Sveučilište u MoStaru eKoNoMSKi FaKULTET ZBORNIK RADOVA JOURNAL OF ECONOMY AND BUSINESS XXV. Nakladnik ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Mostaru Matice hrvatske bb 88 000 Mostar Bosna i Hercegovina Za nakladnika prof.dr.sc. Mila Gadžić, dekanica Uredništvo dr.sc. Mila Gadžić (BiH), dr.sc. ivona vrdoljak raguž (Hrvatska), dr.sc. Biljana Crnjak Karanović (Hrvatska), dr.sc. lajoš Žager (Hrvatska), dr.sc. Metka tekavčič (Slovenija), dr.sc. Mario Pines (italija), dr.sc. Xavier richet (Francuska), dr.sc. Brano Markić (BiH), dr.sc. Zofia Wilimowska (Poljska), dr.sc. igor Živko (BiH), Glavni i odgovorni urednik prof.dr.sc. Mila Gadžić, dekanica Urednik prof. dr. sc. igor Živko Korektor arijana laura, prof. Jelena Jurić, prof. Naklada 150 primjeraka Grafički prijelom i tisak Fram-Ziral, Mostar ISSN 1840-3255 CiP – Katalogizacija u publikaciji Nacionalna i univerzitetska biblioteka Bosne i Hercegovine radovi objavljeni u Zborniku radova (Journal of economy and Business) ekonomskog fakulteta referiraju se u: Ceeol Hrčak eBSCo Sažetci radova objavljeni su na Web stranici: http://ef.sum.ba/hr/zbornik Sveučilište u MoStaru eKoNoMSKi FaKULTET ZBORNIK RADOVA (JourNal oF eCoNoMY aND BuSiNeSS) XXV. Mostar, 2019. SADRŽAJ Izvorni znanstveni rad/Original scientific paper Olu Ojo CoMPARATIVE aNalYSiS oF tHe areaS oF FoCuS oF CorPORATE SoCial reSPoNSiBilitY aCtivitieS oF CoMMerCial BaNKS aND MaNuFaCturiNG FirMS iN NiGeria ................................................................................................... 9 uSPoreDBeNa aNaliZa PoDručJa FoKuSa aKtivNoSti DruštveNo oDGovorNoG PoSLOVANJa KoMerCiJalNiH BaNKa i ProiZvoDNiH PoDuZeĆa u NiGeriJi .............................. 30 Nikola Papac KVALITETA KorPORATIVNoG uPRAVLJaNJa i liKviDNoSt PoSLOVANJa .................................................................... 31 QualitY oF CorPORATE GoverNaNCe aND BuSiNeSS liQuDitY................................................................................ 49 Prethodno priopćenje/Preliminary communication Irena Pandža Bajs oDreDNiCe uPRAVLJaNJa MarKetiNGoM turiStičKe DeStiNaCiJe ...................................... 51 DeterMiNaNtS oF TOURISt DeStiNATION MarKetiNG MaNaGeMeNt ..................................... 70 I Pregledni rad/Review Ljubica Milanović Glavan, Ivan Strugar KlJučNi PoKaZATELJi uSPJešNoSti Za ProCeSNo oriJeNtiraNa PoDuZeĆa: SMJerNiCe Za iDeNtiFiKaCiJu PoKaZATELJa ................................................. 71 KeY PerForMaNCe iNDiCATORS For ProCeSS orieNteD CoMPaNieS: a PerForMaNCe MeaSureMeNt GuiDeliNe ....... 91 Lidija Lesko Bošnjak, Mirela Mabić DruštveNe MreŽe i ZaPošlJAVANJe: PraKSa i STAVOVI PoSloDAVACa u BoSNi i HerCeGoviNi ......................... 92 SoCial NetWorKS aND reCruitiNG: eMPloYerS’ PraCtiCeS aND oPiNioNS iN BoSNia aND HerZeGoviNa ...... 106 Marko Tomljanović realNa KoNverGeNCiJa u ZeMlJaMa ZaPaDNoGa BalKaNa ................................................. 108 real CoNverGeNCe iN tHe WeSterN BalKaN CouNtrieS .... 128 Stručni rad/ Professional paper Marija Jović, Ana Perić Hadžić, Edvard Tijan BuSiNeSS iMProveMeNt oF CROATIAN MariNaS (CaSe StuDieS SPlit aND oPATIJa) ................................................. 129 uNaPriJeĐeNJe PoSLOVANJa HRVATSKiH MariNa (SlučaJ SPLITA i oPATIJe) ................................................................... 139 Eleonora Kontuš SPeCiFičNoSti i DeviJaCiJe u uPRAVLJaNJu u SuSTAVU loKalNe SaMouPRAVE - GraD KaSTAV: StuDiJa SlučaJa .................................................................................. 140 II MaNaGeMeNt SPeCiFiCitieS aND DEVIATIONS iN tHe loCal SeCTOR - CitY oF KaSTAV: CaSe aNalYSiS ...... 168 Irena Planinić trŽište KaPITALA BoSNe i HerCeGoviNe DeSetlJeĆe NaKoN GloBalNe FiNaNCiJSKe KriZe ............... 169 FiNaNCial MarKetS iN BoSNia aND HerZeGoviNa teN YearS aFter GloBal FiNaNCial CriSiS ............................ 183 Margareta Gardijan Kedžo, Vedran Kojić, Marina Slišković FarKaSEVA leMa: eleMeNTARNi DoKaZ i eKoNoMSKe PriMJeNe ....................................................................... 184 FarKaS’ leMMa: eleMeNTARY ProoF aND eCoNoMiC aPPliCATIONS .................................................................. 220 Nerma Halilagić, Amela Bešlagić aNaliZa PriSutNoSti i aKtivNoSti viSoKošKolSKiH uSTANOVA u tuZlaNSKoM KaNTONu Na DruštveNiM MreŽaMa .............................................................. 222 aNalYSiS oF tHe PreSeNCe aND aCtivitieS oF HiGHer eDuCATION iNStituteS iN tuZla CaNTON oN SoCial NetWorKS ........................................................................ 233 Prikaz knjige Tihana Škrinjarić JaMeS DAVIDSoN aN iNtroDuCtioN TO eCoNoMetriC tHeorY........................... 235 7 8 Olu Ojo Department of business administration, Faculty of management sciences, osun State university, Nigeria [email protected] COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE AREAS OF FOCUS OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ACTIVITIES OF COMMERCIAL BANKS AND MANUFACTURING FIRMS IN NIGERIA received: July 27, 2019 accepted: october 10, 2019 Original scientific paper Abstract The study investigates comparatively the relationship between the areas of focus of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives of selected banks and man- ufacturing firms in Nigeria. This study took place in Lagos State, Nigeria. The research design used is the survey research design while the case study banks and manufacturing firms were selected through purposive sampling. Primary data were gathered through questionnaire from 216 and 205 respondents selected re- spectively from commercial banks and manufacturing firms from a total of 250 respondents selected from each sector. This gives 84.2% response rate. All the respondents selected from various companies were actively involved in CSR ac- tivities of their respective companies. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to examine the areas of focus of CSR activities of selected companies. The results of the study revealed a value of -0.73 for t-test and 0.58 for p value. This means that a significant difference cannot be found between the areas of focus of CSR activ- ities of selected banks and manufacturing firms operating in Nigeria. The recom- mendation from this study is that corporate organisations should give adequate attention to their CSR activities to some strategic areas of focus like healthcare and wellness programme, education and skill development, socio-cultural and economic developments. These CSR activities eventually promote positive image of the organisations in the environment where they operate. Keywords: areas of focus of CSR activities, commercial banks, corporate social responsibility, manufacturing firms, Nigeria; JEL: M14, N67, P52. 9 Olu Ojo 1. INTRODUCTION the environments in which business organisations are operating are dynamic, complex and competitive. Generally speaking, business organisations are oper- ating in defined environments that interact with their day to day activities. their existence is defined by and derived in the society of their operation. in many cases, organisations that engage in business need to obtained license to operate before they can properly function in the immediate society where they operate. in addition, society expects many things from business organisations and these expectations are increasing on yearly basis (D’amato, Henderson, & Florence, 2009). there are pressures on managers and their business organisations to focus their CSr activities on wider societal value (Jenkins, 2004). thus, astute man- agers must take into consideration the effects of organisation’s activities on the interests and expectations of all stakeholders in the performance of their business activities. they must have sufficient understanding that will enable them to iden- tify, evaluate, relate and interact with the stakeholders’ interests in the day-to-day operations of their organisations. as such, they have responsibilities and obli- gations to the society as a whole, and not just the maximisation of shareholders wealth (Freeman, 1984). CSr has received considerable research attention over the past several decades as one of the several approaches in business which con- siders human beings, communities and the environment as vital important part of strategies that can help an organisation to increase its value in the society (ojo, 2008; idowu, 2012). Many business organisations operating in Nigeria are witnessing a lot of pressures from diverse interest groups. Such interest groups include increase in consumers influence and affluence, active consumer groups, stronger labour unions, more changes in social expectation of consumers, militant youths, changes in man- agers’ values, increasing public opinion and intervention of non-governmental organisations, increasing institutional attention as well as increased government regulations (ojo, 2015). thus, there have been enamours increase in the demand by different stakeholders that business organisations should be more responsible socially by the above factors. there is wide dissatisfaction with the slowness and ineffectiveness of business organisations in meeting social needs in areas such as education and skills development, healthcare and wellness programme, so- cio-cultural development, environmental development, economic and entrepre- neurial development as well as philanthropic donations to help the needy in the environment of their operations (Helg, 2007). there is little literature on the empirical study of corporate social responsibility in Nigeria. Some of these studies were out on foreign multinational
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