mmmtt }h&££?rP-:''-1''*'-' &->••'•».: PS0SM —cr CiKESTON, B. C£v^ 14 iiftfti fto; 33 ••:'-.'•^tfp-'^M ^'-••i^^0M .,;;4v^.,., '....r.-* • •i'ti*y1*^S and Mrs. Wialmtley and Mr. Coliis lot that went .out to Frank, Alta., Creston's Exhibit batter. Messrs.GIazer and about^t^re^ weeks ago, loaded 1^^ Important Topics ilil h 43 ranchers names appear on; the with Transparents that, had some Vsttf§fpji list from which entries are receiyed... trouble coming up to the No. 3's" of Before the Board -VS'S'SSS'B There would haye been more of them A'A this. variety a year ago. These will had it not been for the very busy : bring 85 cenes a box^f.o.b. This figure It would seen as If the very large time the man on the land Ss haying Just - aa ^p%6^t6.-'pjsssi ]• this is? interesting arid decidedly erieourag The big reclamation meeting, here exhibit of fruit, vegetables, etc., (Thuradiy^af^tnoori wb^dcoioa^a on the 29th was the piecede resistance this month due to the shortage of r ing, wheij;jt -is remembered that the "'.• A. rrr.ir?*% from Oreston: had taken the Cran­ help, and some of those who have from Sirda# that it/ iis; ^red 1916 price ofVTransparents of the three at the meeting of the Board of,Trade • - •'"'•'; '-jS-SI brook fair people completely by ? meeting on Tuesday night, which Apm surprise, and coupled with its late furnished stuff would have had a there;that Ipke: Glsisei* arid Joe grades wasunot higher than .65 : cents. arrival there-ftheway freight with greater variety had time permitted. Clubb, t-eirp Well-known Greston -The Union has shipped two straight was yery lai'gely attended. it not ieay ing here until &: o'clock A few of the bigg* r exhibitors are: citizens, have- been drowned cars within the past ten days—both to Practical assurance has been recoil­ mm Tuesday afternbon-^has upset the W- y. Jackson, with 24 entries, much somewhere vvbetweeii Kootenay ed that the gathering will be favored .vlliPl directors* calculations in the frut ; Calgary. Tiie brie east on Wednes­ department at a*np rate. of it in the box lot. Mrs. M. Young Landing an'd lie wis' Island. day of last week was heavy to crabs, with the presence of Hon. T. I>. ... Vvgllj has 14 entries and Mrs. Walmsley the The two - men , Were working some 407 boxes of these with 265 boxes Pattullp, minister of lands; Hon. Dr. Just about noori yesterday E. C. for Ike Lewis afc haying opera­ King, minister; of.works; Wm. Yx>ung, Gibbs, who ia in charge of the ex­ same. Mrs. G. Cartwright and T. of apples, making, up the car. The hibits, wired THB -REVIEW: Goodwin 13 each—the latter going to tions and had, 'gone to Creston price on theiapples in this lot will be comptroller ; of water rights; Messx*s. "Judging riot yet completed; be­ some overtime tffort on Monday night on the noon train Wednesday awaited with, interest as they were Biker and Forde,. the provincial and lieve we will do welL" to make up entries that the board was They returned bn: this ^affcernobri mostly cookers, produced by the gales federal resident engineers, 'Nelson; R. Yesterday; too; was the last day a little short on. Ed. Macbon and W. train to. the ^L^ that blew in parts of the Valley a f^y P. Green, M.P., and W. A. Amide, of the fair. Ordinarily the judging G. Littlejohn have 11 each—the latter's take a rbvvboati; to make the trip days prior to;that time. The car but tha Liberal candidate in West K!oote- is completed by noon of the first variety filling some classes that help back to the^ti^isipla,ee; . on Tuesday Was long on plums. There day; John Keen. M.P.P., J. H. Scho­ ..day. give the vegetable exhibit a much Ttlis morning : St coat, whiph is v/6re 490 of them in the load, arid of field, M.P.P., P. A. Starkey. president better all-round appearance. Mrs. presumed; t^fo^(^aser'Sj.'. and an these very close to 400 were Brad- of the associated boards of trade; A. If visitors to the Cranbrook fall fair McKelvey arid TeddyJHaskins register par were..-'fp^hjS;;rJBqatirig in the ;sba«;3. The 190 boxes of apples that C. Harshaw, C.P.B. superintendent; this week did not carry away with nine each, a big squash from the lat- lake near ythW paneling arid on helped fill the car were practically all as well as Maxwell Smith and C. B. them a very yivid recollection that ' ter and some green peas in the pod enquiry bfjpg made at. Lewis*' at Cellina pippin. To date the Union Ward, two members of the newly- there is a Creston Valley, along with from the .former lending a touch, of 9 a.in. (Thi^diay) ^tVwas learned has handled about 800 crates of plums, created Land Settlement Board. a lively remembrance of some of the quantity as well as quality. Mrs. that neither *& the men had got and considering the quality and the : From the Idaho side we are equally products ..for. which, this section is Speers and. -E. Cartwright have each back home. '^t,/th'at.v*.hbtir.. .As bumper[-->.€}. Orop of theni the prices sure to haye Engineers Bauiser aud justly famous, it certainly will not be eight and P. Putnam, D. S. Timmons, neither of the men hdd-beei! seen obtaining^are b.uite satisfactory. McCrpry, and a special effort is being* the fault of about four dozen of the S. W. Fraser, Jos. Compton and B. 3. anywhere ;aromid the Landing, Pears[.fire, just nicely starting this made to get Engineer Jones, who Valley i'ancherst^e Creston Board of Long each 7. Although F. G. Little Sirdar or otlier likely places up week, with the early varieties and spoke at the Bonners Ferry meeting, Trade, and the Iatter*V representatives musters but five. entries he certainly to 2 o'clock, Sunder all the some Bartletts on the move. Advices; but who has lately signed ovi for over­ at the fair* Mr. and Mrs. W.V, Jack­ ""iged with soase rare good apples, it X*.SM%J>V*i.*J9*, VAIV received are; to the effect that there is seas service. V Senator Borah is almost son and E. C., Gibbs, :who are down andin quantity, top...-••? V;-.- worst is eyery prospect of a healthy demand certain to • be here, as well as repre­ there with a display of fruit and The other exhibitors, who had Mike Gla^r is quite a real ol^^ for all the stuff of this sort oifferirig sentative public men frprii Idaho, and tomatoes that both for quan tity arid slightly; smaller quantities, but. ex­ timer in the Crestbri Valley, but this.year. a monster delegation of priyate quality can almost be termed a cellent stuff, eyery one of them, -are: Clubb hasybnly liy^d here about The prairie tomato market, which citizens who are directly interested in v.'onder—-this year-r-aa well as a very John BSinco. - p. G. Lyon, Mrs. Max­ three *y^a^,V although V by no; had .a .tendency, to V'oversupply .last- the project. The rounding up the representative display in other lines well, A. L; Cameron, 3. B. Miller,-A. means a nbwconier to the B^oote*f week,, js again getting back to normal, U-S. dignitaries is in the hands of the of vegetaables,roots, some flowers,' ••nayjcouritlr^v''' .-..yV'-V/; v; Miller, Av A. J. Coliis, W. A^ Mt^ and the. demand is good. Pricps for Bonners Ferry Commei-cial Club, and \. ":AAP, LJ/V??*i?H fancy work, etc., --stop. v Murtrie, B. S. Beyan, W. K. Brown. Should tlftevbad^ ne^ |^ye t*cue .th<B;;|ba^ance;^:.,.jt']iie season shoiild re- they are leaving no stone unturned to Credit for this splendid bit of ex­ C. S. Hall, W. W. Hall, M. McCarthy, thfe will make the third^ main firipas theAmerican market is have as repreisentative. a . lot of dele­ hibition e£Ebrt,^ Mrs. AB*-- Dew, A. Hiiygens, A. G. ing f^aHt^,^t}fev^al]^ short. On Tuesday the Union hkd to gates here as B.C. will furnish. .• y . ranchers who furriishe^producte and Samuelson, J. MiV OraigiejT B. ;B. last four months; the -p-ther two turn down an order^from Calgary for the ci^ife? BbbsJDixori of v : ; Just now both the Idaho committee an energetic committee <if the board Staples, F., K. Hurry. J. W. Hamfitbn, a cafload of thesp. !'.'.'".' f'- as well as the.Creston. Board -of Ti-ade of trade; Vcorisistlri*^ B. Stark, John Spratt, H. Lyne, G. _Ji i^J^nglisiv of And last, but n ot least,- Un ion officials iB&storc^ ,;;•• • :~C • *• rpA^AA^^^^^^^^es t '£*$&•• rA^AAA'. ix .\W^$£§&^J-lml^^ V V^bldadSng of tfi^ car WM consider-" theVvahie* bf Jl^^rid uc t s ^amnedl)^ •cf^r^^^aysi^ sisted by sundry otiSBis of the board ably facilitated by hayirigyfche use of then|: thi8year is larger than forupytb t?tken up toy. a conference of the;; f>^"l."-"V'?'-**^*Mt. *M - '• i),'!'A "• ^*&i--**- • ''•'"' -• ' "••••<*" .•\ttn>- iij_—-j? •"*•< •• ••• tbe Union warehouse—a courtesy that the *^me. date last^^yeaiy;;orariy;oi*hpr timeandenergyVm rounding up the is doubly appreciated owing to the ^ear i>a tK? Unirin's histpry. And "ori e.rigineei-STrpiriVJbpth c«^ r *' ••' stuff and seeing to its delivery in tiriie fact that the:- *''nrii6n''VbMciftl8.';''1were' the market reports that are at present ;cide^r'^':.-;*ar-y.ss.
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