Willie B. Williams, the Wabash i church Tuesday night to look upon I public speaker and a candidate for talking to her some time ago wwn Screen Door worker, who was in | the remains of a woman who had | the master’s degree. she appeared as a speaker at this. County Jail awaiting grand Jury church. I asked her then why did- i action on charges he killed his wife, n't she come to church and tt)e' a mother of four sons, and her told me she would be coming back?’ younger friend. Mrs. Wiliams was the daughter, Although the wake for Mrs. Wil­ of a Methodist minister, the R6v..' liams was not scheduled to start Ashley J. Rodgers. One of her- until 6 o’clock Tuesday evening at sons, John Gary Williams, now .in- Warren Methodist Church, hun­ the armed service, is the leader dreds of spectators Invaded the N. of the popular “Mad Lads.’ ...p J. Ford and Sons Funeral Parlor in South Memphis hours before George dark, Jr., principal of, the body was moved to the church. A. B. Hill. gave, brief remarks op behalf of the faculty. Mrs. Annie L. Martin was the soloist. ■ '<*.v Mrs, Williams and Mr. Strong Spectators began pouring into gave this town its “Big Story." The Southern Funeral Home early manner in which they died was tra­ Tuesday afternoon and by funeral gic, but sensational. It created a time, at 8 p. m., the sidewalk, oor* shocking situation that aroused rldor and chapel were jamirted the curious-minded and sent them with people. seeking a glimpse ot in droves to stare at the remains Mr. Strong’s remains. of the 35-yr-ar-old grandfather Another crowd, which formed and 42-year-ola teacher who had RETURNING TO EARTH—The Rev. Jones Williams while the funeral was underw^, been shot to death in a Vance Ave­ Tiie casket was returned tn tun Kg was permitted to march single­ (hands clasped) says parting words over body nue rooming house by the woman’s funeral home after the wak- 'n H file past the casket at the close,.#! of Mrs. Aurelia V, Williams at graveside as 50-year-old husband. make it possible for Army Depot the services. ‘ ; l funeral director N. J. Ford stands with head night shift employees to view the MRS. AURELIA WILLIAMS The surging crowds .were intent body after midnight. Several thousands viewed thhbody on seeing the faces of the victims, been a teacher at A. B. Hill Ele- Very little thought was given to Hundreds passed through the mert'.ary Schoçll, an outstanding (Continued on Page Fwij VOLUME 35, NUMBER 10 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1966 Manassas just might do if again, buit it won't be easy. The This was established Friday night defending champs are in for some tough battles when they take at Melrose as the annual Jamboree on Booker T. Washington, Melrose and Carver. was unreeled before 6,000. Hamilton and Bertrand showed plenty of spunk and, although Douglass didn’t set the world on i lire, tlic Red Devils are n.nver to be counted out of the Prep League race. Lester still must prove it is a contender. Manassas Is big and strong with a tough, beefy line and could go ail tre way under the guidance of quarterback Wilbert Trigg. Melrose, the No. 2 team in the The Tennessee Commission on & ■■ 1965 title race, made several costly Human Relations, at a public rear­ öl n.istakes in the Jamboree dust but ing last Friday In Pulaski dealing snould be tuned up by the time the with the West Side Urban Renewal first official game rolls aroun,-!. Project, presented recommendation,s Like the Manassas Tigers, the Mel­ aimed at wiping out segregation in rose Golden Wildcats are big and public housing. strong, and, above all, they’ve got Progressives To a scoring machine in Rick Tate. Warren N. Moore, director of the Commission's fiel| offige ip Washington finished 7th last sea­ phis, presented son but really wasn't a 7th place lions? teain. The Warrior:,", were much better thafi that, but the breaks Rep. A. W. Willis, Jr., chairman, went again- t them. They showed announced that in response to a the fans plenty Friday night, a growing number of inquiries and good running attack behind a con- complaints, the Commission will d- crete-llke line. rect more of its attention to hu­ man relations problems connected Carver came in fourth last win­ witli urban renewal, public rousing JOHNNY JOHNSON ter and could finish htgher this and other federal housing and com­ season if the Cobras’ big quarter­ munity development programs. CAN HE REPEAT? - Big question back, James Thaxton, lives up to in Prep League circles hinges advance notices. Thaxton was im­ Mark S. Israel, Commission dl- around Coach Johnny Johnson and pressive in Jamboree action, espe­ ieetor, said the Commission's staff his 1965 champion Manassas Tigers. cially when under fire. Everyone wants to know: "Can they will try to present recommendations Douglass, third-place finisher in The program is scheduled for 8 at every public hearing concerr.'ng do it again, this year?" 1965, is cither weaker this year or p.m. and will be held at Metropoli­ urban renewal throughout the State just didn’t show all of its strength tan Baptist Church, Walker at Mc­ of Tennessee. in last week’s 12-minute tussle with Dowell. Father Bertrand. The Thunder­ Speclfically, the Commission re­ Crash On Highway The convention president, Dr. T. bolts of Bertrand were erratic blit port said: M. Chambers of Los Angeles, is ex­ managed to push over a touchdown. (1) There should be adequate mi­ pected to discuss "Black Power" in nority group representation on the Fatal To Two Me.i Hamilton, last place in, '65, came his annual address Thursday night boards of every Public Housing Au­ A head-on collision of two auto­ up with, a good running game, and of this week at Metropolitan. He thority in Tennessee. mobiles Saturday night or, High­ Lester showed some signs of de­ is scheduled to speak at 8:30. (2) Minority . group members veloping into a stronger outfit as way 70 in front of the Tennessee Elections and a business session should be employed in important Highway Patrol Station claimed the the season rolls along. are slated for Friday morning and administrative positions in all Pub­ lives of two men. lic Housing Authorities. a memorial service and an execu­ tive board meeting will be con­ (3) Administrative stalls at every Willie J Randle, 52, of 1248 ducted Saturday. project site should be racially inte­ Greenwood, driver of one of the cars died early Sunday at Metho­ grated. The International convention, dist Hospital. which has attracted more than 7,000 4) All Authorities should adopt churchmen to Memphis, will be a first-come, first-served tenant :,e- Killed instantly was Mr. Ran,die’s Douglass meets Frayser tonight brought to a close Sunday at 3 p.m. (Thursday) at Crump in the first (Contlnued on Page Four) (Continued on Page Four) high school game of the season. It at Metropolitan with a mass meet­ a’su will be the first integrated ing sponsored by tre Foreign Mis­ sion Bureau. Speaker for the oc­ contest of the year. Two Prep League tilts are on tap casion will be the T|ev. D. N. Con­ ner of Florida. Friday night with Manassas, the defending champs, takin,-’ on strong BROOKE ADVISES BAKER — Howard H. Baker The mass meeting will feature Carver at Melrose and the big Jr., right, of Knoxville, Republican candidate hundreds of Baptist women, attired Washington squid tackling Father for the U.S. Senate, receives intelligent advice in, white dresses, who will form the Bertrand on the Washington turi. "processional of churches." The from Massachusetts Attorney- General Edward DR. HOLLIS F. PRICE processional hymn, "Jesus, the Light Hamilton goes against Kingsbury W. Brooke during recent meeting in Washing- of the World," will be led bv Mrs. A RUMOR THAT Willie B. Williams was escorted from Coun­ Friday n.'ght at Crump in another ON HOSPITAL BOARD - Dr. Hol­ Frankie McNeal of Greater White lis F. Price, president of LeMoyito ty Jailto Ford Funeral Home for a midnight viewing of his wife's integrated contest. Stone Baptist Church. Music for College, has been named to the body was spiked by local officials. The false report started when A third integrated game of the the program will be furnished by City of Memphis Hospitals Board, the remains of Mrs. Aurelia V- Williams were relumed Io the week is scheduled for Saturday the Pre-Convention Chorus and the succeeding Sidney W. Famswath. combined choirs of Greater White funeral home following a wake at Warren Methodist Church. night at Crump with Melrose tack­ leMoyne Alumni Dr. Price was appointed to the ling Christian Brothers. Stone. board by the City Cimmisslon fol- Actually, the casket was returned to the funeral home and re­ Fourteen members of the conven- lowmg his nomination by Commit- - opened for lafe viewers. Mr,-Williams is charged with the slay« GAMES NEXT WEEK sioner James Moore.----------- " f THURSDAY — Melrose vs. Car­ (Continued on Page Four) ing of his wife and her friend, Harold Strong Jr. WASHINGTON — Howard H. ver at Melrose. Baker. Jr., candidate for the U.S. Senate from Tennessee, conferred CUSTOMER: "Where do white people sit and eat?" FRIDAY — Lester vs. Mitchell at Washington, Douglass vs. Har.i- in this city recently with Massa­ WAITRESS: "Take any vacant seat, 'mam." ilitrfi at Melrose; , ------ • chusetts Attorney-General Edward This brief exchange actually took place last week in a local Unit Is Seeking $20,000 To Help College W.
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