FBW, Games, Mixer, Prizes Carnival Weekend Begins April 30 By Dave Tietyen pus with males in garish and in containers in the first floor lob over a 25 foot patch of mud in grotesque costumes along with a way" will open to reveal a variety Fun, games, prizes, excitement, by of the Union. Proceeds are the 2nd annual Powder Puff tug- of booth designs and games. enjoyment, laughs await the spec­ parade of young ladies. donated to charities. of-war. Phi Sigma Epsilon will have a tators of the 16th annual Campus The Beauty and Beast contest Greased Pole Thursday evening, groups will Carnival weekend beginning returns the "ugly man en campus" The grunts and groans of the begin the construction of the castle 30 feet wide rising into the Thursday, April 30. to UWM. Along with Walt Disney greased pole contest will begin at "Midway" and transform the air above the entire carnival. Campus Carnival is the largest beauties, the "Beast" will reign 4 p.m. on Thursday. Sixty men fieldhouse into a replica of the Their game will include throwing event held on the campus of during three dc.ys of activity. will attempt to scale a 20 foot famed Disneyland. More than 150 circular objects at a mat-covered .UWM. Contestants will be competing heavily greased pole and capture students will be working to pre­ drawbridge. Beginning Thursday morning, for "votes" from the student body. the Playboy garter placed on top. sent to the campus an outstanding Alpha Omicron Pi sorority will April 30, students will be seen pa­ These "votes" are in the form of This will be followed with more carnival. rading in the Union and on cam­ have a garden scene from "Alice pennies, nickels, and dimes placed than 80 girls tugging and pulling On Friday, at 5 p.m., the "Mid- in Wonderland" with coke bottles being inserted in mushrooms and rings tossed at the bottles. USL Votes „J?elta Sigma KaPPa wil1 have The Last Chance Saloon" and Mike Georges spectators will attempt to toss chips into water-covered shot Chief Justice glasses. UWM A maze through the Matter- By Pat Strehlow Hatter-Catter-Pillar land of Alpha Michael Georges, a second-se­ Phi sorority's annual jail will mester freshman, was appointed greet the unlucky "prisoners." and approved as the new chief Throwing darts through the justice of the student court at the Alice in Wonderland looking glass is the theme of the Alpha Sigma final meeting of the student legis­ Alpha entry. lature on April 15. Game Variety In his President's report, Bill A large top with a dice game ' Mett nominated Georges and ap­ is the entry of Chi Sigma Lambda pealed to the legislators to ap­ sorority. prove him. When, at first, the Beta Chi fraternity will con­ legislature defeated this nomina­ Vol. VTLL, No. 27 University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee struct large diamonds.and have a tion, Mett used his prerogative to April 23, 1964 game consisting of throwing ob­ appoint Georges as the acting jects at a spinning board. chief justice. Disney characters on a merry- Once Georges had been ap­ go-round is the booth design of pointed acting chief justice, a few Barnes, Fabos Sweep Primary Phi Mu sorority. Spectators will members of the legislature indi­ be throwing balls into revolvine Jim Barnes and Greg Fabos won s cated that they desired a recon­ excellent impression on various baskets. the nomination for the USG presi-1 sideration of the original nomina­ campus organizations and students A planetarium from Tomorrow- tion. Acting on the reconsidera­ dency in the primary election held last week on Thursday and Friday. because he is older and more ma­ land will be the design of Triangle tion, the legislature again voted ture than either of the other candi­ fraternity. Magnetic darts will be to defeat the nomination. How­ According to the Election and suspended and will drop when a ever, sophomore legislator Tom Posters commission, Jim Barnes dates. However, it appears that button is pushed onto the plavine Miller asserted that he had raised received 1,117 votes; Fabos 322; both candidates are sincerely in­ area. s his hand to change his vote. and Tom Collins 154. terested in representing the stu­ Rocketships will be used by Miller Changes Vote Fifty-eight miscellaneous write- dents," continued Mett. Delta Kappa fraternity to entice Acting chairman, Paul Krause, Mett says that the major dif­ spectators into their booth ana. ruled that Miller's changed.vote ference which now has to be con­ A test of steadiness will be given was to be counted. In turn, this to the spectators. ruling was challenged, appealed, Grant Corps sidered by the voters is the.pre­ and consequently upheld by a vote vious experience of- the two re­ . ?W. Kappa Epsilon fraternity will, have a large pirate sailing of the student legislators. 12 Credits maining candidates. ship and spectators will throw ob­ Election Date To climax the now confirmed The faculties of the college of jects to break "the records." nomination, Mett officially swore The general election will be held letters and science and the school Awards Presentation in Georges for the position of on April 23 and April 24, in the Octopuses in a deep-sea world chief justice, which had been re­ of education at UWM recently ap­ Student Union and on the down­ will be the entry of Gamma Phi cently vacated by Carl Neumann. proved the recommendation to town campus. Major USG officers Beta sorority. Rings must be In a statement to the POST, grant credits to Peace Corps vol­ Jim Barnes as well as members of the next thrown onto the waving arms of ' Georges emphasized his eagerness unteers. student legislature will be elected the Octopuses in order to win a at that time. to acquaint himself with the role Twelve undergraduate elective in votes brought the total number prize. v of chief justice. "By going through credits are presently being grant­ of votes to 1,656, which represents The other candidates for major "The Matterhorn" will be re­ the old files and attending court ed for Peace Corps training and 10 per cent of the total number of offices are: vice-president; Lou produced by Sigma Sigma Sigma hearings as a spectator, I have service through certain areas at sorority with movable skiers that familiarized myself with the gen-, eligible voters on campus. UWM. Eight of these credits Collins Comments must be stopped from reaching eral business and procedure of the their chalet. would be given for language train­ In reaction to the results, Tom student court," said Georges. ing, and four credits for training Expanding Jurisdiction A 14 foot dinosaur will domi­ in area studies, international rela­ Collins, the defeated candidate, nate the booth of Phi Sigma Delta Georges cited the rising stature tions, communism and American said, "I want to congratulate Jim fraternity. and expanding jurisdiction of the institutions. Barnes for his fine showing. court. "In the future the court's Following the close of the mid­ jurisdictions may extend to in­ Over a 12-week period, Peace "I believe Jim is. a well-qualified way, an awards presentation clude disciplinary cases, besides Corps volunteers normally receive person and capable of doing a mixer will be held in the Union traffic appeals and any constitu­ about 720 contact hours of edu­ ballroom beginning at 9:00 p.m. cation, plus additional knowledge good job as president. I would like Awards will be presented for all tional questions. I believe that I gained from two years of service it to be known that he has my the events. can provide the leadership re­ overseas. complete support and whatever quired to continue this progressive Times to remember: precedent/' stated Georges. UWM also has a number of assistance he may wish. Thursday, April 30 —Beauty and scholarships available for return^- "I think that my biggest failing Beast contestants all day. (Continued on page 8) ing Peace Corps volunteers. concerned • my past association Greased pole contest—4 p.m. with Bill Mett," asserted Collins, Tug-of-War—after greased pole. Friday, May 1—Beauty and Beast as an explanation for the com­ contestants all day. paratively wide gap in the voting "Midway" open 5-11 p.m. results. Saturday, May 2 — Beauty and "Although I have consistently Beast contestants all day. fought against Mett's manipula­ "Midway" open Noon-10:30 p.m. tions for personal gain within Greg Fabos Awards presentation mixer from USG, the students did not seem to 9 to 1 a.m. featuring the Commodores. be aware of this. I believe that Maris and Michael Dingman; sec­ retary, Barb Howard and Sue Admission charges are 25 cents the students, through their over­ Koller; treasurer, Mike Flood and for the "Midway" and 50 cents whelming support of Jim Barnes, Dennis Graf. for the mixer. have voiced their disapproval of Mett and his unrepresentative poli­ cies," continued Collins. In conclusion, Collins announced Scholarship Offered that he would run as a write-in candidate for the Senior Com­ Summer "work-study" scholar 8, is designed to offer supervised merce seat in student legislature. ships for undergraduate social experience and instruction provid­ Mett Speaks work students will be available ing insight into mental health for the first time in Wisconsin. Present USG President Bill Mett programs. The program will also Plans were completed for a two- aid in recruiting workers for the also evaluated the results: "It was year pilot project by the UWM a surprise in that a relative new­ various mental health professions.
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