I * EARLY THREAT NOTE RECEIVED BY SUNDAY EDITION THE VALLEY FIRST—FIRST IN THE VALLEY—LEASED WIRE SERVICE OT THE ASSOCIATED PRES6 STATE HEAD FORTY-SECOND YEAR—No. 261 V BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS, 8UNDAY, APRIL 29, 1934 6c A COPY 'Inside Dope* Received On ‘Snatch* By Outlaw Serves Notice OOLUMBU6. O., April «P>— She Gov. White Germany Will Arm Herself George haa received supposed Inside Information'* that roembeni at the John DUUnger gang have established a "head- quarters’' here with the view to GOODS WORTH lierfecting plans to kidnap the ea- ecutlae and his daughter. Mary. Awaiting Chance? $2000 TAKEN The governor declined to dis- close the source of his information, v/hich was to the effect that sev- I eral members of the *• Dillinger gang V IN ROBBERIES had reached Columbus and were merely awaiting a favorable mom- ent to act. He acknowledged that he supposed "inside information * Herald Story Leads had been turned over to him out To indicated he was giving it the Arrest Of tame unconcerned reception ac- corded other DUlinger threats and Suspect tips.* Only 11 ago. the I days governor received a letter mailed from Chi- • Special to The Herald > cago containing a threat that he HARLINGEN. 28.-Arrested Windows Shattered in Silver Shirt April v ould not live to the end of his Bookshop in Brownsville C. GUNMAN FOR Friday night, R. term of office unless he pardoned STAND DRAWS was CRIMINAL Harper. Valley produce man. IS Charles Ham’ Pierpont, Makley bound over in 8500 bond to await .’ltd Russell Clark, three members action the on char- by grand jury of the DilUnger mob now held in of NO. 1 OUTLAW ;* ^ ges having stolen 440 pairs of Ohio penitentiary. CRITICISM OF jw 'silver'shirt'" FREE AFTER shoes and 400 dozen spools of thread mH from the Red Arrow freight lines LITERATURE here. The preliminary hearing was held Saturday before Justice of the HIT HR W C. OTHERPOWERS THOUGHT ■HH NEWS' RAWER sMAGAZINE ESCAPING PEN Fields, and Harper THOUSANDS OF was expected to make bond before mmM BOOKS night. No Take Officer iWill Longer Says Slug * Midwest Kidnaper And Merchant Testifies World Struck Aide Of | BARRELS OF Dictation, ‘Lifer’ Crawls Salvador Villegas, who operates a Is Notified Dillinger small store about five miles from From Sewer Mission, testified that on April 7 ^ Harper came to him and offered for BOOZE BURN sale storm damaged merchandise BERLIN. April 28. >/P>—Germany, CHICAGO. April 28. (/PH-The CHESTER. El.. April 28. —(**— alleged to have been bought from | law’s bullets are putting creases, LEXINGTON. Ky., April M •trying noUee ahe no longer intends ■ w* jr an insurance Another midwest criminal, Randol company. Twenty-thousand barrels of whisky, to submit dictation, stood firm one by one. in the John Dillinger Villegas testified he 100 to Eugene Norvell—sometime aviator, purchased some of it 21 years old were de- gang, but the outlaws haven’t lost pairs of shoes and contracted for Saturday for adequate defensive bondsman, gambler, kidnaper and stroyed In a spectacular $5,000,006 an additional 400 oairs which were armaments—despite a blast of crit- enough blood to halt their gun- finally a “lifer”—roamed free Sat- fire that swept the Schenley owned delivered on April 11th. icism from other nations, partic- roaring terror over the central west. urday. another fugitive testimonial, James E Pepper distillery near Lex- ularly France. like John to ington George <Baby Face) Nelson, dim- Dillinger. the vulner- Notifies Officers Saturday. “Victor powers are no longer free ability of prison bars. A night watchman, Stanley Tra- inutive gunner, is the latest report- to act as they please in the matter On both sides of the Mississippi Reading in The Brownsville Her- vis 24. died in a Lexington hospital ed casualty in the Dillinger ranks. of disarmament.” declared Foreign river officers hunted Norvell. ald of Sunday. April 22. of the rob- from burns received when he was Minister Konstantin von Neurath Robbery Charged “brains” of the August Luer kidnap- bery of merchandise from the Red trapped between two blazing build- ers of last July, and his companion. Arrow company. got in ing Investigators said the fire THimstums Over’ Villegas A bank a James who started Travis threw $6,000 robbery in Chica- O'Connell, crawled touch with Hidalgo county officials, j when gasoline go suburb is the latest outrage tl> through a sewer Friday to and Edward B. a in- into a heating stove. of Vll* escape Black, special "The days imposing ultima- * ; charged to the now scatter- from the Southern Illinois vest a tor of The distillery, established In 1S70. tums and dictation upon Germany widely peniten- ig the Red Arrow people, ” ed gang. tiary’. and arrest was one of the oldest in America. are gone Harpers at a 14th St., Meanwhile, a report that Diilin- Hours after the two disappeared packing shed in Brownsville on Fri- Addressing German newspaper- •x vf .-«,> ger and several members of his •■'K'^'‘-* f^wimwa from a prison machine shop. Warden followed. men Friday. Baron von Neurath gang, day night Kill Two travelling in two had J. E. Raegan received reports that claimed Negroes voiced the Nazi attitude In a speech automobiles, Harper that he had | been seen at Binghamton. New York, Norvell. still wearing his the CHICAGO. April $•.—if)— Two in which he assailed "the French prison bought merchandise In question , sent officers in that section garb, had been seen negro robbers opened fire on two in "to peace near Perryville. from Llano Cantu in McAllen No intransigeance" striving keep Mo., across 'ictims, as they stood with their into feverish activity. the Mississippi. The men description of the man from whom Germany permanently in a state of j hands extended upwards, killing A1 Johnson, a special deputy, re- *--—...*t£---■■■.... —......JUMM apparently separated after rowing he claimed to have made the pur- inferior rights and inferior rank." j one and the at across the river. chase was critically wounding He referred to a re- ported Saturday Superior, Wis.. Animosity against Silver Shirts flared into violence in Los Angeles, strongest citadel of the American given. specifically ne believed he had wounded The two men. both ‘model other. cent French note which declared Nelson "Fascist” organization when, on two successive nights, bricks were hurled through windows of this pri- in an of shots with soners.1' made their Walter Franck. Oak Park realtor, exchange him bookshop, where Silver Shirt and antl-Communist literature is sold. The way through a vigorously against and European proprietor proudly painted set of steel was killed, and Charles Vernon, near Solon Springs, Wis.. Friday of the bars in the machine shop I disarmament convention reached edges shattered glass and added legends, underscoring his belief that Communism were re- fell with a bul- night. The deputy was wounded to enter a tunnel, used to house i Chicago optician, outside Geneva which might permit his slightly. sponsible. plumbing. Crawling the let in abdomen. the of through MURDER COUNT I rearming Germany. “Wooden Gun John" and his first narrow passageway, they reached the ‘Hand Extended lieutenants, John Hamilton, were prison yard, entered the sewer MARKETS treated lor shoulder wounds a lew and wormed their way 400 yards to THE WEATHER its Although calling for de- weeks ago but have re- outlet in the Mississippi river. adequate apparently FILED NEW YORK STOCKS Brownsville and the AFTER fensive am.aments, he said Ger- covered canpletly. Valley: Sun- GUNFIRE day fair and warmer. Allegh 8 34 34 34 many is willing to renounce weapons PUTS COUPLE IS HELD Hamilton Liked To AJ ChemAcDye 2 146 146 146 of aggression, to accept efficient 5,000 Hunt Outlaw Am Can 4 102 1014 1014 supervision and to guarantee the “I took a pop at him and I think Hide Near Officers PISTOL FIGHT Am Stl Fdrs 8 194 194 194 non-imilitary character of politi- I hit him," Johnson said of hi* BEAUMONT April 28. —<*»>— Am Sug 9 49 484 49 cal organizations under a disarma- QUICK END TO WHEN brush with MISSING Beaumont Am TAiT 9 1204 120 120 Nelson. "His car careen- PAIR HELD IN police Saturday learned NACOGDOCHES. April 28 I ment pact ed to the side 01 the road. He from P. T. Dallas Tom bat- Am Tob 1 704 704 704 **Our hand remains extended.” he proo- Bradbury, deputy Looney, 45. who himself ably was hit in the arm or sheriff, that tled for Anaconda 52 164 164 164 said. “It is for other to shoulder, Raymond Hamilton, life after being critically governments as the k SF 13 88 4 874 874 I did not aim high.’* bank robber under arrest in wounded tn a gun fight near Seed At grasp it.’* EXTORTION TRY While 5,ooo or a.o*c ueavily arm- KIDNAP CASE CHILD FOUND Dallas, spent the night of April 5 Tick community school house { Baldwin Loc 12 134 134 184 in Aviat 12 184 18 18 ed peace officers, augmented oy A hotel a block from the Beau- Thursday night, stood charged Sat- Bendlx hundreds ol mont station. Bethlehem Stl 35 414 404 404 volunteers, searched I GOWER Mo.. 28. police Three other urday with the murder of Joe T. April —(A*>— A SAN ANTONIO, April 28.—UP)— 104 50 484 484 Ex-Convicts Face from Louisville northward u> mb persons were said to have Chrysler f rattle of gunfire among the tomb- been Clevenger. Jr., member ck a prom- twin cities o fSt. A man and hi* wile were held with Hamilton. Con Ot! 18 124 124 124 ! Paul and Minnea- stones of a end- inent family.
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