American-Canadian Genealogist Issue 81, Volume 25. Number 3. 1999 Paternal Direct Line Ancestry of Grace (daughter of Marin/Renee LEROUGE)c. DEREPENTIGNY METALIOUS 1630. Normandie.^® BenoitSIMONEAU, and Albert J. MARCEAU, of FCGS of Connecticut 12. Rene LEGARDEUR. sieur de Tilly, married Catherine de CORDAY (daughter of 1. Grace DEREPENTIGNY Pierre de CORDAY/ ? ) by notary contract at FcUaise on 27 JUN 1599. 2. Alfred Albert DEREPENTIGNY married Lorette M. ROYER.(daughter of Jean- Notes Baptiste/Aglae PELOQUIN) at Saint- l.Itmily Toth, /nsi'fie Peyton Place: The Life of Grace Georges. Manchester. New Hampshire on MKrAUOLIS(New York: Doubloday and Co.. 198 1). p. 8. 12 MAY 1924J-' 2."l.es Hymens de ce Matin dans Nos Parolsses ... DlvREPEWnGNY - Roycr." LAi^enir NaiiotKile. 3. Jean-Baptiste DEREPENTIGNY married Manchester. New Hampshire. 12 mai 1924. p. 3. col. 5. The full lc.x.t of the report is as follows: "M. Alfred Florentine MARCOTTE,(daughter of DEREPENTIGNY. 42 rue Walnut, a espouse ce matin, a Joseph/Emelie PERUSSE) at Saint-Joseph- six heures et demi en I'eglise Saint-Georges. Mile de-Montreal on 21 DEC 1898 Liuirette Royer. 194 rue bridge. M. Fabbe J.E. Vaccaresl a bcni I'union et a cclebrc la messe pendant laquelle. le quatour de la paroisse a fait le chant. Lcs 4. Moise DEREPENTIGNY married Sophie teinoins ont ete M. Wilfred DEREPENTIGNY et Mile TAILLEFER (daughter of Franpois/Josephte Alice Peloquin." Margaret BRUNET) at Saint-Gabriel-de- It should be noted that the report in L'Avenir Rationale Montreal on 26 DEC 1874.'^ as to which priest said the wedding mass contradicts Tolh on page 38 where she writes that Fr. T.J.E. 5. Jean-Baptiste DEREPENTIGNY married Devoy, who said the wedding mass for Grace, is the Marie DEREPENTIGNY,(daughter of same priest her parents had" for the wedding. Since LAuenir Nationale is the earlier source. I believe it to be Joachim DARPENTIGNY/Angelique Li'ue. BOURBONNAIS) at Saint-Joseph-de- ^oulanges, "Les Cedres" on 26 AUG 1816. Possibly the most surprising fact in the report Is that the wedding was held at 6:30 in the morning, unless the originaris a typographical error, in whicli case it should read "dix heures et dcrni." or 10:30 in the B.Jean-Baptiste (Joseph) DARPENTIGNY morning. married Agathe LEDUC,(daughter of Thomas/Charlotte ST. MARSEILLE) For those of you who wish to examine the original at Sainte-Jeanne de Chantal, in He Perrot. the Manchester Public Library, the collection of LAi'enir Nationals is on microfilm from 1895 to 1898. and in the Vandreuil County on 11 JAN 1790.^® original from 1910 to 1941. The telephone numl>er for the library is (603)-624-6550. 7. Jean-Baptiste LE GARJDEUR- DARPENTIGNY married Marie-Anne 3. Toth. p. 13. 4. Toth. p. 14. LEFEBVRE (daughter of Noel/ Marie Anne 5. George METALIOUS and June O'Shca. The Girljiom GERVAIS) at Bout-de-I'lle, Montreal County "Peyton Place "(New York: Dell Publishing Co.. 1965). on 30 JAN 1758. p. 13. 6. Toth. p. 13. 7. Toth, p. 13. 8. Jean-Baptiste LE GARDEUR- 8. E.W.'mompson, "I^ Chien d'Or: A Legend of Injury LECARDEUR married Marie-Anne and Reverjge." Hartford Daily Times, 24 September LALANDE (daughter of Leonard/Gabrielle 1885. p. 6, cols. !-*2. Rpt. Connecticut Maple l^af Vol. 8. No. 3, Summer 1998. pp. 243-6. BEAUNE) at Pointe-Claire, county of 9. Emily Toth, "Fatherless and Dispossessed: Grace Montreal on 2 MAY 1732.^^ MET'ALIOUS as a French-Canadian Writer." Journal of Popular Culture, 15 (Winter 198 1). 3)3 10. Toth. "Fatherless... ." p. 15. and Grace 9. Jean-Baptiste LE GARDEUR married METALIOUS. No Adam-in Eden (New York: Pocket Marguerite CADIEUX (daughter of Books, Inc., 1964). p. 113. Jean/Marie VALADE) -no marriage date, no 11. On Monday morning, July 27. 1998. 1 'Called the marriage place. City Clerk's Office in Manchester. New Hampshire, and the clerk 1 spoke to simply told me that marriage certificates cost ten dollars to obtain. She also said 10. Jean-Baptiste LEGARDEUR. sieur de that the clerks give no information on the telephone. Repentigny. married Marguerite NICOLET After driving two hours to get to Manchester. 1 (daughter of Jean/Marguerite COUILLARD) discovered tnat it is against the law for anyone but the immediate family to obtain any vital records. Instead of at Quebec on 11 JUL 1656.^' arguing with me. the city clerk gave ine the following law for Manchester. New Hampshire: "In accordance 11. Pierre LEGARDEUR, sieur de with RSA 12 6: 1 A. in order to have access to a record an applicant shall have 'direct and tangible interest' In Repentigny. married Marie FAVERY the requested record. 'Immediate family' having direct -132- f)RA^iGF ro'TTv u£i\jL,HLUui^riL oOClElY American-Canadicm GenealogusL Issue 81. Volume 25. Number 3. 1999 children. There were the PAQUEHTEs, on White Collar to be her best novel.) The same the next farm down the river from is true of Emily TOTH's biography. Inside the BERGERONS, who had fourteen Peyton Place: The Life of Grace METALIOUS, children and in Sainte-Therese. there were which is also out of print, but it is possible the TURCOTTEs. Marie-Rose TURCOTTE to find it at a library. George METALIOUS had borne seventeen children before and June O'SHEA's biography of Grace. Armand BERGERON was bom and before The Girlfrom "Peyton Place. " could have she reached menopause at the age of fifty- been better written, but is used by TOTH one she had achieved a grand totaJ of as a primary source, so 1 would recommend twenty-two little TURCOTTEs.'' I can relate it to someone who must have everything on to this description of the BERGERON Grace METALIOUS. family, for my father was one child among seven, and his father was one among As for the essays. I recommend TOTH's twelve, plus two adopted Italian boys. "Fatherless and Dispossessed; Grace METALIOUS as a French-Canadian Author" It is obvious that Grace must have visited in the Journal ofPopular Culture, Winter Quebec at least once in her life, for she 1981. 1 also recommend the two essays in wrote an excellent description of the the Fall 1980 issue of Historical New villages of Quebec. "The villeige had one Hampshire. "A Novelist and Her Ethnicity: store, one saloon and one Catholic church Grace METALIOUS as a Franco-American" ...."" I have always thought of Quebec as by Richard SORRELL. and "In the Eyes of the family, the farm, and the church, but Her Father: A Portrait of Grace Grace's description is a little more accurate METALIOUS" by Robert PERREAULT. Both in my experience, for my Aunt Marie of the essays in Historical New Hampshire LEMELIN of Armagh. Bellechasse. whom I have photographs of Grace which are not would visit once a year, lived in the village, available elsewhere. Among the newspaper next door to her first cousin. Paul-Eugene articles. I recommend Pat HAMMOND'S LANGLOIS. who ran the village's only "METALIOUS Told World of NH's Secret general store, and diagonally across the Passion" in the New Hampshire Sunday street from the village's only bar, Up the News. 4 MAR 1990. HAMMOND'S article street, on the highest point in Amiagh. is has an interview with Grace's son. the Catholic church named after Saint - Christopher METALIOUS, who is a captain Cajetan. in the New Hampshire State Prison, and Allan HUGELMAN,' who now owns No Adam in Eden is an excellent book and Grace's.house, smd claims she visits him a major work of Franco-AmeriCcUi periodically as a ghost. literature. Unlike Louis HEMON's Maria Chapdelaine. which has a strong romantic In the future, there should be another feel with its use of the "Voice of Quebec" biography on Grace DEREPENTIGNY- talking to Maria, No Adam in Eden is a METALIOUS by FJiea COTE-ROBBINS and novel of gritty realism, which is not as Emily TOTH. This biography will have an appealing as HEMON's novel. Many of the emphasis on Grace as.a Franco-American subjects in Grace METALIOS' novel may woman, as Rhea COTE-ROBBINS have been taboo thirty-five years ago. but announced at the French Institute's the changes in contemporary society may thirteenth conference on 6 JUN1998.(Rhea make the novel more rightly judged since COTE-ROBBINS was the editor-in-chief of the shock value has lessened. The greatest Le Forum for five years, and a founder of scandal of No Adam in Eden is that it is the Franco-American Women's Institute.) now out of print, and little appreciated, Also, the talk on Grace METALIOUS' life in even in the Franco-American community. Manchester, New Hampshire that Robert PERREAULT gave at the French Institute Suggested Reading on 17 JUN 1994. may be included in the The only book by Grace METALIOUS that French institute's future publication of its has remained in print is Peyton Place, and eleventh conference in June of 1994. In the my only suggestion to find her other three case of the two books I learned about at the novels is to go to a used bookstore. (Before French Institute, which are yet to be reading the entire canon. Return to Peyton published, a review will be given of them in Place was written under pressure from the a future edition of the Connecticut Maple publisher, and Grace considered The Tight Leaf -131- ATnerican-Canadian Genealogist Issue 81. Volume 25. Number 3. 1999 and tangible interest shall include mother, father, son.
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