Beginner S Guide to Moths of the Midwest Tortricids

Beginner S Guide to Moths of the Midwest Tortricids

0LGZHVW5HJLRQ86$ %HJLQQHU V*XLGHWR0RWKVRIWKH0LGZHVW7RUWULFLGV $QJHOOD0RRUHKRXVH ,OOLQRLV1DWXUH3UHVHUYH&RPPLVVLRQ Photos: Angella Moorehouse ([email protected]). Produced by: Angella Moorehouse with the assistance of Alicia Diaz, Field Museum. Identification assistance provided by: multiple sources (; )LHOG0XVHXP &&%<1&/LFHQVHGZRUNVDUHIUHHWRXVHVKDUHUHPL[ZLWKDWWULEXWLRQEXWFRPPHUFLDOXVHRIWKHRULJLQDOZRUN LVQRWSHUPLWWHG >ILHOGJXLGHVILHOGPXVHXPRUJ@>@YHUVLRQ $ERXWWKH%(*,11(5¶6027+62)7+(0,':(67*8,'(6 Most photos were taken in west-central and central Illinois; a fewDUH from eastern Iowa and north-central Wisconsin. Nearly all were posted to identification websites: BugGuide.netDQG Identification help was provided by Aaron Hunt, Steve Nanz, John and Jane Balaban, Chris Grinter, Frank Hitchell, Jason Dombroskie, William H. Taft, Jim Wiker,DQGTerry Harrison as well as others contributing to the websites. Attempts were made to obtain expert verifications for all photos to the field identification level, however, there will be errors. Please contact the author with all corrections Additional assistance was provided by longtime Lepidoptera survey partner, Susan Hargrove. The intention of these guides is to provide the means to compare photographs of living specimens of related moths from the Midwest to aid the citizen scientists with identification in the field for Bio Blitz, Moth-ers Day, and other night lighting events. A taxonomic list to all the species featured is provided at the end along with some field identification tips. :(%6,7(63529,',1*,'(17,),&$7,21,1)250$7,21 :+,&+027+*8,'(7286( The moths were split into 6 groups for the purposes of creating smaller guides focusing on similar features of 1 or more superfamilies. The guides are split up thusly: 0DFURPRWKV±ODUJHVKRZ\PRWKVJHQHUDOO\UDQJLQJLQVL]HRIFP6XSHUIDPLOLHV%RPE\FRLGHD UR\DOVLONPRWKVDQG VSKLQ[PRWKV &RVVRLGHV FDUSHQWHUZRUP /DVLRFDPSRLGHD ODSSHWPRWKV $QWKHUDHDSRO\SKHPXV 3ULRQR[\VWXVURELQLDH 'DUDSVDP\URQ 3RO\SKHPXVPRWK &DUSHQWHUZRUPPRWK 9LUJLQLD&UHHSHU6SKLQ[ 2) Micromoths – tiny moths with wingspans generally <2cm the exception being the clearwing borers 6HVLRLGDH which average between 1-3cm; Other Superfamilies: Adeloidea (fairy moths), Choreutidae(metalmarks), Epermenioides (fringe-tufted moths), Gelechioidea (curve-horned moths – has greatestnumber of species), Gracillarioidea (tube moths), Micropterigoidea (mandibulate archaic moths),Schreckensteiniodea (bristle-legged moths), Tineoidea (clothes, carpenter, and bagworm moths),Yponomatoidea (ermine moths) 'LFKRPHULVLQYHUVHOOD &DORSWLOLDEODQGHOOD 6\QDQWKHGRQDFHUQL $WWHYDDXUHD ,QYHUVH'LFKRPHULV :DOQXW&DORSWLOLD 0DSOH&DOOXV%RUHU $OLDQWKXVZHEZRUP 0LGZHVW5HJLRQ86$ %HJLQQHU V*XLGHWR0RWKVRIWKH0LGZHVW7RUWULFLGV $QJHOOD0RRUHKRXVH ,OOLQRLV1DWXUH3UHVHUYH&RPPLVVLRQ Photos: Angella Moorehouse ([email protected]). Produced by: Angella Moorehouse with the assistance of Alicia Diaz, Field Museum. Identification assistance provided by: multiple sources (; )LHOG0XVHXP &&%<1&/LFHQVHGZRUNVDUHIUHHWRXVHVKDUHUHPL[ZLWKDWWULEXWLRQEXWFRPPHUFLDOXVHRIWKHRULJLQDOZRUN LVQRWSHUPLWWHG >ILHOGJXLGHVILHOGPXVHXPRUJ@>@YHUVLRQ :+,&+027+*8,'(7286( &RQW *HRPHWHU0RWKV *HRPHWURLGHD ±PHGLXPVL]HGZLWKZLQJVSDQFPPRVWKDYHDQJXODUVKDUSSRLQWHGZLQJVKHOGRSHQOLNH EXWWHUIOLHVPRVWODUYDHDUH³LQFKZRUPV´ 0DFDULDPXOWLOLQHDWD 3OHXURSUXFKDLQVXOVDULD +DHPDWRSLVJUDWDULD 0DQ\OLQHG$QJOH 7DQ:DYH &KLFNZHHG*HRPHWHU 1RFWXRLGV2ZOHWV 1RFWXLRGHD ±PRVWVSHFLHVRIDQ\PRWKVXSHUIDPLO\PHGLXPVL]HGZLWKZLQJVSDQJHQHUDOO\FP WULDQJXODUVKDSHZLWKVWRXWERGLHVPRVWDUHQRFWXUQDOEXWLQFOXGHVVRPHGD\WLPHSROOLQDWRUVOLFKHQWLJHUIXQJXVXQGHUZLQJ IRUDJHORRSHUOLWWHUELUGGURSSLQJGDJJHUZRRGQ\PSKJURXQGOLQJGDUNRZOHWHDUZRUPIORZHUERUHUFXWZRUPGDUW TXDNHUZDLQVFRWVDOORZORRSHUDQGSURPLQHQWPRWKV &DWRFDODQXSWLDOLV $FURQLFWDYLQQXOD +\SHQDDEDOLHQDOLV 0DUULHG8QGHUZLQJ 'HOLJKWIXO'DJJHU :KLWHOLQHG+\SHQD 3\UDOLGVDQG&UDPELG0RWKV 3\UDORLGHD VQRXWPRWKV±ODUJHJURXSRIVPDOOPRWKVZLWKZLQJVSDQRIFP KHDGEHDUVORQJXSWXUQHGODELDOSDOSLRUVQRXW*XLGHDOVRLQFOXGHVWKH6XSHUIDPLOLHV'UHSDQRLGHD KRRNWLSPRWKV 3WHURSKRURLGHD SOXPHPRWKV 7KU\LGRLGHD WK\ULVPRWKV +HUSWRJUDPPDDHJODHOLV &KU\VRWHXFKLDWRSLDULD *HLQDVS '\VRGLDRFXODWDQD 6HUSHQWLQH:HEZRUP &UDQEHUU\*LUGOHU 3OXPH0RWK (\HG'\VRGLD 7RUWULFLG0RWKV 7RUWULFRLGDH ±WRUWUL[DQGOHDIUROOHUPRWKV±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hotos: Angella Moorehouse ([email protected]). Produced by: Angella Moorehouse with the assistance of Alicia Diaz, Field Museum. Identification assistance provided by: multiple sources (; )LHOG0XVHXP &&%<1&/LFHQVHGZRUNVDUHIUHHWRXVHVKDUHUHPL[ZLWKDWWULEXWLRQEXWFRPPHUFLDOXVHRIWKHRULJLQDOZRUN LVQRWSHUPLWWHG >ILHOGJXLGHVILHOGPXVHXPRUJ@>@YHUVLRQ 1 Acylis burgessiana 2 Acylis metamelana 3 Acylis muricana 4 Hystrichophora vestaliana TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE Oak Leafroller Moth Black-marked Acylis Moth Red-headed Acylis Moth White Tortrix Moth 5 Epiblema abruptana 6 Epiblema boxcana 7 Epiblema carolinana 8 Epiblema gibsoni TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE Abrupt Epiblema Moth Epiblema Moth Carolina Epiblema Moth Gibson’s Epiblema Moth 9 Epiblema grindeliana 10 Epiblema obfuscana 11 Epiblema otiosana 12 Epiblema scudderiana TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE Epiblema Moth Epiblema Moth Bidens Borer Moth Goldenrod Gall Moth 13 Epiblema strenuana 14 Epiblema sp. 9 15 Eucosmini cf. Eucopina tocullionana 16 Eucosma bilineana TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE Ragweed Borer Moth Epiblema Moth White Pine Cone Borer Large Striped Eucosma 17 Eucosma giganteana 18 Eucosma glomerana 19 Eucosma grindeliana 20 Eucosma ornatula TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE Giant Eucosma Moth Eucosma Moth Eucosma Moth Eucosma Moth 0LGZHVW5HJLRQ86$ %HJLQQHU V*XLGHWR0RWKVRIWKH0LGZHVW7RUWULFLGV $QJHOOD0RRUHKRXVH ,OOLQRLV1DWXUH3UHVHUYH&RPPLVVLRQ Photos: Angella Moorehouse ([email protected]). Produced by: Angella Moorehouse with the assistance of Alicia Diaz, Field Museum. Identification assistance provided by: multiple sources (; )LHOG0XVHXP &&%<1&/LFHQVHGZRUNVDUHIUHHWRXVHVKDUHUHPL[ZLWKDWWULEXWLRQEXWFRPPHUFLDOXVHRIWKHRULJLQDOZRUN LVQRWSHUPLWWHG >ILHOGJXLGHVILHOGPXVHXPRUJ@>@YHUVLRQ 21 Eucosma parmatana 22 Eucosma radiatana group 23 Eucosma raracana 24 Eucosma ornatula TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE Aster Eucosma Moth Orange Eucosma Moth Reddish Eucosma Moth Ornate Eucosma Moth 25 Gypsonoma haimbachiana 26 Gypsonoma salicicolana 27 Pelochrista derelicta 28 Pelochrista dorsisignatana TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE Gypsonoma Moth Small Gypsonoma Moth Derelict Pelochrista Moth Triangle-backed Pelochrista 29 Pelochrista robinsonana 30 Pelochrista vagana 31 Pelochrista sp. 5 32 Proteoteras cf. Desculana TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE Robinson’s Pelochrista Pelochrista Moth Pelochrista Moth Maple Twig Borer Moth 33 Proteoteras moffatiana 34 Proteoteras naracana 35 Pseudexentera sepia 36 Sonia sp. TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE Gray-flanked Proteoteras Proteoteras Moth Pseudexentera Moth Sonia Moth 37 Cydia caryana 38 Cydia latiferreana 39 Cydia pomonella 40 Dichrorampha leopardana TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE Hickory Shuckworm Moth Filbertworm Moth Codling Moth Leopard DichrorampKa 0LGZHVW5HJLRQ86$ %HJLQQHU V*XLGHWR0RWKVRIWKH0LGZHVW7RUWULFLGV $QJHOOD0RRUHKRXVH ,OOLQRLV1DWXUH3UHVHUYH&RPPLVVLRQ Photos: Angella Moorehouse ([email protected]). Produced by: Angella Moorehouse with the assistance of Alicia Diaz, Field Museum. Identification assistance provided by: multiple sources (; )LHOG0XVHXP &&%<1&/LFHQVHGZRUNVDUHIUHHWRXVHVKDUHUHPL[ZLWKDWWULEXWLRQEXWFRPPHUFLDOXVHRIWKHRULJLQDOZRUN LVQRWSHUPLWWHG >ILHOGJXLGHVILHOGPXVHXPRUJ@>@YHUVLRQ 41 Ecdytolophia insiticiana 42 Eumarozia malachitana 43 Grapholita interstinctana 44 Grapholita packardi TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRI CIDAE Locust Twig Borer Moth Sculptered Moth Cloverhead Caterpillar Moth Cherry Fruitworm Moth 45 Gymnandrosoma punctidiscanum 46 Grapholitini cf. Sammene felicitana 47 Bactra sp. 1 48 Celypha cespitana TORTRICIDAE TORTRI CIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE Dotted Gymnandrosoma Olethreutine Leafroller Bactra Tortrix Moth Celypha Moth 49 Olethreutini cf. Hndothenia herbesana 50 Hedya cyanana 51 Olethreutes concinnana 52 Olethreutes connectum TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE Verbena %ud 0oth The Rose Leaf-tyer Olethreutes Moth Bunchberry Leafroller 53 Olethreutes fasciantana 54 Olethreutes sp. 3 55 Olethreutes sp. 4 56 Olethreutini cf. Paralobesia sp. TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE TORTRICIDAE Banded Olethreutes Moth Olethreutes Moth Olethreutes Moth Olethreutes Moth 57 Archips argyrospila 58 Archips grisea 59 Archips purpurana 60 Archips semiferana TORTRICIDAE

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