---------------------$ Linda McCarthy Named 1 EB Officials Baffled 1 Officials Won^t Change I Bolton Road- Race Miss Greater Vernon 1 By ObHA Court Order Cop Promotion Method I Captured by Mukon P age 4 1 P a g e 6 P a g e 1 0 1 ^--------- P age 12 UianrlipHtrr Fair Tonight, W H A ff Sunny Tuesday NEWS Datallt on paga 2 Refugees Move Vol. XCVIII, No. 172 — Manchester, Conn., Monday, April 23, 1979 • A Family NEWSpaper Since 18B1 a 20c Single Copy • ISC Home Delivered BANGKOK. Thailand (UPI) - More than 40,000 Khmer Rouge and civilian refugees "stretching as far as the eye can see" today trekked south along the Thai side of the border to escape fighting in­ ress Mulls Spending Cut side Cambodia, witnesses said. WASHINGTON (UPII - Congress By another measure, the budget I'he House next week begins work The long column was being es­ balancing itself than have the Ihe committee wrote an alternate is about to break the pattern of rising proposed by the Senate Budget Com­ on a budget proposal almost as Constitution tampered with and an corted by armed Thai soldiers lederal spending which has mittee is $5.2 billion below the so- austere. budget 'path. " which it did not along a road running southwest of inflexible requirement imposed. recommend, in which balance would characterized American government called "current law " level — the Ihe budget's pattern is shared bv In the recent debt ceiling bill. Aranyaparathet and parallel with for decades. be delayed until 1982. minimum amount needed to continue economics and politics. Congress ordered its budget com- the frontier. The Senate today and Tuesday will The biggest dilferenee in the two present programs Into 198(1 with only Both budget panels believe lederaF Itees to present balanced budget There was no word on where consider a 1980 federal budget that options is that balancing the budget those inllation adjustments required spending must be held down to a ()ptioiT!r-tcu;1981 and 1982 along with in 1981^allows no room lor tax cuts they were headed, but witnesses cuts spending $11.7 billion below the by law. , degree (hat permits tiiodest the 198(1 buUS-et, that year. Delaying balapee until 1982 said it appeared they were being level needed to keep federal The,Senate panel u.ses the current economic growth, avoiding both The Senate panel's recommenda­ would allow $19 billion in 1981 tax taken to a point on the border programs up with inflation. law level as the starting point for recession and boom. tion projects — but does not require cu ts, enough (o com pensate where they could be sent back into It projects 1981 spending that is writing ttie budget, and never belore, Both also were motivated by the Cambodia away from the fighting. or guarantee — a budget surplus of Americans tor rising Social Security $21.6 billion below the inflation level since Congress began its budget movement lor a constitional conven­ .$50(1 million in 1981. and 1982 spending that is $30 billion taxes and the eltecl ol intlation on process five years ago, has it tion to balance the budget. Congress Along willi this recommendation. their income lax brackets. Carter’s Flaws below. recommended cuts below (bat level. would rather move toward budget WASHINGTON (UPf) - A former White House speech writer describes President Carter as a good man whose judgment is Israel Avenges flawed by "a combination of arrogance, complacency and ... insecurity at the core of his mind and soul." Terrorist Attack James Fallows resigned several months ago as chief speech writer It) I iiiled 1‘ress liilerniilioiiiil killed and three wounded in the at­ Isrucli gunboats covered by Phan­ to become Washington editor of tack, carried out under a protective tom jets shelled a Palestinian The Atlantic Monthly. His article umbrella of U.S.-made Phantom on "The Passionless Presidency,” amphibious base more tha 100 miles jets. the first published critique of the up the Lebanese coast in retaliation Four guerrillas from the Palesti­ Carter White House by a one-time for a seaborne terrorist attack that nian Liberation ront early Sunday killed tour Israelis, including a father insider, is in the magazine's May slipped ashore Irom a motorized and his two young daughters. Israel's issue. rubber boat at Nahariya, a town of delen.se minister warned Palestinian Fallows describes Carter as a extremists today that Israeli armed 25,000 on the Mediterranean coast six problem-solver who lacks lorces will act again when struck. miles south ol Ihe Lebanese border. presidential vision and the knack Prime Minister Menachem Begin They landed near the town's swim­ of inspiring people; who holds used-the new hotline with Cairo to ming pool and headed for a two-story explicit, thorough positions on house 50. yards from Ihe beach. postpone a visit to Egypt by Defense every issue under the sun, but he Miniser Ezer Weizman and Israel's “They rang the intercom," said has no large view of the relations Shoshana Sela. "My husband asked between them, no line indicating army chief of staff. At the funeral in Maalot of Sgt, them who they were. They said com­ which goals (reducing un­ Eliyalui Shaohar, 24, who was killed pany, Ho picked up his gun and told employment? human rights?) will me to call the police.” in the terrorist attack, Weizman take precedence over which said; "The army will act so there The guerrillas tossed a hand U nk- grenade at a police car that rushed to inflation control? a SALT won't be any more sacrifices. The treaty?) ..." the scene and sprayed it with terrorists goal is to disrupt us while Looking like true trailblazers, Bill Pagani, were part of a group of Conservation Com­ machine gun fire, killing 2nd ,Sgt. we are making peace with Egypt. " Press Freedom left, and Mai Barlow, second from left, find mission members and residents who toured Eliyah Shachar. their location on a map of the Case Mountain an area that the commission has The Israelis struck what they Moving inland, they blew open the NEW YORK (UPI) - The re­ area. Looking on from left are Dick Lynch, recommended the town purchase. (Herald described as an amphibious Palesti­ metal door of an apartment hou.se cent U.S. Supreme Court libel and Terry Parla and Elizabeth Payton. They photo by Pearson) nian training base just north of and stormed inside. newsroom search rulings have Tripoli, more than 100 miles from the "They were shooting through the ■‘battered " the First Amendment, Israeli border, marking the deepest doors,” .said Charles .Shapira, .34, a jeopardizing freedom of the press attack into Lebanon by Israeli gun­ recent immigrant from Durban, as well as guarantees of free boats. South Africa. "'The terrorist started speech, worship and assembly, Views from Mountain A spokesman for the Popular Front kicking my door in and when I saw the chairman of the American said the gunboats destroyed three the muzzle of his automatic, I .shot Newspaper Publishers Associa­ homes and wounded 10 women and him in the chest, " ho .said. "Ho fell tion warned today. children in a refugee camp. But down, but ho called out and I saw he "We must rededicate ourselves Vary with the Hiker Beirut radio .said three people were was alive, so I shot him in the head.” to rescuing and upholding and defending the First Amendment, and to making it mean what it By (;RE(; PEARSON parking area, which is now lacking worse than ever.' he said. says, from the first word to the Herald Keporler for the mountain area. Cars now are Barlow and Mrs Parla both .said the state's Bottle Hill will eliminate last, for all Americans,” Allen MANCHESTER — A hike up Case parked on private property or in the Lawyers Unsure the problem of old glass bottles being Neuharth, said in a keynote ad­ Mountain Sunday produced some street at the Spring Street entrance. left in the woods for a long time. dress prepared for today's sore muscles and some good-natured The new area also could provide a bpening session of the 93rd annual place for picnic tables and would The bill, which has been approved needling between proponents and op­ by the state Legislature, will create a APA convention. ponents of a proposal that the town make the site "a more family- On CD Ban Suit deposit for bottles and persons retur­ To do that, the news media buy 32 more acres in the area. oriented area, " Mrs. Parla said. ning the empty containers will must make the public aware that The town has received an appraisal Despite this support, Pagani and MANCHESTER - The four at­ program, which provides funding receive a nickel lor each. restrictive court rulings on the of $4,(j()0 an acre for each of the 32 ad­ Ruff both seemed skeptical about the torneys who work lor the town met aimed primarily at assisting low- and Children will go scurrying to press also could jeopardize the ditional ones it has been asked to buy. proposed purchase, over the weekend to discuss the Com­ moderate-income persons, collect the empties lor the money, other freedoms guaranteed by the The town’s Conservation Commis­ Pagani, who said he used to take munity Development suit, but the Harry and O'Brien had met Mrs. Parla said First Amendment — freedom of sion made the proposal recently to his children up the mountain on Sun­ group apparently has not yet made a Thursday with the board to discuss The subject ol beer was on the speech, worship and assembly, he the Town Board of Directors, and days, grumbled several times about final decision on how to proceed.
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