--- I ASSUMPTION H1GH SCHOOL DAVENPORT lOWA nio of the 1962-63 school ouncil." (See editorial, · II D re and Tom Moor Council Don Prevents Frosh Revolt Although freshmen aren't ready to revolt, it is true that they will have no representatives until Nov. 8, fresh­ man election day. However, Don Chen­ owe h '63, Student Council president, points out that "this interlude before their elections gives freshmen a chance to evaluate themselves and their class­ mates m regard to their capabilities as class officers." To give freshmen a clearer concept of just what Assumption's Student Council is. Don also formulated this statement from information he gath­ ered at the Iowa Association of Stu­ dent Councils Summer Workshop last July in Cedar Falls: "The Student Council is essen­ FRE H START . GA Pre ident Don Chenoweth '63 di­ tially an organization of students rect officers Barb Lewis '63, :\fary . lotto and Pat Thompson, elected by students to serve as j uniors, as they compile this year' football programs. their resprescntatives in matters of concern to the entire school. It is a means of student-faculty co-op­ eration and understanding. The Aud Lobby Gets Face Lifted Student Council is a positive force of a working democracy and ex­ ample of good citizenship. This The auditoriwn lobby will get its face The beautifying of the lobby will in­ year's officers feel that Student lifted. This "beauty treatment" is the gift clude a large wall mural and tiled floor. Council is basically student par­ In the center of the mural will be masks ticipation. We are trying to think of the class of '62; this year's seniors of comedy and tragedy, as well as a lyre of ot1r organization as a team - the more players we get working, even now are considering what their to symbolize drama and music. On each the better our team will be. All donation to the school will be. side will be a cross and scroll, plus the our aims and objectives will at­ Greek letters alpha and omega, repre­ tempt to fit the needs of the stu­ senting religion and education. dent body in accord and co-opera­ tion with the responsibilities in- Colors of the design will be regal blue, 1.·ested in us by the administra­ cherry-red, lemon yellow, black, berry tion." GirlsSpeak Frenth brown and parchment. 20,000 pieces of In a talk given at this year's first "Parlez-vous-francaise" is a new tile weighing 1,500 lbs. will be used in Student Council meeting, Fr. R. Wal­ sound whispered in the girls' division, the construction by the Tavegia Tile Co. ter also added that the faculty can now that French is offered to juniors. The floor colors will be driftwood, reef use the Council "to communicate to Assumption's first French teacher, the rest of the sutdent body," indicat­ Sr. Mary St. Gilberta, BVM, arrived brown, cocoa brown and wine. ing that the representation works both this summer from Seattle, Wash. Be­ ways. sides French, she teaches senior reli­ gion, Spanish I, and English Ill. Under the leadership of their new CiradsCome Home Four other Sisters of Charity joined faculty advisors. Sr. M. Helen Regine, the teaching staff: Sr. Mary Ambro­ Alumni will come home for Home­ BVM, and Fr. Carlos Leveling, the of­ sina, Sr. Mary Carola, Sr. Mary Jeanne, coming activities Oct. 12-13. The foot­ ficers have outlined a vigorous fall and Sr. Mary Ritella, BVM. ball game will be played Friday night program, the most important item of Sr. Mary Carola, BVM, is the new against Davenport West and the dance which 1s a revision of the SGA Con­ chorus instructor for both varsity and will be the following night in the cafe­ stitution. Besides updating the docu­ freshman choruses. teria. ment, the proposal includes the addi­ Fr. L. Mulligan, assistant pastor of Student Council members appointed tion of a new standing committee - St. Mary's parish, is teaching Latin as committee heads include: Pat Ham­ faculty invitations - to improve fac­ again this year. He taught this same mond on Homecoming buttons, John ulty-student relations. The Freshman course last year when Father Mann Burke and Jeff Gadient on the pep Frolic is also being planned earlier this was ill, but now is one of the staff. assembly, and Angie More and Tom year. Fr. Raymond Schwank, one of five Cusack on half time activities. Float All class ard school elections are new members of the boys' division, is committees are being handled by Sal­ handled by the Council as well as teaching senior religion and freshman ly Cogan and Jack Hogan for the sen­ Homecoming, Christmas Formal and Latin. ior floats, and Barb Egger and Pat almost all other dances. The members New laymen arc: Mr. Clint Weste­ Dray for the junior float. also compile the helpful Connections meyer, Mr. Dave Skemp, and Mr. Gary Hal Wiese and his orchestra will booklet, the school telephone directory. Simoens. provide the music' for dancing. 2 ANS BandSees Bishop OIi with Bang At noon on Sept. 22, n prominent duced." Many of the decisions reached. four things they should especially do· person from Davenport boarded a ship however, will directly affect them and First, read and be informed of what is called the Leonardo Da Vinci in New will influence their daily lives. taking place. There are numerous York City and 1s this minute on his way Council Agenda pamphlets published on the council. to aid in making history. Some of the topics on the agenda plus stories in secular as well as relig­ The important traveler IS Bishop set up by the Central Preparatory ious newspapers and magazines. An Ralph L. Hayes. He left Dave_nport by Committee, which has been preparing especially good source for Assumption train Sunday, Sept. 16, for Pittsburgh this calendar for years include: re- students is The Catholic Messenger. where he made a short visit and then forms in Canon Law; revlsion of the in- Second, study about the council and traveled on to cw York to prepare to dex of forbidden books; more explicit take part in class discussions so that sail for Rome. laws on the rights and duties of lay- they can explain it to other peopl . When asked who would accompany men; better presentation of means by Third, pray for the success of the coun­ him to Rome, he laughingly replied, "I which laymen can become "leaven cil and the guidance of those attend­ will be in the best of company: I'm throughout society;" and greater free- ing. Lastly, pray for their Bishop. going alone.'' Once aboard the ship he dom regarding the liturgy and the vcr- ''There is one thing I want you all will be with other bishops from all nacular. to remember," he stressed, ''this is not parts of the country. In Rome he will What can students do to help? At the a vacation. We will be there to work, stay in the Grand Hotel, which is very opening Mass Bishop Hayes outlined and work very, very hard." near St. Peter's Basilica, for the dur­ ation of the council. Opening Mass As the Bishop remarked at the open­ Statistics Challenge Speaker ing Mass of the school year, "This will be a marvelous spectacle of church un­ Five out of 202 last year's graduates Barb Bergthold entered the same com­ ity." Prelates will be attending from have answered calls to a religious vo­ munity Sept. 1. The third girl, Jane all corners of the world. With all the cation These statistics will challenge Molyneaux, finished a three day re­ nations of the world represented, the Sr. Mary John, OSF, Peoria, Ill., in Oc­ treat before undertaking a college ed­ language barrier could be a problem. tober as she addresses the girls' division ucation for the teaching life of a BVM. Bishop Hayes considers that this has on the subject of religious vocations. Jane entered the convent at ount been overcome since "speeches will be Fr. John Morton, CSSR, director of Carmel in Dubuque Sept. 1. translated into five languages so that vocations for Redemptonsts, will speak Two '62 grads - Pat Friemel and those attending may listen either in La­ to the boys' division Oct. 5. Pat Foley - will be joined by Tom tin or in one of the other languages. Jeanette Schonhoff was the first of Buechle '60 and Dick Willers '58 (St. I'm not certain that earphones, such as three girls from the class of '62 to Ambrose Academy) at St. Ambrose those used in the U.N., will be avail­ •nter religious life this year. She be­ Seminary this fall. Mike Rochow, also able.'' came a postulant in the Order of Saint '59, will study at Glen Ellen, III., to How does this council affect stu­ Francis at Milwaukee, Wis., July 31 become a Maryknoll missionary. dents? As this will probably be the only ecumenical council in their life­ YE,\R time, it will be an excellent opportunity T H E ~ y OF THE to witness the Church making history. Pope John said, "There will be no new doctrines or sensational formulas pro- ~ In Caf HoMECpMING­ F"IRST QUAR,£.R G-AME. f DANCE E XAM.3 OCT. I z. - 13 ...., OC-T . Z-9 JuniorsGambol y "Down Memory Lane" 1s the theme V' of the Junior Dance, which will be held Wednesday, Sept. 26, from 8 to Y' 11 pm in the AHS cafeteria. Last year as sophomores, the class of '64 spon­ I sored "Moon River," the final dance FtRJT of the year.
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