PNHP Newsletter Spring 2010 PHYSICIANS FOR A NATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAM » 29 E. MADISON, SUITE 602, CHICAGO, IL 60602 » WWW.PNHP.ORG » SPRING 2010 NEWSLETTER Obama plan leaves 23 million uninsured Insurers add no value to U.S. health system Sooner, rather than later, our nation must adopt The chief of the Washington Bureau of Financial Times, Edward a single-payer, Medicare-for-all health reform Luce, endorsed single payer in an April 30 appearance on C-SPAN, noting its ability to control costs and improve global competitive- The recently passed reform will expand Medicaid and provide ness. Single payer "would help begin to solve America's fiscal prob- partial subsidies to low-income Americans for the purchase of bare- lem," he said. Health economists who study the private health insur- bones private coverage starting in 2014. But like several states that ance industry have concluded that the industry is not adding any have passed similar reforms, the Obama health plan will predictably value to the U.S. health system and that mergers have raised premi- fail to control costs, jeopardizing any long-term gains in coverage. ums, according to Northwestern University's Leemore Dafny. For Indeed, there are already concerns that employers will react to the details on these and other developements, see Data Update, page 7. bill by dropping coverage for their workers, choosing instead to pay lower-cost fines. For PNHP's statement on the bill, comparison to PNHP Annual Meeting states that have tried similar plans in the past, and more, see the spe- cial section on the Obama Health Plan, pages 3-28, this issue. Nov. 5-6, 2010, Denver, CO PNHP's 2010 Meeting will be held on Saturday, Nov. 6, in Dr. Margaret Flowers Denver at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel. It will be pre- on Bill Moyers, Frontline ceded by PNHP's popular leadership training institute, a one-day course in health policy and politics, on Friday, Nov. 5. Reserve Dr. Margaret Flowers, PNHP's con- your room ($149 single/double) before Oct. 5 at 800-325-3535. gressional fellow, appeared on Bill Nearly 300 PNHPers, including over 50 medical students, par- Moyers Journal and in a PBS Frontline ticipated in our 2009 Annual Meeting last October in Cambridge, special that aired in April. PBS' ombuds- Mass. In addition to PNHP leaders, speakers included Dr. Marcia man concluded that the latter show had Angell, economist Dr. William Hsiao, journalist T.R. Reid, Sen. been unfairly biased against single payer Bernie Sanders, Rep. Anthony Weiner and Cigna whistleblower after he received nearly a thousand com- Wendell Potter. plaints about its failure to mention the single-payer reform option (despite a lengthy advance interview with Dr. Flowers and the air- IN THIS ISSUE ing of a video depicting her arrest protesting the Senate Finance Committee's exclusion of single-payer testimony). Dr. Paul Song Special section on the Obama health plan: appeared on "Larry King Live," and Dr. Steffie Woolhandler and Obama’s reform: No cure for what ails us . 3 Dr. Claudia Fegan appeared on Fox News. These were just a few No time to “wait and see” on health law . 5 of the many media appearances by PNHPers during the reform PNHP statement on Obama health plan . 15 debate. Print, radio, and blog coverage also featured PNHPers. See Aiming high for health care justice . 17 www.pnhp.org for video of more PNHPers in the news. Rise and fall of the “public option”. 20 Summary of coverage provisions . 23 Campaigns for state single-payer plans, New health care reform same as the old health care reform . 26 Whistleblower reveals how insurers can game healthcare bill. 28 divestment from private insurers Data Update. 7 In addition to PNHP's ongoing work in support of national Wellpoint Shareholders Revolt! . 30 single-payer reform, PNHPers in over a dozen states are active in Single payer: Simple, fair and affordable . 32 campaigns for state single-payer legislation, including in New Research by PNHPers . 34 California, where single payer has twice passed both houses of Health insurance coverage of immigrants. 42 the Legislature and a major push is planned for 2010-2012. In World of difference: Take NHS out of marketplace. 49 addition, Indiana PNHPer Dr. Rob Stone "sees the day when Health care abroad: Taiwan. 52 socially responsible investors will divest themselves from health Patient centered medical homes in Ontario . 54 insurers' stocks." He's initiating a national campaign to divest Global drug discovery: Europe is ahead . 57 from private insurers, starting with Indiana's WellPoint. See Chapter reports . 66 “WellPoint shareholders revolt!” page 30. Recommendation: Narrow HMO exemption in state bills. 70 Welcome new PNHP members, chapters Welcome to 1,971 new members who have joined PNHP in the last year! PNHP now has over 17,500 members. We invite new (and long- time) PNHP members to participate in our activities and take the lead PNHP Board of Directors, 2010 on behalf of PNHP in their community. PNHPers in Alabama, Colorado (northern), New Jersey, Tennessee (middle and northeast), Texas, West Virginia (upper Potomac) and Officers Oliver Fein, M.D. (NY), President Wisconsin are starting or reinvigorating PNHP chapters in their Garrett Adams, M.D., M.P.H. (KY), President-Elect areas. To get involved in a PNHP chapter near you, see the chapter Ana Malinow, M.D. (PA), Immediate Past President reports, page 66, or contact our national chapter organizer Ali Quentin Young, M.D. (IL), Nat’l Coordinator, Treasurer Thebert at [email protected]. Steffie Woolhandler, M.D., M.P.H. (MA) Secretary PNHP is hosting exhibits at several medical specialty meetings this year, including the American College of Physicians, American Regional and At-Large Delegates Henry Abrons, M.D., M.P.H. (CA); Garrett Adams, M.D., MP.H. (KY) Psychiatric Association, American College of Emergency Physicians, Olveen Carrasquillo, M.D., M.P.H. (FL); Andrew Coates, M.D. (NY) American Academy of Family Practice, and the American Academy of David McLanahan, M.D. (WA); Rachel Nardin, M.D. (MA) Pediatrics. PNHPers attending these meetings are encouraged to con- Ann Settgast, M.D. & Elizabeth E. Frost, M.D. (shared, MN) tact Matthew Petty at [email protected] to volunteer to help with Rob Stone, M.D. (IN); Arthur J. Sutherland III, M.D. (TN) recruiting at the booth. Robert Zarr, M.D. (DC) Medical Student Delegates Single-payer supporter to head ACP Danielle Alexander, M.Sc (MS1, Albany Medical College) Daniel Henderson (MS4, University of Connecticut) Vermont PNHPer Dr. Virginia Hood is the president-elect of the David Marcus (MS5, SUNY Downstate) American College of Physicians, the second largest medical associa- Gabriel Silverman (MS4, University of Pittsburgh) tion in the U.S. Congratulations, Dr. Hood! Past Presidents Claudia Fegan, M.D. (IL); John Geyman, M.D. (WA) What PNHP members can do Bob LeBow, M.D. (deceased, ID); Don McCanne, M.D. (CA); Glenn Pearson, M.D. (CO); 1. Give a grand rounds presentation on the grave problems in Deb Richter, M.D. (VT); Cecile Rose, M.D. (CO); Johnathon Ross, M.D. (OH); Jeffrey Scavron, M.D. (MA); health care that will persist despite the recently enacted reform Gordon Schiff, M.D. (MA); Susan Steigerwalt, M.D. (MI); and the need for single-payer national health insurance. Updated Isaac Taylor, M.D. (deceased, NC); Quentin Young, M.D. (IL) slides covering the new health law (www.pnhp.org/slideshows, password = fein) are now available. To invite another speaker, Honorary Board Member call the PNHP national office at (312) 782-6006. Rose Ann DeMoro, Ph.D. (California Nurses Association) 2. Write an op-ed or letter to the editor for your local newspa- Board Advisors per, medical association or specialty society publication. Dr. John Jaya Agrawal, M.D., M.P.H. (MA); Simon Ahtaridis, M.D., M.P.H. (MA) Day's article appeared in the American Journal of Respiratory John Bower, M.D. (MS); Aaron Carroll, M.D. (IN) and Critical Care Medicine (see page 32). Gerald Frankel, M.D. (TX); David Grande, M.D. (PA) 3. Introduce a resolution supporting single payer to your med- Bree Johnston, M.D., M.P.H. (CA); Karen Palmer, M.P.H. (Canada) Sal Sandoval, M.D., M.P.H. (CA); Sindhu Srinivas, M.D. (PA) ical specialty society. Sample resolutions are available online at Greg Silver, M.D. (FL); Walter Tsou, M.D., M.P.H. (PA) www.pnhp.org/resolution. 4. Join or renew your membership in PNHP online today at Editors: The PNHP Newsletter is edited by PNHP co-founders Drs. www.pnhp.org/join. David Himmelstein and Steffie Woolhandler, and Executive Director Dr. Ida Hellander. 5. Encourage your colleagues to join PNHP. National Office Staff: PNHP's headquarters in Chicago is staffed by NOW, unions endorse single payer Executive Director Dr. Ida Hellander, Communications Director Mark Almberg, Webmaster / Research Associate Dave Howell, Office Manager Matthew Petty, Chapter Organizer Ali Thebert and Administrative The 500,000 member National Organization for Women reaf- Assistant Angela Fegan. Courtney Morrow and Dr. Bill Skeen staff the firmed its support for single payer in March. NOW's national pres- New York Metro and California chapters of PNHP, respectively. ident, Terry O'Neill, criticized the Obama plan for its reliance on the "failing, profit-driven private insurance system," its abortion restric- Contact information: tions, and its gender- and age-rating provisions. Labor support for 29 E. Madison St., Ste., 602, Chicago, IL 60602 single payer continues to grow. Single-payer legislation has been P. 312-782.6006 | F. 312-782-6007 www.pnhp.org | [email protected] endorsed by 581 union organizations in 49 states, including 39 state chapters of the AFL-CIO.
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