• SELECTED SHORTS SIJIIDA'iS AT :i VM .~ / Jul. 6 Only the Dud Know Brooklyn, by Thomas WoUe, read by Aug.]7 Fromk and Billie, by lauril'Colwin. read by Paul Hecht Isaiah Sheffer. A Singer'3 Rom;rnce, by Willa Cather, wad by Marian Selde:s. Adventures of thll' Drud 5islrn, by Alexis De Veaux, read by GWftldolen Hardwick Aug. 24 F.urt'1J'5 Caddie, by John Updike, read by Charles Keating. Selecrion'l from The Boys of Summer and The Era, by RidinS the R.lp, by Elmore Leonartl, read by Michael Genel. Roger Kahn, T('ad by Ann(' Meara. • Change, by Stephen Dixon, reild by Jerry Zaks. Aug. 31 WI', by Mary Gilman, read by Bonnie Bedelia. p~ by Marianne Moore and Hart Crane, read by My House is on fi~. by Ariel Dorfman, read by Peler Riegert. I Gwendolen Hardwick and Anne Meara. Scp.7 Md;e Wnting.byJack London. read by Sleven Gilbom. Jul. 13 A II: P, by John Updike, read by Tony Roberts. Subsoil, by Nicholson Baker, read by Tom Gibson: A(T(/sS the Wide MiasQuri, by John Edgar Widt'rnan. read by Arthur French. Scp. 14 Ot in the lUin, by Ernest Hemingway, read by Linda Lavin.. Elccerpls from Slon" and Texis for Nothing (VII), by The Somebody, by DannySantiago. rli'ad by Lazaro Perez. Samuel &ekett, read by Paul Sparer Mad.me Zilt'nsky and the King of Finland, by Carson McCulJt'rs, wad by Kim Hunter. Jul. 20 FlI'nsud'$ Mother, by Charles Baxter, fud by Lou Antonio. Rohbt'd, by Ellen Currie. "-'ad by Ovistina PickJl"S. Sep.21 Bingo. by David.. Kilgore. wad by Hattie Winston. Polrlnrt5, by Veronica Ceng, read by Vinnie Burrows. Sep.28 The Story of an Hour, by Kat!" Chopin, wad by Jul. 27 The R....l V;o:nnesll' Schmalz, by Budd Schulberg. read by Christina Pickles. Elliot Gould. Whitl' Angel, by Michael Cwulingham, lead by hull Lin~,by Barbara Kinpolvt'r, rtad by 1ill Eikenberry James N.. ughton A Photo of Gent'roll Miles, hy Mprrill Cilfillan, ",ad by Rene Auberjonol.~ Oct. 5 Thl' Se'n-n Lifl' of Waltl'r Mitty, by Jame; lhurWr, read by Dick Cavett. Aug. 3 The Lib"ution of Rome, by Room Hemh'y, !I'ad by A Nation of Shopkeepi't'S loses Thr«, of Thl'm Through Michael Tud;l'r. Cont.lcl With i Nation of Violl'ncl', by Calvin TriI!in.l'(... d by A Whill' Horse. by Thom jvnf'S, r,'ad by Frilz W"'3ver James Naughton Thl' Pitient, by Barbara Lawl"l"nce, re~d by Jaml'S Karen. ~g_lO Hinds. by She.,...·'JOd And..r.;on, r..ad by Leonard Nim0Y Whl'~ thl' Clue~ Are, by Jack Finney, read by Philip Casnoff. JAZZ RHYTHM WITH DAVE RADLAUER SUNDAYS AT 8 PM JuL & Emmt't1 Miller •••J.uz Rhythm Sprcial""" The-Iego>ndary a.nd highly origin.l1 min.'lTd who influPfla'd 5<-'p. 7 ~Imigining Buddy Bolden'" Explorl'S the Me and mlL,ic of U'Qn Redbofle, Harlk WiJli",,,~, ""d B"b Wills. H~, fornwrly thi.' legpndary New OrINTiS bolndJeading trumpet player. "xtrt>mely rare recordings nt'wly ...i.'sue-d. (R) Bold('n's never-recorded :sound will b<> imaginro through hearing those who sounded mOM like him (Freddie Kt>ppard, Jul. 13 A ~'uJo8Y fur and appreciation of the late jazz diva Elli Fitz> Woodt'll Joe Nicholas and Le€ Collins) and the words of thOSE' & 20 gl'rald recordl.'d 1936-M with the gredle'st name'S in jan in· who either knew him, researchM his We (Don Marquis, NThI' c1uding Duke Ellington,Count Ba~w and Loui."i Armstrong_ (R) Search for Buddy Bolden~t or imagined tum, Michael Ondaatje (author of "The English Patienl~). Producer Dave Jul. 27 The <:oJor/ullife- uf Valaida Snow, the supertly talente-d Radl<luer will weave anaudio montage of music, :SOWld, and female- trumpeter and singer who b(>{ame known as "Thp readings b)'lavorilt' pubJi<- radio voices 10 illuminate Bolden'S Fprn.il]e louis Armstrong." larger-than.lile siory. Aug. 3 The The Castle Jazz Band slorybq;im in Portland 1949 olnd Sep.14 Sons of Buddy Boldl'n i "Ilds in Hollywood in 1959 and is rold wirh records rar" ilnd &21 Early Masl"rs of New Orleans Jazz; and theiJ recenr progeny , rpissue-d. (R) &2B include early New Orleans bandll'ader.; Papol Cell'Stin and A.J. Piron, IrlUIlpt'ters Wingie ManonI', Tom Morris, Monk Haze] •, Aug. 10 Jivers, Groovstl'r.5, }okesll'n and l>ulrageous Boh",mians and Bunk Johnson, and rl'C'l'nt fl'eordings by Silver Lt'af Jazz &1' FeOltuc{'!; music by Slim Gaillard, Spikl' Jones. FriTIkit' Half Band, New Orleans Classic Jav: Orchestra, and the louisiana I, &24 Pint ,axon, thl' Harlem Holm!als, Tampa Rl'd,ind lord Repertory /ol1.Z EQ<,<>mble Buckti'y. 1 Aug .-n The late N",w Orlean~ trumper.... Percy Humphr!'y, L' jR} indicates previously broildlasl program. rememb<>h>d by Bill Cutl'r whn k.n('w him and wrOll> thf' • definiliW' baole "Prf'scrv<1lioll Hall, Music from the HNrt" (R) 5 Page 77 of 120 ~-----------~----"- - 1 MONDAY I Midnight RBe WORLD SERVICE OVERNIGHT till 5:00 am. 2:00 pm BBC WORLD NEWSHOUR U:OO World Nnw! 12:15 Off the Shtlf Uterary Readings NEW A full hour of ~poJtS mel intt'rvlt'w~ from tht' 12:30 Th... Vintage Chart Show Classic Rock'n'roll SHOW! BBC World ~tvi('l'_ 1:00 World N"'W5 1:]0 Paun For Thought 3:00pm All TIfINGS CONSIDERED Two hours of news, business, 1;15 News & Musk Futurrl; 2:00 World News science and (ulture, with nnvsmaker profiles and interviews, 2:05 World 8usiM55 Report 2:15 News Fuluru human interest, and ,eviews of the arts, books, fibn and 2:30 SdVlCt' Up.hllt' 2;'5 Sp0rt$ Roundup theater, National Public Radio's muJti·award winning daily 3:00 NewlIdt'sk ):30 Omnibus Documentary fuatures on a news magazine. Hosted by Robe,t Siegel, Linda Wertheimer, wide range of topics 4:00 Nt'~dnk and for a lew months Ray Suarez. Long-time hosl Noah 4:30 Ju,um'lnz, Reviews, re<jues15, and intervi£>Ws encom­ Adams has lefl the program unlil middle ofnext year to passing the bwadth 01 ja.l:z devote time to writiJ'lg another book_ 5:00 am MORNING EDITION Brings you news, commentary, and 5:00 pm CBC'S AS IT HAPPENS From the ,ain 100000ts of the Amazon essays that leave you with two free hands 10 stJ.>ady thai to the deserts of Arizona to British Columbia, 'Am' brings doubleesprl'S5O you start the day with. On Mondays 0116:10 iru>ighl, humo" and emotion to tfK> day's news. Hosts Barb;ua £) and 8:10 with hosl Bob Edwards, Cokie Roberts analyzes the Budd and Michael Enright introduce listeners to the central 4 ~ national political scene sometimes along with up-to-the- figures of the day as well as individuals whose stories might f..t; to minute reports on who's been sleeping in the linwin otherwise not be told, ~. bedroom over the weekend. 01J M(mdRys through Sq1temm 1, 'MH' will D1Ily bt fJ"~ J L\-1- Now 3\ &45 ALISTAIR COOKE'S tETTER FROM hOllrlotl', At 6..00 pm Mo"days th~ CBe prrsmts KConJItC· ~-1 AMERICA. From Bush HoU9' in London, the BBC WORLD tio"s, H .,. tlMfl/JImtltty snits, - NEWS chips in its two penCl> every hour a15, 6, 7, and 8. 6:30 pm All TIlINGS CONSIDERED The final edition. At 630 pm </:00 am FRESH AlR We start with the CALIFORNIA CAPITOL REPORT giving a NEW Terry Gross hosts this daily inl{'rvil.'W and review pWgTam. daily ,epori on developments in stale governmenl from TIME! Sacramenlo. 10:00 am OPEN AIR The Bay Area bun On the Bay Area now ex­ 7:30 pm on VISiONS Rose Levinson explores Bay Area health can', NEW pandPd 10 an hour_ I-I"sl Mkffil{>ljolmson interviews local environmenl, economy and government on this call·in show TIMI-:! wrilers, p<>litician.~, arti~~ and oth!.'r Bay voices in lhis daily with people who rnal<e news. Call-in your questiOll5 at m<lgazm". (415) 841-41:H. ]]:{)O"m BBC NEWSDESK Thirly minutt'S of n"ws, correspondents' /I:W pm A SENSE OF PLACE A thirteen pari documentary series reports, finane", and sports from around th" world to I<N'P NEW about insiders and outsider.;. The search for belonging, And abtl>ast of the slo~ mal<ing lhe headlines. SHOW! why there's no place like home. See listings on paS" 7. 11;JUam BBC OlTTWOK The DOC's award-winning magazine style 9:00pm MARK NAnALIN'S BLUES POWER HOUR NEW "people program." World events greal and small fwm She's-gone blues, wild-about-you-baby blues, blues indigo, nME' Ihp human angle, presented in a lively and accessible tone blues, blues, and more iJlues of all hues. HOSIM by John Tidmaf5h and BarbaJ'a Myers ]0:00 pm REALE STREET CAMVAN Exclusive ncoJdinfP from 1155,un GARRlSON KEILLOR'S WRJnR'S ALMANAC blues festivals and clubs across tilt' country. Noon NEW DIMENSIONS Reasons for l'mbracing hopefulness 11:00 pm PORTRAITS IN BLUE A Wt'l'JJy look at the grealartisl5 r~'garding Wntl'mporary problems in each Wt'l'l<Jy, one hour and ('JlleTtamer.; 01 American black music. The program's in-dt'pth dialogue_ Perspedives relatiw to physical, ml'ntal.
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