This book is dedicated to the memory of my father, Wayne Elbert Lee, who passed away in January 2004. His forbearance, gentle spirit, and charity were a model to all who were fortunate enough to know him. He would have been proud to see this work (as he was of all my work) to completion. His life was gentle, and the elements So mix’d in him that Nature might stand up And say to the world, “This was a man!” —Shakespeare from Julius Caesar Copyright © 2005 by Sage Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. For information: Sage Publications, Inc. 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, California 91320 E-mail: [email protected] Sage Publications Ltd. 1 Oliver’s Yard 55 City Road London EC1Y 1SP United Kingdom Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd. B-42, Panchsheel Enclave Post Box 4109 New Delhi 110 017 India Printed in the United States of America Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data Encyclopedia of school psychology / Steven W. Lee, editor. p. cm. “A Sage reference publication.” Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-7619-3080-9 (cloth) 1. School psychology—Encyclopedias. 2. Educational psychology—Encyclopedias. 3. Child psychology—Encyclopedias. I. Lee, Steven W. (Steven Wayne), 1951- LB1027.55.E523 2005 370.15—dc22 2004026859 050607080910987654321 Acquiring Editor: Jim Brace-Thompson Editorial Assistant: Karen Ehrmann Typesetter: C&M Digitals (P) Ltd. Copy Editors: Freelance Editorial Services Indexer: Julie Grayson Cover Designer: Michelle Kenny Contents Editorial Board vi List of Entries vii Reader’s Guide xi About the Editor xv Contributors xvii Acknowledgments xxv Foreword xxvii Preface xxix Entries A-Z 1-600 Index 601 Associate Editor Patricia A. Lowe University of Kansas Advisory Board Members Jane Conoley John Hintze Texas A & M University University of Massachusetts at Amherst Sandra Christenson Deborah McVey University of Minnesota Lawrence Public Schools Jackie Elliott Cecil Reynolds Shawnee Heights School District Texas A & M University Stephen Elliott Susan Sheridan University of Wisconsin University of Nebraska William Erchul Karen Stoiber North Carolina State University University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Terry Gutkin Mark Swerdlik San Francisco State University Illinois State University Patti Harrison, Ph.D. Joseph Witt University of Alabama Louisiana State University vi List of Entries A Careers in School Psychology Cerebral Palsy Ability Grouping Charter Schools Abuse and Neglect Cheating Academic Achievement Class Size Accommodation Classroom Climate Adaptive Behavior Assessment Classroom Observation Adjustment Disorder Classwide Peer Tutoring Aggression in Schools Cognitive–Behavioral Modification American Board of Professional Psychology Cognitive Dissonance American Psychological Association Communication Disorders Americans with Disabilities Act Comorbidity Applied Behavior Analysis Computer Technology Asthma Conditioning: Classical and Operant Attention Conduct Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Confidence Interval Authentic Assessment Confidentiality Autism Spectrum Disorders Consultation: Behavioral Consultation: Conjoint Behavioral B Consultation: Ecobehavioral Consultation: Mental Health Behavior Cooperative Learning Behavior Contracting Corporal Punishment Behavior Intervention Council of Directors of School Psychology Programs Behavioral Assessment Counseling Behavioral Concepts and Applications Crisis Intervention Behavioral Momentum Criterion-Referenced Assessment Bias (Testing) Cross-Cultural Assessment Biofeedback Cross-Cultural Consultation Bipolar Disorder (Childhood Onset) Curriculum-Based Assessment Bullying and Victimization Buros Mental Measurements Yearbook D C DARE Program Death and Bereavement Cancer Decoding Career Assessment Defense Mechanisms vii viii———Encyclopedia of School Psychology Depression H Developmental Milestones Diagnosis and Labeling Halo Effect DIBELS Harassment Discipline Head Start Division of School Psychology (Division 16) High School Divorce Adjustment HIV/AIDS Dropouts Homeschooling DSM-IV Homelessness Due Process Home–School Collaboration Dyslexia Homework Hypnosis E I Early Intervention Individualized Education Plan Eating Disorders Individualized Education Plan Meeting Echolalia Individuals With Disabilities Education Act Effect Size Individuals With Disabilities Education Act Disability Egocentrism Categories–Part B Encopresis Infant Assessment Enuresis Informed Consent Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development Intelligence Ethical Issues in School Psychology International School Psychology Association Etiology Intervention Evidence-Based Interventions Interviewing Expulsion K F Keystone Behaviors Facilitated Communication Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development Family Counseling Fears L Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Fluid Intelligence Latchkey Children Formative Evaluation Lead Exposure Fragile X Syndrome Learned Helplessness Friendships Learning Full-Service Schools Learning Disabilities Functional Behavioral Assessment Learning Styles Futures Conference Least Restrictive Environment Licensing and Certification in School Psychology G M Gangs Gender Mainstreaming Generalization Manifestation Determination Generalized Anxiety Disorder Mastery Learning Gifted Students Mathematics Curriculum and Instruction Goal Attainment Scaling Mathematics Interventions and Strategies Grade Equivalent Scores Media and Children Grades Memory List of Entries———ix Mental Age Prevention Mental Retardation Problem Solving Mentoring Program Evaluation Middle School Projective Testing Montessori Schools Psychometric g Motivation Psychopathology in Children Motor Assessment Psychotherapy Multicultural Education Psychotropic Medications Multidisciplinary Teams Puberty N Q National Association of School Psychologists Qualitative Research Neuropsychological Assessment No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, The Norm-Referenced Tests R Normal Distribution Race, Ethnicity, Class, and Gender Reactive Attachment Disorder of Infancy and O Early Childhood Reading Interventions and Strategies Obesity in Children Reciprocal Determinism Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder Reliability Oppositional Defiant Disorder Reports (Psychological) Organizational Consultation and Development Research Otitis Media Resilience and Protective Factors Outcomes-Based Assessment Resource Rooms Responsiveness to Intervention Model Retention and Promotion P Parent Education and Parent Training S Parent-Teacher Conferences Parenting Schedules of Reinforcement Parents As Teachers School Climate Pedophilia School Counselors Peer Mediation School–Home Notes Peer Pressure School Psychologist Peer Tutoring School Reform Percentile Ranks School Refusal Performance-Based Assessment Section 504 Perseveration Seizure Disorders Personality Assessment Selective Mutism Phenylketonuria Self-Concept and Efficacy Phonemic Awareness Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Pica Self-Injurious Behavior Portfolio Assessment Self-Management Positive Behavior Support Sensorimotor Stage of Development Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Separation Anxiety Disorder Prader-Willi Syndrome Shyness Premack Principle Single-Case Experimental Design Preschool Assessment Single-Parent Families Preschoolers Smoking (Teenage) x———Encyclopedia of School Psychology Social Skills Theories of Human Development Social Workers (School) Time on Task Social–Emotional Assessment Time-Out Socioeconomic Status Token Economy Sociometric Assessment Tourette’s Syndrome Somatoform Disorders Traumatic Brain Injury Special Education Tutoring Spelling Interventions and Strategies Standard Deviation Standard Error of Measurement U Standard Score U.S. Department of Education Stanines Statewide Tests Student Improvement Teams V Study Skills Validity Stuttering Verbal Praise Substance Abuse Violence in Schools Suicide Summative Evaluation Supervision in School Psychology W Suspension Writing Interventions and Strategies Written Language Assessment T Task Analysis Z Teacher-Student Relationships Teen Pregnancy Zero Tolerance Reader’s Guide ASSESSMENT Behavioral Momentum Conditioning: Classical and Operant Academic Achievement Generalization Adaptive Behavior Assessment Keystone Behaviors Applied Behavior Analysis Schedule of Reinforcement Authentic Assessment Behavioral Assessment Bias (Testing) CONSULTATION Buros Mental Measurements Yearbook Career Assessment Consultation: Behavioral Classroom Observation Consultation: Conjoint Behavioral Criterion-Referenced Assessment Consultation: Ecobehavioral Curriculum-Based Assessment Consultation: Mental Health Fluid Intelligence Cross-Cultural Consultation Functional Behavioral Assessment Infant Assessment DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES Intelligence Interviewing Race, Ethnicity, Class, and Gender Mental Age Socioeconomic Status Motor Assessment Gender Neuropsychological Assessment Outcomes-Based Assessment DEVELOPMENT Performance-Based Assessment Personality Assessment Developmental Milestones Portfolio Assessment Egocentrism Preschool Assessment Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development Projective Testing Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development Psychometric g Perseveration Reports (Psychological) Preschoolers Responsiveness to Intervention Model Puberty Social–Emotional Assessment Sensorimotor Stage of Development Sociometric Assessment Theories of Human Development Written Language Assessment
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