Kai Tak Sports Park Ltd Kai Tak Sports Park Noise Mitigation Plan REP -00 1-00 March 2019 This report takes into account the particular instructions and requirements of our client. It is not intended for and should not be relied upon by any third party and no responsibility is undertaken to any third party. Job number 266006-70 Document Verification Job title Kai Tak Sports Park Job number 266006-70 Document title Noise Mitigation Plan File reference Document ref REP-001-00 Revision Date Filename Noise Mitigation Plan.dox Draft Filename Noise Mitigation Plan.dox Description 0 Checked by Approved by Name Mr. Hiko Law Mr. Michael Wong Post Senior Environmental Engineer Senior Project Manager Filename Description Checked by Approved by Name Post Filename Description Checked by Approved by Name Post Issue Document Verification with Document V REP-001-00 | March 2019 C:\USERS\KFL21\DROPBOX\KAI TAK SPORT PARK\04 PLANS\06 NMP\NOISE MITIGATION PLAN V0 20190228.DOCX Kai Tak Sports Park Ltd Kai Tak Sports Park Noise Mitigation Plan Contents Page 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Purpose of the NMP 1 1.3 Scale and Scope of Kai Tak Sports Park 1 1.4 Management Structure 2 2 Construction Phase 3 2.1 Major Construction Activities 3 2.2 Noise Mitigation Measures 3 3 Operational Phase 9 3.1 Major Noise Sources in Operational Phase 9 3.2 Noise Mitigation Measures 9 4 Conclusion 12 Appendices Appendix A Location of the Project Appendix B Certification by Environment Team, Mott Donald Appendix C Certification by Independent Environmental Checker, ERM Figures Figure 1.1 Management structure for environmental works of the Project REP-001-00 | March 2019 C:\USERS\KFL21\DROPBOX\KAI TAK SPORT PARK\04 PLANS\06 NMP\NOISE MITIGATION PLAN V0 20190228.DOCX Kai Tak Sports Park Ltd Kai Tak Sports Park Noise Mitigation Plan 1 Introduction 1.1 Background The Environmental Permit (EP) (i.e. EP-544/2017) for the approved Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA) for Kai Tak Multi-purpose Sports Complex (Former name of Kai Tak Sports Park) was issued on 8 th September 2017. The location of the Project according to the EP is shown in Appendix A . As stipulated in the Condition 2.19 of the EP, the Permit Holder shall, no later than one month before the commencement of construction of the Project or otherwise approved by Director of Environmental Protection (DEP), deposit with the DEP with three hard copies and one electronic copy of the Noise Mitigation Plan (NMP). For the Kai Tak Sport Park project, Hip Hing Engineering Co. Ltd. (HHE), as nominated first tier subcontractor under Kai Tak Spork Park Limited (KTSPL), will be responsible for carrying out construction works for whole development as well as associated environmental impact mitigation measures. 1.2 Purpose of the NMP The NMP is prepared to comply with Condition 2.19 and Condition 2.20 of the EP. This NMP contains details, implementation programme, maintenance and management schedules of the required noise mitigation measures for the Project. 1.3 Scale and Scope of Kai Tak Sports Park The Project comprises the following elements which are considered as a Designated Project (DP) as per Schedule 2, Part I of the EIA Ordinance: • O.6 – An open air concert venue with a capacity to accommodate more than 10,000 persons; and • O.7. – An outdoor sporting facility with a capacity to accommodate more than 10,000 persons. The Project comprises the construction and operation of the following key elements: • A Main Stadium (MS); • A Public Sports Ground (PSG); • An Indoor Sports Centres (ISC); and • Other ancillary/supporting facilities such as car parks, retail, food and beverage outlets, an office building and a hotel. Page 1 REP-001-00 | March 2019 Kai Tak Sports Park Ltd Kai Tak Sports Park Noise Mitigation Plan 1.4 Management Structure The management structure for the environmental works of the Project is indicated in Figure 1.1 . Figure 1.1 Management structure for environmental works of the Project Project Proponent Environmental Home Affairs Bureau Protection Department (EPD) (HAB) Supervising Officer or Independent Supervising Officer’s Environmental Checker Representative (SO or (IEC) SOR) Environmental Team (ET) Contracted Party (CP) KTSPL Construction Contractor Hip Hing Engineering Co. Ltd. (HHE) Line of Communication Page 2 REP-001-00 | March 2019 Kai Tak Sports Park Ltd Kai Tak Sports Park Noise Mitigation Plan 2 Construction Phase 2.1 Major Construction Activities The Project involves the following major construction activities which may arise noise impacts to nearby Noise Sensitive Receivers (NSRs): • Piling works; • Pile cap construction; • Foundation works including excavations, site preparation and plants mobilizations; • Superstructure including steel fixings, temporary formworks and scaffoldings; • Builder works including materials transportation and interior works; and • External works including loading/ unloading materials and road works. 2.2 Noise Mitigation Measures All the associated noise mitigation measures stated in the approved EIA report for Kai Tak Multi-purpose Sports Complex (AEIAR-204/2017) remain valid and have been incorporated in the current NMP. M itigation measures with implementation programme, maintenance and management schedules are provided as follows: Mitigation Measures Implementation Implementation Maintenance Maintenance Agent Programme [1] and and Management Management Parties Schedule (a) Piling works • Adopt good site practice, HHE Q2/2019 – KTSPL, As required such as throttle down or Q1/2020 HHE switch off equipment unused or intermittently used between works; • Regular maintenance of HHE Q2/2019 – KTSPL, As required equipment to prevent noise Q1/2020 HHE emission due to impair; • Make good use structures HHE Q2/2019 – KTSPL, As required for noise screening; Q1/2020 HHE Page 3 REP-001-00 | March 2019 Kai Tak Sports Park Ltd Kai Tak Sports Park Noise Mitigation Plan Mitigation Measures Implementation Implementation Maintenance Maintenance Agent Programme [1] and and Management Management Parties Schedule • Use Quality Powered HHE Q2/2019 – KTSPL, As required Mechanical Equipment Q1/2020 HHE (QPME) and quiet equipment which produces low noise level; • Erect movable noise barriers HHE Q2/2019 – KTSPL, As required of 3m height to shed large Q1/2020 HHE plant equipment (breaker, backhoe, mobile crane) or hand-held items (poker, wood saw, power rammer, compactor) near low-rise NSR, with special design where necessary, e.g. with noise absorbing material or bend top. Its length should be at least five times greater than its height. The minimum surface density of the movable noise barrier is 10 kg/m 2; (b) Pile cap construction • Adopt good site practice, HHE Q4/2019 – KTSPL, As required such as throttle down or Q4/2020 HHE switch off equipment unused or intermittently used between works; • Make good use structures HHE Q4/2019 – KTSPL, As required for noise screening; Q4/2020 HHE • Use Quality Powered HHE Q4/2019 – KTSPL, As required Mechanical Equipment Q4/2020 HHE (QPME) and quiet equipment which produces low noise level; • Erect movable noise barriers HHE Q4/2019 – KTSPL, As required of 3m height to shed large Q4/2020 HHE plant equipment (breaker, backhoe, mobile crane) or hand-held items (poker, Page 4 REP-001-00 | March 2019 Kai Tak Sports Park Ltd Kai Tak Sports Park Noise Mitigation Plan Mitigation Measures Implementation Implementation Maintenance Maintenance Agent Programme [1] and and Management Management Parties Schedule wood saw, power rammer, compactor) near low-rise NSR, with special design where necessary, e.g. with noise absorbing material or bend top. Its length should be at least five times greater than its height. The minimum surface density of the movable noise barrier is 10 kg/m 2; (c) Foundation works • Adopt good site practice, HHE Q2/2019 – KTSPL, As required such as throttle down or Q2/2020 HHE switch off equipment unused or intermittently used between works; • Regular maintenance of HHE Q2/2019 – KTSPL, As required equipment to prevent noise Q2/2020 HHE emission due to impair; • Position mobile noisy HHE Q2/2019 – KTSPL, As required equipment in locations away Q2/2020 HHE from NSRs and point the noise sources to direction away from NSRs; • Use of silencer or muffler HHE Q2/2019 – KTSPL, As required for equipment; Q2/2020 HHE • Make good use structures HHE Q2/2019 – KTSPL, As required for noise screening; Q2/2020 HHE • Use Quality Powered HHE Q2/2019 – KTSPL, As required Mechanical Equipment Q2/2020 HHE (QPME) and quiet equipment which produces low noise level; • Erect movable noise barriers HHE Q2/2019 – KTSPL, As required of 3m height to shed large Q2/2020 HHE plant equipment (breaker, Page 5 REP-001-00 | March 2019 Kai Tak Sports Park Ltd Kai Tak Sports Park Noise Mitigation Plan Mitigation Measures Implementation Implementation Maintenance Maintenance Agent Programme [1] and and Management Management Parties Schedule backhoe, mobile crane) or hand-held items (poker, wood saw, power rammer, compactor) near low-rise NSR, with special design where necessary, e.g. with noise absorbing material or bend top. Its length should be at least five times greater than its height. The minimum surface density of the movable noise barrier is 10 kg/m 2; (d) Superstructure • Adopt good site practice, HHE Q4/2019 – KTSPL, As required such as throttle down or Q4/2022 HHE switch off equipment unused or intermittently used between works; • Regular maintenance of HHE Q4/2019 – KTSPL, As required equipment
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