' '• ' 'V'' Average Daily Circulation For the Meath at Jaly, 1941 The Weather Forecast of U. 8. Weather Bareaa 6,784 Metaher of the aTmUI Fair, not ao cod tonight; Friday ^ fair and warmer; light varlaltle Bnrean of Clrcnlatibaa winda tonight, aoatherly Friday. Manchentcr^A City of Village Charm .(ClaasiSed AdyertMing On Pag# !•) VOL. LX„ NO, 275 MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, AUGl^ST 21, 1941 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Trying to Halt Detroit City Hall Picketed in Transit Strike Roosevelt // 14-Day Strike Nazis Capture Three Meeting Principles At Shipyards! Difficult to Fight Roosevelt Holds Confer-1 Key Cities in Drive; ence with Company’s i President and Former! Steel Board Chairman. I Taxing Leningrad Menace Clear lit Opposition Full Amount By The Associated Press : Would itomatically In an eleventh-hour attempt to i Marshal Voro.shilov halt the 14-day strike at the Novgorod, Kingiseppj Willhigness to f^IIs Upon IVopIp lo Opening New Admit Of Incomes Kearny, N. J., Federal Shipbuild­ And Nava Fall in Push! Reach Com|h^>mise. ing and Drydock plant, President Rise in Arms and De­ \Uithin 7.3 Miles orj _ , Roosevelt conferred today with L. Front Being Recommendation to ” • Romdorff, company president. fend City to Death; .4il- , I-ess of Soviet Russia’s! Washington, Aug. 1*7. V- I >1 “d** Myron C. Taylor, former board —President Roosevelt, Wipe Uut L o r n p lp f e iy I chairman of The United States mits ‘Dread Danger’ Urged A gain second City^ Lenin*J porting to Congress on his But Expresses Confi­ All Exemption, /.«W! ..'ESS ----- ; Kherson at thel epochal meeting at sea with dence Defenses Will (ore Senme Strategists ^ Raise Anew Mouth of Dnieper Riv­ Prime Minister Churchill, to confer with Secretary of Hold Against .Attack. er Reported Captured. said today the declaration of tiovy Cries for British In­ principles agreed upon there Washington, Aug. 21- ^ . Knox. Sidney Hillman, associate _ i director of OPM, and William H. -Moscow, Aug, 21 — vasion as Only Way were so clear cut that they recommendatl. , . that t-ongreaa ] oavla, chairman of the Defense Bulletin! would be difficult to oppose wipe out completely all Ux ex- ! Mediation Board. Leningrad wa.s proclaimed | To Defeat Germany. \ New York, Aug. 21.—(/P).— “without automatically ad­ emptions on peraom^l incomes was White House officials aaid there i under “direct threat of at- ■ A Stockholm radio report: mitting a willingness to ac­ laid before the Senate Finance was a poaBiblllty that Taylor and ' tack, ‘ bv th^ Red Armv i Lfjndon,_ Auz. 21.—(4',_ -Unoffi- Korndorff would return to the picked up in New York to&y. Committee today by Whiter A. M. I northwest command today as I ciai Engn'ah.Vohah and Nor^egiM cept compromise” with Nazi- Cooper, chairman of the Taxation White Houae, but that this would Mid German troops advane-' ism. depend on what developed at their Marshal KlemeAti Voroshilov atrategtata raised anew today Committee of The American In­ ing via Gatschina on the These principles, the president stitute of Accountants. meeting with Knox, Hillman' and called on the people to rise in their cries for a British inva.ilon Houth were barely 20 kilome­ added In a brief special message, Present exemptions are $2,oe() Davia. arms and defend their citv to of the continent the only way to also would be hard to oppose with­ for married persons and $800 for'^, Develo(lmeiit Expected Soon the death, ^ fe a t Germany. ters (12.5 mile.s) from Lenin*:; out admitting a willingness to single individuala. The Treasury \TTjere were Indlcationa, mean- Voroshilov, ( British military leaders were grad, second city of Soviet' "agree to a world peace which knowledged oread d anger , called upon for all-out war against has recommended a reduction to wmje, that a development might Russia. The broadcast quotedT would give to Nazlism Aomlnation $1,500 and $750, respectively. be ekpected soon In the city-wide to the city but expressed con- ) Nazis. Current R. A. F. bomb- over large numbera of conquered In a prepared statement. Coop­ transpiration strike tie-up in De­ fldence’ that its defenses i *"** Cfermany and occupied ter- the Berlin corre.spondent ef natlona." ritoriea were deemed insufficient the Stockholm newspaper Af- er, a resident of White Plalna. N. troit. Shortly before resumption of would hold, declaring Rus- Would Be Gift to Nazlism y., also urged that normal income conference^r'^cd at settlement of by these sources. tonbladet. who said this was the union jurjadlctlonal dispute sia'.s second city and Czarist Frank Owen, editor of minister ''Inevitably," Mr. Roosevelt as­ the strongest of three main serted, "suci. a peace would be a (Contlnaed On Page Two) 1 there. Thomas J. Donahue, Michi­ Members of the CIO State.,County and Municipal Worker.*: union which capital “never was and never gan Labor Mediation Board chair­ (Contliiued On Page '•Yro) thrusts at Leningrad. Gats­ gift to Nazlism to take breath— diaputea AFL claims to represent the Department of Street Railway will be in the hands of the china is about 22 miles south armed breath—for a second war to man, declared: 'Thefe are atgns of Employes, pickets the .streeU around the Detroit City hall and the hotel enemy.” extend the control over Europe and a break.” • jwhere the mayor and AFL leaders conferred. They demanded to be of Leningrad. Mayor Edward J. Jeffries of De­ The population waa exhorted to Asia to the American hemisphere Maloney Urges permitted to put the idle coaches in operation. train new-detachments of workers Itself." troit called for further confer- , Most Raiders ences today with leaders of ■ the 1 for the people's Army to support Berlin, Aug. 2.1.—(FPy— of Mr. Roosevelt Bald it was per­ I the regular Army. two transit unions In an effort to Three key cities in the mmia haps unnecessary to "call attention Gas Shortage restore service on municipally op- , Leningrad has about 25 per cent Leningrad defense ring— once more to the utter lack of I of the Soviet working class. It In One Night, erated atreet car' and bus lines heavily defended Novgorod, validity of the spoken or written used by hundreds of thousands of Manufacturers Ponder I was defended successfully by Jos­ word of the Nax| government." Claims Probe defense workers and office em- I eph Stalin In 1919 w-hen it was Kingisepp and Narva—hava He added that It also was un­ ployea. I threatened during the civil war. British Aver been captured in a German necessary to point out that the Negotiations which ended abort- ' ! FlgbUng Rages Through Night drive which is within 75 declaration included necessity "the National Defense Work Wants G>ngresa to Inves­ ly after midnight apparently were The ouviciSoviet uuuriDBuoDInformation Bureau n r . __*» i. * o milea or leM of Soviak Rua- world need for freedom of religion tigate Whether East unproductive and the situation , said fighting had raged through Hombers Are Sent snd freedom of Information." seemed deadlocked then. Heads of Smaller Fac­ the night In the Novgorod region, Over Germany Than sia’s second city, the Nazi He said: "no society of the world Actually Facing Dimin- S}-mpathy Strikes Poosibie about 100 miles south of Lenin- | high command announced to­ organized under the announced Spokesmen for the Amalgamat- j tories in State Gather Anti-Yankee grad, as well, as In the Gomel sec- > Nazis Pul Over Britain day. principles could survive without ishcfl Supply of Fuel. ed Aaaociatlon of Street Railway ' At HartCord on Proh- tor on the center of the eastern The war bulletin from Adolf these freedoms which sre a part and Motor Coach Operators (AFL) j front and around Odessa In the 1 In Heaviest Assaults. Hitler's headquarters, repeating of the whole freedom for which we which called the strike spoke of | DriyeCrows aoutb. strive." ~ --—— Bulletin! the poaslblUty of aympathy strike# | Igm oi ^ying 'Effort. It reported no change in the j loot- onnomooflMH^ Washington, Aug. t l _ London, Aug. 21.—OPy—Britiah of tha partial destruction of 26 The president reported the mili­ by union members in other city de­ aitiiation but the Bed Army news- | air raids during the last eight Red Army divisions In the Ukraine tary and Naval conversations at Ratph K. Davlea, acting pe- partments. Hartford, Aug. 21.—(/P>-^ In Jap China paper. Red Star, said Russian I weeks of hea\-y attack have claimed also the capture of Kbar- the North Atlantic conference trolenm coordinator, declared The AFL organlzstiorv demands Connecticut manufacturers, forces pressing their counter-at­ Mon. at the mouth of the Dnieper "made clear gains'* in furthering today that "whoUy and com­ the right to act as sole bargain­ tack in the central sector had re- placed far more R. A. F. bombers pletely false" figure* Intended big and little, sat down at 59 river. the eXTeqtiveness of lend-lease aid ing agent for employes of the De­ CaQipaign Purported tp capturejl several towns yesterday. I over Germany in a single night Thus the German pressure was to countries east and west. to show that Britain has aa partment of Street Railways. A conference tables on the floor, seizing 19 field guns, many infan- I ample oil tanker fleet were trj arms, 1,500 shells and much [ than the Germans put over Britain suddenly and sharply Intensified at He and tba prime minUrter, Mr. CIO union, the state, county and of the State Armory today Be Inspired, Directed nightly in the. heaviest assaults of the northern end of the long east­ being drculated (n this coun­ municipal workers of America, other equipment.
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