WME Issue3 P1

WME Issue3 P1

ﺍﻟﻤﺠﻠﺪ ٢ ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ ٢ ﺳﺒﺘﻤﺒﺮ/ﺃﻳﻠﻮﻝ ٢٠٠٧ ISSN ١٩٩٠-٨٢٣٧ Volume 2 Issue 2 September 2007 ISSN 1990-8237 NEWS AND EVENTS äÉ«dÉ©a h äÉÑ°SÉæe ,QÉÑNCG Sahelo-Saharan Interest Group Biosphere Expeditions Confirms Evidence Ì©J á«aÉ°ûµà°S’G ô"hQóf’ -ÒØ°SƒjÉH á∏ªM ájhGôë°üdG-á«∏MÉ°ùdG Ωɪàg’G áYƒª› of Arabian Leopard The Sahelo-Saharan Interest Group (SSIG) is an informal network of individuals and institutions with a »Hô©dG ôªæ∏d óLGƒJ πF’O ≈∏Y ∑ΰûŸG Ωɪàg’G …hP äÉ°ù°SDƒŸGh ¢UÉî°TC’G øe ᫪°SQ ÒZ áµÑ°T »g SSIG ájhGôë°üdG-á«∏MÉ°ùdG Ωɪàg’G áYƒª› common interest in the conservation of the wildlife of the Sahara and bordering Sahelian grasslands. The Land Rover sponsored second Biosphere ¥hóæ°U Égôjój »àdG áYƒªéŸG Ö∏Œ .IQhÉéŸG áÑ°û©ŸG á«∏MÉ°ùdG ≥WÉæŸGh iȵdG AGôë°üdG ‘ ájÈdG IÉ«◊G ájɪM ‘ Biosphere Organized by the Sahara Conservation Fund (SCF), SSIG brings together people from many disciplines, Expeditions research project has conclusive á«aÉ°ûµà°S’G ÒØ°SƒjÉH á∏ªM ôahQóf’ âYQ ,åëÑdG äÉ°ù°SDƒeh ,¿Gƒ«◊G ≥FGóM ™ªà› É¡«a Éà `JÉ°ü°üîàdG ∞∏à øe É°UÉî°TCG SCF iȵdG AGôë°üdG ájɪM including the zoo community, research establishments, government wildlife departments and NGOs. evidence that the Arabian leopard still exists in á«fÉãdG áæ°ù∏d »Hô©dG ôªædG øY åëÑdG πLCG øe Expeditions áªFÉb ÈY ºFGO ∫É°üJG ≈∏Y áYƒªéŸGh ™«ªé∏d áMƒàØe ájƒ°†©dG .á«eƒµ◊G ÒZ äɪ¶æŸGh ,á«eƒµ◊G ájÈdG IÉ«◊G ôFGhOh Membership is open to all and the group stays in contact via a dedicated listserve. To subscribe, drop the region. ssig@saharaconservation org a line to [email protected] A full account of the SSIG meeting at Hanover Zoo in Gòg OƒLh ≈∏Y ∫óJ QÉKBG ≈∏Y Qƒã©dG äócCG »àdGh ‹GƒàdG ≈∏Y 𫪖 øµÁ . ¤EG GÒ°üb ÉHÉ£N π°SQCG ,∑GΰTÓd .á°ü°üîàe ∫É°üJG Germany, where some 60 participants from 16 countries heard presentations on a broad range of á«aÉ°ûµà°S’G ÒØ°SƒjÉH á∏ªM â≤∏Jh .á≤£æŸG ‘ ¿Gƒ«◊G ádhO 16 øe ÉcQÉ°ûe 60 √ô°†M …òdGh ,É«fÉŸCG ‘ ôaƒfÉg ¿Gƒ«M á≤jóM ‘ ó≤Y …òdG áYƒªéŸG ´ÉªàL’ πeɵdG ôjô≤àdG Supported by the Office of the Advisor for Sahelo-Saharan conservation issues is available for download from the WME website. Biosphere Expedition Conservation of the Environment, Diwan Royal QÉ°ûà°ùe Öàµe øe ºYódG s ¥ô°ûdG ‘ ájÈdG IÉ«◊G ™bƒe øe ,ájhGôë°üdG-á«∏MÉ°ùdG á¶aÉëŸG ÉjÉ°†b øe ójó©dG ∫ƒM äGô°VÉ ¤EG Gƒ©ªà°SG Court, the Ministry of Regional Municipalities, »à£∏°Sh äÉjó∏ÑdG IQGRhh áÄ«ÑdG ≈∏Y á¶aÉëª∏d ÊÉ£∏°ùdG ¿GƒjódG .§°ShC’G Environment and Water Resources and the äÓªM º«¶æJ ” óbh .áMÉ«°ùdG IQGRhh á«FÉŸG OQGƒŸGh áÄ«ÑdG Ministry of Tourism, this expedition supported wildlife conservation and conducted a survey on í°ùe AGôLEG ÖfÉL ¤EG ájÈdG IÉ«◊Gh áÄ«ÑdG ájɪ◊ ±ó¡J the existence of the Arabian leopard in the IôjõL ¬Ñ°T ‘ »Hô©dG ôªædG óLGƒJ »°ü≤J πLCG øe πeÉ°T Sahara Conservation Fund Logo. iȵdG AGôë°üdG ájɪM ¥hóæ°U QÉ©°T Musandam peninsula, its current status and ‘ ¬©jRƒJh á«dÉ◊G ¬dGƒMCG ≈∏Y ±ô©àdGh ¿Éª©Ho Ωóæ°ùŸG distribution. ¤EG áaÉ°VEG ô‰ äGƒ°UCG á∏ª◊G AÉ°†YCG ™ª°S ɪc .á≤£æŸG Zoo Research Camp at the Al Wabra Wildlife Preservation, Qatar ô£b – ájô£ØdG äÉfGƒ«ë∏d IôHƒdG ᫪ëà ΩÉ≤ŸG ¿Gƒ«◊G ≥FGóëH á≤∏©àŸG çÉëHC’G ôµ°ù©e Submitted by : Amrita Deb and Sven Hammer, Al Wabra Wildlife Preservation. Biosphere Expeditions team members heard a ɪc .§°ûµdGh ÖdÉîŸGh ΩGóbC’G QÉKBG πãe iôNCG ádOCG ±É°ûàcG ô£b ádhO – á`MhódG 44069 .Ü .¢U , ájô£ØdG äÉfGƒ«ë∏d IôHƒdG ᫪ 2ôeÉg .O h 1»HO ÉàjôeCG [email protected] leopard calling and evidence such as leopard πãe á≤£æŸG ‘ iôNCG äÉfGƒ«M OƒLƒd QÉKBG ≈∏Y Qƒã©dG ” á≤∏©àŸG çÉëHC’G ôµ°ù©e áaÉ°†à°SEÉH ÊÉK ∫BG »∏Y óª øH Oƒ©°S ï«°ûdG É¡µ∏Á »àdG ájô£ØdG äÉfGƒ«ë∏d IôHƒdG ᫪ âeÉb tracks, claw rakes and scrape were also visible. πª– ™àªàJh .ÖdÉ©ãdGh QƒªædG á∏FÉY ¤EG »ªàæJ äÉfGƒ«M The Al Wabra Wildlife Preservation (AWWP), owned by Sheikh Saoud Bin Mohd. Bin Ali Al-Thani, hosted Signs were also found of other wildlife including á©eÉéH ájô°ùjƒ°ùdG Iô£«ÑdG á«∏c ‘ ájÈdG IÉ«◊Gh äÉ«∏«Ø£dGh ¿Gƒ«◊G ≥FGóM º°ùb ™e ¿hÉ©àdÉH Ω2007 áæ°ùd ¿Gƒ«◊G ≥FGóëH øe ¥ÉHm ¿Gƒ«M ôNBG ƒg »Hô©dG ôªædG ¿C’ á°UÉN ᫪gCG á∏ª◊G the Zoo Research Camp (ZRC) 2007, in collaboration with the Division of Zoo, Exotic Pets and Wildlife caracal and fox. .ôjƒ£àdGh çÉëHC’G ∫É› ‘ Úà°ù°SDƒŸG ÚH πjƒW ¿hÉ©J êÉàf âfÉc ΩÉjCG 8 IóŸ ôªà°SEG …òdG ´hô°ûŸG Iôµa ¿EG .ñQƒjR (DZEPW) of the Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zurich. The ZRC 2007 consisted of 8 veterinary students øe ƒgh ,Ωóæ°ùŸG IôjõL ¬Ñ°T ‘ IÒѵdG §£≤dG á∏«°üa ‘ ájô£«ÑdG Ωƒ∏©∏d Úà°SQóe øe Úeó≤àŸG øe áYƒª› ÚH øe ºgQÉ«àNEG ” Iô£«H ÜÓW 8 øe 2007 áæ°S ôµ°ù©e ∞dCÉJ accompanied by 1 professor who visited AWWP in March 2007 to undertake research projects in This expedition is especially significant, since .¢VGô≤f’G ô£ÿ á°Vô©ŸG äÉæFɵdG aspects of veterinary management of wildlife. The research topics ranged from Iron Storage Disease in the Arabian leopard is the last surviving species åëH ™jQÉ°ûe áeÉbE’ 2007 ¢SQÉe ‘ ΩÉjCG 9 IóŸ IôHƒdG ᫪ ‹EG IQÉjõH Qƒ°ù«ahôH º¡Ñë°üj ÜÓ£dG ΩÉb óbh , Gô°ùjƒ°S Birds of Paradise, establishing Radiographic Reference Ranges for Spix’s Macaws to Pathology and of big cats in the Arabian Peninsula and is a áæ÷G Qƒ«W ‘ ójó◊G ¿õN ¢Vôe øe çƒëÑdG ™«°VGƒe âYƒæJ óbh .ájÈdG äÉfGƒ«ë∏d ájô£«ÑdG IQGOEG äÓ› ∞∏à ‘ IÒ¨°U Medical Management of the Gerenuk and Investigation of a Respiratory Epidemic in Beira Antelopes. In severely endangered species. addition to the research work, the students participated in the daily veterinary treatments and diagnostic RÉ¡÷G ‘ áYÉæŸG ¢üëah ¥ƒfô¨dG ¿’õ¨d ájô£«ÑdG IQGO’G , hÉcÉe ¢ùµÑ°SE’G Qƒ«£d á«YÉ©°ûdG Qƒ°ü∏d á«©Lôe OhóM øjƒµJ , work at AWWP, with activities like vaccination of large cats using a blowpipe, distance immobilization in IOó©àe äÉWÉ°ûæH ᫪ëŸG äÉfGƒ«◊ »eƒ«dG …ô£«ÑdG êÓ©dG ‘ ÜÓ£dG ∑QÉ°T åëÑdG ∫ɪYC’ áaÉ°V’ÉH ,´ÒÑdG ¿’õ¨d »°ùØæàdG gazelles, sedation, examination, and blood collection in birds, and routine postmortem examinations. Qƒ«£dG øe ΩódG ™ªLh ¢üëØdG , ⁄C’G Úµ°ùJ , ¿’õ¨∏d ó©H øY ôjóîàdG , ïØædG ܃ÑfCG ΩGóîà°SEÉH IÒѵdG §£≤∏d Ú°üëàdG πãe With the main emphasis, however, on veterinary research, it was not surprising that the efforts invested k by the students culminated in meaningful recommendations that were presented to the AWWP staff at π°Uƒà∏d º¡d äôaƒJ »àdG äÉfɵe’G ÜÓ£dG Ωóîà°SEG ¿CG ájô£«ÑdG çƒëÑdG ‘ ÉHô¨à°ùe ¢ù«d ¬fCG ≈∏Y ócDhCGh .»ëjô°ûàdG ¢üëØdGh the end of the research camp. Not only did these findings provide significant inputs to the routine áaÉ°VEG â∏µ°T »àdG Ió«MƒdG IóFÉØdG √òg â°ù«dh , åëÑdG ôµ°ù©e ájÉ¡f ‘ IôHƒdG ᫪ »ØXƒŸ Égƒeób äÉ«°UƒJh äÉLÉàæà°SE’ veterinary service provided at AWWP, but the quality of research warrants consideration for future .á«∏Ñ≤à°ùŸG äGô°ûædG ‘ ¬«dEG IQÉ°TE’G ≥ëà°ùj …òdG åëÑdG IOƒL É°†jCGk É¡«dEG ±É°†j øµd á«eƒ«dG á«æ«JhôdG ájô£«ÑdG äÉeóî∏d ᪡e publication. In fact, a study on Immobilization of Beira Antelopes has already been presented at the 43rd 2007 International Symposium of Zoo and Wild Animals, Edinburgh, 2007. The success of the ZRC 2007 á«ŸÉ©dG IhóædG ‘ ≥°ü∏ªc É¡Áó≤J ” ΩÉ©d »ãëÑdG ôµ°ù©ŸG ‘ â“ »àdG ´ÒÑdG ¿’õZ ôjóîJ á°SGQO ¿EÉa á≤«≤◊G ‘h made it a wonderful experience for all parties involved and has consolidated the resolve of the AWWP as ácQÉ°ûŸG ±GôWC’G πµd IRÉà‡ IÈN πµ°T ôµ°ù©ª∏d ΩÉàdG ìÉéædG . IÈfOCG ‘ ájÈdG äÉfGƒ«◊Gh ¿Gƒ«◊G ≥FGó◊ ¿ƒ©HQC’Gh áãdÉãdG well as the University of Zurich to make it an annual event! Biosphere expedition team »Ä«ÑdG §«ëŸG á∏ªM ≥jôa .ájƒæ°S áÑ°SÉæe ôµ°ù©ŸG Gòg π©÷ ñQƒjR á©eÉLh IôHƒdG ᫪ ΩõYh º«ª°üJ óMhh Hoof trimming at Al Wabra Wildlife Preservation Biosphere expedition team »Ä«ÑdG §«ëŸG á∏ªM ≥jôa ájÈdG IÉ«ë∏d áHQƒdG ᫪ ‘ ôaÉ◊G º«∏≤J 9. .9.

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