk, SIlid Tue~ay that hl' conference was planned By MARY CLARK War Protesters ment arlit'r had promist'd a d cl ion board would admit any diffCN!nt1al trent· 1"8. ""lIrt' the lark of credits was the NSA Congress this sum· The Faculty Council met with PreSident on way or the nther, as a spokesman m nt of !<tudent Involved in the protest. reason for the stud nt's (Gll'avcs') reo and was designed , according By BETSY BeCKER 10 resolution which Scott accepted. Howard R, Bowen special ses ion TuCl!' pu it. for pear or po. sible war. c1as~iflcation . " The Student Senate reaflirmcd Tuesday The senate accepted Pelton's recom· day to discu s the University" hOll,ing fembers of th student's draft board NSA Pres. Edward Schwarlz, 'I' The forl'ign mini~ler told n ew~me n. provide a time and a place night an earlier resolution recommending mcndations that Campus Security police ~itualion The mCftin g, which was called in Mil eatine Tuesday denied Gleaves' as· EmphasizIOg thath!'"a not a . pokes. " ~o .~rccml·nt ha bren reached wit h those who wish to di scuss and that the University take no acllon against nol be permanently deputized and that lly Bow!'n , wa clo d to th pre , sumptlon. man for the hoard, Mrs . McFadden said th,' Turk ." He aid he . aw the siluatlon that to her knowlc:dge "no prejudice or n concerted, nationally co­ the 86 students arrested in the Nov. 1 they not carry side arms. They rejected The Daily Iowan received information Gleaves WQ5 not one of 107 protesters ;-, "dpllcate and dan~erous" I p. rllnlily" would be .. hown any University action." antiwar demonsiration directed against hi· recommendation that the campus po- after the meeLing from Clar nce Andrews, arr led Nov. I on disturbing the peace Wh n asked if he thoulht war with Turk· student from Muscatine Invotved in the Marine Corps recruiters at the Union. licl' be deputized in " time of crisis or associate profes. or of English and ~('cre· charges. He was. hOWE-vcr. singled out as Workshop Sessions Held 'II I'Y was possible, PipiDl'lis apPE'9red demon.
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