R 3511 E MB U N SSUE I THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2020 Intelligent . In-depth . Independent www.phnompenhpost.com 4000 RIEL Kratie land disputes ‘resolved’ Soth Koemsoeun The ministry said the provincial District governor Heng Sotha cited locals to stage a new protest to resent 31 families in the commune, administration and land division confirmed on Wednesday that land claim more land to sell. said while 20 of them had received HE Ministry of Land Man- committee had separated families disputes there have been resolved. “We have resolved the cases. But if 2ha each from the government, the agement, Urban Planning who were entitled to the land into He said the 1,382 families had re- more people are protesting, we will other 11 families had not. He said and Construction said on three groups and completed hand- ceived their land from the dispute not have more land to hand to them. the authorities claimed they were Tuesday that it had com- ing it over on June 10. resolution committee. “There are people who are not so not qualified to receive the land. Tpleted handing out land conces- The ministry said the government The committee, he said, had happy because they want to have “I received 2ha, but lost a total of sions to 1,382 families in Kampong followed social land procedures us- studied and identified the land land in particular locations. But 7ha. I’m happy to get some part of Damrei commune, in Kratie prov- ing legal documents. “The authori- thoroughly before measuring and as authorities, we cannot meet all the land back, though. In my group, ince’s Chhlong district. ties will not bring that new cases for a handing it over to the people. their expectations but only follow 11 families did not receive any land. Its statement came as some residents solution and will take strict legal ac- He said while the authorities were the procedures,” he said. claimed they never received the land. tion against [the protesters],” it said. handing land to the poor, others in- Yos Sra Em, who claimed to rep- CONTINUED – PAGE 5 100M extra Covid vaccine doses for poorer countries UP TO 100 million addi- Health Organisation said tional doses of any eventual this week that some 120 mil- Covid-19 vaccines will be se- lion rapid tests will soon be cured for delivery to poorer made available to low- and countries next year, health middle-income countries if groups announced on Tues- funding can be secured. day, as the virus showed no The kits – faster, cheaper sign of receding after claim- and easier to administer than ing more than one million standard polymerase chain lives around the world. reaction (PCR) swab tests, The announcement dou- but also less reliable – will be bles the number of doses rolled out across 133 coun- already secured from the Se- tries in the next six months. rum Institute of India by the UN Secretary-General An- Gavi vaccine alliance and the tonio Guterres said on Tues- Bill & Melinda Gates Foun- day that “responsible leader- dation, following an initial ship matters” in steering the agreement last month. world through the pandemic. The public-private health “Science matters. Coop- partnership stressed that eration matters, and misin- the eventual total is “poten- formation kills,” he warned, tially several times” greater, urging people to respect fa- and said the price would be miliar infection control mea- capped at $3 per dose. sures like hand-washing, dis- “No country, rich or poor, tancing and mask-wearing. Sacred tree should be left at the back of the Case numbers are climb- Armed rangers stand by an ordained tree during the launch of the Prey Lang Forest Protection Social and Behaviour Change Communication Campaign (SBCC) in Kampong Thom province on Tuesday. HONG MENEA STORY > 5 queue when it comes to Covid- ing rapidly in Europe, where 19 vaccines. This collaboration governments are clamping brings us another step closer down on movement in an to achieving this goal,” Gavi attempt to curb the surge. chief Seth Berkley said. Germany introduced new As nine vaccine candidates limits on the number of peo- Man nabbed for raping minor are in last-stage trials, the ple who can attend private World Bank said on Tuesday events, after Spain, France, Kim Sarom in Svay Rompear commune. Citing the victim, Sophoan police leading to his arrest. it had asked its board of direc- Britain and Northern Ireland “The suspect confessed to said between the start of this “The victim told me the tors to approve $12 billion to all imposed fresh restrictions. A MAN who allegedly raped the crime during questioning. year and September 20, the whole story and then we help poor countries purchase In Britain, Prime Minis- the 11-year-old daughter of his I sent him along with a report suspect raped her more than decided to send the suspect to and distribute vaccines. ter Boris Johnson appeared live-in girlfriend on Tuesday in to the provincial police on 10 times at the house when the the provincial police’s anti- A World Bank spokesman to share general confusion Svay Rieng province was Wednesday,” he said. mother was away. human trafficking and juvenile said: “The global economy about his government’s arrested by Svay Teap district Sophoan said the girl’s mother After each rape, he threat- protection bureau for further will not recover fully until measures, apologising after police the following day and divorced many years ago before ened to kill her if she told her action,” he said. people feel they can live, so- wrongly saying that rules sent to the provincial police for moving in to live with the sus- mother or anyone else. Net Saroeun, the bureau cialise, work and travel with limiting gatherings in north- further questioning. pect. She and the man are sing- On Tuesday night, Sophoan director, said the authorities confidence”. east England to no more District police chief Keo ers and play traditional music at said the suspect raped her again are questioning the suspect As humanity struggles than six people did not ap- Sophoan told The Post that the various festivals for a living. The but this time was caught by her and preparing a case for the against Covid-19, the World ply outdoors. 33-year-old man and the girl live victim is her only child. uncle, who called commune provincial court. 2 THE PHNOM PENH POST OCTOBER 1, 2020 WWW.phnompenhpost.COM National Cambodia to PM: Reset of 2030 SDGs warranted build forensic Long Kimmarita thinking of policies and ac- tions to transform and cre- RIME Minister Hun ate a ‘better new normal’. centre with Sen said that Cam- “The UN prepared a So- bodia is ready to cio-Economic Response cooperate with de- Framework to address the S Korea loan Pvelopment partners to help social and economic impact Soth Koemsoeun restore the socio-economic and recover better from the landscape in a post-Covid- pandemic. Expanding fiscal CAMBODIAN ambassador to Ko- 19 world. He also requested space is critical to deliver rea Long Dimanche told The Post the UN to reset the deadline the SDGs and to put us back on Wednesday that the Republic of for the 2030 Agenda for Sus- on track to achieve the 2030 Korea (ROK) will provide Cambodia tainable Development. agenda,” she said. with a loan of almost $50 million to Hun Sen made the com- Political analyst Lao Mong build a forensic centre. ments at a virtual meeting of Hay said leaders should The ROK will assist with its con- leaders discussing Financ- not be concerned about struction and train judges, prosecu- ing the 2030 Agenda for Sus- the deadline to achieve tors and related authorities in foren- tainable Development in the the SDGs. The government sic work related to crimes involving Era of Covid-19 and Beyond needs to seek financial aid women, drugs, terrorism and the on Tuesday. from international banks internet, among others. “The 2030 deadline to and countries in the region The forensic centre will be equipped achieve the milestones and at most to turn Cambodia with modern tools, but before it can goals of sustainable develop- into a developed country. be constructed, the government ment might need to be reset. He said the government needs to make an official request. “Certainly, this requires a should work on multi-pur- “Our government is interested thorough reassessment in all pose megaprojects, especially in this construction and needs this aspects, including the time- Prime Minister Hun Sen said trade policies and facilitation should be promoted, and preferential the lower Mekong and deep centre. During discussions with treatment given to developing countries to ensure the benefits of globalisation are shared equitably. SPM frame, strategic directions, lake restoration projects. South Korea and countries in the action plans and resources revenue collection, he said. needs to continue promot- them achieve the goals. The deep lake restoration Mekong region, and at the Mekong- for achieving our agenda in “Moreover, we need to pri- ing and supporting the prin- Pauline Tamesis, the resi- project is a government initia- Korea Summit 2019 in Busan, Ko- the aftermath of Covid-19,” oritise public expenditures to ciples of globalisation via ex- dent coordinator of the UN in tive which aims to enlarge as rea, we raised ideas about fighting he said. sectors directly related to the panding international trade Cambodia said on Wednes- many reservoirs as possible against all types of crimes in the re- Along with his request, he Sustainable Development and supporting a stronger day that the Covid-19 crisis and expand irrigation systems.
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