AQUATIC PLANT NEWS A newsletter of the Aquatic Plant Management Society, Inc. /No. 30 Feb. 1989 K.A Langland. Editor. University of Fl orida. Center for Aquatic Plants. 7922 NW 715 t St .. Gainesville. FL 32606 Scottsdale and Phoenix Welcome APMS The 29th annual meeting of the Aq uatic Plant Management Society will be held July 16-19, 1989 at the Hyatt Reg ency Scottsdale, Scottsdale, Arizona. Scottsdale is a short drive from downtown Phoenix. Phoenix is the 10th largest city in the nation wit h an estimated population of 1.9 million in the metropolitan area. Phoenix is located in the heart of t he scenic Sonoran Desert known for the mysteri ous and majestic Saguaro Cac­ tus an d other desert flora. The Saguaro Cactus grows to a height of 40 feet and livs for hundreds of years. The desert flora will be a real contrast to the aquatic plants the members of our society are accustomed to working Because of economic conditions that match its superb climatic conditions, the with. The Su perstit ion Mountai ns are Valley of the Sun is headquarters to several major American corporations including located to the east of Phoenix, and en ­ Ramada Inns Inc .. the Greyhound Corp. and U-Haul, and is regional headquarters to ci rcl ing the metropolitan area is a hundreds more (photo by Bob Rink, compliments of Valle y of the Sun Convention group of mountains known as the and Visitors Bureau). Phoenix Mountain Preserve. Phoenix originated in 1860 as a ri Si ng from its ashes every 500 years. The American Indians, for almost small settlement on the banks of t he Ph oenix has lived true to this predic­ 25,000 years, were the exclusive in­ Salt River. One of the early settlers tion, but in the process has not forgot­ habitants of Arizona. The earliest in­ gave Phoenix its name, suggesting ten its heritage. As you travel through habita nts to Phoeni x were t he that a gre at city would someday arise the city it is quite evident that Hohokam Indians, who thrived in the form the ancinet Hohokam ru ins like Southwestern architect ure and Indian valley until about 1400 A.D. after which the legendary Pho en ix Bird . In cultural influences are interwoven with they van·ished. mythology, the Phoenix was immortal, the modern-day city. continued on 2 Program Plans for 1989 Annual Meeting Members of The Aquat ic Plant The Keynote Ad dress this year will In addition to regular contributed Management Society and its Chapters be presented by Dr. Davi d S. Mitchell papers deali ng with all aspects of and all others interested in aquatic who is director of The Murray-Darling aquatic pl ant management to be pl ant biology, ecology, and manage­ Freshwater Research Centre in Albury, presented throughout the meeting, Bi ll ment are encouraged to attend and Australia. Dr. Mitchell has an extensive Zattau is organizing an operational participate in t he 1989 Annual Meeting. background and knowledge of aquatic session for Monday afternoon. Thi s Newsletter highlights the 1989 An­ plant management. We are fortunate to nual Meeti ng, and is being sent to all have him address t he Society. Dr. Mit­ The Tu esday afternoon session, chapter members so they will be in ­ chell has published a number of scien­ Chaired by Randy Stocker, will feature formed of the special events planned t ific and popular articles on aquatic several speakers deali ng with manage­ for the meeting. Those who cannot pre ­ plant management. Of special interest, ment of aquatic weeds in flowing sent a paper are invited to attend and Dr. Mitchell was the first to note the ex­ water - one of the most difficult areas become active in the Society. pl osive growth of a small, floating in which to manage aquat ic plants. plant (wh ich he eventuall y identified as Also, this session will feature an over­ Our welcome to the Phoenix area a new species, Salvinia moles ta D.S . view of the Salt River Project. will be presented by Mr. Lowell Reese Mitchell) destined to become a major who is president of the Arizona weed problem in many areas of the continued on 2 Chamber of Commerce. world. • , PL ANS from page 1 WELCOME from page 1 The local arrangement committee Phoenix is a major tourist area in the composed of Winn Win kyaw, Fred Cor­ Southwest with over 7 mi llion visitors bus, an d Ran dy Stocker is organizing a each year, The city and surrounding tour of several canals in the Sa lt River area offer a large variety of unique an d Project whi ch will follow the Tuesday interesting recreational acti vities such afternoon session, Examples of her­ as tenniS, golf, horseback riding, hik­ bicidal and biol ogical management ing i n forested and desert en­ programs wi ll be shown, Th en for Tu es ­ vironments, hot air balloons, and day eveni ng, Winn is arranging for din­ saloons. A visit to The Desert ner and other social activities to be Botanical Garden w ill provide a held in conjunction with our annual definite contrast to our members who awards night. The local arrangement are used to working w ith aquatic committee has prepared a suggested plants. The Phoenix Zoo holds over The Sonoran Desert s urrounding list of unique and exciting activities 1200 different animals. Ph oenix exemplifies the city's wide which you may want to con sider before The Grand Canyon, one of the great open style and southwe stern flair or after the meeting , Please note their natural wonders of the world, is a (photo comp liments of the Sun Con­ list in another section of the Newslet­ 5-hour drive from Phoenix. Montezuma ven tion and Visitors Bureau.) ter. Castle and Well, an impressive ancient Ken Langeland , Chai r of the In dian cliff dwelling more than six cen­ days before or after the meeting in the Wednesday morning session, is ar­ turies old, is a 3-hour drive from t he ci­ Phoenix area, you may want to write ra nging for several talks on Extension ty. A number of other interesting areas for a free copy of "Phoenix, Scottsdale Programs in aquatic plant manage­ such as the Apache Trail, Mogollon & Valley of the Sun Convention & ment , We hope this session will be of Rim, and the Sedona/Oak Creek Ca­ Vi sitors Bureau, 505 North Second benefit to those involved in trying to nyon are a short drive from Ph oenix. Street, Su ite 300, Phoenix, Arizona determine some of the best ways to in­ If you are planning to spend a few 885004. form the public, aquatic pl ant man agers, a nd o thers of new technology and methods to manage Special Discount Air Fare Offered by problem aquatic plants. Information has been received from United Airlines for Travel to Phoenix several individuals from Mexico, Egypt, When you are making your travel calling 1-800-521-4041 (calls answered and other countries indicating their plans to attend the 1989 APMS from 8 AM to 11 PM Eastern time) and desire to present talks at the meeting, meeting, you will want to consider us­ identifying yourself with meeting 10 Hopefully these individuals can obtain ing Un ited Airlines to travel to and from Number 9039L. In order to qualify for the necessary funding to attend the the meeting. United Airlines will offer the discount, all travel must be com­ meeting, and we look forward to expan­ you either (1) a 5% discount off any menced and completed during the ding the international aspect of APMS, Uni ted or United Express published dates of July 14 to 21, 1989. You can Terry McNabb did an excellent job fare in effect when tickets are pur­ make your own reservations or have a last year in arranging the display area chased subj ect to all applicable travel agent make them for you. If you for our Sustaining Members and other restrictions, or (2) a 40% discount off use a travel agent, then you must pro­ Corporations seeking to advertise their applicable United or United Express vide them with the tOil-free number and products at the meeting. He has unrestricted coach fares in effect when the meeting 10 number. If you have graciously agreed to continue in this tickets are purchased from their com­ questions, call Dave Sutton at capacity, and we are looking forward to pany. Tickets must be purchased by (305) 475-8990. a first-class display of products available for t he management of aquatic plants. A number of excellent photographs Pre· and Post·APMS Meeting Recreational Suggestions were submitted to the first APMS photo contest held last year and we Winn Winkyaw, Fred Corbus, and Randy Stocker, your local arrangement com­ plan to continue with a contest again mittee, are suggesting you may want to take advantage of some of the many uni­ this year. In response to several re ­ que recreational activities offered by Phoenix and the surrounding area. quests, the ru les of the photo contest However, they have noted these are suggested pre- and post-meeting activities. have been expanded which we hope We hope the meeting will be more exciting than these but it will be difficult to will allow for greater partiCipation in compete with some of them. However, as you plan your trip you may want to in­ th is contest. Those of you who like to clude sufficient time for: take pictures are en couraged to submit Hot air balloon rides, your prize-winning photos.
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