October 20, 2017 Volume 49/Issue 3 Burroughs High School, Ridgecrest, CA 93555 BHS Cheerleaders and ASB plan spirited HOCO week by Kylie Griffith Powderpuff and especially building cheerleader. tions are important, improvements our cheerleaders believe that the Although for most Burroughs our Homecoming floats. I would Homecoming traditions are year to year are necessary to keep school spirit and excitement make students Homecoming week is pure say we spend about 30-plus hours always part of this exciting week. those traditions. it all worth it. fun and games, for our cheerleaders planning the activities for Home- “There are so many traditions Enyssa Armendariz stated, “This “It’s fun to see people joining and ASB it is a time for hard work coming,” Saralynn estimated. that go on for Homecoming, includ- year, we are changing the decora- in and cheering with you,” said and preparation. Unlike other danc- What’s the biggest demand on ing decorating the whole campus tions for the school by eliminating Schnuderl. es throughout the year, Homecom- their time? “Floatbuilding, defi- and field, garage door posters for the use of balloons because they “Homecoming is what everyone ing is run by the cheerleaders, not nitely,” said ASB Historian Malia our senior boys, and recognizing have caused a big mess in previ- looks forward to and the cheerlead- ASB. These girls work very hard Camacho. This year’s float theme all of the football players!” said ous years.” ers love to help prepare for it!” to make sure that Homecoming is is California landmarks. The fresh- Varsity Cheerleader Taylor Dugan. Despite all of the work and said Blanton. For more on the memorable and fun for everyone. man float features the Santa Monica Even though Homecoming tradi- planning that goes into this week, Homecoming activities, see Page 4. “During Homecoming week, the Pier, Sophomores are celebrating cheerleaders are constantly busy Disneyland, Juniors showcase San with practicing our routines till Francisco, and the Seniors head they are flawless, painting football to Hollywood. The floats were posters, baking, and creating ideas finalized Thursday evening and on for the Homecoming dance and display Friday at the beginning of rally,” said Varsity Cheerleader school before heading down to the Jocelyn Blanton. field for the coronation. “It’s a lot of planning and paint- Our ASB athletes also contribute ing for me, and we all work hard to preparing for this week, working so everyone has a great time,” around practices and games. said Varsity Cheerleader Olivia “Because of volleyball I can’t Schnuderl. work at Dodgeball, the Amazing Homecoming is more than the Race, or Powderpuff, so I try and dance and rally, however. To ensure make up for it by providing props a fun week leading up to the big for the Amazing Race, giving up game, coronation, and dance, ASB my time to planning, and putting students work tirelessly so that all lots and lots and hours into the float events go smoothly. on the weekends,” said Sophomore “ASB has the responsibility of Class Treasurer Renee Bradford. organizing powderpuff and the The work starts months in ad- many other events during the week vance. like the Amazing Race, Dodgeball, “I put many hours of my time, Homecoming floats, etc.” said starting in September, making Sophomore Class Co-President posters and going to practices to Saralynn McEntee. make sure our team is ready to “Although we do not plan the perform and put on the rally,” said rally or the dance for Homecom- Enyssa Armendariz, who is Junior ing, we spend lots of time planning Class Vice President and a varsity Burroughs Seniors climbed up B Mountain this weekend to paint an 18 as a mark of their upcoming graduation. Photo by Haley Savage BHS Robotics team The Lounge offers study space After a quarter hiatus, Burroughs “They should feel as if The Lounge gears up for big win is bringing back its lunchtime tutor- is a place for all students regard- ing service. less if they use The Lounge for by Emily Aralar is to stack cones on mobile goals. The Academic Learning Lounge studying, catching up on missing Robotics started its season by “Our biggest challenge is pick- — known as The Lounge — has assignments, or gaining additional sending off their two robots to Sul- ing up the goals with our unreliable the same goals as its predecessor, assistance from our peer tutors in a tana High School on September 30. motors, as they are five pounds,” The Learning Center (TLC). After subject they are struggling with.” Placing seventh and tenth place out said Dhar. “The best thing about our C Hall’s completion, The Lounge While quarter report cards may of 28 teams, the robotics program robot is that it’s efficient and fast.” will move into N-Wing, but begin- Toward that end, Wilson, Auld, send many students to The Lounge is looking to improve their robots Junior Aidan Murphree agrees ning Monday, students may seek and other staff members have been next week, Wilson emphasized that for their next competition. that efficiency and pace are valu- help or a relaxing place to study in working to rethink and reimagine the Lounge will offer something for PLTW Teacher Damien Jacotin able assets. ALL Coordinator Jessica Wilson’s the tutoring center’s previous every student. said the program’s purpose is to “You need efficiency to be able classroom, L38. incarnation. “I see students from all levels promote technology to students in a to hold a mobile goal and stack “I am really excited that the “We hope to create an inviting of academic success coming to the competitive yet collaborative way. cones the fastest,” said Murphree. Burroughs’ Academic Learning and comfortable spot that students Lounge, from those who are strug- “It’s a way for them to express “Anticipating which design will Lounge (“The Lounge”) is open- find both welcoming and support- gling with a particular subject and themselves,” said Jacotin. “You be most effective is the hardest ing,” said Wilson. “I am looking ive,” said Auld. “We realize that we need peer tutoring help, to those can see that people help one an- challenge.” forward to seeing students take ini- are competing with ‘lunch’ when who just want a place to do a little other, unlike the nature of sports. The other BHS team’s robot, tiative in making their education a it comes to students’ choosing to more studying for a test next period. It’s a different mentality.” 7422C, placed tenth at the Sultana priority and seeking different ways participate. We likely will never Students may have the option to Team 7422H placed an impres- competition, with team members to engage in the learning process.” be more popular than ‘lunch,” come to The Lounge to take a sive seventh place when they trav- James Chase, Daniel Kim, Fer- Principal Bryan Auld sees the but hopefully we can get more make-up test due to illness or retest eled to Sultana High School. nando Rivera, Levi Rash, Logan space as an important part of Bur- participation.” if they did poorly on one.” The team consists of leader Van Nevel, Sam Marler and Kabir roughs’ learning landscape. According to Wilson, the Many teachers have also ex- Sarah Bartels and members Aidan Khara participating. “It is a resource provided that Lounge will allow students a quiet pressed a desire to use time spent Murphree, Akif Dhar, Madison Sophomore James Chase is supports student achievement,” place where they can go to study, in The Lounge as a prerequisite for Japp, Victoria Pillers, Zechariah pleased with the robotics program said Auld. “Of course, like anything get help on assignments through students who want to retake a test Rosal, Jeremiah Solway, Zeneve and their efforts. else, you can only get out of it what peer tutoring and other assistance, or rewrite an essay. Jacotin, Rachel Rosal, Cameron “[Robotics] implements ideas you put into it. The first step is and have an opportunity to take While everyone is welcome Thornton, Brisa Porter and Em- like imagination. You can build getting students to want to improve makeup tests or retest. -- its posters promise, in fact, that ily Haugen. The team is looking anything!” he said. He also praised and, therefore, through the door. “I hope to create an environment the Academic Learning Lounge forward to going to the Worlds their latest creation. The second step is maintaining a that provides Burroughs students is a place where ‘ALL students competition. “It’s fast and has a unique design. space and program that is highly with additional ways to reach succeed’ -- Wilson plans to work Junior Akif Dhar describes the Although getting stuck, I think we effective. We intend to do both.” academic success,” said Wilson. closely with the Activities Office complicated game, where the goal did pretty well.” and Burroughs coaching staff to identify students who may need help so that they can maintain their “The play’s the thing”: BHS Drama brings athletic eligibility. English Department Chair Su- sie Burgess said that she hopes students will use The Lounge as a moody prince Hamlets to the PPAC stage writing lab to get help or feedback by Natalie Gilbert but adding in Shakespeare’s Eliza- see how other companies did it.” they are mostly staying away from on their papers before they turn Next month the Burroughs bethan language makes it even Her favorite performance, she said, Elizabethan costuming in favor of them in. Drama Department is putting on harder. However, the actors have was definitely the Benedict Cum- a “hodgepodge” of time periods.
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