GÖTEBORG INTERNATIONAL ORGAN ACADEMY 13–15 sEPTEMBER 2012 The North German Chorale Fantasias and Georg Böhm’s Organ Works 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS VÄLKOMMEN! WELCOME! Informationcover inside 2 Göteborg har utvecklats från en hamn- och in- At the beginning of the twenty-first century, Welcome 3 dustristad till ett regionalt centrum för näringsliv, Göteborg has undergone a metamorphosis from its Göteborg International Organ Academy 2012 4 utbildning, forskning och kultur. Göteborgs Sym- historical position as a harbor city and an industrial The Göteborg International Organ Academy 5 foniker är, sen ett antal år, Sveriges nationalorkes- center into a regional center for business, educa- Academy programme 2012 6-7 ter, vid älven står vårt vackra operahus, på många tion, research and culture. For some years, the Concert programmes and Vespers 8-12 scener i staden pågår intensiva teateraktiviteter, Göteborg Symphony Orchestra has also been the Master-classes 13 Göteborgs Filmfestival och bokmässan är händelser National Orchestra of Sweden. The beautiful Göte- GOArt library and instruments on display 13 av internationell betydelse och högskolevärlden borg Opera stands on the banks of the Göta River. Biographies 13-19 kan inte bara uppvisa forskningsfält av internatio- The city’s many stages support an active theater Organ specifications 19-22 nell betydelse utan ger också betydande bidrag till scene. The annual Film Festival and Book Fair are Artisten, Bjurum organ 19 kulturlivet i form av konst, formgivning, musik, international events, and Göteborg’s universities Artisten, Gustavsson & Kjersgaard organ 20 teater, internationella vetenskapsfestivalen, osv. not only support research of international signifi- Haga Church, Brombaugh organ 20-21 cance, but also make important contributions to Örgryte New Church, Willis organ 21-22 Kulturlivet bygger också broar till andra delar the city’s cultural life, in the areas of art, music, Concerts and Vespers 23 av Europa. En betydande del spelar orgel- och theater, and design, and with the International kyrkomusiken, som i Göteborg bygger på såväl Science Festival. traditioner som banbrytande förnyelse. Inom orgelkulturens område kan nämnas både en rad Göteborg’s cultural activities also build bridges to tidstypiska instrument och ett unikt nyskapande av other parts of Europe, and organ and church music orglar utifrån kvalificerad historisk forskning. Ett are a significant part of this outreach. Organ and nära samband mellan historiskt arv, samtida forsk- church music in Göteborg build on firm traditions ning och ett nyskapande utgör ett kännemärke för as well as pioneering new endeavors. The city’s or- dagens göteborgska orgelkultur och har giltighet gan culture includes, for example, the preservation långt utanför kulturområdet. of historical instruments, but also unique support for creating new instruments based on innovative Ett göteborgskt kultur- och orgellandskap med research into historical materials and techniques. europeiska influenser – kanske är det ett fram- The intimate relationship between historical tidstecken: orgeln som symbol för en europeisk heritage, contemporary research and creativity is integration som för att lyckas framför allt måste ha the particular hallmark of Göteborg’s organ scene, sin grund i kulturell och mellanmänsklig jord. and one with the potential to reach far beyond the boundaries of local cultural life. INFORMATION Lena Malm Biljetter säljs vid entrén en timme före kvällskonser- Tickets for the evening concerts are not for sale in Stadsfullmäktiges ordförande Perhaps Göteborg’s cultural life and its organ land- terna, inget förköp; 120 kr / 80 kr. advance. Tickets will be available at the venue from one scape, with its influences from and upon the rest of hour before the concert. Prices: SEK 120 / SEK 80. Europe, may show us something of the future: the organ as a symbol of European integration, which, Fritt inträde till lunchkonserterna. Free admission to all lunch concerts. in order to thrive, must be rooted above all in the Privata inspelningar av konserter är ej tillåtna. Private recordings of the concerts are prohibited. soil of culture and of our shared humanity. Mötesbyrån (Artisten, Högskolan för scen och musik; Information office (at Artisten, Academy of Music Lena Malm tel 031–786 52 11) är öppen: and Drama; tel +46–(0)31–786 52 11) opening hours: Mayor Torsdag 13 sept: 9.00–13.00 Thursday 13 Sept: 9.00–13.00 Fredag 14 sept: 8.15–9.00 (Örgryte nya kyrka) Friday 14 Sept: 8.15–9.00 (Örgryte New Church) Lördag 15 sept: 8.15–9.00 (Örgryte nya kyrka) Saturday 15 Sept: 8.15–9.00 (Örgryte New Church) Med reservation för ändringar! Subject to modifications! 2 3 GÖTEBORG INTERNATIONAL THE GÖTEBORG INTERNATIONAL ORGAN ACADEMY 2012 ORGAN ACADEMY 13–15 SEPTEMBER 2012: The North German Chorale Fantasias The Göteborg International Organ Academy is a professional development to church musicians and and Georg Böhm’s Organ Works in Meantone festival organized by the Göteborg International organists, both nationally and internationally. Organ Academy Association in cooperation with Organized by the Göteborg Organ Art Center (GOArt) and the Highlights from previous Academies: The Göteborg International Organ Academy Association in cooperation with the University of Academy of Music and Drama at the University of • In 1994 we celebrated the installation of the Gothenburg (the Academy of Music and Drama and the Göteborg Organ Art Center) Gothenburg, and supported by the City of Göte- first John Brombaugh organ in Europe, the borg. The Academy was created in 1994 to provide meantone Baroque organ installed in Haga Main sponsor a meeting-place where everyone interested in the Church in 1992. City of Göteborg art of the organ could gather to share and collect • In 1996 the 1871 Willis organ, recently restored new knowledge, to find artistic inspiration and to by Tostared’s, as well as the 1783 Schiörlin Organized in collaboration with enjoy great performances on the many instruments organ in Jonsered (partial restoration by Herwin The Friends of the Organ Art, Haga Parish, Örgryte Parish in Göteborg. The Organ Academy is unique in Troje, 1991) were featured. bringing together students, teachers, instrument • In 1998 we celebrated the installation of the new Special thanks to builders, scholars, performers and friends of organ French symphonic organ built by Verschueren for Gunilla Fridolin, Frederick K. Gable and Dan Offerlind art in order to offer them an international forum the Academy of Music and Drama. We also for dialogue and discussion in an inspiring and visited the 1854 Marcussen organ, recently The Göteborg International Organ Academy Association exciting Scandinavian environment. restored by Karl Nelson, in the Synagogue. Viktor Rydbergsgatan 24, 412 56 Göteborg; tel +46–(0)31–786 52 11, fax +46–(0)31–786 52 00, • In 2000 we celebrated the international inau- e-mail: [email protected], web: <www.organacademy.se> The Academy builds on the interdisciplinary guration of the research organ built by GOArt research that has been carried out within GOArt’s in Örgryte New Church to explore the world Board: Håkan Dahl, chairman; Alf Åslund, secretary; Vivi-Ann Nilsson, treasurer; Rickard Gillblad various research and instrument-building projects of the great seventeenth-century organ builder and Bengt Nilsson, members since 1995, and provides a programme that Arp Schnitger. integrates current research at GOArt with the • In 2002 we celebrated the renovation carried Artistic Director in Residence: Hans Davidsson Academy of Music and Drama at the University of out by Grönlunds of the 1909 Eskil Lundén Gothenburg. organ in Vasa Church. Project Leader: Paul Peeters; Assistants: Ulla Ericson and Alf Åslund; Webmaster: Erik Bernskiöld • In 2004 our focus was on the restoration The Academy has a varied collection of organs and carried out by Åkerman & Lund of the Design: Jocke Wester related keyboard instruments at its disposal, in 1861 Marcussen organ in Haga Church. Layout: Tobias Egle which the four-manual North German Baroque • In 2006 the Marcussen/Magnusson organ, Editor: Paul Peeters organ in meantone temperament, built by GOArt newly renovated by Tostared’s in the German English language editor: Robin Blanton within an interdisciplinary organ research pro- Church, was featured. Cover pictures: gramme, takes pride of place. A number of other • In 2007 the so-called Bjurum organ, built by Printed by fine instruments has been added to Göteborg’s Nicolaus Manderscheidt in 1650 (and restored organ landscape during the Academy’s history. by Mads Kjersgaard in 1972–76), was featured. • In 2009 the newly-built choir organ by Since 1 July 2011, GOArt has officially been Tostared’s in the Cathedral was featured. integrated with the Academy of Music and Drama. • In 2011 we celebrated the Walker organ restored This integration supports increased collaboration by Tostared’s and installed in 2010 in Christ the in both education and research. The first concrete King Catholic Church, as well as the 1871 example of this new collaboration is the Master’s Willis organ in Örgryte New Church. Programme in organ and related keyboard instru- ments that started in the autumn of 2011. The In 2012 we revisit John Brombaugh’s organ in Organ Academy has also expanded its role, it has Haga and GOArt’s research organ in Örgryte New become an annual event within the academic year Church, exploring two themes: North German and continues to offer in-service courses for Chorale Fantasias
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