Marlboro Adopts Cluster Zoning Plan SEE STORY BELOW Fair and MM Partly sunny-and mild FINAL today, high near 70. Cloudy, Knlltank, rVt-hoM cooler tomorrow with chance l<ong Branch of showers. I EDITION 1 30 PAGES Monmonth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL 94 NO. 207 RED BANK, N J. FRIDAY, APRIL 14,1972 TEN CENTS iiiiiniiiiiiiiiuiiiiutnii Howard Again Sees Self in Underdog Role By BEN VAN VUET So far, the miracles have concern remains to be seen. Gone from the third district Mr. Dowd carried Allen- diminished in 1970, but he still I fail to see how Mr. How- ward the election, the redist- Rep. James J. Howard, the been heavily on the Demo- The Republicans don't think are Ailentown, Keyport, town, Plumsted Township, managed to gather 57 per cent ard can possibly claim he's an ricting is causing some inter- third district Democrat who cratic side, but Mr. Howard is so, and at least one of the Matawan Township, Roose- and Upper Freehold.Town- of the vote, and carried all but underdog," said Alfred N. esting problems among the parlayed his "underdog" im- talcing not a chance and has three potential GOP con- velt, and Upper Freehold ship. 15 of the 57 municipalities in Beadleston 3rd.,'a contender Republicans who meet tomor- age into four consecutive already adopted' the posture tenders for Mr. Howard's seat Township. Jtt Ocean County Mr. Howard's total plurality the district. for the GOP congressional row to pick the man they terms in Congress, is off and of one who stands no chance finds the congressman's un- Plumsted Township and Jack- in those nine municipalities in Mr. Howard sees this com- nomination. want to oppose Mr. Howard.' running again — as an under- at all of winning, but who is derdog lament "amusjng." son Township were elimi- 1968 was nearly 4,000 votes. ing election as the toughest Mr. Beadleston pointed out The Republican Steering dog. determined to go down battl- The redistricting plan, de- nated. Assuming the loss of those he's faced, largely because of that Mr. Howard has been an Committee, which recom- It was 1964 when the former ing. cided by a three-judge panel Lakewood is retained in the • votes, he still would have won tbe Republican strength at the incumbent in all ol the munic- mends the man to seek the School teacher squeaked to * *We may have a fighting after the Legislature couldn't third district and added from the election by 14,000 votes. top of the ticket, headed by ipalities now including in the nomination under the party victory to become Monmouth chance this year," Mr. How- agree, removes five Mon- Ocean County were Point This is nearly 14 times Mr. President Nixon, and followed district. He represented Point label in the Juno primary, County's first Democratic ard said yesterday, "but the mouth County municipalities Pleasant and Point Pleasant Howard's victory margin ill by the GOP's best statewide Pleasant and Point Pleasant election, consisted of 76 Voting1 congressman in more than 30 redistricting plan makes me a from the third district and Beach. the 1964 election in which he vote getter, U.S. Sen. Clifford Beach in 1965 and 19p6 until members. / years. bit more of an underdog that I places them in the fourth dis- In the 1968 election in which defeated the late Marcus P. Case. they were eliminated in an Since then, Mr. Howard tra- usually am." trict, along with Madison Mr. Howard defeated Republi- Daly. '. "If you look at the figures earlier redistricting plan. However, those five munici- ditionally starts his reelection The court-designed redist- Township which also was part can William F. Dowd by 18,000 Mr. Howard won by more and the registrations and then "I find it very amusing that palities eliminated from the bids by announcing that noth- ricting plan probably does fa- of the third district votes, Mr. Howard carried than 6,000 two years later. 'Consider the cross over votes he considers himself an un- district won't be voting for the ing short of a miracle can pre- vor Monmouth County Re- It also eliminates two Ocean Keyport, Matawan Township, And in 1968 he defeated Sen. 'I'll need from Sen. Case, it derdog," Mr. Beadleston said. congressional candidate, and , vent his defeat in this pre- publicans, but whether the ef- County municipalities from- Roosevelt, Madison Township,. Richard R. Stout by close to certainly justifies me as an Aside from giving Mr. How- apparently neither will the dominantly Republican dis- fect will be drastic enough to the third district while adding Lakewood, and Jackson 30,000 votes. • underdog," Mr. Howard de- ard a reason to adopt a some- three Ocean County munlci- trict cause Mr. Howard genuine two others. Township. His margin was somewhat clared. what pessimistic attitude to- SEE GOP Rivals, Page 2 B52s Help Retake An SAIGON (AP) - South Viet- half of the provincial capital tween 6 a.m. yesterday and 6 mile northeast of An Loc. town. Antiaircraft fire was Trung Hien said 33 North namese troops were reported £0 miles north of Saigon. They a.m. today. It was the highest Waves of helicopters landed said to have decreased sharp- Vietnamese tanks were desto- tonight to have recaptured seized the northern part of the number for a 24-hour period the paratroopers to the south- ly. The weather was clear, ryed, including 18 inside An most of An Loc with the aid of town In a tank-led assault yes- since the 1968 Tet offensive, east. Field reports said they and scores of U.S. fighter- Loc by South Vietnamese heavy B52 strikes and 400 terday. and 60 were rocket and mor- were engaged in light contact bombers were in action. tanks and other antitank paratroop reinforcements. With the North Vietnamese tar attacks. with the enemy. The Saigon command weapons. Field reports said that by offensive in its 16th day, the The eight-jet B52s dropped South Vietnamese rangers claimed 369 North Vietnamese One BS2 raid by chance dusk the North Vietnamese South Vietnamese command about 1,000 tons of bombs on were reported fighting small killed Thursday and today, 200 knocked out a North Vietnam- had been driven from all but reported a total of 107 enemy North Vietnamese troop con- groups of North Vietnamese of them by air strikes. An offi- ese tank attack before it de- two blocks of tbe northern attacks across the country be- centrations a mile west and a on the eastern edges of the cial spokesman, Col. Le veloped, field reports said. Union Beach Water Woes Held Solved UNION BEACH - The wa- supply whlle~> repairs were the borough hasn't snscribed ter system is under control being made to the borough's to a federal blanket policy. Clear water will continue filtering system. Mayor Hennessy reiterated flowing and it doesn't repre- Clearing Up a statement made last Sep- sent a health hazard. "This won't nave to be done tember when he said the An overflow crowd of irate now because the water is borough may be worse off af- clearing up," the engineer ter storms than those APWirtphota residents looked to Borough •POISED — Apollo 16 rocket and space ship, on Council last night for these said. boroughs not covered. launch pad at Cape Kennedy, Fla., will be blasted answers. Whether they were He said be is going ahead In explanation, the mayor Into space Sunday. Service gantry at right will be satisfied remains to be seen. and preparing specifications said tbe borough, to be eli- rolled back tomorrow. Umbilical tower is at left. The fact is Mayor Alfred T. for a new water filter at the gible to participate in the pro- Hennessy Jr., Councilman plant which will prevent sim- gram, must first submit a Thomas Perno, chairman of iliar problems in the future. flood plain map. The federal the water department, and "We have three filters now program provides that the Frederick H. Kurtz, borough and will be installing a fourth municipality must then give engineer, went on record stat- to keep up with the water de- up control of future devel- Council Would ing there are no health viola- mand," he said. opment in those areas in the tions. As far as replacing material flood plain. "We feel we have the prob- in the filters now working, he lem under control," Mr. Kurtz said, he hopes it will be ac- No Criteria Buy Retarded said. "The water is dear at complished during the early "Up until this moment the plant and clearing up morning hours, once the ma- Borough Council and myself throughout the borough." terial is available. feel that we can't issue a Earlier (his week, Mr. "We have been in touch blank check to the federal Kurtz opined the borough with a Trenton firm which government for flood insur- Day Camp Site would have to run a line under told us the material — char- ance when they haven't given Rt. 36 in the vicinity of Rose coal and gravel — can be de- ns any criteria to work with," MARLBORO - The Town, izing Mayor Salkind, Mrs. Lane and connect into the livered in three days," Mr. the mayor said. ship Council has authorized Mary Dentdn, business admin- Kurtz said. Armrtftott West Keansburg Water Co. Council introduced an the mayor to attempt to pur- istrator, and Herbert Bier- "When the material is deliv- HEADING TOWARD AN LOC — South Vietnamese airborne troops are amendment to the salary ordi- chase a controversial 35-acro mair, township attorney, to ered we can start shutting piled atop truck they had commandeered to take them down Rt.
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