I In THE WASHLWTON TIMES THUKSDAY OCTOBER 8 1903 CLERICAL CHANGES- I TRUSTEES SALES FOR SALE HORSES VEHICLES 9 TRUSTBBS SALE OF A DKSIRABLK TWO FOR SALB Firstclass grocery cost WORLD STORY FRAME DWELLING AT NEWS OF ALL THE BRIEFLY TOLD hOUSE tIm used five months will sell for 6 A- ¬ IN BALTIMORE DIOCESE xKENILWOimi DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA BOX 936 this office oc Dy virtue of the authority vested in us and 3t pursuant to the provisions of a certain deed of dd SALE S ylMi horse sound and gentle trust dated December 1 loot and recorded PERRY STABLES 68 O st ne i oc83t Father DcWulf Transferred From St among Co- MR DRESSER REVEALS TORNADO DEMOLISHES ALASKAN CASE 10 GO GHAMBERlAIN AFRAID the land records of the District of FOR SALB Two young sound horses heavy Bernards to St Vincents lumbia in fAber Xo 2076 page 371 et seq enough for coal cart good workers in tingle or wo the undersigned trustees sell at b auction in front of Uw premises on WEDNES- hotness On Ken afternoon at J SIE1KLEJOHNS Blair Road U C ocS3t Two more clerical changes In tho Dio DAY OCTOBER 14 1MB at 4 OCLOCK P JL SECRETS OF SHIPYARD A VILLAGE IN KANSAS TO JUDGES TONIGHT OF INVASION coso tho following described real estato situate in FOR SALE Having just completed a large con- ¬ ARIA of Baltimore have been made by the District of Columbia viz Lots numbered tract at the Government Hospital for the In ¬ his eminence Cardinal Gibbons These one hundred and twentyfour 1X4 and one hun- sane I have 20 good horses and mules were the D C De dred and 126 in mbdirtofcin of which I will sell at a roteonablo price S M transfer of the Rev part of the tract of land called Fife Enlarged FRAZIER 2 Mawoe St AnaOQ C Wulf pastor Qhurch now ¬ of St Bernards known H Douglas as plat of said Mb Ways of Modern Promoters Bared Aliceville With 200 Population American Counsel Expects to Fin Thinks Yankees May Dump Iron division is of record in Llbor 1S46 tolip 406 de- Vaverly Md to the rectorship of St FORo fault having been made In the payment of SALB Thrco good work horses 1GX Ap Vincents ply ova C by Former Magnate Virtually Wiped Out I ish Argument Today Into England Church Baltimore and the the m nUtly installments the provi- ¬ st sw oc7 at appointment of the Rev P H Len sions of the deed of trust aforesaid and wt FOR SALB being requested by the party secured to make Horse suitable for delivery wagon aghan of St Anns to the pastorate at or driving tall rear 107 D st nc oc7 t Wavorly such sale NEW YORK Oct 8 High finance as EMPORIA Kan Oct 8 Three per- ¬ LONDON Oct 8 Tho Alaska bound ¬ LONDON Oct 8 Continuing his Terms ef sale Wilt be announced at the time FOR SALB wagon horse and harness exemplified by tho modern school sons outright two campaign Father DoWulf is ono of of sale Will sell cheap IWl Orb sC nw of killed fatally injured ary tribunal probably will have finished fiscal Mr Chamberlain last the oldest STODDARD edIt ¬ JOSIAH a Trustee WE Wall Street promotors was stripped of and fourteen others more or less serious ¬ except nronounclns night addressed a meeting of 4000 per ¬ priests In tho dioceses in point of ser ADDISON G DuBOIS Trustee HAVE TO SELL several wagons buagits all Its labors the and surriea No all mystery yesterday How the devisors ly hurt with enormous property damage- evening Jucob sons in the town hall of Greenock a vice having been ordained forty years eel813 Northeast earner 12th and 0 ate reasonable offer refused GEt of Its decision by this ago BR3 1 0 Ohio ave oc7 3t of groat modern combinations demand Is the net result of tornadoes that pre- ¬ ex- ¬ seaport on the Clyde twentytwo He is well known In Washington- M Dickinson of American counsel miles C G SLOAN k CO Auctioneers FOR SALB Black mare and gentle ¬ ¬ and was pastor ¬ hid and obtain huge commissions for thorn vailed near Hamilton Greenwood coun pects to finish his argument today after from Glasgow the former of St An 1407 G Street con drive work any kid selves while placing subpromoters on ty and near Aliceville in Coffey county The late colonial secretary said thonys Church Brookland The pres- ¬ chase 7 worth MO H93 Howard are which the commissioners will consider that TRUSTEES SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED ocO3t ¬ I ent church was the ground floor and then invite credu- Ken Sunday night he was a and wanted to live edifice at Brookland 16 the arguments In private So fully have free trader REAL ESTATE No N STREET SOCTII FOR SALE Hors lous to get In anywhere thoy The town of Aliceville which has 200 harmoniously built through his efforts WEST WITH LAND ADJOINING TIlE buggy and harness sold for investors both sides been thrashed out that little with his neighbors but he want of use Catt at SM K at se after 430 can was Inhabitants was virtually demolished In appointing Father DeWulf to St SAME laid bare in tho story told by will be left to be said and a decision Is desired free exchange with all nations By virtue of a certain deed of trust recorded- Pta oc63t J Vincents Church waived Daniel Le Roy Dresser formerly bead ot Wires were prostrated and the extent of expected in three or four days What If thoy would not exchange he was not the cardinal in Liber No 1083 at folio 202 et seq of the FOR SALE Wellbred West Indian donkey Company Republic the storm was not learned until late to ¬ the provision of the Third Plenary land records of the District of Columbia the harness saddle outfit complete Write or the Trust of the and Influence the contentions have hall on a free trader at any price undersigned offer ISle day The list of may yet be Council of Baltimore which requires wilt for sale at public auc crt California ave oc63t as he once thought ono of the floaters of casualties Lord Alverstono Is the chief point of In ¬ He asked why all protective nations in front of premises on WEDNESDAY- Irre COGSWELLS IS TIlE CHEAPEST and most re¬ Shipbuild- ¬ incomplete ¬ examinations for appointments to the 14th DAY lt OCTOBER 1008 at 5 the 80000000 United States terest Unless ho sees some reason to prospered more than the United King liable place to new and secondhand har-¬ movable rectorships DdWulf OCLOCK P M the following described real ness ing Company The dead near Hamilton are Edith ¬ ¬ Father is traps buggies surreys daytona and de disagree with the Canadian case the tri- dom If the Cobdenites could satisfac estate situate in the city of Washington in livery wagons six Mr a Bailey daughter of W E W Bailey Mr a native of Belgium and was educated- said District viz Lots numbered twentytwo full line of blankets whips For hours Dresser sat in bunal can quickly agree to disagrea If torily answer ho would ask to hide his robes trimming i- ¬ 22 23 B Howi and repairing Gillham father of Mrs John Bailey un- at the famous University of Louvaln and twentythree in Robert an Paint rooms chair in the library of Samuel Untor Impressed him I diminished head His occupation would ¬ 203 arid 211 tho American case has sons subdivision in square numbered six hun- 1010 llth st ¬ identified man Sop and 1012 C at and 1210 myer senior counsel for the first mort some interesting private discussions are be gone- dred and fiftythree 663 as per plat recorded- 1477 Oho ave The Injured In the same vicinity are In LIbcr II D C folio 154 of the records Tel gage bondholders at 30 Broad Street likely to occur which may delay tJC de ¬ I warn you said that within LOAN COMPANIES W E W Bailey two sons and two he of the Surveyors office of said District lot Ne and revealed the inner secrets of the cision two or three years you will have dumped 22 improved by twostory brick dwelling daughters one son Ollie fatally No ¬ shipbuilding concern hurt 10000000 tons American 50000 TO LOAN 15 N Street southwest and lot No 23 con- PROPOSAL here of iron taining 3801 feet of ground more or ¬ H Heberlln wife and child E S Manis On Organs re-¬ The most surprising were the verifica- WILLIAMS BEGINS TERM and thousands of British workmen will Furniture Pianos etc Without less unimproved adjoining the same SEALED win be received at the and wife moval without publicity without delay If office of PROPOS Department Com- ¬ tion of tho reports that Charles M lose employment for th sole benefit of you company we A deposit of 9100 will be re- of FOR KILLING OF WHITE hrve a loan with another will quired of merce and Labor D O 12 ¬ At Aliceville and vicinity the Injured you mo at the time sale All conreyancin until Schwab was not a free agent In the dis American and American pay the same off for you end advance recording OCLOCK M OCTOBER 10 1CC3 and include Bruy fatally four manufacturers money Call and get rates or drop postal and and will be at the purchasers cost position of the Bethlehem Steel plant William hurt workmen to be complied with within ten days opened for toe furnishing of materials the family of John MEDIA Pa Oct 8 Judge Johnson ngent will call at your house otherwise labor necessary to REPAIR BRICKWORK which he to own and control members of the Earlwlne Concluding his goneral restatement o EXPENSE TO YOU UNLESS LOAN IS MADE the trustee reserves the right to re in purported ¬ connection with boilers in the Richards and a young daughter of J W Atherton yesterday sentenced Elms Williams the tho speaker said 4hat agriculture in COLUMBIA GUARANTEE CO sell at the risk and coat of the defaulting pur- Build that he had to consult J Plorpont Mor- ¬ negro chaser ALOIS B big Coast and Geodetic Survey Washington- seriously convicted of murder in the second Great Britain was virtually destroyed 013 F SL N W BROWNE D C Blank and other gan before he could effect a transfer
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