Revision Date: 11/01/2016 DELLEMC EXPORT COMPLIANCE PRODUCT INFORMATION All export information and assistance provided by DellEMC is provided for information purposes only. DellEMC makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy or reliability of such regulations. Any use of such regulations by you is at your own risk. DellEMC is in no way responsible for any damages whether direct, consequential, incidental, or otherwise, suffered by you as a result of using or relying upon such regulations for any purpose whatsoever. You as the exporter, re-exporter, or importer are responsible for ensuring that DellEMC products are exported and imported in accordance with the requirements of the country specific Trade Compliance regulations as well as U.S. Export Administration Regulations (EAR). Each commodity or software product has a respective Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) (per the United States Department of Commerce Export Administration Regulations). End-user, End-use and Country of ultimate destination may affect export-licensing requirements. You are urged to consult the Export Administration Regulations, the Bureau of Industry and Security's Export Counseling Division, and other appropriate sources concerning restricted/prohibited uses and the exportation/re- exportation of DellEMC products. All Export Control Classification Numbers (ECCNs), License Exception values and CCATS provided herein are subject to change without notice. If you require further assistance, please contact DELLEMC Global Trade Compliance Product ECCN License Exception CCATS Agile Marketer EAR99 Alphastor v.3.1 SP2 EAR99 Application Discovery Manager v.6.1 5A002/5D002 ENC Unrestricted G077121 Application Stack Manager (ASM) 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G077274 ApplicationXtender 7.0, 8.0 EAR99 AppSync v.1.0 through 3.0 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Architect v2.0 app EAR99 Are 53 App EAR99 Atmos Client v.1.0 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Atmos-Maui, Atmos 2.0 through.3.0 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G063677 Authentica Content Server 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G027198 Authentica Server Management API for C 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G027967 Authentica Server Management API for COM 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G027967 AVALONidm (Intelligent Data Manager) 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G016358 Avamar AXION 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G035352 Avamar Data Transport "ADT" v.1.0 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G074002 Avamar Extended Retention 5A002/5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Avamar Plugin for vCloud Director version 2.0.2 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Avamar Plugin for vRealize Automation v.2 EAR99 Avamar Replicator 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G035352 Avamar v. 4.0 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G059697 Revision Date: 11/01/2016 Avamar v. 4.1 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G066518 Avamar v.5.0 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G073890 Avamar v.6.0 through 7.3 5A002/5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) BaaS v.3 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Backup Advisor 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G060222 Backup Advisor "Data Protection Advisor" DPA v.3.1 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G062703 Backup and Recovery Manager v.1.0 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Backup Sketchpad App EAR99 Branch Offices Caching Services (BOCS) EAR99 G064971 BRM Mobile App EAR99 Business Process Services (BPS) 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G019515 Bus-Tech Mainframe Data Library (MDL) 5A002/5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Capital Projects Express 1.10 for Public Cloud 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G045078 Capital Projects Express 1.10 on premise EAR99 Capital Projects Express 2.0 for Public Cloud EAR99 Captiva Capture v.7.0, 7.5 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Captiva Cloud Tool Kit v.2.1 EAR99 Captiva Mobile SDK v. 2.5 EAR99 Caspian v.1 with PCF 5A002/5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(2) G160853 Caspian v.1 without PCF 5A002/5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Celerra & Dart 2011 5A002/5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Centera 5A002 ENC Unrestricted G025965 Centera CentraStar v.4.3 (object code) 5A002/5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Cirrus EAR99 Clariion and Flare R31 5A002/5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) G081807 CloudArray 5A002/5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) CloudBoost Connector 8.5.1 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) CloudBoost Connector v 1.0, 2.0 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Cloudlink Secure VM Release 4.0. through 5.5 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Clould Delivery Platforn (CDP) EAR99 Common Appliance Platform "CAP" 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G052203 Common Appliance Platform "CAP" v.2.0 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G074183 Common Object Manager "ECOM" 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G056739 Computer Associates Unicenter CA-OPS 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G050502 ConfigureSoft Compliance Checker PCI 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G069011 ConfigureSoft ESX v.1.0 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G066560 ConfigureSoft SCM v.4.11 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G064942 ConnectEMC 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G036586 ConnectEMC v.4.02 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G066337 Connector for Epic v 1.6 through 1.8 EAR99 Content Server OEM Edition 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G051105 ControlCenter 5.0 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G038503 ControlCenter 6.1 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G062012 Data Assesment Workbench EAR99 G079427 Data Center Insight 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G073261 Data Computing Appliance "DCA" 5A002/5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Revision Date: 11/01/2016 Data Domain Boost Libraries v2.0, 3.0 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Data Domain Expansion Shelves 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G063724 Data Domain Openstorage OST 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G073234 Data Domain Operating System 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G063724 Data Domain Replicator Software 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G063724 Data Domain System 5A002/5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Data Domain Virtual Taple Library 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G063724 Data Lake Manager v.1 EAR99 Data Protection Advisor "DPA" v.6.0 through 6.3 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Data Protection Search V1.0 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) DD Boost for Big Data 1.0 EAR99 DD Boost for Enterprise Applications v. 2, v. 2.5 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Disk Library with Falconstor IPSTOR virtual tape library 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G051735 Diskextender for NAS 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G056006 DiskXtender v.6.4 EAR99 DiskXtender V.6.5 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Documentum Advanced Document Transformation 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Services, Version 7.2 Documentum Archive Services for Reports 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G049952 Documentum Asset Operations 1.1 EAR99 Documentum Asset Operations 2.0 EAR99 Documentum Asset Operations Connector 1.0 EAR99 Documentum Asset Operations Mobile 1.0, 1.1 EAR99 Documentum Asset Operations Mobile 2.0 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Documentum Capital Projects 1.10 [On Premise] 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Documentum Capital Projects Express 1.10 Private or 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Public Cloud Documentum Capital Projects Express 2.0 Public Cloud 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Documentum Capital Projects Mobile App v 1 EAR99 Documentum Clinical Archiving 1.8, 1.9 EAR99 Documentum Compliance Manager 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G041537 Documentum Connector for Microsoft SharePoint 7.2 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Documentum Content Server v 7.2 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Documentum D2 Adv Publishing Services v 4.5 EAR99 Documentum D2 Advanced Publishing Services v 4.6 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Documentum D2 and D2 PlusPack 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Documentum DCTM Mobile 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Documentum Document Transformation Services 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G053151 Documentum e-room 5D992 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Documentum Foundation Classes 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G041537 Documentum Foundation Classes (DFC) v.7.2 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Documentum Foundation Classes v 6.5 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G064919 Documentum InfoArchive v. 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 EAR99 Documentum InfoArchive v. 4.0 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Documentum Information Rights Manager (IRM) 5.1 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Documentum Interactive Delivery Services 7.2 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Revision Date: 11/01/2016 Documentum Interactive Delivery Services Accelerated 7.2 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Documentum Life Sciences Solution Suite v. 4.0, v. 4.1 and 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) v. 4.2 Documentum Media Services 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G025265 Documentum Media Services Thumbnail Server 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G025265 Documentum Process Integrator 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G019515 Documentum Records 6.8 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Documentum Regulatory Transformation Services 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G053151 Documentum SAP Connectors 7.2 Release 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Documentum Site Caching Services 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G023828 Documentum Site Deployment Services 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G023828 Documentum Trusted Content Services 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G031178 Documentum WebTop v 6.8, v. 6.9 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Documentum xCelerated Composition Platform 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Documentum xCelerated Composition Platform (xCP) 2.3 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Documentum xDB EAR99 ECS (Elastic Cloud Storage) Appliance v.1, v.1.2 5A002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) ECS (Elastic Cloud Storage) v.2 5A002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Education Services Mobile App 5D992 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) G160026 EMC IR App EAR99 EMC MOBILE v2.2 EAR99 EMC Object Bundle 5A002/5D002 ENC Unrestricted Enterprise Hybrid Cloud (EHC) solution EAR99 Federation Business Data Lake SW EAR99 GeoNas 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Give & Take Mobile Apps for iOS Android EAR99 Greenplum Chorus v.1.0 thru v.2.2 EAR99 Greenplum Database EAR99 GTM Program and Forums App EAR99 ICDP (Incremental Continuous Data Protection) EAR99 IIG IRM Mobile 5D002 ENC 740.17 (b)(1) Information Center IS 1200 5A002/5D002 ENC Unrestricted G080355 Information Rights Management Suite "IRM" 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G072083 Information Server Kazeon IS200 5A002/5D002 ENC Unrestricted G079640 Informative Graphics Brava 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G045078 Input Management Console 5D002 ENC Unrestricted G054909 Interactive
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