Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-20-2006 The BG News January 20, 2006 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 20, 2006" (2006). BG News (Student Newspaper). 7541. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/7541 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. State University FRIDAY January 20, 2006 TRUE TEAMMATE: Sidelined basketball SHOWERS player still supports the HIGH 48 LOW35 team in many ways, day www.bgnews.com in and day out; PAGE 10 independent student press VOLUME 100 ISSUE 83 New bill may put the 'No' in 'Noe' Dishonored former University trustee is inspiration behind ethics rules By Laura K. Simmons you know. doesn't take campaign con- tributions with appointments to I think, that we have a prob- WHAT THE BILLS DO REPORTER But not everyone is convinced tributions into account at any boards," said State Senator Marc lem. The question is, are these In 1991 Tom Noe, a University there's a real problem point in the appointing Dann, D-Liberty, adding appointmentsall about HOUSE BIU 464: Moves to pro- dropout who made political to fix. process. lust because that he thinks this can't merit?" he said. hibit university trustees from donating donations to then Gov. George "Idon't know if there's someone exercises their be allowed to continue on Many people are money to state candidates and politi- Voinovich, won an appointment any legislation need- first amendment right any scale. questioning the valid- cal parties lot one year before their to BGSU's board of trustees over ed here," said Linda in the political process According to lohn ity of university trust - appointment, during their term, and a banker and a civic leader many Dobb. vice president |by donating money) we Kohlstrand, director of ee appointments, for one year afterwards thought were better qualified. of the University. "The shouldn't discriminate communicationsfor dem- and Chris Redfem, Fifteen years later, legislators boards themselves against them." ocrats in Ohio's House of D-Catawba Island SENATE BILL 253: Moves to in both Ohio's House and Senate suggest who they'd like Currently, the gover- Representatives, no one and chair of Ohio's require one trustee to be a parent of a are proposing new restrictions on on the board, and are CHRIS nor can appoint whom- is saying that all current MARC DANN Democratic party, university student at the time of their who the governor can appoint as mindful not to insert REDFERN ever he sees fit, but some board of trustee members SENATOR thinks that this con- appointment and one appointee to be trustees for public universities, anyone based on polit- SENATOR legislators think that are there as a reward from cern is one that needs an educator. In addition, appointees hoping to ensure future appoint- ical cronyism." should change. contributions, it's far from it. to be addressed. may not have waited for a state ments are always based on According to a spokesperson "Noe was absolutely a poster Most of the members are well agency within three years before their what you know — not just who for Gov. Bob Taft, "The Governor child for rewarding political con- qualified, but "It is pretty clear. APPOINTEES. PAGE 2 appointment Blogs entering into academic world Instructors see cyber asking students to take blogs a step farther and have each space as the next of the students in his Great generation classroom Ideas class create a blog for course work. By Candice Jones The students in his class- REPORTER es will use their blogs to post My blog ate my homework. responses to class readings and This semester, some instruc- continue classroom discussion tors are requiring dieir students when class has ended. Then, to be a little more creative not only can Rohrbacher access with their homework assign- their assignments, but other ments. Instructors like Chad students in the class can share Kohrbachcr now use blogs in ideas through (heir blog site. their lesson plans. "I think there is a lot of oppor- Blogs, otherwise known as tunity in cyber space," he said. weblogs or live journals, are With the ability to post assign- Web sites where anyone can ments on the World Wide Web, post their own thoughts. Many Rohrbacher thinks, students students use Xanga, MySpace, will become more aware of the Blogtastic and other Web sites big picture. to post their blogs, and let the "What we are doing in die world know about their opin- classroom is part of a much ions, friends, favorite music and larger scale, we are not con- ItnniBoebel BGNe»s even what they had for lunch. fined to the University's bub- RELOAD ON SUGARS. Junior Marketing major Sierra Peoples, on the left, Music Education Senior Diane Cline, in the middle, and Senior Supply lessica Honigford, sopho- ble," he said. Chain Management major Phil Wichman relax after donating blood during the blood drive with the snacks provided for them. more, has been writing a blog And Rohrbacher is not the for over a year. only one bursting out of the "I usually just use it to record bubble. This is the first semes- the day's events," she said. Bloodmobiles travel for help This semester, Rohrbacher is BLOG.PAGE 5 American Red Cross declares blood supply Last December, school cancel- "One bad day of snow and can- lations and the holidays caused celed blood drives can hurt us shortage in Cleveland, donations encouraged the Western Lake Erie region's greatly," Pearson said. chapter — which supplies blood For this reason, the Red Cross is By Megan Schmidt accident tomorrow and could be to Wood County — to experience more dependent than ever upon Anti-Racism group REPORTER the one needing it." a blood shortage. the blood drives that do not get While the thought of a needle The American Red Cross Though this region has yet to canceled, such as the one held in protruding from an arm isn't the declared this month that its declare an emergency, Pearson the Union earlier this week. fights for victims most appealing image, for many blood supply in the Cleveland said she wouldn't rule out the But Miami,* Holland, president By Cassandra Sholar he said. blood donors, it's the possibility of area was facing an emergency- possibility of more shortages of the BGSU American Red Cross REPORTER saving a loved one's life that over- level shortage, with only a 12- occurring before winter's end. Club, said turnout at this week's There isn't a particular per- shadows this uneasy thought. hour supply of blood types 0 Red Cross Bloodmobiles travel drive wasn't as high as expected. Nazis, KKK members and other son that's head of the group, "You have to put a face on negative and B positive, and less to different schools and churches "This blood drive was very neo-fascist groups beware: said Wittenmeyer, adding that than a 24-hour supply of A nega- slow," Holland said. "They short- Organizations like the Anti- the people who regularly show that bag of blood," said ludy to set up blood drives and take up to the meetings, which they Pearson, manager of communi- tive and O positive. the donations they need to sup- ened it to tiiree days instead Racist Action group are always cations and chapter relations for Pearson said that as poor ply area hospitals But if these of four, which caused many going to be where you are and hold at 6 p.m. every Thursday at the American Red Cross of the weather conditions continue, locations close due to inclem- students who regularly give to fight you every step of the way Grounds For Thought on Main northwest Ohio could face a sim- ARA — an international Street, arc considered all heads Western Lake Erie region. "Your ent weather, the blood drives are movement dedicated to fight- of the group. ilar crisis. then canceled. RED CROSS. PAGE 2 friend could be involved in a car ing fascism, discrimination, The group is currendy try- racism and White supremacy ing to reach out to the commu- since 1988 — branched out to nity and get people involved by the Bowling Green area last either having benefit shows or year, and while the group only social events, like an art show. Income Tax woes eased by volunteer program consists of five members so far, "We're trying to hold some freshman Tyler Wittenmeyer benefit shows ... like musi- Students can gain by learning how to file their W2 tax forms, he said. ence," said Tara Wagner, presi- hopes for many more. cal shows to raise money," income taxes. Volunteers at VITA are able dent of Beta Alpha Psi. "Any "This group really just start- Wittenmeyer said. valuable experience, "VITA is a volunteer income to choose the site they want to volunteer experience is a good ed," said Wittenmeyer, explain- ARA held an art show last help the needy tax service that provides free work at, along with the number experience." ing that the group was inspired spring at the United Christian basic tax service to low and mod- of hours and days they would At his site, McCray said he had to form by the destruction that Fellowship building on Erate income tax payers," said like to volunteer for.
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