RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXVIL, NO. 7. RED BANK, N.. J., THURSDAY AUGUST 10, 1944. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 11 Phone Solicitation Name Committee May Adopt A Cadet Nurses At Wage Increases To Lacks Authorization England General Dogs Bark, Neighbors The Register has been asked by For Catholic High Plumbing And Three members of the 1944 grad- J. Russell Woolley, county clerk uating class of the Monmouth Mem- 35 Boat Builders and chairman of the Republican War Memorial Drainage Code orial hospital, School of Nurses, are Howl To Borb Council executive committee of Monmouth now receiving their specialized county, to notify its readers that training as senior cadet nurses at the telephone calls being made by To Raise Funds Fair Haven Board England General hospital in Atlan- Employees At Fair Haven Plant some anonymous persons In the tic City. These are.the first of the Want Ordinance "With Teeth purported Interest of the Republi- To Equip New Of Health Seriously Monmouth Memorial hospital Nurse Receive Retroactive Pay Checks can party, soliciting funds for the Cadet corsts members to be assigned coming campaign, are entirely Science Room Considering Matter to England General. In It" To Curb Nuisance without authorization. Assigned are Miss Judith Smith Som« 35 boat bulldera, member! ters In dispute be adjusted through Mr. Woolley states that anyone The board of health of the bor-! of California, daughter of Mr. and Plans are being completed for The barking of dogfat alt hours of the Faij Haven Yacht Works arbitration using the facilities of desiring to contribute to the fund ough of Fair Haven is seriously I Mrs. Harry Y. Smith, former resl- the disposal of four $25 war bonds of the day and night In the vicinity Employees' aisoclation, an unaffll- the state board. A. joint petition may forward same to him at the August 18, the purpose of which is consldering the adoption of a dents of Red Bank; Miss Blanche Special Services iated union at the Fair Haven Yacht requesting the wage increases and Court House, Freehold, or to Araory of Hudson avenue and Elm place to provide funds for equipment In plumbing and drainage code. This | W°lk ^of Washington, DC. and . » »,i i ,. £•• 1J was nothing as compared to the workf, received thl» week checka classifications be approved was filed L. Haskell, treasurer; for the Re- the new science room in the Red was manifested when practically j Miss ^Sylvia Kaplan of Portland, | /\t AtflletlC rieiU ringing from (40 to (295 an a re- with the regional WLB. publican party, Whlppoorwlll road, Maine. howl that residents of these streets Bank Catholic high school in mem- the entire time of their recent made to the mayor and council at sult of the decision of the Ship- The status of the small boat R. F, D. Red Bank. They write of the great field In ory of former students now serv- meeting- was devoted to this health a meeting Monday night. Their building commission at Washington workers in this area has always nursing our G. I.'s back to health, ing In the armed forces, of which protective measure. Inter-Faith Rites protests ranged from growls that after the matter was referred to been doubtful and the WLB re- of the mervelous work that is De- five have made the supreme sacri- Fair Haven has no public sew- the animate kept them awake at them by the regional War Labor ferred the matter to the shipbuild- VanHorn Agency fice. 0 ers, neither has It any official codecodss ; done and of the value of such Begin August 20 Board at New York city. ing commission. Their decision ap- night with their infernal barking". Mls« Martina Healy Is secretary or ordinances, except those of a j experiencexp e In preparation for ser ft u , They growled that the animals The commlsion at the same time proving the agreement and the i ! vtee in ththe ArmA y NNurse corps. Sells 3 Homes of the committee, which LB com- state-wide nature, governing plumb The first of a series of three kept them awake at night and they approved the hourly wage rates ar- wage structure would seem to clar- poeed of the following members of ing and drainage. Until such time i There are also frequent references I ify small boat workers' status and yipped about the way the critters rived at by negotiations between the church: lire. James Anderson, tore up Victory gardens. They de- relate them to the shipbuilding: in- tne - the union and the company, which E. Bergen Place Mrs. James Accera, Mrs. Joseph stalled :--;;:»i,v;»«-«-.->--the type of sewer drainage ] y received a.t Monmout.»wh Mem***- \tzz^\hvvTiT*jrt?°: manded an ordinance "with teeth Is operated by H. G. Wickham. The dustry generally. orlal, which is now proving Inval- atlon council and the Alexander, Miss Agnes Burke, Miss installed by each individual has 'ill be held in it," and they weren't trying to highly skilled mechanics were class- Thomas J. Smith of the firm of Property Sold Mary Burke, Mrs. Michael Bergln, much bearing on the health con- work. be funny, either; they were in dead ified In three groups: Class A, (1 Parsons, Labrecque and Border of Mrs. Joseph Bray, Mre. Joseph Boy- ditions of the borough. seriousness. to J110 per hour; Class B, 85 cents Red Bank Is counsel for the union West Bergen place on Sunday, Au- The Ray VanHorn Agency of Ian, Mrs. Margaret Clevenberg, Mrs. Ordinances and codes as adopted The protests of these annoyed to Jl per hour, and Class C, 75 to and represented them throughout, Falr Haven reportj tne n]t tQ ^ Eugeno e Carroll, „.Mrs_ . ___,.Josep. h Car_ - by neighboring municipalities are 90 cents per hour. This matter N. Y. Republicans residents precipitated something of the proceedings before the WLB • and MraThln0M E. sherman,who rolll , Mrs. Thomah s CCasaidy, Mrs. being studied y-'ith the desire to a neighborhood cat-and-dog fight, came before the commission after and the shipbuilding commission. | nav6 recentiy aoli tnelr iBiTge farm i Louis Casagrande, Mrs. Frank Cal- make the proposed code for Fair considerable negotiations In which for after they had concluded a re- Anthony J. Witek of Long Branch, |at Chape, Hm_ of the.property lo- j andrlello, Mrs. Thomas Corcoran, Haven as simple as possible and Name Curran To cital of their grievances, another the New Jersey State Board of Me- president of the union, today ex- cated at 219 East Bergen place, Red Miss Bernedette Emmons, Miss with the least expense (o the. home diation participated. As a result resident got to hi& feet, frankly ad- pressed the union's entire satisfac- Bank, owned by Mr. and Mrs. John Monica Emmons, Miss Veronica builder yet getting a type of drain- mitted that he was one of the dog of the conferences, the contract be- tion with the ruling of the commis- Emmons, Hies Marguerite Enrlght, age which will be a protection to Oppose Wagner tween the company and the union J. Wllley. An unusual feature of, - , - owners—the owner of one of the sion and with the speed which Mr. the six-room residence is that the | Mrs. Leo Finn, Miss June Glblin, | the municipality. dogs that was being complained was arrived at fixing hours, classi- Wickham of the company accepted j between the music room, liv- Mrs. Thomas Gill, Mrs. Owen! Many of the cesspools and privy fications, wage rates, holiday pay, door g Candidate Is about—and said lie was the recip- the decision and the promptness in \ ^"g'room and diningToorii7are"of j Grant, Mtss Margaret Harbison. vaults already within the borough ient of a number of anonymous seniority rights and grievance pro- issuing to the men the retroactive mahogany with silver knobs Miss Grace Hackett, Mrs. Fred! limits are not satisfactory, either cedure. It provides that the mat- heavy Summer Resident and scurrilous letters and "poet- pay increases"" ". and are reported to have been L. Jones, Mrs. William T. Jones, Mrs. j from the point of construction or cards, i He read one of the letters, moved from the old Aator house In Patrick Kennedy, Mrs. Thomas health measures. Some of them Of Fair Haven which was certainly all that he New York city many years ago. King, Mrs. Theodore J. LaBrecque, aro not only giving trouble to their had cracked it up to be, and on* Another feature of the house are) Mrs. William Lynch, Mrs. Harry owners but have become practical- could feel the tension in the room Marine Describes large plate glass casement windows 'Lambert, Mrs. Edward Kelly, Mrs. ly a nuisance to the adjacent prop- The New York state Republican mount which also came from the ume Dennis Murray, Mra. Theodore erty holders-^ Several are of recent committee Tuesday unanimously nominated Thomas F. The crusade against roving and Saipan Invasion New York property. The house I Moss, Miss Amelia Marks, Misa Rose construction and if they had been barking dogs was led by Georga , , year-old secretary of state, who is has a fireplace in the living room | Mk M Jh P Mlihlll M properly built would have given 1 Goodall of Elm place, who stated | Marks, Mrs. John P. Mulvihlll, Mrs. resident of Fair Haven, and a modernized kitchen. There satisfactory service for years to • that he had been a resident of Red Martin McGulre, Misa Louise Mc- as their candidate to oppose U. S. Sgt. Harry Estelle is a slate roofed barn used as a come, yet after only a few months Bank for the past ten years.^ Ht/ Cue, Mrs.
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