N D A A Ba C K O N S C H E D ULE 8 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 0 9 WFL WANDERLUST FOR LESS page 16 4 Health Care Reform 11 Essay Contest Winners 28 Candidates for National Office MESOTHELIOMA You don’t have to ght this alone. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with, or died from asbestos related lung cancer or mesothelioma, we may be able to help you get monetary compensation from the asbestos companies. With over 65 years of collective experience in asbestos litigation, the professionals at Bergman Draper & Frockt welcome the chance to provide you with the highest quality representation and the individual attention you deserve. Call for information and a free consultation. The Northwest’s Leading Asbestos Litigation Firm 614 First Avenue 3rd Floor We accept cases Seattle, WA 98104 throughout the 206.957.9510 United States and 888.647.6007 Toll Free www.bergmanlegal.com Canada September 2009 Volume 88 Number 9 1 Featured 16 FRA TOD A Y SEPTEMBER 2009 16 WANDERLUST FOR LESS Many service members joined the military to see the world. For some, that sense of wanderlust isn’t limited to military assignments. Learn how current and former members of the military can enjoy substantial savings on a variety of travel options. Departments 2 COMMUNIcatIONS 4 NED PERSPEctIVE 2 Health Care Reform 6 SHIPMATE FORUM 8 ON & OFF CAPITOL HILL 26 NEWS frOM thE BraNchES 29 28 CANDIDatES FOR FRA NatIONAL OffICE 29 MEMBERSHIP MATTERS Youth Activities 30 TapS 32 LOOKING FOR… / REUNIONS 36 LA FRA NEWS LOYALTY, PROTEctION AND SERVICE FRA IS A CONGRESSIONALLY chartERED, NON-PROFIT ORGANIZatION ON thE COVER ADVOcatING FOR CURRENT AND FORMER ENLISTED MEMBERS OF THE Travel opportunities don’t have to be limited to U.S. NAVY, MARINE CORPS AND COAST GUARD ON CAPITOL HILL. FOR Uncle Sam’s orders. Current and former service MORE INFORMatION ON THE BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP, PLEASE VISIT members can also enjoy leisure travel, often at WWW.FRA.ORG OR CALL 800-FRA-1924. substantial discounts. COMMUNIcatIONS 2 NATIONAL OFFICERS/BOARD OF DIRECTORS National President Donald Mucheck, L. Mendel Rivers Branch 50 National Vice President Gary C. Blackburn, Vallejo Branch 8 National Executive Joseph L. Barnes, Navy Department Branch 181 Communicate Your Finance Officer Paul Rigby Lawrence J. Boudreaux, Hangtown Branch 275 Junior PNP SEPTEMBER 2009 Eileen Murphy Y Service Background A EVERY SHIPMATE FeeLS AN affinity for his military specialty, and REGIONAL PRESIDENTS FRA TOD Shipmate Bob Rutherford of Madison, Wisc., Branch 376 is no excep- New England Paul F. Loveless, Jr., Pinetree Branch 156 tion. He combined his desire to highlight the FRA with his background Northeast James E. Brown, Staten Island Branch 226 as a retired Navy Counselor (NC) to create a golden outreach opportu- East Coast Ray E. Santee, Virginia Beach Branch 166 nity when he attended the Navy Counselors Association (NCA) 2009 Southeast John E. Sutton, Mayport Branch 290 Symposium in Schaumburg, Ill. North Central Robert A. Melson, USS Indianapolis Memorial In addition to hosting an FRA information table, Rutherford Branch 130 mingled with the 800 symposium attendees, meeting many who were South Central Donald Larson, Corpus Christi Branch 94 Southwest Charles F. Tompkins, James Hunter Branch 47 already FRA shipmates and many others who were prospective mem- West Coast Nathan “Joe” Nash, Silver Dollar Branch 192 bers. Another highlight for Rutherford was meeting Master Chief Petty Northwest Donald L. Bordwell, Dungeness Branch 174 Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Rick West, who was a keynote speaker Nat’l Parliamentarian PNP Robert G. Beese, Orange County Branch 175 at the event. “MCPON West is a dynamic speaker and it was a privilege Nat’l Chaplain Tom Whitaker, B. Duke Woody Branch 147 to meet him. I was honored to have him sign my Bluejacket Manual,” explained Rutherford, whose personal copy now contains signatures ACTIVE DUTY ADVISORY COUNCIL from the first MCPON Del Black, as well as six subsequent MCPONs. Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Rick West As one of the first 500 Sailors to be assigned as a Navy Counselor Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Carlton Kent in 1973, Rutherford is a plank owner for the NC rating — a distinction Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard Charles Bowen that garnered him star treatment at the symposium. “They rolled the red carpet out for me. The NCA invited me to be their guest at the hotel RESERVE ADVISORY COUNCIL and at the banquet, and they recognized me as a plank owner during Force Master Chief of the Naval Reserve Ronney A. Wright one of their business sessions,” says Rutherford. “And they honored me USMC Reserve Force Sergeant Major Kim E. Davis with an NCA Life Membership at the banquet.” Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard Reserve Force Rutherford’s attendance at the NCA Symposium created a win-win Jeffrey Smith situation. Fleet Counselor NCCM Kevin Sullivan explained, “It was a pleasure to meet and work with ‘FRA Bob’ at the symposium. His FRA TODAY MAGAZINE positive attitude and caring personality go a long way in inviting future Publisher FRA FRA members.” Managing Editor Eileen Murphy “It was great to connect with Sailors who share my military back- Contributing Editor Lauren Armstrong ground and provide a historical perspective for those who came after Design and Art Direction me in the Navy Counselor arena,” said Shipmate Rutherford. “But the FIREBRAND, Alexandria, VA www.firebrandstudios.com big plus was being Design Director Scott Rodgerson able to promote Production Manager Sandy Jones FRA and share all the great things FRA TODAY (ISSN 0028-1409) IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY FRA, 125 N. WEST ST., we do for current AleXandria, VA 22314-2754. A member’S SUbscriptiON is COvered BY THE member’S annUal DUes. PeriOdicals POstage paid at AleXandria, VA and additiOnal and former Navy OFFICES. PUblicatiON OF NON-SPONSORED advertising IN FRA TODAY DOES NOT Counselors.” CONSTITUTE AN ENDORSEMENT BY THE FRA OR ITS representatives. POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: MEMBER SERVICES, FRA, 125 N. WEST ST., ALEXANDRIA, Visit www. VA 22314-2754. FRA TODAY IS PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF ALL CURRENT AND FORMER ENLISTED PERSONNEL OF THE U.S. NavY, MARINE CORPS, AND COAST GUARD. fra.org/history to ELIGIBLE NON-MEMBERS ARE NOT ENTITLED TO SUBSCRIPTION rates. EstablisHED share your ideas 1 NOVEMBER 1923. TITLE REGISTERED WITH U.S. Patent OFFICE. for promoting the FRA Administrative HEADQUarters: 125 N. WEST ST., ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314-2754 PHOne: 703-683-1400, 800-FRA-1924 • FAX: 703-549-6610 • E-Mail: [email protected] FRA in your mili- www . fra .O rg tary community. Shipmate Rutherford, MCPON West (holding Rutherford’s VOLUme 88 NUmber 9 Blue Jacket Manual) and RPNC Melson at the NC Symposium. Eileen Murphy is the Director of Marketing and Communications and serves as the Managing Editor of FRA Today. Please contact her at [email protected]. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ 5 1 1 3 3 5 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 4 4 4 4 ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ 1 1 3 3 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 13 10 ⁄8 10 ⁄8 13 3 10 ⁄16 10 ⁄16 3 10 ⁄4 10 ⁄4 1 1 10 ⁄2 10 ⁄2 The U.S.M.C. Free Diamond Woman’s Ring Personalization Personalized to Show Your Love Celebrate your pride in the USMC... Your ring comes in our signature jewelers’ presentation and your enduring love for one another! box with a Certificate of Authenticity. RING SIZER To find your correct ring Semper Fidelis: “Always Faithful.” The stirring size, use the guide at right. United States Marine Corps motto takes on deeper Place one of your own rings on the chart, and match a meaning for the couple whose love is celebrated circle with the inside of your ring (a simple band works 5 6 with this exclusive ring. The Semper Fidelis best). Whole sizes 5-10 only 7 8 9 10 Personalized Diamond Woman’s Ring is a unique are available. If your own ring is a half size, order the way to express your commitment to the highest next larger size. Neither the United States Marine Corps nor any other component of the level of military service as well as to each other. Department of Defense has approved, endorsed, or authorized this product. Personalized for you and RESERVATION APPLICATION NOT available in stores! LIMITED-TIME OFFER THE BRADFORD EXCHANGE _______________________________________ Reservations will be accepted on a 9345 Milwaukee Avenue · Niles, IL 60714-1393 The Semper Fidelis Personalized Diamond fi rst-come-fi rst-served basis. ❒YES! Woman’s Ring is solid sterling silver richly plated Respond as soon as possible to reserve Please reserve the Semper Fidelis Personalized Diamond your “Semper Fidelis Personalized Woman’s Ring for me as described in this announcement. with 24K gold. At the center is the USMC emblem, Woman’s Ring.” Choose the names to be engraved on each side in silver with gold accents. The names of a loving of the ring (max. 8 letters per name): 1 couple can be engraved on opposite sides of the My ring size is ring. Semper Fidelis is engraved on the inside, and (see RING SIZER in ad). 2 a sparkling diamond accents the sculpted anchor. The Semper Fidelis Personalized Diamond Signature Women’s Ring is just $99*, payable in 4 payments Charms shown actual size Mrs. Mr. Ms. Name (Please Print Clearly) of $24.75. Satisfaction is guaranteed, or return your *Plus $8.99 shipping and service.
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