Wednesday September 5. 1984 HStatesmanVolume 28, Number 5 SERVING. THE STATE UNIVERSITY' - OF NEW YORK AT STON'Y BROOK AN) ITS SU'RROI 'NI)ING CONI\f\'NVITIFS - Board OKs Moratorium on Local Housintor Brookhaven Town Board Halts All New Building in 3 Villages for 6 Months By Howard Breuer a moratorium, which states essentially the moratorium unanimously. obsolete. It presently allows for more Anyone wanting to build upon Three that all requests to build homes turned The Three Village area borders the building than we can handle. It built up Village area property will have in from to wait Aug. 15 on will be held off for six university campus on its north side, and to a very heavy level, and then every- at least six months while the months. The board plans to use this time Brook- comprises the villages of Stony Brook, thing just broke loose. The rest of the haven Town Board to re-evaluates its review its master plan for zoning in Setauket and Old Field. board and myself have decided that we zoning laws, according to Brookhaven the area. The present plan was drawn "The Three Village area has been need to stop for a while to take a look at Town Supervisor Henrietta Acampora. up back in 1975. growing much faster than we want it what's going on, and to change whatever The decision was reached at a town The board, which is composed of seven to," Acampora said. "The master plan needs to be changed." board meeting yesterday morning. It is members including a supervisor, passed has become outdated and so somewhat "It's a good idea," said Robert Francis, pp-- MMMMofth, vice president for Campus Operations. I 'The present zoning plan needs tobe reassessed and updated.' How will the updating affect Stony Miss Teen NY Hits the Books} Brook students? There is a need. espe- cially among the University faculty. By Daniel Me Lane and Elizabeth Wasserman graduates and Health Sciences Center The month of August brought with it two new * students, for off-campus housing. "I experiences for Melanie Harrison: enrollment as | hope that there will be more areas zoned a freshman at Stony Brook and a reign, furnished for apartments to be built near with a title and crown. campus," Francis said. The 18-year-old Woodmere, Long Island resi- There is a great need for more off- dent began her year-long reign as Miss Teenage! campus housing, according to David New York about three weeks before sitting in on i Woods, director of University News her first Biology 151 lecture. Services. "There was a great response While her enrollment at Stony Brook was pre- over the summer by families in the area dieted as far back as last spring, the crowning Offering rooms or apartments through came as a surprise. 'When they put it on my head, the off-eanpus housing office," said I said 'take it back' " said Harrison, who though Woods. "But there is still a great need she had no chance of winning the state-wide for apartments in the area." contest. ' "It is my understanding that the It all started when Harrison had received a' Three Village area is presently the fas- letter from Ross Productions, Inc., which runs! test growing residential area on Long the contest, asking for her entrance into the com- Island at this time," said Woods. "The petition. The fact that the contest was based on rate of single family houses seems to grades, volunteer work, and a prepared speech, have multiplied that fast. The board appealed to her. needs to take a look at what's happening 'It's a quality pageant, not a beauty pageant," in the area, and see to it that the growth said Kelly D resident, who hopes to one day be-' of the area is smooth and planned out come a physician. I and not in any way a haphazard mess." Her academics were A-level ("Never got any- "Under the present plan, there is a lot thing below"), her volunteer work substantial of property zoned for industrial pur- (she tutored, worked with gifted children, partic-. poses that is not being used." said ipated in fundraisers for the Leukemia Founda- Francis. "As well as a lot of large, single tion. and volunteered for the Meals-on-Wheels family zones that could be changed to program), and public speaking is one of her true multi-family houses." loves. The moratorium does not directly af- Harrison mailed back a completed application fect the campus, according to Francis. form but still thought she had no chance of win- because the campus is a state-owned ning. She was called back as a finalist and went to property, immune to such local zoning the three-day competition conducted at the laws. "It is my hope" said Francis, '"that SUNY Binghampton campus along with other more areas will be zoned for multi- young women from around the state. They com- family homes to be built near campus. peted in several areas, including evening gowns., once the master plan has been re- interviews, and answering impromptu questions., evaluated. This would be most advan- There was no bathing suit competition. tageous to Stony Brook students. Places The subject for her speech was apathy among Statesman Doreen KenrrcNv have been built, like University Houses teens. But the two weeks she has spent on the Freshman Melanie Harrison was crowned Miss Teenage New York about in Terryville. that provide for apart- icfintinued an page- 7) three weeks before starting university classesy ment living accessible to students. I'd - - - -- Novo,, like to see more places like it." Javits Talks Bo Bores In Foreign Policy | Bolero -page 3 -page 1A ^_______,_____________^ = , v . ' or atV,.ia In; eff |-et -- IK-xr- -- L-ww-ALn m -K I T l4 ad ALtt&o5- W*revw a Cut Compiled From Associated Press Reports Conservative Swirls (I 't- Canada 9 s Election I Toronto - Brian Mulroney led Cana- deau stepped down, managed to win a da's Progressive Conservative Party to a parliamentary seat himself in a Van- landslide victory yesterday over Liberal couver district. But when he gives way Prime Minister John Turner. to Mulroney in about two weeks, End of the BridgFe Mulroney, who promised to revive the Turner's tenure as prime minister will Canadian economy and improve rela- be the shortest in Canada in this tions with the United States, won elec- century. t A Proudly Presents Ir as tion to the 282-seat Parliament easily in Turner and Mulroney were still wait- K< mVi_ -^-r. northeastern Quebec. With 91 percent of the vote counted, ing for more complete results before the Tories had won 205 seats and were commenting. We-me -ne The Conservatives won 58 of the 75 leading in another seven. The Liberals seats in Quebec, breaching the Liberal won 38 seats and were leading in two. fortress. In the 1980 election the Tories The left-leaning New Democrats won 27 got one and the Liberals 74 in the and were leading in two, and one inde- French-speaking province. pendent gained a seat. For the Tories, it is the first majority Bacef; The Conservatives had 50 Partu^: percent of victory since John Diefenbaker led a the popular vote to 29 percent for the similar sweep in 1958. the Liberals have Liberals and 18 percent for the New beenincontrolforallbutninemonthsof MWITTE USER' Democrats. At least 12 current Liberal the past 21 years, including 15 years under Trudeau. Thursday% *1 Cabinet ministers lost their seats in Parliament. Mulroney, 45, cast his ballot at the Turner, who had been in office only school he attended in the isolated paper- since '& June 30, when Pierre Elliott Tru- mill town of Baie Comeau, Quebec. SOUL BROTHElRS with 1 Shuttle Lands, - r J D.J. System ^ aH 1; 7 Friday Despite 02 Leak ^TE4UILA PARTYI CapeCanaveral, Fla. -Discovery's near Santa Barbara and into Edwards. c-rew quickly overcame an oxygen leak The landing will mark the end of a with DJ. System ;odayandheadedforadawn landingin sixay m a id e n journey for the third the California desert after a 2.5 million mile shakedownf ligh t alu d ed as r e tso - shipin the National Aeronautics Space ring confidence in America's psac e A dministr a tio n 's Shuttle fleet. Saturday transportation system. "We'rve got a fine addition to the fleet Landing wasset for 6:33 AM PDT,I I of shuttles," commander Hartsfield said 4 minutes after sunup, ona wide open dry - DISCO PARTY .44 lake bed at Edwards Air Force Base in yesterday. Mission Control wakened the astro- DJ the Mojave Desert. Weather was nauts 90 minutes early today when it reported excellent, with unlimited vis- detected a leak in a set of tanks that Second Addition Sound ibilty. An hour before touchdown, com- supply oxygen for the cabin mander pressure Henry Hartsfield and pilot and power-producing fuel cells. Michael Coats were to fire the shuttle's Hartsfield switched to a backup sys- ; Aptitded AdJustment tem and initiated a troubleshooting braking rockets over the Indian Ocean procedure that isolated the leak to a Hours: to start a supersonic glide - ^\ on a path over pressure control system. The system N;/\ the Pacific, across the California coast 4:00-8:00pm - x was shut off and the leak stopped. 17 with your host M * DA WV I- - A - %A ---Forecast Look out for partly cloudy skies this according to the National Weather - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- morning and cool temperatures drop- Service. ping to the low to mid 50s.
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