The Covenanter May 2017 Fenwick Parish Church Community Magazine no 470 THE COVENANTER May 2017 CHURCH SERVICES – SUNDAYS 10.30am JUNIOR CHURCH and Ycam – 10.30am MINISTER: Rev Colin A. Strong 2 Jasmine Rd Kilmarnock KA12HD 01563 549490 [email protected] Session Clerks: Mr Kevin Wadsworth, 51 Main Road Dunlop, Phone 01560 485439 Email : [email protected] Mrs Christine Hainey,17fowlds View Fenwick Phone 01560 600716 Email : [email protected] Gift Aid/Freewill Offerings: Mr A.Crosbie Telephone: 01560 322229 4 Campbell Street, Darvel, KA17 0DA Email:[email protected] Church Treasurer: Mrs Tracy Geddes,1 Skernieland Rd Fenwick Telephone 01560 600374 Roll Keeper: Mrs Nora Shanks,12Skernieland Rd, Fenwick Telephone: 01560 600202 E-mail : [email protected] Organist: Alistair Peter, 37 South Hamilton St Kilmarnock, KA1 2DT Email : [email protected] The Covenanter: Production/Distribution: Jean Bowes, 2 Rysland Drive Fenwick Telephone: 01560600259 Convener/ Advertising: Bill McNab, Avrilea, Kingsford, Stewarton . KA3 5JS Telephone 01560 482468 Email: [email protected] The Covenanter can now be found on the internet as part of the Church website at www.fenwickparishchurch.org.uk/covenanter. All copy for the magazine should be received at least two weeks before the first Sunday of the publication month. Fenwick Parish Church (Church of Scotland) Registered Scottish Charity No SC010062 Covenanter Page 2 Dear Friends, I recently came across an article about the Eiffel Tower. For the 1889 World's Fair in Paris, more than a hundred artists submitted plans to design the centrepiece, the masterpiece of the Exposition Universelle. The winner was an engineer named Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, who proposed a 984-foot tower, the tallest building in the world at that time. Skeptics scoffed at his design, calling it useless and artless. Eiffel called her La Dame De Fer - the Iron Lady. Gustave Eiffel's name was on his tower, but Eiffel himself thanked seventy-two scientists, engineers, and mathematicians on whose shoulders he stood. Their names are inscribed on the tower. The Tower also relied on 300 riveters, hammer men, and carpenters who put together the 18,038-piece jigsaw puzzle of wrought iron in two years, two months, and five days. In addition to all these was the acrobatic team Eiffel hired to help his workers maintain balance on very thin beams during strong gusts of wind. We have each of them to thank - as well as the Paris city council that voted in 1909 not to tear down the tower despite the fact that its twenty-year permit had expired. The tower's longevity also depends on each councilmember and to each of the voters who put them in office. For me that serves as a very powerful example of the importance of team work. Eiffel is the name that we remember, as the tower bears his name, but there is no way that he could have accomplished what he did by himself. For a start he didn’t have all the knowledge and the skills either to plan the project or to build the tower. He freely acknowledged his dependency on others. Even if he had been capable of doing all the jobs required he just wouldn’t have had the time to do everything. It was a massive undertaking that involved everybody coming together and doing their part. There is an important lesson there for the church. We all come with our different gifts and abilities. There are things some of us are good at which others just couldn’t do, but they will have something else that they can do. Some of us will have a very prominent upfront position in the Church while other will work away in the background unnoticed by most. We all have a vital role. The Church cannot reach its full potential without each one of us playing our part. Covenanter Page 3 The Apostle Paul wrote: “Now if the foot should say, ‘Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,’ it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. And if the ear should say, ‘Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,’ it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body… Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” It is my prayer that each of us recognise the gifts that God has given us, and that we hear his call on our lives, and find our place in the Church, that we might find joy in serving him. May God bless you as you seek to do that. Colin A. Strong Holy Week Thank you to everyone who gave so willingly to the organisation of the Holy Week Services. They were greatly appreciated by all who attended. Thank you too for Simon and Linda's warm hospitality for the Son-rise Service. Prayer Rota We are looking for volunteers for the Prayer Rota. At the moment we only have a few people, and it would be good to have some new faces. Please contact Shona (01560 322229) if you are interested, or would just like to think about it. Thank You I would like to thank family and friends for their kindness and help over the past few months most grateful and appreciative to everyone . Elsie Tivendale Covenanter Page 4 TINA EDGAR School of Motoring Fenwick Patient and friendly female instructor Block Booking Discount! MOBILE: 07590 017560 ALLAN ELECTRICAL SERVICES LTD Family Business Est. 1969 All Domestic, Industrial & Commercial Work . Energy Efficient Lighting Advice . Inspections & Safety Checks/Reports . Landlord Certification & PAT Testing Free Estimates Telephone 01560 600343 Fax : 01560 323178 Or Call Stephen 07762 765609 Ian 07971 432088 Email: [email protected] Covenanter Page 5 Covenanter Page 6 The Fenwick Community Group THE group held its 40th AGM on the 28th March and not one single resident from the community attended. The meeting had been advertised in the Covenanter, on the community notice boards and through the Fenwick community Facebook page. Three of our committee have stepped down this year including Isobel Gallacher who has been secretary for the past 7 years and our thanks go to her for all hard work. We are having to try and share her roll between those of us that are left. This group is made up of volunteers who organise various social and community events to raise funds to improve the village facilities. We are resurfacing the tennis court this year which the group provided, we purchase the hanging baskets, we often have donated towards items for the school. The existing committee is made up of people who have generally been on it for many years and if there is nobody to take up positions on the committee next year this group will fold. We intend to hold the gala day / week this year as long as we have volunteers to help out especially the weekend of 10th June. The theme is farming and we would invite anyone who would like to build their own scarecrow to start putting their thinking hats on. More details will follow in the next edition of the Covenanters. Finally if anyone is requiring to advertise events in the village using our notice boards please contact myself Jennifer Robertson on 01560601216 since I now have the keys and not Isobel. I would also ask you to contact me if you are able to help with the gala day. This could be setting up on Friday 9th June ,taking a turn at a stall during gala day, clearing up etc. I hope in next month’s covenanter I will be able to say with confidence that gala day will happen in 2017. Re-Scheduled Date - Saturday 6th May Fenwick Community Group are delighted to announce that back by popular demand the fabulous Mamas & Papas Choir will be performing once again in Fenwick. Ayrshire's famous choir have been performing for over 10 years throughout the region. Don't miss this chance to be entertained with a wide variety of music to suit everyone. Tickets only £7.50. BYOB (Wine/Beer). This is a great night of entertainment on your doorstep and will be very popular so don't delay in ordering your tickets from: Leona: 07901713418 or 01560700230 (Donations of raffle Prizes Greatly Appreciated) Saturday 6th May Fenwick Church Hall 7.30pm prompt. Covenanter Page 7 NORTH GLASSOCK BOARDING KENNELS AND CATTERY BY FENWICK KA3 6ER – TELEPHONE 01560 600246 (just off theA77 on the road to Waterside) GEORGE LESLIE, B.V.M.S, M.R.C.V.S. NANCY LESLIE Covenanter Page 8 The Fete It’s on again!!! FRIDAY 2nd JUNE, 7pm in the Church Halls and grounds. Ken Geddes has kindly agreed to head up the organising committee, so we are going to be able to have a Fete this year after all. However, that doesn’t mean we don’t need volunteers. We urgently need: someone with computer skills to design posters and programmes; donations of home baking will be welcomed; items for the Treasure Trove (unwanted gifts, unloved items – all in working order) people to man stalls; help with setting up and tidying up on the night; help with selling tickets the week before.
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