Lisa Von Drasek Children's Books CONTENT AREA READERS PreK-2 Hans Christian Andersen Integrate 2005 is the bicentennial of this great children's writer social studies What better time to teach his timeless tales? & reading began to understand the universali- their only child, his parents indulged his Addresses NCSS ty of Hans Christian Andersen's tales fancies. His father read aloud plays and Standards I when I was retelling The Emperor's poetry and built him a puppet theater New Clothes and my neighbor, a woman and his illiterate mother told folk tales in her 30s from Taiwan, as well as superstitious shouted out "Naked, Hans Christian ., stories. His doting At Work in thv he's naked!" As we H,. F....T.I. L,l. grandmother provided Neighborh talked more about warm and open arms these stories, she nod- whenever needed. Yet, ded with familiarity Andersen felt mis- yes, yes, she knew the placed. He believed he story of The Princess was destined for great- and the Pea, of course, ness; he would be a of course she knew great writer, an ac- that the ugly duckling claimed poet, a person was a swan. She had of renown. He would only heard these tales not he huried in pen- in Chinese; she didn't ury In the provincial know that the author town where he was of these memorable Several new biographies born. stories was born in introduce children to the writer Teachers will rec- Denmark 200 years ago. behind their favorite fairy tales. ognize and empathize with Hans Christian Real-life ugly duckling Andersen, the child - overly sensitive, So great is the genius of Hans Christian nervous, a compulsive talker and a zeal- Andersen that his stories have the feel- ous writer who did not complete as- ing of "always." We have always known signed work in favor of his own fixations. them. Yet, after I read three recently pub- He was awkward amongst his peers, yet lished biographies of Andersen, it be- had a way of charming adults with his came apparent that these now-classic theatrical manner. His obsessive perse- tales came from his own life experiences. verance and blindness to social con- The story of that ugly duckling was his ventions held him in good stead; he story; he was as sensitive as the princess survived years of hardship before final- who couldn't sleep for feeling a minis- ly obtaining sponsorship for his studies. cule pea through many mattresses. Andersen was born April 2, 1805, in Revealing biographies Odense, Denmark, to a poor cobbler For an exquisitely seamless read-aloud father and washerwoman mother. As picture book biography, look for The Perfect Wizard, Hans Christian Andersen Lisa Von Draxek is Children's Librarian at the Bank Sadlier-Oxtord by Jane Yolen, illustrated by Dennis Street College of Education in New York, NY. A Division of William H. Sadlier, Inc. E-mail: [email protected] continued on page 72 www.sadlier-oxford.coin www.TeachingK-8.com • October 2005 71 You QM Improve Hans Christian Andersen Reading Scores! continued from page 71 One interesting point made in this vol- FREE Information Packet ume that's not examined in the others Nolan (Dutton, 2005, ISBN: 0-52546955- is that the personification of objects was 9). Yolen captures the essence of one of Andersen's contributions to the Andersen's childhood, describing the fairy tale genre. He created toys that felt one-room house, how his mother would passion and a darning needle that impart information about "how crossing yearned to be more. He was the first to running water keeps you safe from trolls" use plain language and common ver- and that his father would read aloud nacular instead of a more stilted flowery from The Arabian Nights. Yolen weaves language that fairy tale writers typically passages from 21 of Andersen's tales used. through the narrative, which The previous title was aptly emphasizes how inter- translated from Danish by laced the events of his life ith Accelerated Reader'" Tiina Nunnally, who has won were with his stories. Nolan's numerous awards for her sofiware, you'll maximize the illustrations present a soft, reading development of all translations of Scandinavian W other-worldly feeling, provid- .students—from emergent reader to fiction. The translator is college prep—and easily manage reading ing full-page coverage of the important - the first transla- practice throughout the year. salient events of Andersen's tions of Andersen into English life with small companion were done by someone who Accelerated Reader helps you: pieces depicting the • Build a lifelong love of reading didn't know Danish but and learning. events and characters TThc pCA 5(ossom thought Swedish was • Easily monitor student and class from his imagination. awfully close. As a result, reading progress throughout the year. For a charming chapter- Andersen's unique sense • Raise scores on performance-based book biography, The Young of humor and interesting and standardized tests. Hans Christian Andersen by plot elements were literally • Improve students' critical-thinking skills. Karen Hesse (Scholastic, lost in translation. The most obvious instance of • Diagnose problems and intervene 2005, ISBN: 0439-67990-7) immediately. has the size and warmth of this is that The Princess and an old-fashioned story- the Pea should have read Three ways to get your book. Newbery-winner The Princess on the Pea. FREE Information Packet: Hesse tells Andersen's life 1. Mail the attached coupon from birth to age 14, each 2. Call toll free (866) 846-7323, Present-day ref. #8982 chapter describing an essen- relevance of HCA 3. Visit www.renlearn.com/ tial life^ffecting event These Andersen's tales are a won- reacling/teachpk8 moments are captured in derful catalyst for curricu- delicate watercolor drawings lum. Early elementary Accelerated by Erik Blegvad. who grew classes will enjoy hearing . Reader up in Copenhagen in the the The Ugly Duckling, which 1920s. Classic tales, recast forcan spark a conversation DYES! Rush my FREE The most thorough of today's young readers. about community building. Accelerated Reader Intormation Packet today! these biographies for chil- I am often asked for materi- I understand there is no obligatian. dren is Hans Christian Andersen: His als to support discussions of peer pres- Name Fairy Tale Life (Groundwood, 2005, ISBN: sure, and certainly The Emperor's New Tilie 0-888-99690-9), written by Hjordis Clothes would he a safe way to begin this Varmer, one of the most prolific and conversation for third grade and above. Sctiool widely read children's book authors in Here are a few new editions to enjoy: ScHool Afl dress Denmark. This biography is the only one (For ttesl service, please do nol use home address) endorsed by the Hans Christian City State ZIP+4 Thumbelina retold and illustrated by Andersen Bicentennial 2005 committee School Phone School Fax Lauren Mills (Little Brown 2005, ISBN: 0- Cwww.hca2005.coni). Lilian Brogger's 316-57359-0). Detailed watercolors Sctiool Email humorous mixed-media illustrations pro- I do Ml wish lo be conlacTed By GtM anO/oc GBmail with enhance the adventures of a tiny 0rl who mlormalion about special oilers, or flrant and funding opportunilies vide a light counterpoint to the often slept in a walnut shell with rose petals Send to Renaissance Learning" miserable occurrences. for blankets. P.O. BD> 6036 * Wisconsin Rapids. Wl 54495-6035 Or call toll tree (S6E) S4e-7323, ret. #3932 www.reniearn.com/readlng/teachpkS 72 CIRCLE 40 ON READER SERVICE CARD October 2005 • www.TeachingK-8.com 1-800-777-4362 ^van-Moor -moor.com The Pea Blossom retold and illustrated by Amy Lowry Poole (Holiday House, 2005, ISBN: 0-82341864-2). This story is a perfect example of Andersen's ability to endow inanimate objects with opin- Daily Language Reviev^ ions and feeling. The author/illustrator Consumable Student Practice Books resets the story of the five peas in China, A NEW Time & Money saving format! with rich colors washing lightly over rice paper. • Costs less per page than reproducing copies The Ugly Duckling illustrated by Robert • No more time spent making Ingpen (Minedition, 2005, ISBN: 0-698- copies, collating, and 40010-0). The International Board on stapling each weekly unit Books for Young People (IBBY) presents • AND you have an The Hans Christian Andersen Awards accessible record of each student's skill acquisition every two years to a living author and 20 Student Practice Books an illustrator whose complete works Daily Language Review with a free revised Daily bave made a lasting contribution to chil- Language Review reproducible dren's literature. Ingpen, who received / Correlated to state standards Teacher's Edition. $79.99 this award in 1986, has created richly tex- / Prepares students for Reproducible Teacher's Edirion tured paintings here, evoking a timeless standardized testing $14.95 place in nature. / Provides short, focused practice 5-Pack Consumable To leaiT about ««v«rat of essential language skills Student Practice Books $19.99 exciting new The Wild Swans aiidiobooks. go to translated by Nao- Preview the book page by page at www.evan-moor.com WWW. mi Lewis (Barefoot TeachingK-8.com Books, 2005. ISBN: 1- CIRCLE 23 ON READER SERVICE CARD 84148164-5). Naomi Lewis is a distinguished writer, critic, poet Meet the Needs of ALL Your Students and authority on children's literature in with Thousands of the UK. She is a particular expert on the writing of Hans Christian Andersen and Affordable, Research-Based, Online Reading Resources has translated much of his work. In this transformation tale an evil stepmother Reading a-Z.COW reading-tutors.co]n turns 11 brothers into swans, and they are saved by their sister.
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