Outside today Inside today Rain ending tonight; lows aronnd 30. Afea.......... i-5B Family lOA, 1-4C Variable cloudiness Tbursday with Business.... IIA Jai alai.......12B chance ofanow flurries; highs around 40. Outlook: chance of flurries Friday; Classified . 12-14B Obituaries .. 16A • •• Peopletalk ... 2A clearing SatuHay; fair Christmas Day. Dear Abby.. 19B 5!nnrta q.i9ii National weather map on page ISB. Editorial ....4A ....... pro $538,535 into red By GREG PEARSON deficit could be as large as 81 million. preliminary work in investigating Herald Reporter Even so, the 8538,535 figure is a self-insurance. substantial shortfall if it deveiops. Officials of the Town of The town will remove 8195,000 in The major causes of such a deficit operating accounts and place it in a Manchester met Tuesday night and are tax coilection and insurance learned that the 1977-78 budget could contingency fund. costs, according to the budget report. ' “It will be very clear to the result in a deficit of 8538,535. The report said that tax collection Members of the Board of Directors departments that they don’t have for the present and past yeats wouid that money,” Weiss said. and Board of Education Tuesday (Us- fait 83M,000 short of the budget cussed the report and possible steps Penny said that the town’s federal projection. revenue sharing grant will be applied to offset the projected deficit. Penny and Director Joseph Mayor Stephen Penny said that the to this year’s budget. ’This, combined Sweeney urged that a more with the 8195,000 cut in operating approach the directors will take is to aggressive aroroach to collecting cut all town department budgets by a expenses, will still leave about 893,- taxes, particuiarty the placing of 000 in deficit, he said. ’The town will total of 8195,000, (2.8 percent of the tiens and foreclosing on properties of operating budget), use federal turn to the Board of Education to delinquent taxpayers, be used. make cuts in that amount. revenue sharing funds to offset the "This is an area of the budget deficit and seek a 893,000 reduction in John Yavis, chairman of the Board where we have some controt based of Education, and Dr. James the Board of Education budget. on the effort we make,” Weiss said. Kennedy, school superintendent, said The projected deficit was forecast He said that the town may hire out­ in a report prepared by the town’s that the school system will cooperate side attorneys to handie foreclosure in the budget reductions. financial offices and presented to the actions. boards by Town Manager Robert Republicans took an opportunity to Insurance costs were un­ comment on the budget situation. Weiss. derestimated in the budget by 8191,- Several of the financial officials “This must be the same deficit I 700, the report said. was talking about during the election also attended th^ meeting, which “Perhaps the toughest thing in our opened with the pledge of allegiance. that everybody said didn’t exist,” budget to estimate is our insurance Republican Director Carl Zinsser Weiss cailed it an appropriate costs,” Weiss said. opening and said, “I think it should said. Penny suggested that the town Vivian Ferguson, said that the be followed with a prayer.” soon begin detailed research into es­ The projected deficit is the Republicans abstained from voting tablishing a self-insurance program. on the budget because of their con­ smaiiest one predicted so far this The idea has been mention^ before, year. In August, Weiss said that the cerns about its formation. Santa visits hospital but the town has done only “It’s obvious that the complaints we had at that time have come to Kevin Lajoie, 10, of 44 Russell Drive, Vernon, thoroughly enjoys a handshake from Santa pass,” she said. while Kevin Kennedy, 8, of 67 Brent Road looks on. Santa made a surprise visit to children Penny, however, said that the pre­ . in the pediatrics department at Manchester Memorial Hospital recently and presented Board considers sent situation is a product, in part, of coloring books, crayons and small gifts to the children. The gifts were donated by Marlow’s the Democrats’ “determination to of Manchester, Warehouse Toy Outlet, Joseph Carribino and the Manchester Junior keep tax increases to a minimum.” He said that the present budget Women’s Club, who also served refreshments and presented a Christmas puppet play. budget transfers review will help eliminate some in­ (Herald photo by Pinto) appropriate practices and un­ ’The 8195,000 reduction represents a By GREG PEARSON necessary expenses. 2.8 percent cut in the total operating “I know that it will help us tremen­ HeraldT Reporter budget for the town. Some dously in preparing the budget for the The Jan. 3 age.nda for the d ^ rtm e n ts are. affected more than next fiscal year,” he said. Sadat won’t tolerate Manchester Board of Directors will others in the 8195,000 cuts, Ms. Present reductions will mean the Include a lengthy agenda item Yellman said. elimination of traveling to seminars transferring 81W,000 from several Dr. James Kennedy, superinten­ and professional training sessions. town department operating accounts dent of schools. Said that Uiere are Capital improvements and equip­ several areas the ^ a r d of Education Israel on West Bank to a contingency account. ment purchases will be postponed E Hie step is one that the board will could look to to produce its ^,000 except for emergency needs. reduction. take to offset a projected 8538,535 “Unless circumstances change, “I didn’t go into details,’ Sadat Neverthless, Egyptian officials One is a contingency account that ISMAILIA, Egypt (UPI) - Egyp­ deficit for the 1977-7i3 budget. The however, it will not mean layoffs or said. “I think Gamassy should have said the talks with Weizman had been Board of Education also will begin has been establiwed for an unfair tian President Anwar Sadat said the abandonment of any essential started going into details. But I don’t arranged when Sadat was in discussion on a 893,000 slice it bias labor practices case that is presently today he will definitely not tolerate town services,” Penny said. an Israeli military presence on the think anything can be seen now or Jerusalem, suggesting Sadat was set­ been requested to m ake.' In litigation. If the case Is decided in occupied West Bank of the Jordan as anything can be arrived at.” ting his own pace in cooperation with The cuts in department budgets favor of the Board of Education or is part of a peace settlement. The Egyptian leader was asked the Israelis. were developed by Budget Analyst not decided this year, there is about whether as part of an overall settle­ Before leaving Egypt for Israel, Paula Yellman, who met with 880,000 in the contingency that could Board to vote Sadat said at his rest house in the C Suez Canal city of Ismailia that the ment he would tolerate the presence Weizman was taken for a flight over department heads to discuss where be eliminated from the budget, the pyramids in the Egyptian Kennedy said. whole world is pushing for an end to of Israeli trodps on the West Bank. cuts coifld be made. on S e w e r plan “No, no, definitely no,” Sadat helicopter. He also proposed a 20 percent hold the Arab-Israeli conflict and that the The details on the exact cuts to be. replied. Despite the upstaging of the Cairo on all non-sal^ed expenditures after stepped up momentum toward peace made were not presented at Tuesday The Manchester Board of Direc­ The Egyptian president said his conference by the Weizman- night’s budget session with both Weiss’ August notification. Some of tors has scheduled a special meeting had created deep dimensions to his peace initiative. peace initiative that began with his Gamassy talks and by Begin’s trip to hobds. those non-salaried cuts might be im­ at 5 p.m. Thursday to vote on a sewer The Egyptian leader spoke to trip to Jerusalem Nov. 19 had picked Washington for weekend talks with Ms. Yellman said that the dollar plemented, he said. installation project proposed to ser­ newsmen before meeting for the se­ up momentum to the point where he President Carter, Sadat said he amounts connected with the cuts are Also, planned .improvements, such vice the planned industrial park in cond time with Israeli Defense thought it was “natural” for him and viewed the conference as an impor­ still tentative and will be finalized as a 89,000 media center at Waddell Buckland. Israeli Prime Minister Menahem tant step toward full-scale Geneva for the Jan. 3 agenda. School and 86,000 in lighting im­ Minister Ezer Weizman, who came The Board of Directors of the Begin to hold their second summit peace talks. One cut that apparently will be in­ provements at Verplan^ School, Eighth Utilities District Monday to Egypt Tuesday and held two rounds of talks with his Egyptian meeting Christmas Day in Ismailia. “The Cairo conference is a con­ cluded is the postponing of the could be postponed, he said. night approved sending the sewer “My people are pushing me now,” ference that will be making good purchase of police cruisers until the Town department heads fids mor­ project to a vote by district counterpart, Gen. Mohammed Gamassy. Sadat said. “The whole world is preparations for Geneva,” he said. 1978-79 budget. ning said that they did not know residents. Such a vote is needed for a Weizman was taken by military pushing.
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