Special Clearance Sale

Special Clearance Sale

¦ " ¦ ¦ i u ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ ! ¦ • c •:!¦ • : .-> . - » ? { . ; iv-uu &r is c .i»,rL KHi 1 .WXri A' '<U iU : i II M = - C?**&^ ^ u\ i ; v ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ • • • - ¦ ' . .. .: ; . ' ' :' ¦• • i^ L ^ , . : .. BW1 01 CHRONICLE AND : ¦!¦ ¦¦: MUNS R ¦ • . i: '• ¦ i ' '" 'ED WITH THIS JOURNAt • v ' W ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ APYERTISERr-IJ' lCO^PORA IN 1849. tT^ ¦¦ ' ^ ' :¦ ¦ - M ¦ ¦: ?"' ¦ ¦ M ¦;:. •: 1 . ;: . ¦?.: j j : wok L O !KTO. O Tp^^ _! ' 1 I SE^BMBEB ^ SSS U/SJSS PEICE-OHE . !: PE]S^Y 1 ^ T7ATEBF0ED ITET7D, ¦ ¦ " 1HE ! - ¦ - ¦ ¦ • - , . >c . .M . , , ¦ ¦ i EsTABUaHBD—1847. : ^uroyors --to H.B.H. the Mm- of , Wales anircooi Circulation in Semth of Irplana. C~=s ; ' !.„ -_ 1 a X pj,^M^ u (HTT7T>TI iV ^ NT I .*r sJhtJui > tw» FSIDXr, ani ««<>»d *<!>h<m on S.4TUB2M7 /i i^ n p\n ' n=>U A n 'A. *^ * -49 ind 50 O-O°nn«n-$trMt, • Tut Z&p * KOI. ' | ! (Of rOMTB 1B« MOYMX1U. IUXX). I AND TriBllCEl-OKE PEJWTiToarly (in Ad*anoo), «a.4d. (Yearly), 8d. ', . J£T | By Pout fa. f»?T AV ChsqnoB and P. O. Ordora, jnede payoblo to Ook« JOB P. Bupgotro, at this Offloa. | . IS THE tho Gold and ¦ THI N "WS mroqlfttes extensJrdy amonput: ID© ^1 Prise tt*d«s and oobiliW . gaatrjv Uraing Hedab-AWaidfidL m^haate , Tipprnffy, ' S2stT%•. i "> Wftterforf, ESlioany, iv^ / loutn of itcUnd. ffoneraHy. Jhe NBWB . , £d Wo qualled by s>tty riaMr ; : 9P1IOIALITIHS 2 VKB ettain« d s. (jirenlaBbb novor e cDlUtiptuti «b&5£efn Wsterford, and i. adndttedly the W-. 6 """ "" fcVionb-U i o IW» Important city, with whjoii thorei b ' * THE BEV ERAGE from London. I^atertoj -d SteatnsMp ; Company, TUO - OF WAg' TUG - OF WAK OLUB SODA, OF HEALTH . direct Asib commWoation to and (LBIITEl)). I ° ? ° Particvala ^attentionjpaid oommeroiol Aurtau- INTENDED OEDEB M : : OP aAILINO-aBPTBltBaa', 1K», , , !VAutpmatic THE ORIGINAL total o»tt( r8. 1 . 8TEA1TEBB 1 ! TU<& OF - WAI& 1 !OT<&EE AIE , BRA « D . DUNBKODT, REGINALD, COKEEAGH ° * ¦ ¦ - o byaUrespeot. , LABA. « I2CWS0BBBAT, AdTetrUit monto weeded tor the TStf i MENAPLt_ OEEADEK, 4o. ¦ S?ASSIJ[.ET©'' THE DEDTK FOB THE GOUTY & RHEUMATIC ¦bis N««sp iperj Agents in the OnlUd Kingdom. ITe. ^TOTIOE.- Tho Watarford partiea not known at the offloo. V^ "V XH . / Royal Soltaer, Potaa. Lithlu , owrwiit riaiudU fronj <~—XS^fjV 8teamanip Company (limited) ' OF Watero Lemoaodo, • Co. - ¦ "'SSW'^rMi^. »«t™ °ood« »nd Un Stock Joi Shlt- SM&KER^ PLtlB TOBAGOO Q s;, : p&le of SHE HEWS and for •cr^ ^^^A.^,mmit oa tbo oonditlons mefitjonod fa SHOtTLD TEf "1 . ' . WOKE Epxjj giiazw £3 3H3E3Xan?i&,3nr-: ,:¦ Agenta tor " BalUn( Uato, £c, to bo ha* at thri» . I I AdvQttiQomeata Offioo«. WAT EETOB D AKD BRIST OL tone Strcat noawmwiu Ki surroL. V7ATEBP^ET>->£l^KiL^Qlad ROB SBtnos' to WATXSTOIK Battonrtrand Street.j Tuesdu.Soptl...,6.SO»/t'noon Wed'tdu; gejt3...13 mldulibt liis» ?owi», FrldvT .. <"" noon &>tMd»7. ,' t..-i aftioon SrO :-3^BiKS5a lloieiiJ : Tucldkj, ,. 8-. 8 aft'nooa 'Wadatadar Streot. , „ 9...8.30 ijt'aooa tin. atm.TX, J qbo yridmr, ¦ „ U... 4 itfntoD Btturdsj, „ 1J,,, 8 sJzhCI HOTEL 0% Plmubing.. : [UBS SUYiJUOK, O'ConncD 8SrcS- Tuesday ., 15...4.30><t'nooa thnnday,:",; ».-. 1 Ooralag gHElL BOURN E Sanita^ ^'Workp Frttiij, ,, 18 ..11 taom\ot fUardny, , tit, UT, :MO. Q»»y-. ,„„. S i ,, U... 4 tlt'uoon ^ | 0 Tnesaay, „ 2i... 3 afOujon ^Wodnttilir „ 13 . 8 «yfuooa OATHEEIWE - Ilr. DOBBTl»i BarxaoK e" ,-" Plug TH33 BEST IN DUBIU'J. -CTREET, WATEEPOED. 'dWar (s J3.tf) TtcdVj, ' „ £)... 4 atfaooo Wnloeaby,,, 3O BMlrSnokra! M ,lo I'ljht 0 tin. EBBrrti . I"r!<l*j , Oot. V ... 1 alfnoon BuodaT. ,Oct 4., 3 1 0 alnj O. OB eul; llonlag Bilto^,C»Wia if tho it«c ' KENNEDY'S TUG-OF-WA E TLlJU.e tho ori inal round Irish Plug, C?t3 t7Hc!tlov7 Dotol and EaatcnrCiat - " be cpoa to rooilro hiia ^^i —1 via g M1pom«J-B»4 BWat ; t^rlTlnf'bjtholilsl .< 7"» ;Wd G, WI0KL0W.8TBEET, M? foler Street. Ttamt. : and caflnot be beaten. 0. 9. UrV. forjTL*B, AT«rag« Sea ttusgt H to DUBLUJ. ' OLAH.iBJlJono"^ - I* Honrt. (Oraftoi-atrcst), Uj. J . JfiEta—C»MD, SLnf lo, IU. I do. Sinslo—OMdroa (and Bu BOBEEf ; Centrally Oltnatoi Comfortablo ood OOSTELLO,. ¦ : nnutta reUl&jf with Psollin) 10a. 00 Botura MOST : 1 * * to 1 (aniilatib (01 S?'te5: 2SS*.i 8t«rt. Tvro inonths, o^tioxlAl r«tnra fiom or to XdrerpoolK 25a 1 Uoderato. Dlsnera read; all daj. Registered Plumber % Sanitary tfn. W ALBB:, Lombard Street. Deo*, »i»«lo, 7». «d. 1 do Children. 4s. ' : TJIOHAED CBBIEll, Pojrlctor. Engineer T. CBBisToFHrB. Lcadiiur Berth—CnmbarUDd Basla, BrlitoL , 3. & E, KEHHEB KILUACTHOMAS-Mr. FTlIBiOll li 4MD LIVGHPO01. Ya Bublin. PROPRIETOR 1 M. raoif w^raroio fxoa urnrooL. (LATE 8nK s Ml» «¦TO*£MFM*•. WedWaj.SsptS... 1 ^v'noon Wod'«d!i> , 8apt «„. S itfnooB A-l HO'SDL , OF 11R. WILUAU BAIUD'D , HM^Jrth.irwW*MB. C Frldij, - ¦ *.- i> «it ..oon fridn,, ,, 4 ..r.sombrV SHE HASIOIT DUB11K) ^^ BuutUy, „ 6... 6 morning Wondaj, BhAOKUMiL-aTBEliT, ' Booms, and „ 7;..!0morntoa TBAHOKE -Mil. ciiwOT , Bofreriunent Wjd'day, „ «.. 1 xt soon W^lMdv , n.^inornffi pxj BUn, Friday, „ 11... 8 ait noon I'rldij , „ ll...B ni> , ITOAT Atti ¥©0 (S©OIT\i!© Bm>d&7, r IS... 6 inorDlDx tionda?, ,t 14 a aft'noon TO PtKJ RI K ? WedVUij , 18... 1 atfaoon WtduesW, .. 16 e.ihf son Opened la the TICI D UJ O ! tbo Cattle - ¦ - BEING Bmp.ojing nono but tho mo:t compctcat handa. ond liivirr? nil A-^-, i j < ., |«d«- , „ »8... 1 ate aoon fntlij, „ 18... g mornlog Market, and quil« OOSTBDIUDI W Kind's Sunimy ,, CT_. 8 morning Mouduy, ,, ai .; 9 nl»ht OTO pcroonol raporvbioiL he is enabled to to ia BEFORE THE PUBLIC FOB Bnd[re ondl Broudttone Teroloi, «iU bo found uadortak. every Sol ^ ""^ Wjd'dv, ., 33- 1 aft'noon WedneJiiy, S3. U morulnj3 Priity. ,.».. » affnoon Krid» , ' i „ 2s.;,' 1TrrBO YEAEU , AND 8TILL HAS TH£ most Comfortable, oombioed "Ub Moderuto r l3 no^ •be Sncdar, ,, 27... 0 moralnx Moodjr, I -SJ.LSOtPnoon 0 LARGEST BALE. 5beruc3. TUitonj to Dablin oboald coma and cca Wed'diy, „ 80... 1 aJt'aooa Wednesday .. 80... 8 olt'uoOT KELLY'S SIQU SAIJZTA1Y WlO.Om PILTOWN-jHtss fiocBi. _- . rriiay, Oct. 8 ... 8 affooon Fridaj, Oct. 3... cr tbamcoJvco. MGDiraBSBJB.- CoilM„„,,„,lKS- j a momuij UEANY, ' ¦ ¦' KlLL-Mr«.|E6HA7H» and P. ALWAYS W TUB PINK OF 11. A. - AND - ; • The Banday Vasali Load at North Wairf, Waterfor>~"«~.l. Tte- Aterag* to Pu»age 14 to 1« Hoaro. ¦ ra S^i)WiwA7 BtATIOS-r I TAXXS—Cabin, Blngle: 15« i CONDITIOK aiirni»irJG2on Book Stand. .. ., do. I±ielo-Chlldren (»nd KELLY'S Kiioa 6 Boifa. 4 BASS 'Gnrmti tewslllni with fiaiitoim) J0» , ! do orKctoton (aVaU. HOTEL AND RtiBTAV BAN 1 , .Gra«r *"• «orJ^o roo ^i,^ttojua retaro trom BrUtol) GEHEEAL PLUJMBjHa So*T '& ?"**. C5, BT. ANDREW BTBEET, WO'R' LONDON-ciiBzi . Ixitdiig KELLY'S IMFBOTEJD nr THE ' K S*rth—Snislisr Sook, Urorpool. Moderate tni llodcrn, HOGT sATta tAcroB^ UAimEa. Jan*-Cal<ln. Sllglo. 30a. : - do. Sis;lo-Ohlldnn (ind fT>H E mi«V Central, , Ccrrtntilr«eUuigj*llhIiromeo), Clcctiio Light in bedrooms, alro telephone 19s. fid. j da rctun (trail- •i Advortlcar liaa bad loua; cn ^do expomnoo, hcVino ablo fox Two Monthi,; optional to rotors from or to • ErlctoU, UN aeoAmodsjioO. Hot csd Cold batbs. Oooklrj a PlumblD(J autl Banitary ^ aarriwl out coao of ;tho Icrc^ 80^ i D»ck/ Single, !io«. | do. Single, Ohildnc, Si. JJIIAL VV A I Mt5 BIB OBABlS. CAUEBO H Enginoiring Contracts in IrclflBd, '.Including (Joodj iJooiod ttroajh (rom all nrlnolpil Stitlom a lo3orilD3Mtt. ' 267Be»Timont Bold.N. ! . QroatllorUurs, T. COELESQ, Prcprl:'.cr. A T d^AkHM • Grsat WofMm, Lanooaalrt, and Torkjhlr- ClTT iiEojiATOBT, 1?, (ttWIy) «?£ Lead«»J^l Street, BO Losdon aoS North Wratern | London and South WejtcjT CBSfie-stwet , Dnblln, fi^iLL 1 , P. Manohoter, Bkofflela. and Usoobuhln, im<l Midland Ball> "I have " '"" eicatuottE Public and Private wayi to W«tarfor,4 (Thtonh Bookings aUio with Umorlcl, examined Bpecimeno ol Soda Water aod !fira zjXnJBapn-Qto For V7hlch ."Wjater i Work!, Tipperary, Thailej, £nnli, loam, Gort, Bt.thkMli,Iil4toirei, and d^mooode ho holda tha Hlshc:t Tt'tlraealfiliJ, Nowoanlo and Traleo Ginger Ale prepared bv Messrs. J OHN E , In). on ELLV & SON , Waterford. I 1 Pirot.clr.sa.Family and Oosunorolnl Hotal. Uooda Booked thron^bfrom all Stations Watcrfoni m' find they are quite free from In Waterfonl and IHstriot Oc&tallxolanaBaUtraj the Metallic Impuritiea sometimes found In is the nearcot Hotel in alone ho can rofor; to too iollowtogi rWaWrtorO. Dnssunn. aadlibcor' M, Oeral Water, npiE " QJentworth" oxamplea i—De La Palle CoUego, Waterford BmonglJ Othir, Eailway, and Watcrford and Lhaorfoifiaij»iT. ' . that ihs? have carefully beea prepared from JL tho Cltrto tia EiUwoT 'Station , Bania, Btcan- Distriot Lnnatlo Asylnni(New faroelj booked throajthat Ion BatCT U' Good Conrsnt, VVatorford and Central Ireland Buildings),Ur suliaa ill principal 8K- Materials, QUO toat they are well charged with Carbonic boat )ffloc9( Telcc»phuid ftot 0Qo», ftnd to all peb- Railway, Imperial Hotol, Ct. John' College. Uocs on London and Korth Weatam Oulw^v. Aad Gas JBHA Proprietor, 14, of tha Good Shepherd, Carriok-on-8nlr * Convraft WEXFpBD AMD BEIs/OL , (Signed , Uo pises of' tmusemont. F. U , Convent ol Moroy, .Tallow t^rtnellito GUntrrorth-strect, Limenoc, Jolfl hornaa Convent of Morcy, and ha« also Convent, Kilmss* Ftou WntiolD— i F»o» EKIOTOL, calling »* 11 lo an 10, executed Contracts In many of tho mansions ¦TacsdajaT I Touby, liil/oid, *o. —JtiUaf CHARLES A. loading gentry of this and the adjoiuinrf cf tha ' WXlfcJijf CAHERON, OountleJ.

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