February 22, 2013 A Biweekly Newspaper February 22, 2013 Volume IX, Number 21 the habilitation Mom Takes service policies Her Case to of private insur- When you win big, you win a ers. I testified big trophy. See who won this Annapolis to the neces- in Tidbits page 8. By Sarah Broady sity of Applied Behavioral My name is Sarah Analysis (ABA) Broady, and I have lived in therapy, a spe- Poolesville with my hus- cific behavioral band, Kyle Broady, and our therapy that has three boys for the last four been proven to years. Our son, Samuel, was help children diagnosed with autism when with autism he was twenty-seven months since the 1970s old. I have recently had sev- and played Sarah and Sam Broady take eral opportunities to speak such an inte- their case to Annapolis. to state leaders as they are gral role in the Patrick, an Arabian, is life of Samuel making decisions that will companies cover autism descended from horses during the first year impact the autism communi- treatment services. Maryland that belonged to a local after diagnosis. The ATAG ty in Maryland. A few weeks is not yet one of these states. legend. Read about her in committee will hold further ago, I gave public testimony Because of this, families Remembrance on page 10. hearings this summer which for a state-appointed group are left to cover the entire I plan to attend and speak at called the Autism Technical cost of therapy services out again to ask for the specific- Advisory Group (ATAG). of pocket, which are well ity of these services. They will be making rec- known to be about $100,000 ommendations to the state There are currently for what specific services thirty-two states which have -Continued on Page 22. should be included within mandated that insurance into a new and exciting path. Finding Joy in In the late 1970s, Peg had If you are bad, sometimes you been working for Sugarloaf Re- Local History gional Trails and was approach- get time out in the corner. Don’t By Dominique Agnew know where to buy the hat, ing the end of a contract, look- ing for something to do. The though. See more in Family Have a question about Album page 2. Donning Company Publishers local history? Peg Coleman had asked the librarian of the of Boyds may have the an- Montgomery County Historical swers. If not, she may have Society to write a book about a good idea of how to go Montgomery County history. about finding them. The librarian turned down the Since the early 1980s, Peg request but recommended Peg. “I loved doing it,” Peg says has written five books on lo- of the project. “I really en- cal history, three non-fiction joyed it enormously.” For five works and two historical years, she and a photographer Peg Coleman’s newest fiction works. She began her traipsed all over Montgomery historical novel Maryland writing career through one County, interviewing citi- Patriot. of those quirks of fate that zens and photographing their sends many of us diverging historical photos, producing, -Continued on Page 17. February 22, 2013 The Monocacy Monocle Page 2 Melissa Foster, an independent book publishing consultant, Riley Jamison pumps the gas at the newly-opened Liberty gas station spoke at the recent HMD Writers’ Symposium at the Poolesville in Poolesville. A grand opening will be held in March. Old Town Hall Museum. Fourth graders from the MCPS Cold Spring Elementary School had an American living history experience as they took the The students at PES met the principal’s challenge in their recent persona of students who attended Boosterthon fundraiser, and they elected to have Doug Robbins shave the one-room Seneca Schoolhouse his head. The renovation of the historic St. Peter’s steeple is nearly complete and awaits the placement of the cross. February 22, 2013 The Monocacy Monocle Page 3 Business Briefs Shop There Also while in Poolesville, be sure to check out Hearthside This Vet Talks to Lions Gardens for their selections of It’s true but not so surpris- interior decorating ideas and ing: Dr. Peter Eeg, who just antiques, and if you haven’t renewed his ten-year lease in checked out the fresh-baked Poolesville to serve animals and goods, homemade and scrump- those who love them, was the tious cupcakes, and other culi- guest speaker at the February 11 nary delights at Mixed Greens, Monocacy Lions Club. His topic which shares space with Heart of Lyme disease is of interest hside, be sure to stop by. as much to humans as to the Bring your own bag. animals. There may be equal Are You Going to parts legend and fact circulat- Scarborough Fair? ing about Lyme disease, and Okay, it’s not Scarborough, for those of you who are not but Poolesville, and it may Lions, you can still benefit from not feature parsley, sage, and his talk by visiting his website: other herbs, but local busi- poolesvilleveterinaryclinic.com. nesses; nonetheless, PACC’s Jewelry Lines Expand Destination Poolesville, at the Finders Keepers, the Poolesville Baptist Church on intriguing and multifacet- March 16, is fun and entertain- ed home decor and gift shop ing for people of all ages. Fea- in the center of Poolesville has tured will be plenty of vendors responded to consumer de- exhibiting their local business mand and interest by expand- services or products, as well ing their selection of beautifully as entertainment, food, prizes, appointed costume and estate and a massive shredder truck jewelry. The charming store is and electronics recycling center. jam-packed with wonderful Bring in your paper records gifts, antiques, home decor and and old electronics for secure a myriad of specialty items. If disposal, and spend some time you haven’t stopped by lately, walking through the business put them on your list for your community of Poolesville. next shopping spree. But Don’t Just Stop There, Local News sion, he wrote to the parish, “I Purdy Departing want you to know how much I love this parish and its people. St. Peter’s Our time together has been a great blessing in my life, and Church I leave with no small measure of thanksgiving and gratitude for the ways we have prayed Rev. Tom Purdy of St. Pe- Rev. Tom Purdy will be leaving St. and worked alongside each ter’s Parish Episcopal Church Peter’s this coming April. other these last five years.” He notified the congregation on also expressed his deep appre- Purdy’s tenure at the church circumstances but is “certain February 5 that he will be ac- ciation for the parish’s loving as a remarkably rapid time the church has the talent and cepting a new call as rector of care for him and his family but one richly productive for dedication necessary to keep Christ Church Frederica, in St. during their time at St. Peter’s. the church and the commu- St. Peter’s moving forward Simons, Georgia. He will per- Senior Warden John Clay- nity. He reassured the church into the future.” form his final Sunday service ton, in fondly bidding farewell members that they have been on April 21. to the highly-popular priest through transition periods In acknowledging the and his family, reflected on before under more challenging personal difficulty of his deci- February 22, 2013 The Monocacy Monocle Page 4 Commentary to work diligently to avoid their occurrence. I think we all now realize that they seriously underestimated the pathology of The Usual American political behavior as it exists in the twenty-first century, Madness and I’m not letting either party By John Clayton or any faction off the hook. I think an additional sign of this I find myself alternating pathology is that they chose to between thinking about the se- break the Cliff and the Sequester quester and about getting vapor- into separate events for maxi- ized by a falling meteor. I am mum dramatic effect. “This is it, comfortable with both concerns, Ma! I’m holding my breath until as opposed to being afraid, as in I turn blue and die and I really both cases my influence over the mean it this time!” Perhaps they eventual outcome is nil. I once do really mean it this time. had a discussion concerning fear Surprisingly, I even find of flying. My feeling was that I it hard to even read about this wasn’t afraid when I was on an issue any more, let alone pick airplane because I had absolutely a side for rooting purposes. It’s no control over anything that like the Cowboys playing the could happen, so why worry Giants, the Mets playing the about it? However, an alternative Phillies, the Sunnis versus the view, I was told, is that one is Shiites, or maybe Karl Rove ver- afraid of flying precisely because sus the Tea Party. There’s some- one has absolutely no control thing there for almost everyone over its outcome. This is where to latch on to, but not for me. the big-time control freaks take So keep it up, folks. Hang over for the casual control freaks. tightly on to whatever it is that Control freaks seem to be is so important that you would running amok among our politi- wreak economic havoc on as cal class. It is a little disconcerting many other people as possible. Rande(m) Thoughts that our government (represent- We all know what that is. It’s: ing all of us) is going through “Whose fault will it be?” So go closed eight weeks or more, what the brinksmanship deal again.
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