M&M Travels To Spain. Also, La France Avance Salutes French Indies. See Pages 1 2-1 7,1 9 & 1 0-1 1 . Europe's Music Radio Newsweekly . Volume 10 . Issue 21 . May 22, 1993. £ 2.95, US$ 5, ECU 4 AmericanRadioHistory.Com ENERGY STYLE and LATIN SPIRIT SARA ea. * .le - .3 ,* : .... N. .. to The Debut Album oft ACHILIPU LP -MC -CD HORUS, Tel.: (+34)3.348 1500, Fax:(+34)3.347 4605 HORUS Not available for the USA, Canada and Latincountries. AmericanRadioHistory.Com M&M Travels To Spain. Also, La France Avance Salutes French Indies. See Pages 1 2-1 7,1 9 & 1 0-1 1 . Europe's Music Radio Newsweekly . Volume 10 . Issue 21 . May 22, 1993. £ 2.95,US$ 5, ECU 4 AUGUST LAUNCH NOW UNLIKELY Industry Slams MPs Call For Thorn EMI Pulls CD Price Slash UNITED KINGDOM Out Of Viva by Mike McGeever GERMANY at these include Sony, Philips The cost of CD albums should by Miranda Watson d Matsushita. be slashed by at least £2 (app. Thorn EMI reportedly pulled US$3.50), according to a select Another spoke has been put in the out of Viva following its decision committee report issued by MPs wheel of Viva, the German music tosell Thames Television and on May 12. MORE GOLD FOR CAPTAIN HOLLYWOOD - Captain Hollywood was cable TV project, with the deci- not to further extend its broad- The report, put together by presented with a gold award recently for Greek sales of his single"More sion by Thorn EMI to pull out of casting interests. Insiders say that theNationalHeritageSelect And More" during an international meeting for the Captain Hollywood financial discussions. After Ber- Thorn EMI saw no sense in being Committee chaired by MP Ger- Project, held in Stuttgart. Pictured (l -r) are: FM Records president Nicos telsmann'sexit from Vivain a minority investor in a German ald Kaufman urged consumers Courtis, Captain Hollywood and FM Records VP Dina Courtis. March, this latest set -back means music TV venture, after the deci- to boycott buying album CDs, thechancesofthechannel sion to sell Thames was taken. which sell for an average price launching on August 19 as origi- Bertelsmann's U-turn on the pro- of £12.99. "It is now time for nally planned now look very slim. ject in March is also said to have consumers to show that they Couleur 3 Radio Time Warner is now the only worried both Thom EMI and will no longer bear the price one of the original three investors Time Warner. As a German con- charged forfull -priced CDs," in Viva left, though several poten- cern with wide experience in the the report says. Moves Into France tial backers are said to be current- TV field,both companies had The committee also charges ly in negotiation with Viva MD their sights set on Bertelsmann as that record companies were col- SWITZERLAND The French -language net has Michael Oplesch. It is rumoured (continues on page 29) luding to keep CD prices high by Steve Wonsiewicz recentlywonclearancefrom and called on retailers to pres- French regulator CSA to broad- surethelabelsbyreducing Swiss public, new rock -formatted cast in Lyon, which encompasses MDR Boycotts BPW prices in the shops. The commit- network RSR Couleur 3 is gear- the country's third largest metro tee says the British consumer ing up for a significant expansion area, with 2.2 million people. It's should enjoy the same status as into France and has its sights set Couleur3'sfirstentryinto Record Service in the US, where "the customer firmly on the country's largest France, and it expects tostart (continues on page 29) markets. broadcasting by mid -summer. GERMANY record companies, while publics The pubcaster is also actively receive theirs via German music No. 1 in EUROPE applying for frequencies in the Leipzig -based pubcasterMit- industry body BPW, which moni- Nat'l Web Dial Alsace region and thecity of teldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR) tors and administrates the service. European Hit Radio Strasbourg (population 252.000), is refusing to pay for record ser- Many people within the radio JANET JACKSON Ratings Grow and will bid in other cities as vicingbythe German music industry are now calling for a That's The Way Love Goes well. industry.Havingtopayfor more focussed,format -oriented (Virgin) 7% In1 st Qtr. Commentsheadofmusic recordsisalreadya common service. Thierry Catherine, "We are ask- complaint among private broad- Comments MDR radio direc- Eurochart Hot 100 SPAIN ing for licences all over France. casters, but MDR is the first pub- tor Karola Sommerey, "The rea- SNOW We are waiting for authorisation lic under the ARD umbrella to son we don't use the record indus- Informer Spanish privatenational -music - for cities in Alsace, like Stras- boycott the record service. try serviceisthatit's just too (East West) only net Cadena Dial started this bourg, and we want to broadcast Germany isthe only major expensive for us. We have a tar- year where itleft off in 1992, in Paris. However, we have to country in Europe to make radio geted buying strategy instead- European Top 100 Albums turning in a 6.5% increase in the wait for the next round of authori- stations pay to receive regular we buy what we want to play. We OST - THE BODYGUARD number of listeners to 1.2 million sations in Paris, and I think that it new releasesfromtherecord havealotofdifferentpro- The Bodyguard during the first quarter, according will not happen for another two industry. Private stations receive grammes, all strongly formatted, (Arista) (continues on page 29) (continues on page 29) theirrecordsdirectfromthe (continues on page 29) THEIR SMASHING NEW ALBUM CONTAINING THE FIRST SINGLE "DREAMHOME (DREAM ON)" TEN SHARP EUROPEAN INSTORE DATE: 24 MAY Sony Music AmericanRadioHistory.Com 7 7 7 THE MOST ADDED SINGLE IN EUROPE! THE HIGHEST NEW ENTRY IN EHR! MTV BREAKOUT ROTATION Padophone EMI AmericanRadioHistory.Com SLR ReceivesApplications, EUROPE A T A GLANCE Prepares Broadcasting Areas EASTERN EUROPE: Mediametrie Starts Survey In Bucharest Nlediametrie has extended its series of audience surveys on Eastern SWEDEN will be given a period of time in mistic. "We are trying to accom- Europe to include the Hungarian capital, Bucharest. The series, enti- tled "Media Focus On Eastern Europe," started with Warsaw and byKen Neptune which to try to work out a way of modate as many as possible." sharing the frequency. That peri- SLR spokesman Peter Shier - Prague in winter 1991, later including Moscow and St Petersburg in 1992. Prague, Warsaw and Bucharest will be covered in this wave, The SLR, the regulatory agency od of time has now been deter- beck says the agency hopes to be responsible for distributing radio mined as four weeks. able to announce availability of carried out between April and June, while there are plans to add Budapest and Sofia later this year, according to Laurent Spitzer at franchises, has received 214 inter- The SLR came into operation broadcast areas next week in the Mediametrie. The surveys are carried out in conjunction with local parties April 1 this year, and since that press, but that this depends on estapplicationsfrom JS wanting to start up commercial time has only accepted interest negotiationswithneighbouring research groups. The results are expected in early June. radio stations and is now set to applications. The next stage in the countries. "We've asked for 60-80 start the process of allocating the selection process will take place frequencies, and if all goes well, EUROPE: Digital Radio Service Starts On US Programming Digital radio operator DCR introduced its European service on April licences. once itis clear that frequencies stations should be able to begin As the number of franchises in are available. At this stage, inter- broadcasting in the beginning or 26. The service will be distributed initially via cable television and will in future be available via direct broadcast satellite. DCR will ini- each broadcast area islimited, estedpartieswillhavethree middle of July." auctioning to the highest bidder is weeks in which to formally apply Even if the SLR wants all the tially feature the 50 channels currently available in the US, while European programming will be available in the next few months.JS expected in the large city areas of for a licence. At the moment, stations to start at the same time, Stockholm, Malmo and Gothen- Telestyrelsen (National Telecom it will be a question of how soon burg. Ten licences were planned Agency), the agency which gives they are ready. Says Schierbeck, GERMANY: Brandenburg Media Authority Update The Berlin -Brandenburg media authority has decided in favour of for Stockholm, five for Gothen- permission for transmitter use, is "In the case of Stockholm, if five burg and five for the Malmo/ negotiating with Norway, Den- stations are ready to begin broad- using available frequencies in the state to create a new state-wide Lund area (three in Malmo and mark and Finland regarding the casting. then we will probably let radio net with the emphasis on Brandenburg. It is scheduled to choose two in Lund), while these areas new frequencies to avoid interfer- those five start at the same time. between three candidates during a meeting on June 10. The first option ence problems. ,lf there is only one station ready, is the possibility of linking local stations with a national blanket pro- have received 50, 15-20 and over (led by 20 applications, respectively. As While National Telecom MD we'll most likely wait." gramme for Brandenburg. The Landeswelle Brandenburg radio consultant Hermann Stiimpert) and Europa 1 have put in a bid specified in the new commercial Jan Frese could not say exactly radio law, applicants vying forhow manyfrequencieswould for the programme and participation by ORB is also being considered.
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