SEPTEMBER 19 IPRIS Lusophone Countries Bulletin MAY 2011 press support of Cuba and the Soviet times not even rhetorically. Even Angola Union, while UNITA aligned its for- though the country is part of regional eign policy with the anti-communist African organizations, its foreign pol- reopening the struggle, firstly with apartheid South icy priorities laid with the US, Europe Africa, then with the US and many and China, an orientation which en- African window other African countries. abled Angola to grow economically With the end of the civil war in 2002 and be consequently able to cast VASCO MARTINS and the death of Jonas Savimbi, UNI- the image of a powerful African po- Researcher, IPRIS TA became a normal political party – litical player. Indeed, after surpass- as opposed to an armed movement ing Nigeria in oil production, Angola The history of the foreign policy – while the Angolan government in rose to become the 6th country with achievements of Angola, although power was confronted with the task the highest GDP in Africa, while still often puzzling and remarkably far- of setting up a foreign policy system. holding one of the largest militaries reaching and active, has experienced Yet, due to UNITA’s extensive contacts in the continent, an impressive feat curious developments as of late. and immensely broad support base considering national reconstruction During the troubled times of the Cold in the African continent, the MPLA was initiated less than a decade ago. War, there was one main premise government – which had roughly Today, Angola enjoys a comfortable in international relations that most counted only on Cuba and the Soviet position in African affairs and has countries in conflict had to capital- Union for backing – was influenced its share of influence in world poli- ize on: if one was at civil war or im- by the civil war foreign policy culture tics, something most politicians and mersed in any kind of power strug- and mentally decided to look beyond analysts have yet to acknowledge. gle, it was necessary to choose a side Africa into other sources of support. Having reached such a stage, Angola between both blocks, be it the US or This time the much needed support began to provide support for other the Soviet Union. Although it was this was financial. This decision was also countries – instead of simply receiv- Cold War scenario that nurtured sev- a consequence of the lack of funding ing it –, especially to Guinea-Bissau, eral national revisionist movements opportunities Angola had not only in which despite being an African coun- – mainly spurred by communist ide- Africa but also with the international try should be considered through ologies – which consequently led to financial organizations. Having its in- the prism of Lusophone cooperation open conflict, such was the overall frastructure destroyed after roughly when examined under the umbrella modus operandi of the time. The 41 years of barely uninterrupted con- of Angolan foreign policy. Nonethe- same rationale was adopted by the flict, Angola had to search beyond less, Angola recently decided to re- Angolan MPLA government and its Africa for credit lines large enough open the African window, albeit with rival party and civil war enemy UNI- to fund its national reconstruction a different ambition. Joaquim Es- TA. Even if the roots of the conflict program, having found in China the pírito Santos, Director of African and cannot be attributed to the Cold War perfect ally for such an endeavor. Middle Eastern Affairs at the Angolan rivalries, it definitely played a role in Consequently, Angola’s official for- Ministry of External Relations, told enhancing its deadliness. Hence, the eign policy line since 2002 has never the press on the occasion of Angolan MPLA government sought the ex- become very African in its core, most National Assembly President Paulo IPRIS Lusophone Countries Bulletin | 2 Kassoma’s presence at the swearing vestment, one in which the country and integration endeavors with the in ceremony of Nigerian President is realistically able to capitalize po- remaining South American nations. Goodluck Jonathan on May 29th that litically and economically, as Ango- Indeed, despite being careful enough Angola was now seeking to solidify la’s reach is still not strong enough to avoid assuming an outspoken its relations with African countries. to influence political events in other leadership role of his fellow neigh- Such a statement by a high rank- parts of the globe. bors, former President Luiz Inácio ing political individual should be In general terms, Angola’s renewed ‘Lula’ da Silva never shied away from understood as a crucial change of stance is beneficial not only to the presenting Brazil’s insertion in the focus, especially considering Presi- country itself but to the entire Afri- surrounding region as an added to- dent José Eduardo dos Santos did can continent. Indeed, Africa can now ken of the country’s credentials in not mention any African state when officially trust in the mild but grow- an evolving international order. By describing Angola’s foreign policy ing support of a rapidly rising coun- showcasing Brazil’s peaceful influ- priorities in his State of the Nation try such as Angola, by bringing joint ence in the continent and its lasting speech in 2010. To be sure, very collaborations and most importantly, commitment towards a multitude little happens by chance in Angolan potential common political positions, of multilateral mechanisms, Brazil foreign policy, hence why Joaquim which might in the long term serve thus sought to present, and in a way Santos’ statement was pondered and to strengthen African unity in inter- substantiate, an image of a unified probably ‘signed’ by the President national affairs. However, this is not regional front engaged in a common himself, thus credibly contradicting to say that Angola will become one objective of mutual and equitable de- the message of the State of the Na- of the main representatives of Africa velopment. As stated in his inaugu- tion speech. in the world. Far from that, Angola is ration speech back in 2003, above all A new phase in Angolan foreign expected to continue to maintain and he aimed “to build a South America policy was opened, enabling its gov- deepen its relationships with other that would be politically stable, pros- ernment to reset the old MPLA and countries outside the continent, perous and united, based on demo- UNITA alliances celebrated during while nurturing new connections and cratic ideals and social justice”. the civil war while producing a blank friendships with African countries. Grand designs aside, it soon be- slate in the country’s foreign policy, For the next few years, the world came noticeable that Lula’s inten- capable of setting new tones for co- should expect no less than having to tions of reenergizing Brazil’s focus operation, albeit with certain speci- deal not only with Nigeria and South on the region at the beginning of his ficities and restraints (it should not Africa but also with Angola in a simi- first term were to be met with con- be expected to see Angola cooper- lar fashion, as sub-Saharan Africa siderable challenges from a number ating with countries which are still welcomes a third great power. of different origins. Not only were seen firmly behind UNITA or whose established institutional arrange- leaders supported Jonas Savim- ments, such as Mercosul, painfully bi’s party). Furthermore, this new lacking a decisive institutional push stance signals Angola’s readiness that could finally patch its inter- to officially assume its designated nal shortcomings but other players position in African affairs, by politi- also slowly began contesting Brazil’s cally reentering the continent and Dilma’s Brazil nearby ‘benign influence’, either by taking part in its challenges, defeats resenting Brazil’s economic clout and victories. Several events might like Argentina or by providing new explain this new pan-African align- and South poles of political-ideological attrac- ment. Perhaps a consequence of tion like Venezuela. In other words, assuming SADC’s presidency, of the America: much heavy-lifting work awaited the strong condemnation the Angolan Brazilian authorities in order to suc- government has produced towards a lackluster cessfully achieve their desired vision NATO’s intervention in Libya or sim- for South America. ply because a closer relationship start? Eight years later, the creation of Un- with Nigeria – much like that with asul and the increased pace of inter- South Africa – would follow Angola’s PEDRO SEABRA regional exchanges, for example, objective of becoming closer to Afri- Researcher, IPRIS undoubtedly comprised some sig- can powers, hence raising its status nificant achievements. But neverthe- by categorization and association. Throughout the past decade, Brazil’s less, as Lula exited office, it was im- Nevertheless, much like the US, rise in the international sphere has possible to deny that – possibly as an Europe and China, Angola sees in been consistently heralded as be- inherent consequence of extensive Africa another stage of political in- ing sustained by the country’s roots excursions into international affairs IPRIS Lusophone Countries Bulletin | 3 and the worldwide fora –, Brazil’s However, against all odds, develop- fairs included. As evidence of this ap- focus on South America appeared to ments (or lack thereof) in the fol- proach, in the past five months Patri- have partially lost its strength along lowing months have come to provide ota has already taken upon himself the way, thus displaying some stiff- a stark contrast with such designs, to meet with his counterparts from ness and inability to properly tackle especially reflected by Dilma’s mea- Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Co- some of the challenges in the region, ger calendar of visits abroad.
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