APPROVED MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF HERITAGE WESTERN CAPE, BUILT ENVIRONMENT AND LANDSCAPE PERMIT COMMITTEE (BELCom) Held on Wednesday, 27 March 2019 in the 1st Floor Boardroom at the Offices of the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport, Protea Assurance Building, Greenmarket Square, Cape Town scheduled for 08:00 1. Opening and Welcome The Chair, Mr Graham Jacobs, opened the meeting at 08:15 officially and welcomed everyone present including two new Committee members: Ms Melanie Attwell and Ms Helene van der Merwe. 2. Attendance Committee Members: Members of Staff: Mr Graham Jacobs (GJ) (Chair) Ms Colette Scheermeyer (CSc) Mr David Gibbs (DG) Ms Penelope Meyer (PM) Ms Belinda Mutti (BM) Ms Waseefa Dhansay (WD) Mr Peter Büttgens (PB) Mr Andrew September (AS) Mr Ivan Smidt (IS) Ms Stephanie Barnardt (SB) Ms Melanie Attwell (MA) Mr Olwethu Dlova (OD) Ms Helene van der Merwe (HvM) Mr Lwazi Bhengu (LB) Ms Nosiphiwo Tafeni (NT) Ms Heidi Boise (HB) Visitors: Mr Steven Boers Mr Jaco van Muure Mr Johan Cornelius Ms A Coetzee Mr Simon Hoffenberg Mr Cillier Malan Ms Laura Milandri Mr Bruce Burmeister Dr eLZet Albertyn Mr Ashley Lillie Ms Bridget O’Donoghue Mr J Wessels Mr Johan Cornelius Mr Philip Brink Mr Charl de Villiers Ms Natasha Lamb Mr Nic Omar Mr AE Shaik Mr Bruce Wedan Mr Marwhaan Wentzel, Observers: None 3. Apologies Ms Janine de Waal (JdW) Absent Mr Mayiji Nyikosa (MN) 4. Approval of Agenda 4.1 Dated 27 March 2019 The Committee approved the agenda dated 27 March 2019 without additional items. Approved BELCom Minutes_27 March 2019 1 5. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting 5.1 BELCom Minutes dated 27 February 2019 The Committee reviewed the minutes dated 27 February 2019 and resolved to approve the minutes with minor amendments. 5.2 BELCom Minutes dated 19 February 2019 The Committee reviewed the minutes dated 5 March 2019 and resolved to approve the minutes with a minor amendment. 6. Disclosure of Interest: 6.1 Recusals PB: item 12.3, 12.9 and 13.4 GJ: item 11.1, 13.3, 13.5, 13.6 and 13.10 DG: item 11.2 MA: item 11.8 and 11.12 7. Confidential Matters 7.1 None 8. Administrative Matters 8.1 Outcome of the Appeals and Tribunal Committees PM reported back on the following Appeals matters: Stellenbosch University Proposed Partial Demolition and Multi-Storey Addition on Erf 2657, 62-66 Wale Street, City Centre CBD: Section 34 Proposed Alteration & Additions of 56 Main Road, St James, Erf 88327: Section 49 (34) Total Demolition of the Maitland Swimming Pool, Erf 174308, 21A Royal Road, Maitland: Section 49 (34) Proposed new mixed-development for Site B & C, Erf 173716, Portswood Road, V&A Waterfront: Section 49 (38(4)) Proposed Consolidation and Redevelopment of Erven 9282, 1398 & 206069, Berg River Boulevard, Swartvlei & Synagogue, Paarl: Section 49-For Noting, (38(1)) Additions and Alterations- Erf 9096 - 6 Mill Street, Paarl: Section 49 (34) 8.2 Report back on Stop Works Orders and Charges: SB reported back on the following item: Erven 2616, 2617 & 6505, 18 Vincent Street, Mossel Bay 8.3 Formal Protection of Buildings refused for Demolition: Nothing to report Approved BELCom Minutes_27 March 2019 2 8.4 Erf 9703, Church Square, 5 Church Street, Cape Town: MA HM/CAPE TOWN/ERF 9703 Case No: 16011302HB0113M The Committee ratified its decision taken via email, dated 26 March 2019. RECORD OF DECISION VIA EMAIL: The Committee resolved to approve the architect's preferred alternative as indicated on the Church Square Elevations Options Document by Rennie Scurr Adendorff Architects, dated March 2019: p14 Option C, as it does not significantly impact on heritage resources. HB 9. Standing Items 9.1 Site Inspections The following site inspections undertaken by members were noted: Proposed Total Demolition at Erf 86388 , 15 Belvedere Road , Muizenberg , Cape Town Proposed Total Demolition at Erf 24311, 10 & 12 Highgate Street, Maitland Proposed Total Demolition at Erf 1556, 21 Bree Street, Cape Town CBD Proposed Additions and Alterations to existing structure, Erf 911, Forest Drive, Pinelands Unauthorised Work at Erf 931, 14 Faure Street, Malmesbury 9.2 Report back on Council and ExCo Meetings The Chair reported back on the HWC Council meeting that took place on 13 March 2019. 9.3 Proposed Site Visits Proposed Addition and Alterations at Erf 15724, La Gratitude, 95 Dorp Street, Stellenbosch Conservation Management Plan for Iziko Social History Centre at Erf 115873, 6 Spin Street, Cape Town CBD Conservation Management Plan for Bertram House at Erven 95161 and 95140, Government Avenue, Cape Town CBD, CT Conservation Management Plan for Rust en Vreugd at Re- Erf 95910, 95951, 95954, 95953, 95952, 78 Buitenkant Street, Cape Town Conservation Management Plan for Iziko Slave Lodge at Erf 3740, c/o Adderley & Spin Streets, Cape Town (CBD) Conservation Management Plan for Old Town House, at Erf 2433, Green Market Square, Cape Town Proposed Total Demolition of Erf 45531, 6 Nursery Road, Rondebosch Proposed Total Demolition of Erf 455304, 4 Nursery Road, Rondebosch Proposed Total Demolition at Erf 19, 29 Queens Road, Sea Point Proposed Addition and Alteration at Erf 177506, 36 Main Road, St James Proposed Partial Demolition, Additions and Alterations at Erf 155675, 232 Sir Lowry Road, Woodstock 9.4 Discussion of agenda Noted. Approved BELCom Minutes_27 March 2019 3 10. Appointments 10.1 None MATTERS DISCUSSED 11 PROVINCIAL HERITAGE SITES: SECTION 27 PERMIT APPLICATIONS 11.1 Unauthorised Work at Erf 931, 14 Faure Street, Malmesbury: NM HM/WEST COAST/SWARTLAND/MALMESBURY/ERF 931 Case No: 19021404HB0215E GJ recused himself and left the room. The Committee nominated DG to chair this item. BELCom reported back on the site visit undertaken on 14 March 2019. Site visit report prepared by IS dated 14 March 2019, attached (annexure SI1) has reference. Mr Steven Boers and Mr Jaco van Muure were present and took part in the presentation. DISCUSSION Amongst other things, the following was discussed: The site is a PHS. The building retains a high degree of intactness retaining many authentic and significant architectural features The Committee confirms the GR2/PHS status. HWC cannot condone or approve illegal work. HWC acknowledges the applicant /owner’s willingness to engage cooperatively in order to establish a Heritage Agreement for the conservation and management of the provincial heritage site FURTHER REQUIREMENTS: The applicant is to submit a morphological analysis (in diagram form) to illustrate development of the site over time. The architectural significance of the various components of the site are to be described, leading to a comprehensive and detailed statement of significance. A set of heritage indicators is to be extracted from the statement to inform a suitable design response for all further interventions to the site – including the kitchen, the landscaped areas and the boundary treatment. HB Approved BELCom Minutes_27 March 2019 4 11.2 Proposed Interventions for the removal of the brass letters affixed to the building to rename Jameson Hall Erf 44201, University of Cape Town, 16 Library Road, Upper Campus, Rondebosch: MA HM/CAPE TOWN METROPOLITAN/RONDEBOSCH/ERF 44201 Case No: 18040304HB0511E DG recused himself and left the room. Signage Specifications and Methodology were tabled. Ms Heidi Boise gave a PowerPoint presentation. DISCUSSION Amongst other things, the following was discussed: The aluminium lettering proposed is regarded as inappropriate. Lettering similar to the present brass lettering, is to be used. The Committee questioned the non-replacement of the roundels in-between and flanking the existing lettering. A lack of information regarding the making good of existing fabric after the installation of the new lettering was noted. The application lacks information regarding an interpretation strategy relating to the existing name and its historical associations with the University, notwithstanding that this was previously requested by the Committee as a further requirement. No clarification has been provided regarding the future of the brass lettering to be removed. FURTHER REQUIREMENTS: The Committee requires comprehensive information and analyses regarding an appropriate interpretation strategy for the naming of UCT buildings both past and present and their value or otherwise, with particular reference to this specific application. HB 11.3 Proposed Restoration and Alteration on Farm 579, Farm Druk My Niet, Bodal Road, Paarl: MA HM/CAPE WINELANDS/DRAKENSTEIN/PAARL/FARM 579 Case No: 17050204HB0503M Report prepared by Malherbe Rust Architects was tabled. Ms Heidi Boise gave a PowerPoint presentation. RECORD OF DECISION: The Committee resolved to approve the interim report dated 7 February 2019 prepared by Malherbe Rust Architects. HB Approved BELCom Minutes_27 March 2019 5 11.4 Proposed restoration at Portion 9 of Farm 1576, Farm Augusta Kleinbosch, Kleinbosch Road, Dal Josaphat, Paarl: MA HM/CAPE WINELANDS/DRAKENSTEIN/PAARL/ DAL JOSAPHAT/ FARM 709/1 Case No: 18080202HB0808M Revised proposal submitted by Dr Elzet Albertyn was tabled. Ms Heidi Boise gave a PowerPoint presentation. Dr Elzet Albertyn was present and took part in the discussion. DISCUSSION Amongst other things, the following was discussed: A new application reflecting a different approach to the previous proposal was tabled. RECORD OF DECISION: The Committee resolved to approve the application as per drawing numbers A101 Rev B – A111 Rev B dated 4 March 2019 prepared by Christof Albertyn Architect, subject to the monitoring of the work by an architect with suitable heritage experience who will be required to, amongst others, provide input into the appropriate use of lime based mortars and renders, and the consolidation of friable historic surfaces. The appropriate monitoring architect is to submit monthly interim reports to HWC with a closeout report submitted within 30 days of practical completion. HB 11.5 Erf 4945 - Cape Town, City Hall, Mandela Exhibition Centre: MA HM/ CAPE TOWN METROPOLITAN/ CAPE TOWN CBD/ ERF 4942 Case No: 18072501WD0803E A Methodology Statement was tabled.
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