30 July2012 No 31 ISSN 1664-7963 Current Concerns PO Box CH-8044 Zurich Current Concerns Switzerland The international journal for independent thought, ethical standards, moral responsibility, Phone: +41 44 350 65 50 Fax: +41 44 350 65 51 and for the promotion and respect of public international law, human rights and humanitarian law E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.currentconcerns.ch English Edition of Zeit-Fragen The aim remains: swords to plow-shares An urgent about-turn* by Fredrik S. Heffermehl** The meeting hall at the Nobel Peace Cent- never spent much time brooding over how er was packed with people, listening to to make his job superfluous. ForUM (Forum for Environment and De- velopment) launching a political report The military, on moral dilemmas in Norwegian foreign defending itself or the nation? policy, not least between arms exports and What has happened to Nobel’s prize is not peacemaking. When one of the four pan- unique. It seems to be a law of nature that elists, in a senior military position, defend- anything and anyone who has the temeri- ed the burgeoning arms exports of Norway ty to challenge the military is heading for – the “Peace Nation” – I felt I had to con- defeat. Even institutions have survival in- front him, saying that the military was sell- stincts and vested interests will vigorous- ing an illusion of security at an exorbitant ly resist any attempt to free the world from price, placing the continuation of life on the yoke of militarism. The decay of the earth in constant jeopardy. Given the un- Peace Prize seems to be just one of many ceasing research and development into new examples. weaponry and continuous military plan- Daniel Ellsberg is the man who helped ning, did he ever spend time thinking how to end the Vietnam War and the Nixon to break the pattern? His stuttering reply presidency by publishing secret Pentagon was, “Er, that would presuppose a wholly papers. His important contribution, for ex- different approach, such as strengthening ample, in the book “Secrets” (2003), is to the UN, developing international treaties, show how defenseless American democra- and a new international order with en- cy is when a much too powerful military forcement of laws […] much like we have sector, shielded by secrecy, is not loyal to within each single nation.” I replied, “Ex- the interests of the American people. ISBN 978-0-313-38744-9 actly – and since we are gathered here at Having been informed of my Nobel The ground-breaking book by Fre- the Nobel Peace Center, I would like to re- discoveries, Ellsberg mentioned that a par- drik S. Heffermehl is a standard mind you that that is precisely the idea be- allel development might have happened to work, which should be applied by hind the Peace Prize that Nobel established the Carnegie Endowment for Internation- citizens’ forums, and in particular by 115 years ago.” But it was clear that he had al Peace, established at the same time and schools, in order to lay an ethic foun- having an original statement of purpose dation in accordance with interna- 1 * Final chapter of Fredrik S. Heffermehl “The similar to that of the Nobel Peace Prize. tional law as to the question of war Nobel Peace Prize. What Nobel Really Wanted.” Much the same can be said of peace re- and peace. The original book in Eng- Santa Barbara, California, 2010. P. 183–190. search, which in its infancy had ambitious ISBN 978-0-313-38744-9. lish has been translated into Chinese, (e-book: ISBN 978-0-3313-38745-6) plans to discover ways to undo militarism Finnish, Swedish, with Russian and ** Fredrik Stang Heffermehl is a Norwegian jurist. and create a better world. Now it is often Spanish forthcoming.It is also cru- He holds multiple law degrees and is an editor of trapped by the need for funding sponsors cial to find publishers for its transla- several books. He takes a stand for peace in differ- such as the ministries of defense and of tion into German, French and other ent organisations. Among others, he became vice president of the “International Association of Law- foreign affairs, and chooses its topics ac- important languages. yers against Nuclear Arms” and he was vice presi- www.nobelwill.org dent of the “International Peace Bureau”. continued on page 2 The rebels and their supporters have lost the masks: terrorists instead of human rights activists ga. On 18 July a bomb attack occured suicide bomber. The next claim was that sur la Méditerranée et le Moyen-Orient at headquarters in Damascus hitting the the attack had been carried out by a de- (Gremmo), the required logistics hint at Syrian military leadership with great lo- posited bomb, then by a missile. These the fact that external parties have perpe- gistical assistance. The Secretary of De- contradicitions show that the publishing trated the attack. The attack reminds one fense, Assad’s brother in law and a gener- “human rights activists” do not know at of that against Rafik Hariri, only then al were killed, Assad’s brother was badly all how the crime was committed. Most less explosive had been used. wounded. The rebels fighting in Syria likely they are not the performers. Ac- pretending to be “human rights activists” cording to Fabrice Balanche, director claim to have carried out the attack by a of the Groupe de recherche et d’études continued on page 2 No 31 30 July 2012 Current Concerns Page 2 ”The rebels and their supporters …” Hezbollahs have been seen.” This Freud- Syria Plan: continued from page 1 ian slip reveals the justification for the war! Russia and Iran support Annan On the same day eight Israeli tourists Too late the Lebanese government be- Foreign Minister Sergey Lawrow gave were killed by a bomb attack in Bulgaria. gins considering to put the cross-border a press conference before his meeting It is the 18th anniversary of the attack on region north of Tripoli under the com- with Annan, at which he stressed that the Jewish center with 85 deaths in Buenos mand of the Lebanese Army again. A “unbiased eyes and ears” were needed in Syria to make the world understand Aires. Immediately accusations against strange coalition of Christian-Sunni/ what was actually happening there. Iran were heard from Zionist circles. The Salafist in the North is apparently respon- Russia’s chief diplomat pointed to the Israeli, however, ought to know better that sible for the current incapacit to act. This recent massacre in the village Tremseh, the Sunni Palestinians / Salafists have got coalition has neither a majority in parlia- where government troops and rebels open accounts with Israel. How long is the ment, nor in the Christian community in accused each other again to be respon- world going to be deceived? When will the Lebanon. sible for the massacre. Moscow demands the greatest pos- assassins actually swarm? Elections in the small region “Ami- sible sincerity in all aspects of the cri- oun” south of Tripoli confirm the local sis, and is doing its best to ensure that A week ago majorities. The Forces Libanaises the situation is as transparent as possi- A shock to the population in northern (Christian) are ahead of the supporters of ble and understandable for all. Lebanon: grenades from Syria hit the Syria. On closer inspection of Lawrow’s road connections to nearby Homs, which Scientists have succeeded in organiz- statement before Annan’s talks in Mos- cow the conclusion can be drawn that is a center of the “human rights activists” ing discussion groups, in which the con- the situation in Syria may obviously still fighting in Syria. First you hear: “The fessions talk openly about peacekeeping be saved. Syrians have always been violent”, next: projects Annan’s peace plan (pressure on “transports of weapons for the rebels in – Establishing a free trade zone Litani both sides of the conflict, negotiations Homs have been targeted. The Western South. between government and opposition, media do not report anything about the – Water supply of Lebanese untapped withdrawal of the troops from cities in- cluding heavy military equipment, etc.) is weapons smuggling, but they modified sources from Palestine/Israel (water certainly achievable. Other plans for the their reporting: the perpetrators of the sale) solution of the crisis are not available. massacres could not be named. As a sub- – Improvement of energy supply by natu- Source: RIA Novosti, 07.18.2012 ordinate clause we learn: “Iranians and ral forces (reducing dependence). • ”The aim remains: …” est hesitation in allegiance to NATO and icy, with less well-known peace laureates continued from page 1 a strong military defense. In earlier times at the center of attention, Nobel’s Peace this party was probably the only one in Prize will lose some of its glamour. Yet, I cordingly. The development of the Inter- Parliament that could have been counted believe the prize will gain in significance national Peace Research Institute of Oslo on to stand up to defend Nobel and the and content – and, after all, it was Nobel (PRIO) is a case in point. The PRIO which intention of the Peace Prize. Now there who chose to what and to whom he wished turned 50 in 2009 is quite far from mak- was not one word of support from the for- to give his prize. In addition, it should be ing the difference that Johan Galtung and mer “peace party” or any other party in the cause for reflection if a prize challenging fellow founders once dreamed of.
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